blob: 5c41e14a9f52dcf82935dec5c1898d9b553a5a77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { Data } from './data';
import { Column } from './column';
import { Schema, Field } from './schema';
import { RecordBatch, _InternalEmptyPlaceholderRecordBatch } from './recordbatch';
import { DataFrame } from './compute/dataframe';
import { RecordBatchReader } from './ipc/reader';
import { DataType, RowLike, Struct } from './type';
import { selectColumnArgs, selectArgs } from './util/args';
import { Clonable, Sliceable, Applicative } from './vector';
import { isPromise, isIterable, isAsyncIterable } from './util/compat';
import { RecordBatchFileWriter, RecordBatchStreamWriter } from './ipc/writer';
import { distributeColumnsIntoRecordBatches, distributeVectorsIntoRecordBatches } from './util/recordbatch';
import { Vector, Chunked, StructVector, VectorBuilderOptions, VectorBuilderOptionsAsync } from './vector/index';
type VectorMap = { [key: string]: Vector };
type Fields<T extends { [key: string]: DataType }> = (keyof T)[] | Field<T[keyof T]>[];
type ChildData<T extends { [key: string]: DataType }> = Data<T[keyof T]>[] | Vector<T[keyof T]>[];
type Columns<T extends { [key: string]: DataType }> = Column<T[keyof T]>[] | Column<T[keyof T]>[][];
export interface Table<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any> {
get(index: number): Struct<T>['TValue'];
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<RowLike<T>>;
slice(begin?: number, end?: number): Table<T>;
concat(...others: Vector<Struct<T>>[]): Table<T>;
clone(chunks?: RecordBatch<T>[], offsets?: Uint32Array): Table<T>;
scan(next: import('./compute/dataframe').NextFunc, bind?: import('./compute/dataframe').BindFunc): void;
scanReverse(next: import('./compute/dataframe').NextFunc, bind?: import('./compute/dataframe').BindFunc): void;
countBy(name: import('./compute/predicate').Col | string): import('./compute/dataframe').CountByResult;
filter(predicate: import('./compute/predicate').Predicate): import('./compute/dataframe').FilteredDataFrame<T>;
export class Table<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>
extends Chunked<Struct<T>>
implements DataFrame<T>,
Applicative<Struct<T>, Table<T>> {
/** @nocollapse */
public static empty<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = {}>(schema = new Schema<T>([])) { return new Table<T>(schema, []); }
public static from(): Table<{}>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: RecordBatchReader<T>): Table<T>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArg0): Table<T>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArg2): Table<T>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArg1): Promise<Table<T>>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArg3): Promise<Table<T>>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArg4): Promise<Table<T>>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArg5): Promise<Table<T>>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: PromiseLike<RecordBatchReader<T>>): Promise<Table<T>>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any, TNull = any>(options: VectorBuilderOptions<Struct<T>, TNull>): Table<T>;
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any, TNull = any>(options: VectorBuilderOptionsAsync<Struct<T>, TNull>): Promise<Table<T>>;
/** @nocollapse */
public static from<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any, TNull = any>(input?: any) {
if (!input) { return Table.empty(); }
if (typeof input === 'object') {
let table = isIterable(input['values']) ? tableFromIterable<T, TNull>(input)
: isAsyncIterable(input['values']) ? tableFromAsyncIterable<T, TNull>(input)
: null;
if (table !== null) { return table; }
let reader = RecordBatchReader.from<T>(input) as RecordBatchReader<T> | Promise<RecordBatchReader<T>>;
if (isPromise<RecordBatchReader<T>>(reader)) {
return (async () => await Table.from(await reader))();
if (reader.isSync() && (reader = {
return !reader.schema ? Table.empty() : new Table<T>(reader.schema, [...reader]);
return (async (opening) => {
const reader = await opening;
const schema = reader.schema;
const batches: RecordBatch[] = [];
if (schema) {
for await (let batch of reader) {
return new Table<T>(schema, batches);
return Table.empty();
/** @nocollapse */
public static async fromAsync<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(source: import('./ipc/reader').FromArgs): Promise<Table<T>> {
return await Table.from<T>(source as any);
/** @nocollapse */
public static fromStruct<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(vector: Vector<Struct<T>>) {
return<T>( as Data<T[keyof T]>[], vector.type.children);
* @summary Create a new Table from a collection of Columns or Vectors,
* with an optional list of names or Fields.
