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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.arrow;
import static org.apache.arrow.vector.types.FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE;
import static org.apache.arrow.vector.types.FloatingPointPrecision.SINGLE;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroArraysConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroBooleanConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroBytesConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroDoubleConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroEnumConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroFixedConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroFloatConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroIntConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroLongConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroMapConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroNullConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroStringConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroStructConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.AvroUnionsConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.CompositeAvroConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.Consumer;
import org.apache.arrow.consumers.NullableTypeConsumer;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator;
import org.apache.arrow.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.BaseIntVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.BigIntVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.BitVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.FieldVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.FixedSizeBinaryVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.Float4Vector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.Float8Vector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.IntVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.VarBinaryVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.VarCharVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ZeroVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.ListVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.MapVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.StructVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.UnionVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.dictionary.Dictionary;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.dictionary.DictionaryEncoder;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.dictionary.DictionaryProvider;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.Types;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.UnionMode;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.ArrowType;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.DictionaryEncoding;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.FieldType;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type;
* Class that does most of the work to convert Avro data into Arrow columnar format Vector objects.
public class AvroToArrowUtils {
private static final int INVALID_NULL_INDEX = -1;
* Creates a {@link Consumer} from the {@link Schema}
<p>This method currently performs following type mapping for Avro data types to corresponding Arrow data types.
* <ul>
* <li>STRING --> ArrowType.Utf8</li>
* <li>INT --> ArrowType.Int(32, signed)</li>
* <li>LONG --> ArrowType.Int(64, signed)</li>
* <li>FLOAT --> ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.SINGLE)</li>
* <li>DOUBLE --> ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE)</li>
* <li>BOOLEAN --> ArrowType.Bool</li>
* <li>BYTES --> ArrowType.Binary</li>
* <li>ARRAY --> ArrowType.List</li>
* <li>MAP --> ArrowType.Map</li>
* <li>FIXED --> ArrowType.FixedSizeBinary</li>
* </ul>
private static Consumer createConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config) {
return createConsumer(schema, name, false, INVALID_NULL_INDEX, config, null);
private static Consumer createConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config, FieldVector vector) {
return createConsumer(schema, name, false, INVALID_NULL_INDEX, config, vector);
* Create a consumer with the given avro schema
* @param schema avro schema
* @param name arrow field name
* @param consumerVector vector to keep in consumer, if v == null, will create a new vector via field.
* @return consumer
private static Consumer createConsumer(
Schema schema,
String name,
boolean nullable,
int nullIndex,
AvroToArrowConfig config,
FieldVector consumerVector) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(schema, "Avro schema object can't be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(config, "Config can't be null");
final BufferAllocator allocator = config.getAllocator();
Type type = schema.getType();
final ArrowType arrowType;
final FieldType fieldType;
final FieldVector vector;
final Consumer consumer;
switch (type) {
case UNION:
consumer = createUnionConsumer(schema, name, config, consumerVector);
case ARRAY:
consumer = createArrayConsumer(schema, name, config, consumerVector);
case MAP:
consumer = createMapConsumer(schema, name, config, consumerVector);
case RECORD:
consumer = createStructConsumer(schema, name, config, consumerVector);
case ENUM:
consumer = createEnumConsumer(schema, name, config, consumerVector);
case STRING:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Utf8();
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroStringConsumer((VarCharVector) vector);
case FIXED:
arrowType = new ArrowType.FixedSizeBinary(schema.getFixedSize());
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroFixedConsumer((FixedSizeBinaryVector) vector, schema.getFixedSize());
case INT:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Int(32, /*signed=*/true);
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroIntConsumer((IntVector) vector);
arrowType = new ArrowType.Bool();
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroBooleanConsumer((BitVector) vector);
case LONG:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Int(64, /*signed=*/true);
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroLongConsumer((BigIntVector) vector);
case FLOAT:
arrowType = new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(SINGLE);
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroFloatConsumer((Float4Vector) vector);
case DOUBLE:
arrowType = new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(DOUBLE);
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroDoubleConsumer((Float8Vector) vector);
case BYTES:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Binary();
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroBytesConsumer((VarBinaryVector) vector);
case NULL:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Null();
fieldType = new FieldType(nullable, arrowType, /*dictionary=*/null, getMetaData(schema));
vector = createVector(consumerVector, fieldType, name, allocator);
consumer = new AvroNullConsumer((ZeroVector) vector);
// no-op, shouldn't get here
