blob: a834be8b211eacce8cea9fd0b3546792da8af973 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/util/compression.h"
#include "parquet/exception.h"
#include "parquet/parquet_version.h"
#include "parquet/platform.h"
#include "parquet/schema.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
namespace parquet {
struct ParquetVersion {
enum type { PARQUET_1_0, PARQUET_2_0 };
static int64_t DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
static bool DEFAULT_USE_BUFFERED_STREAM = false;
class PARQUET_EXPORT ReaderProperties {
explicit ReaderProperties(MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: pool_(pool) {
buffered_stream_enabled_ = DEFAULT_USE_BUFFERED_STREAM;
buffer_size_ = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
MemoryPool* memory_pool() const { return pool_; }
std::shared_ptr<ArrowInputStream> GetStream(std::shared_ptr<ArrowInputFile> source,
int64_t start, int64_t num_bytes);
bool is_buffered_stream_enabled() const { return buffered_stream_enabled_; }
void enable_buffered_stream() { buffered_stream_enabled_ = true; }
void disable_buffered_stream() { buffered_stream_enabled_ = false; }
void set_buffer_size(int64_t buf_size) { buffer_size_ = buf_size; }
int64_t buffer_size() const { return buffer_size_; }
MemoryPool* pool_;
int64_t buffer_size_;
bool buffered_stream_enabled_;
ReaderProperties PARQUET_EXPORT default_reader_properties();
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultDataPageSize = 1024 * 1024;
static constexpr bool DEFAULT_IS_DICTIONARY_ENABLED = true;
static constexpr int64_t DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = kDefaultDataPageSize;
static constexpr int64_t DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = 1024;
static constexpr int64_t DEFAULT_MAX_ROW_GROUP_LENGTH = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
static constexpr bool DEFAULT_ARE_STATISTICS_ENABLED = true;
static constexpr int64_t DEFAULT_MAX_STATISTICS_SIZE = 4096;
static constexpr Encoding::type DEFAULT_ENCODING = Encoding::PLAIN;
static constexpr ParquetVersion::type DEFAULT_WRITER_VERSION =
static constexpr Compression::type DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE = Compression::UNCOMPRESSED;
class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnProperties {
ColumnProperties(Encoding::type encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING,
Compression::type codec = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE,
bool dictionary_enabled = DEFAULT_IS_DICTIONARY_ENABLED,
bool statistics_enabled = DEFAULT_ARE_STATISTICS_ENABLED,
size_t max_stats_size = DEFAULT_MAX_STATISTICS_SIZE)
: encoding_(encoding),
compression_level_(Codec::UseDefaultCompressionLevel()) {}
void set_encoding(Encoding::type encoding) { encoding_ = encoding; }
void set_compression(Compression::type codec) { codec_ = codec; }
void set_dictionary_enabled(bool dictionary_enabled) {
dictionary_enabled_ = dictionary_enabled;
void set_statistics_enabled(bool statistics_enabled) {
statistics_enabled_ = statistics_enabled;
void set_max_statistics_size(size_t max_stats_size) {
max_stats_size_ = max_stats_size;
void set_compression_level(int compression_level) {
compression_level_ = compression_level;
Encoding::type encoding() const { return encoding_; }
Compression::type compression() const { return codec_; }
bool dictionary_enabled() const { return dictionary_enabled_; }
bool statistics_enabled() const { return statistics_enabled_; }
size_t max_statistics_size() const { return max_stats_size_; }
int compression_level() const { return compression_level_; }
Encoding::type encoding_;
Compression::type codec_;
bool dictionary_enabled_;
bool statistics_enabled_;
size_t max_stats_size_;
int compression_level_;
class PARQUET_EXPORT WriterProperties {
class Builder {
: pool_(::arrow::default_memory_pool()),
created_by_(DEFAULT_CREATED_BY) {}
virtual ~Builder() {}
Builder* memory_pool(MemoryPool* pool) {
pool_ = pool;
return this;
Builder* enable_dictionary() {
return this;
Builder* disable_dictionary() {
return this;
Builder* enable_dictionary(const std::string& path) {
dictionary_enabled_[path] = true;
return this;
Builder* enable_dictionary(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) {
return this->enable_dictionary(path->ToDotString());
Builder* disable_dictionary(const std::string& path) {
dictionary_enabled_[path] = false;
return this;
Builder* disable_dictionary(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) {
return this->disable_dictionary(path->ToDotString());
Builder* dictionary_pagesize_limit(int64_t dictionary_psize_limit) {
dictionary_pagesize_limit_ = dictionary_psize_limit;
return this;
Builder* write_batch_size(int64_t write_batch_size) {
write_batch_size_ = write_batch_size;
return this;
Builder* max_row_group_length(int64_t max_row_group_length) {
max_row_group_length_ = max_row_group_length;
return this;
Builder* data_pagesize(int64_t pg_size) {
pagesize_ = pg_size;
return this;
Builder* version(ParquetVersion::type version) {
version_ = version;
return this;
Builder* created_by(const std::string& created_by) {
created_by_ = created_by;
return this;
* Define the encoding that is used when we don't utilise dictionary encoding.