* `` accepts an Object of
* Columns or Vectors, where the keys will be used as the field names
* for the Schema:
* ```ts
* const i32s = Int32Vector.from([1, 2, 3]);
* const f32s = Float32Vector.from([.1, .2, .3]);
* const table ={ i32: i32s, f32: f32s });
* assert(table.schema.fields[0].name === 'i32');
* ```
* It also accepts a a list of Vectors with an optional list of names or
* Fields for the resulting Schema. If the list is omitted or a name is
* missing, the numeric index of each Vector will be used as the name:
* ```ts
* const i32s = Int32Vector.from([1, 2, 3]);
* const f32s = Float32Vector.from([.1, .2, .3]);
* const table =[i32s, f32s], ['i32']);
* assert(table.schema.fields[0].name === 'i32');
* assert(table.schema.fields[1].name === '1');
* ```
* If the supplied arguments are Columns, `` will infer the Schema
* from the Columns:
* ```ts
* const i32s ='i32', Int32Vector.from([1, 2, 3]));
* const f32s ='f32', Float32Vector.from([.1, .2, .3]));
* const table =, f32s);
* assert(table.schema.fields[0].name === 'i32');
* assert(table.schema.fields[1].name === 'f32');
* ```
* If the supplied Vector or Column lengths are unequal, `` will
* extend the lengths of the shorter Columns, allocating additional bytes
* to represent the additional null slots. The memory required to allocate
* these additional bitmaps can be computed as:
* ```ts
* let additionalBytes = 0;
* for (let vec in shorter_vectors) {
* additionalBytes += (((longestLength - vec.length) + 63) & ~63) >> 3;
* }
* ```
* For example, an additional null bitmap for one million null values would require
* 125,000 bytes (`((1e6 + 63) & ~63) >> 3`), or approx. `0.11MiB`
public static new<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(...columns: Columns<T>): Table<T>;
public static new<T extends VectorMap = any>(children: T): Table<{ [P in keyof T]: T[P]['type'] }>;
public static new<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(children: ChildData<T>, fields?: Fields<T>): Table<T>;
/** @nocollapse */
public static new(...cols: any[]) {
return new Table(...distributeColumnsIntoRecordBatches(selectColumnArgs(cols)));
constructor(batches: RecordBatch<T>[]);
constructor(...batches: RecordBatch<T>[]);
constructor(schema: Schema<T>, batches: RecordBatch<T>[]);
constructor(schema: Schema<T>, ...batches: RecordBatch<T>[]);
constructor(...args: any[]) {
let schema: Schema<T> = null!;
if (args[0] instanceof Schema) { schema = args.shift(); }
let chunks = selectArgs<RecordBatch<T>>(RecordBatch, args);
if (!schema && !(schema = chunks[0] && chunks[0].schema)) {
throw new TypeError('Table must be initialized with a Schema or at least one RecordBatch');
chunks[0] || (chunks[0] = new _InternalEmptyPlaceholderRecordBatch(schema));
super(new Struct(schema.fields), chunks);
this._schema = schema;
this._chunks = chunks;
protected _schema: Schema<T>;
// List of inner RecordBatches
protected _chunks: RecordBatch<T>[];
protected _children?: Column<T[keyof T]>[];
public get schema() { return this._schema; }
public get length() { return this._length; }
public get chunks() { return this._chunks; }
public get numCols() { return this._numChildren; }
public clone(chunks = this._chunks) {
return new Table<T>(this._schema, chunks);
public getColumn<R extends keyof T>(name: R): Column<T[R]> {
return this.getColumnAt(this.getColumnIndex(name)) as Column<T[R]>;
public getColumnAt<R extends DataType = any>(index: number): Column<R> | null {
return this.getChildAt(index);
public getColumnIndex<R extends keyof T>(name: R) {
return this._schema.fields.findIndex((f) => === name);
public getChildAt<R extends DataType = any>(index: number): Column<R> | null {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.numChildren) { return null; }
let field: Field<R>, child: Column<R>;
const fields = (this._schema as Schema<any>).fields;
const columns = this._children || (this._children = []) as Column[];
if (child = columns[index]) { return child as Column<R>; }
if (field = fields[index]) {
const chunks = this._chunks
.map((chunk) => chunk.getChildAt<R>(index))
.filter((vec): vec is Vector<R> => vec != null);
if (chunks.length > 0) {
return (columns[index] = new Column<R>(field, chunks));
return null;
// @ts-ignore
public serialize(encoding = 'binary', stream = true) {
const Writer = !stream
? RecordBatchFileWriter
: RecordBatchStreamWriter;
return Writer.writeAll(this).toUint8Array(true);
public count(): number {
return this._length;
public select<K extends keyof T = any>(...columnNames: K[]) {
const nameToIndex = this._schema.fields.reduce((m, f, i) => m.set( as K, i), new Map<K, number>());
return this.selectAt( => nameToIndex.get(columnName)!).filter((x) => x > -1));
public selectAt<K extends T[keyof T] = any>(...columnIndices: number[]) {
const schema = this._schema.selectAt<K>(...columnIndices);
return new Table(schema,{ length, data: { childData } }) => {
return new RecordBatch(schema, length, => childData[i]).filter(Boolean));
public assign<R extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any>(other: Table<R>) {
const fields = this._schema.fields;
const [indices, oldToNew] = other.schema.fields.reduce((memo, f2, newIdx) => {
const [indices, oldToNew] = memo;
const i = fields.findIndex((f) => ===;
~i ? (oldToNew[i] = newIdx) : indices.push(newIdx);
return memo;
}, [[], []] as number[][]);
const schema = this._schema.assign(other.schema);
const columns = [, i, _fs, j = oldToNew[i]) =>
(j === undefined ? this.getColumnAt(i) : other.getColumnAt(j))!), => other.getColumnAt(i)!)
].filter(Boolean) as Column<(T & R)[keyof T | keyof R]>[];
return new Table<T & R>(...distributeVectorsIntoRecordBatches<any>(schema, columns));
function tableFromIterable<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any, TNull = any>(input: VectorBuilderOptions<Struct<T>, TNull>) {
const { type } = input;
if (type instanceof Struct) {
return Table.fromStruct(StructVector.from(input as VectorBuilderOptions<Struct<T>, TNull>));
return null;
function tableFromAsyncIterable<T extends { [key: string]: DataType } = any, TNull = any>(input: VectorBuilderOptionsAsync<Struct<T>, TNull>) {
const { type } = input;
if (type instanceof Struct) {
return StructVector.from(input as VectorBuilderOptionsAsync<Struct<T>, TNull>).then((vector) => Table.fromStruct(vector));
return null;