throw new RuntimeException("Can't convert avro type %s to arrow type." + type.getName());
if (nullable) {
return new NullableTypeConsumer(consumer, nullIndex);
return consumer;
static CompositeAvroConsumer createCompositeConsumer(
Schema schema, AvroToArrowConfig config) {
List<Consumer> consumers = new ArrayList<>();
Schema.Type type = schema.getType();
if (type == Type.RECORD) {
for (Schema.Field field : schema.getFields()) {
Consumer consumer = createConsumer(field.schema(),, config);
} else if (type == Type.ENUM) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} else {
Consumer consumer = createConsumer(schema, "", config);
return new CompositeAvroConsumer(consumers);
private static FieldVector createVector(FieldVector consumerVector, FieldType fieldType,
String name, BufferAllocator allocator) {
return consumerVector != null ? consumerVector : fieldType.createNewSingleVector(name, allocator, null);
private static String getDefaultFieldName(ArrowType type) {
Types.MinorType minorType = Types.getMinorTypeForArrowType(type);
private static Field avroSchemaToField(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config) {
final Type type = schema.getType();
final ArrowType arrowType;
switch (type) {
case UNION:
List<Field> children = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < schema.getTypes().size(); i++) {
Schema childSchema = schema.getTypes().get(i);
// Union child vector should use default name
children.add(avroSchemaToField(childSchema, null, config));
arrowType = new ArrowType.Union(UnionMode.Sparse, null);
if (name == null) {
name = getDefaultFieldName(arrowType);
return new Field(name, FieldType.nullable(arrowType), children);
case ARRAY:
Schema elementSchema = schema.getElementType();
arrowType = new ArrowType.List();
if (name == null) {
name = getDefaultFieldName(arrowType);
return new Field(name, FieldType.nullable(arrowType),
Collections.singletonList(avroSchemaToField(elementSchema, elementSchema.getName(), config)));
case MAP:
// MapVector internal struct field and key field should be non-nullable
FieldType keyFieldType = new FieldType(/*nullable=*/false, new ArrowType.Utf8(), /*dictionary=*/null);
Field keyField = new Field("key", keyFieldType, /*children=*/null);
Field valueField = avroSchemaToField(schema.getValueType(), "value", config);
FieldType structFieldType = new FieldType(false, new ArrowType.Struct(), /*dictionary=*/null);
Field structField = new Field("internal", structFieldType, Arrays.asList(keyField, valueField));
arrowType = new ArrowType.Map(/*keySorted=*/false);
if (name == null) {
name = getDefaultFieldName(arrowType);
return new Field(name, FieldType.nullable(arrowType), Collections.singletonList(structField));
case RECORD:
List<Field> childFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < schema.getFields().size(); i++) {
final Schema.Field field = schema.getFields().get(i);
Schema childSchema = field.schema();
childFields.add(avroSchemaToField(childSchema,, config));
arrowType = new ArrowType.Struct();
if (name == null) {
name = getDefaultFieldName(arrowType);
return new Field(name, FieldType.nullable(arrowType), childFields);
case ENUM:
DictionaryProvider.MapDictionaryProvider provider = config.getProvider();
int current = provider.getDictionaryIds().size();
int enumCount = schema.getEnumSymbols().size();
ArrowType.Int indexType = DictionaryEncoder.getIndexType(enumCount);
FieldType indexFieldType = new FieldType(true, indexType,
new DictionaryEncoding(current, /*ordered=*/false, /*indexType=*/indexType));
return new Field(name, indexFieldType, null);
case STRING:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Utf8();
case FIXED:
arrowType = new ArrowType.FixedSizeBinary(schema.getFixedSize());
case INT:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Int(32, /*signed=*/true);
arrowType = new ArrowType.Bool();
case LONG:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Int(64, /*signed=*/true);
case FLOAT:
arrowType = new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(SINGLE);
case DOUBLE:
arrowType = new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(DOUBLE);
case BYTES:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Binary();
case NULL:
arrowType = new ArrowType.Null();
// no-op, shouldn't get here
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (name == null) {
name = getDefaultFieldName(arrowType);
return Field.nullable(name, arrowType);
private static Consumer createArrayConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config,
FieldVector consumerVector) {
ListVector listVector;
if (consumerVector == null) {
final Field field = avroSchemaToField(schema, name, config);
listVector = (ListVector) field.createVector(config.getAllocator());
} else {
listVector = (ListVector) consumerVector;
FieldVector dataVector = listVector.getDataVector();
// create delegate
Schema childSchema = schema.getElementType();
Consumer delegate = createConsumer(childSchema, childSchema.getName(), config, dataVector);
return new AvroArraysConsumer(listVector, delegate);
private static Consumer createStructConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config,
FieldVector consumerVector) {
StructVector structVector;
if (consumerVector == null) {
final Field field = avroSchemaToField(schema, name, config);
structVector = (StructVector) field.createVector(config.getAllocator());
} else {
structVector = (StructVector) consumerVector;
Consumer[] delegates = new Consumer[schema.getFields().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < schema.getFields().size(); i++) {
Schema childSchema = schema.getFields().get(i).schema();
Consumer delegate = createConsumer(childSchema, childSchema.getName(),
config, structVector.getChildrenFromFields().get(i));
delegates[i] = delegate;
return new AvroStructConsumer(structVector, delegates);
private static Consumer createEnumConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config,
FieldVector consumerVector) {
BaseIntVector indexVector;
if (consumerVector == null) {
final Field field = avroSchemaToField(schema, name, config);
indexVector = (BaseIntVector) field.createVector(config.getAllocator());
} else {
indexVector = (BaseIntVector) consumerVector;
final int valueCount = schema.getEnumSymbols().size();
VarCharVector dictVector = new VarCharVector(name, config.getAllocator());
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
dictVector.set(i, schema.getEnumSymbols().get(i).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Dictionary dictionary =
new Dictionary(dictVector, indexVector.getField().getDictionary());
return new AvroEnumConsumer(indexVector);
private static Consumer createMapConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config,
FieldVector consumerVector) {
MapVector mapVector;
if (consumerVector == null) {
final Field field = avroSchemaToField(schema, name, config);
mapVector = (MapVector) field.createVector(config.getAllocator());
} else {
mapVector = (MapVector) consumerVector;
// create delegate struct consumer
StructVector structVector = (StructVector) mapVector.getDataVector();
// keys in avro map are always assumed to be strings.