* This either apply if dictionary encoding is disabled or if we fallback
* as the dictionary grew too large.
Builder* encoding(Encoding::type encoding_type) {
if (encoding_type == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY ||
encoding_type == Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY) {
throw ParquetException("Can't use dictionary encoding as fallback encoding");
return this;
* Define the encoding that is used when we don't utilise dictionary encoding.
* This either apply if dictionary encoding is disabled or if we fallback
* as the dictionary grew too large.
Builder* encoding(const std::string& path, Encoding::type encoding_type) {
if (encoding_type == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY ||
encoding_type == Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY) {
throw ParquetException("Can't use dictionary encoding as fallback encoding");
encodings_[path] = encoding_type;
return this;
* Define the encoding that is used when we don't utilise dictionary encoding.
* This either apply if dictionary encoding is disabled or if we fallback
* as the dictionary grew too large.
Builder* encoding(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path,
Encoding::type encoding_type) {
return this->encoding(path->ToDotString(), encoding_type);
Builder* compression(Compression::type codec) {
return this;
Builder* max_statistics_size(size_t max_stats_sz) {
return this;
Builder* compression(const std::string& path, Compression::type codec) {
codecs_[path] = codec;
return this;
Builder* compression(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path,
Compression::type codec) {
return this->compression(path->ToDotString(), codec);
/// \brief Specify the default compression level for the compressor in
/// every column. In case a column does not have an explicitly specified
/// compression level, the default one would be used.
/// The provided compression level is compressor specific. The user would
/// have to familiarize oneself with the available levels for the selected
/// compressor. If the compressor does not allow for selecting different
/// compression levels, calling this function would not have any effect.
/// Parquet and Arrow do not validate the passed compression level. If no
/// level is selected by the user or if the special
/// std::numeric_limits<int>::min() value is passed, then Arrow selects the
/// compression level.
Builder* compression_level(int compression_level) {
return this;
/// \brief Specify a compression level for the compressor for the column
/// described by path.
/// The provided compression level is compressor specific. The user would
/// have to familiarize oneself with the available levels for the selected
/// compressor. If the compressor does not allow for selecting different
/// compression levels, calling this function would not have any effect.
/// Parquet and Arrow do not validate the passed compression level. If no
/// level is selected by the user or if the special
/// std::numeric_limits<int>::min() value is passed, then Arrow selects the
/// compression level.
Builder* compression_level(const std::string& path, int compression_level) {
codecs_compression_level_[path] = compression_level;
return this;
/// \brief Specify a compression level for the compressor for the column
/// described by path.
/// The provided compression level is compressor specific. The user would
/// have to familiarize oneself with the available levels for the selected
/// compressor. If the compressor does not allow for selecting different
/// compression levels, calling this function would not have any effect.
/// Parquet and Arrow do not validate the passed compression level. If no
/// level is selected by the user or if the special
/// std::numeric_limits<int>::min() value is passed, then Arrow selects the
/// compression level.
