blob: a11a9975038bf2b85f1917d01c4cb37913f15d12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using Apache.Arrow.Memory;
using Apache.Arrow.Types;
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Apache.Arrow
public partial class RecordBatch
public class ArrayBuilder
private readonly MemoryAllocator _allocator;
internal ArrayBuilder(MemoryAllocator allocator)
_allocator = allocator;
public BooleanArray Boolean(Action<BooleanArray.Builder> action) => Build<BooleanArray, BooleanArray.Builder>(new BooleanArray.Builder(), action);
public Int8Array Int8(Action<Int8Array.Builder> action) => Build<Int8Array, Int8Array.Builder>(new Int8Array.Builder(), action);
public Int16Array Int16(Action<Int16Array.Builder> action) => Build<Int16Array, Int16Array.Builder>(new Int16Array.Builder(), action);
public Int32Array Int32(Action<Int32Array.Builder> action) => Build<Int32Array, Int32Array.Builder>(new Int32Array.Builder(), action);
public Int64Array Int64(Action<Int64Array.Builder> action) => Build<Int64Array, Int64Array.Builder>(new Int64Array.Builder(), action);
public UInt8Array UInt8(Action<UInt8Array.Builder> action) => Build<UInt8Array, UInt8Array.Builder>(new UInt8Array.Builder(), action);
public UInt16Array UInt16(Action<UInt16Array.Builder> action) => Build<UInt16Array, UInt16Array.Builder>(new UInt16Array.Builder(), action);
public UInt32Array UInt32(Action<UInt32Array.Builder> action) => Build<UInt32Array, UInt32Array.Builder>(new UInt32Array.Builder(), action);
public UInt64Array UInt64(Action<UInt64Array.Builder> action) => Build<UInt64Array, UInt64Array.Builder>(new UInt64Array.Builder(), action);
public FloatArray Float(Action<FloatArray.Builder> action) => Build<FloatArray, FloatArray.Builder>(new FloatArray.Builder(), action);
public DoubleArray Double(Action<DoubleArray.Builder> action) => Build<DoubleArray, DoubleArray.Builder>(new DoubleArray.Builder(), action);
public Date32Array Date32(Action<Date32Array.Builder> action) => Build<Date32Array, Date32Array.Builder>(new Date32Array.Builder(), action);
public Date64Array Date64(Action<Date64Array.Builder> action) => Build<Date64Array, Date64Array.Builder>(new Date64Array.Builder(), action);
public BinaryArray Binary(Action<BinaryArray.Builder> action) => Build<BinaryArray, BinaryArray.Builder>(new BinaryArray.Builder(), action);
public StringArray String(Action<StringArray.Builder> action) => Build<StringArray, StringArray.Builder>(new StringArray.Builder(), action);
public TimestampArray Timestamp(Action<TimestampArray.Builder> action) => Build<TimestampArray, TimestampArray.Builder>(new TimestampArray.Builder(), action);
public TimestampArray Timestamp(TimestampType type, Action<TimestampArray.Builder> action) =>
Build<TimestampArray, TimestampArray.Builder>(
new TimestampArray.Builder(type), action);
public TimestampArray Timestamp(TimeUnit unit, TimeZoneInfo timezone, Action<TimestampArray.Builder> action) =>
Build<TimestampArray, TimestampArray.Builder>(
new TimestampArray.Builder(new TimestampType(unit, timezone)), action);
private TArray Build<TArray, TArrayBuilder>(TArrayBuilder builder, Action<TArrayBuilder> action)
where TArray: IArrowArray
where TArrayBuilder: IArrowArrayBuilder<TArray>
if (action == null)
return default;
return builder.Build(_allocator);
public class Builder
private readonly MemoryAllocator _allocator;
private readonly ArrayBuilder _arrayBuilder;
private readonly Schema.Builder _schemaBuilder;
private readonly List<IArrowArray> _arrays;
public Builder(MemoryAllocator allocator = default)
_allocator = allocator ?? MemoryAllocator.Default.Value;
_arrayBuilder = new ArrayBuilder(_allocator);
_schemaBuilder = new Schema.Builder();
_arrays = new List<IArrowArray>();
public RecordBatch Build()
Schema schema = _schemaBuilder.Build();
int length = _arrays.Max(x => x.Length);
// each array has its own memoryOwner, so the RecordBatch itself doesn't
// have a memoryOwner
IMemoryOwner<byte> memoryOwner = null;
var batch = new RecordBatch(schema, memoryOwner, _arrays, length);
return batch;
public Builder Clear()
return this;
public Builder Append(RecordBatch batch)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Field> field in batch.Schema.Fields)
foreach (IArrowArray array in batch.Arrays)
return this;
public Builder Append<TArray>(string name, bool nullable, IArrowArrayBuilder<TArray> builder)
where TArray: IArrowArray
return builder == null
? this
: Append(name, nullable, builder.Build(_allocator));
public Builder Append<TArray>(string name, bool nullable, TArray array)
where TArray: IArrowArray
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (array == null) return this;
_schemaBuilder.Field(f => f
return this;
public Builder Append<TArray>(string name, bool nullable, Func<ArrayBuilder, TArray> action)
where TArray: IArrowArray
if (action == null) return this;
TArray array = action(_arrayBuilder);
Append(name, nullable, array);
return this;