Consumer keyConsumer = new AvroStringConsumer(
(VarCharVector) structVector.getChildrenFromFields().get(0));
Consumer valueConsumer = createConsumer(schema.getValueType(), schema.getValueType().getName(),
config, structVector.getChildrenFromFields().get(1));
AvroStructConsumer internalConsumer =
new AvroStructConsumer(structVector, new Consumer[] {keyConsumer, valueConsumer});
return new AvroMapConsumer(mapVector, internalConsumer);
private static Consumer createUnionConsumer(Schema schema, String name, AvroToArrowConfig config,
FieldVector consumerVector) {
int size = schema.getTypes().size();
long nullCount = schema.getTypes().stream().filter(s -> s.getType() == Type.NULL).count();
// union only has one type, convert to primitive type
if (size == 1) {
Schema subSchema = schema.getTypes().get(0);
return createConsumer(subSchema, name, config, consumerVector);
// size == 2 and has null type, convert to nullable primitive type
} else if (size == 2 && nullCount == 1) {
Schema nullSchema = schema.getTypes().stream().filter(s -> s.getType() == Type.NULL).findFirst().get();
int nullIndex = schema.getTypes().indexOf(nullSchema);
Schema subSchema = schema.getTypes().stream().filter(s -> s.getType() != Type.NULL).findFirst().get();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(subSchema, "schema should not be null.");
return createConsumer(subSchema, name, true, nullIndex, config, consumerVector);
// real union type
} else {
UnionVector unionVector;
if (consumerVector == null) {
final Field field = avroSchemaToField(schema, name, config);
unionVector = (UnionVector) field.createVector(config.getAllocator());
} else {
unionVector = (UnionVector) consumerVector;
List<FieldVector> childVectors = unionVector.getChildrenFromFields();
Consumer[] delegates = new Consumer[size];
Types.MinorType[] types = new Types.MinorType[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
FieldVector child = childVectors.get(i);
Schema subSchema = schema.getTypes().get(i);
Consumer delegate = createConsumer(subSchema, subSchema.getName(), config, child);
delegates[i] = delegate;
types[i] = child.getMinorType();
return new AvroUnionsConsumer(unionVector, delegates, types);
private static Map<String, String> getMetaData(Schema schema) {
Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();
schema.getObjectProps().forEach((k,v) -> metadata.put(k, v.toString()));
return metadata;
* Read data from {@link Decoder} and generate a {@link VectorSchemaRoot}.
* @param schema avro schema
* @param decoder avro decoder to read data from
static VectorSchemaRoot avroToArrowVectors(
Schema schema,
Decoder decoder,
AvroToArrowConfig config)
throws IOException {
List<FieldVector> vectors = new ArrayList<>();
List<Consumer> consumers = new ArrayList<>();
Schema.Type type = schema.getType();
if (type == Type.RECORD) {
for (Schema.Field field : schema.getFields()) {
Consumer consumer = createConsumer(field.schema(),, config);
} else {
Consumer consumer = createConsumer(schema, "", config);
Preconditions.checkArgument(vectors.size() == consumers.size(),
"vectors size not equals consumers size");
List<Field> fields = -> t.getField()).collect(Collectors.toList());
VectorSchemaRoot root = new VectorSchemaRoot(fields, vectors, 0);
CompositeAvroConsumer compositeConsumer = new CompositeAvroConsumer(consumers);
int valueCount = 0;
try {
while (true) {
compositeConsumer.consume(decoder, root);
} catch (EOFException eof) {
// reach the end of encoder stream.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error occurs while consume process.", e);
return root;