blob: 90858304b0ba3e66bcadaccc6983b09c178e532b [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/RecordBatchWriter.R
\title{Create a record batch file writer from a stream}
RecordBatchFileWriter(sink, schema)
\item{sink}{Where to write. Can either be:
\item character vector of length one
\item a \link[fs:path_abs]{file path}
\item \link[=arrow__io__OutputStream]{arrow::io::OutputStream}
\item{schema}{The \link[=arrow__Schema]{arrow::Schema} for data to be written.}
an \code{arrow::ipc::RecordBatchWriter} object
Create a record batch file writer from a stream