Builder* compression_level(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path,
int compression_level) {
return this->compression_level(path->ToDotString(), compression_level);
Builder* enable_statistics() {
return this;
Builder* disable_statistics() {
return this;
Builder* enable_statistics(const std::string& path) {
statistics_enabled_[path] = true;
return this;
Builder* enable_statistics(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) {
return this->enable_statistics(path->ToDotString());
Builder* disable_statistics(const std::string& path) {
statistics_enabled_[path] = false;
return this;
Builder* disable_statistics(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) {
return this->disable_statistics(path->ToDotString());
std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties> build() {
std::unordered_map<std::string, ColumnProperties> column_properties;
auto get = [&](const std::string& key) -> ColumnProperties& {
auto it = column_properties.find(key);
if (it == column_properties.end())
return column_properties[key] = default_column_properties_;
return it->second;
for (const auto& item : encodings_) get(item.first).set_encoding(item.second);
for (const auto& item : codecs_) get(item.first).set_compression(item.second);
for (const auto& item : codecs_compression_level_)
for (const auto& item : dictionary_enabled_)
for (const auto& item : statistics_enabled_)
return std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>(
new WriterProperties(pool_, dictionary_pagesize_limit_, write_batch_size_,
max_row_group_length_, pagesize_, version_, created_by_,
default_column_properties_, column_properties));
MemoryPool* pool_;
int64_t dictionary_pagesize_limit_;
int64_t write_batch_size_;
int64_t max_row_group_length_;
int64_t pagesize_;
ParquetVersion::type version_;
std::string created_by_;
// Settings used for each column unless overridden in any of the maps below
ColumnProperties default_column_properties_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Encoding::type> encodings_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Compression::type> codecs_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int32_t> codecs_compression_level_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> dictionary_enabled_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> statistics_enabled_;
inline MemoryPool* memory_pool() const { return pool_; }
inline int64_t dictionary_pagesize_limit() const { return dictionary_pagesize_limit_; }
inline int64_t write_batch_size() const { return write_batch_size_; }
inline int64_t max_row_group_length() const { return max_row_group_length_; }
inline int64_t data_pagesize() const { return pagesize_; }
inline ParquetVersion::type version() const { return parquet_version_; }
inline std::string created_by() const { return parquet_created_by_; }
inline Encoding::type dictionary_index_encoding() const {
if (parquet_version_ == ParquetVersion::PARQUET_1_0) {
return Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY;
} else {
return Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY;
inline Encoding::type dictionary_page_encoding() const {
if (parquet_version_ == ParquetVersion::PARQUET_1_0) {
return Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY;
} else {
return Encoding::PLAIN;
const ColumnProperties& column_properties(
const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
auto it = column_properties_.find(path->ToDotString());
if (it != column_properties_.end()) return it->second;
return default_column_properties_;
Encoding::type encoding(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
return column_properties(path).encoding();
Compression::type compression(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
return column_properties(path).compression();
int compression_level(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
return column_properties(path).compression_level();
bool dictionary_enabled(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
return column_properties(path).dictionary_enabled();
bool statistics_enabled(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
return column_properties(path).statistics_enabled();
size_t max_statistics_size(const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath>& path) const {
return column_properties(path).max_statistics_size();
explicit WriterProperties(
MemoryPool* pool, int64_t dictionary_pagesize_limit, int64_t write_batch_size,
int64_t max_row_group_length, int64_t pagesize, ParquetVersion::type version,
const std::string& created_by, const ColumnProperties& default_column_properties,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, ColumnProperties>& column_properties)
: pool_(pool),
column_properties_(column_properties) {}
MemoryPool* pool_;
int64_t dictionary_pagesize_limit_;
int64_t write_batch_size_;
int64_t max_row_group_length_;
int64_t pagesize_;
ParquetVersion::type parquet_version_;
std::string parquet_created_by_;
ColumnProperties default_column_properties_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, ColumnProperties> column_properties_;
std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties> PARQUET_EXPORT default_writer_properties();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Properties specific to Apache Arrow columnar read and write
static constexpr bool kArrowDefaultUseThreads = false;
// Default number of rows to read when using ::arrow::RecordBatchReader
static constexpr int64_t kArrowDefaultBatchSize = 64 * 1024;
/// EXPERIMENTAL: Properties for configuring FileReader behavior.
