blob: 1377a63a670f7872efee5dfb692c8eaa02702614 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/csv.R, R/json.R
\title{Arrow CSV and JSON table readers}
csv_table_reader(file, read_options = csv_read_options(),
parse_options = csv_parse_options(),
convert_options = csv_convert_options(), ...)
json_table_reader(file, read_options = json_read_options(),
parse_options = json_parse_options(), ...)
\item{file}{A character path to a local file, or an Arrow input stream}
\item{read_options}{see \code{\link[=csv_read_options]{csv_read_options()}}}
\item{parse_options}{see \code{\link[=csv_parse_options]{csv_parse_options()}}}
\item{convert_options}{see \code{\link[=csv_convert_options]{csv_convert_options()}}}
\item{...}{additional parameters.}
An \code{arrow::csv::TableReader} or \code{arrow::json::TableReader} R6
object. Call \code{$Read()} on it to get an Arrow Table.
These methods wrap the Arrow C++ CSV and JSON table readers.
For an interface to the CSV reader that's more familiar for R users, see