class PARQUET_EXPORT ArrowReaderProperties {
explicit ArrowReaderProperties(bool use_threads = kArrowDefaultUseThreads)
: use_threads_(use_threads),
batch_size_(kArrowDefaultBatchSize) {}
void set_use_threads(bool use_threads) { use_threads_ = use_threads; }
bool use_threads() const { return use_threads_; }
void set_read_dictionary(int column_index, bool read_dict) {
if (read_dict) {
} else {
bool read_dictionary(int column_index) const {
if (read_dict_indices_.find(column_index) != read_dict_indices_.end()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void set_batch_size(int64_t batch_size) { batch_size_ = batch_size; }
int64_t batch_size() const { return batch_size_; }
bool use_threads_;
std::unordered_set<int> read_dict_indices_;
int64_t batch_size_;
/// EXPERIMENTAL: Constructs the default ArrowReaderProperties
ArrowReaderProperties default_arrow_reader_properties();
class PARQUET_EXPORT ArrowWriterProperties {
class Builder {
: write_timestamps_as_int96_(false),
store_schema_(false) {}
virtual ~Builder() {}
Builder* disable_deprecated_int96_timestamps() {
write_timestamps_as_int96_ = false;
return this;
Builder* enable_deprecated_int96_timestamps() {
write_timestamps_as_int96_ = true;
return this;
Builder* coerce_timestamps(::arrow::TimeUnit::type unit) {
coerce_timestamps_enabled_ = true;
coerce_timestamps_unit_ = unit;
return this;
Builder* allow_truncated_timestamps() {
truncated_timestamps_allowed_ = true;
return this;
Builder* disallow_truncated_timestamps() {
truncated_timestamps_allowed_ = false;
return this;
/// \brief EXPERIMENTAL: Write binary serialized Arrow schema to the file,
/// to enable certain read options (like "read_dictionary") to be set
/// automatically
Builder* store_schema() {
store_schema_ = true;
return this;
std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties> build() {
return std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>(new ArrowWriterProperties(
write_timestamps_as_int96_, coerce_timestamps_enabled_, coerce_timestamps_unit_,
truncated_timestamps_allowed_, store_schema_));
bool write_timestamps_as_int96_;
bool coerce_timestamps_enabled_;
::arrow::TimeUnit::type coerce_timestamps_unit_;
bool truncated_timestamps_allowed_;
bool store_schema_;
bool support_deprecated_int96_timestamps() const { return write_timestamps_as_int96_; }
bool coerce_timestamps_enabled() const { return coerce_timestamps_enabled_; }
::arrow::TimeUnit::type coerce_timestamps_unit() const {
return coerce_timestamps_unit_;
bool truncated_timestamps_allowed() const { return truncated_timestamps_allowed_; }
bool store_schema() const { return store_schema_; }
explicit ArrowWriterProperties(bool write_nanos_as_int96,
bool coerce_timestamps_enabled,
::arrow::TimeUnit::type coerce_timestamps_unit,
bool truncated_timestamps_allowed, bool store_schema)
: write_timestamps_as_int96_(write_nanos_as_int96),
store_schema_(store_schema) {}
const bool write_timestamps_as_int96_;
const bool coerce_timestamps_enabled_;
const ::arrow::TimeUnit::type coerce_timestamps_unit_;
const bool truncated_timestamps_allowed_;
const bool store_schema_;
/// \brief State object used for writing Arrow data directly to a Parquet
/// column chunk. API possibly not stable
struct ArrowWriteContext {
ArrowWriteContext(MemoryPool* memory_pool, ArrowWriterProperties* properties)
: memory_pool(memory_pool),
def_levels_buffer(AllocateBuffer(memory_pool)) {}
template <typename T>
::arrow::Status GetScratchData(const int64_t num_values, T** out) {
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(this->data_buffer->Resize(num_values * sizeof(T), false));
*out = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->data_buffer->mutable_data());
return ::arrow::Status::OK();
MemoryPool* memory_pool;
const ArrowWriterProperties* properties;
// Buffer used for storing the data of an array converted to the physical type
// as expected by parquet-cpp.
std::shared_ptr<ResizableBuffer> data_buffer;
// We use the shared ownership of this buffer
std::shared_ptr<ResizableBuffer> def_levels_buffer;
std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties> default_arrow_writer_properties();
} // namespace parquet