blob: b3a5f7b808a7cb2ed0857773dd1d3eb25bc33328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/util/key_value_metadata.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "parquet/platform.h"
#include "parquet/properties.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
namespace parquet {
class ColumnDescriptor;
class EncodedStatistics;
class Statistics;
class SchemaDescriptor;
namespace schema {
class ColumnPath;
} // namespace schema
using KeyValueMetadata = ::arrow::KeyValueMetadata;
class PARQUET_EXPORT ApplicationVersion {
// Known Versions with Issues
static const ApplicationVersion& PARQUET_251_FIXED_VERSION();
static const ApplicationVersion& PARQUET_816_FIXED_VERSION();
static const ApplicationVersion& PARQUET_CPP_FIXED_STATS_VERSION();
static const ApplicationVersion& PARQUET_MR_FIXED_STATS_VERSION();
// Regular expression for the version format
// major . minor . patch unknown - prerelease.x + build info
// Eg: 1.5.0ab-cdh5.5.0+cd
static constexpr char const* VERSION_FORMAT =
// Regular expression for the application format
// application_name version VERSION_FORMAT (build build_name)
// Eg: parquet-cpp version 1.5.0ab-xyz5.5.0+cd (build abcd)
static constexpr char const* APPLICATION_FORMAT =
// Application that wrote the file. e.g. "IMPALA"
std::string application_;
// Build name
std::string build_;
// Version of the application that wrote the file, expressed as
// (<major>.<minor>.<patch>). Unmatched parts default to 0.
// "1.2.3" => {1, 2, 3}
// "1.2" => {0, 0, 0}
// "1.2-cdh5" => {0, 0, 0}
// TODO (majetideepak): Implement support for pre_release
struct {
int major;
int minor;
int patch;
std::string unknown;
std::string pre_release;
std::string build_info;
} version;
ApplicationVersion() {}
explicit ApplicationVersion(const std::string& created_by);
ApplicationVersion(const std::string& application, int major, int minor, int patch);
// Returns true if version is strictly less than other_version
bool VersionLt(const ApplicationVersion& other_version) const;
// Returns true if version is strictly less than other_version
bool VersionEq(const ApplicationVersion& other_version) const;
// Checks if the Version has the correct statistics for a given column
bool HasCorrectStatistics(Type::type primitive, EncodedStatistics& statistics,
SortOrder::type sort_order = SortOrder::SIGNED) const;
class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnChunkMetaData {
// API convenience to get a MetaData accessor
static std::unique_ptr<ColumnChunkMetaData> Make(
const void* metadata, const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
const ApplicationVersion* writer_version = NULLPTR);
// column chunk
int64_t file_offset() const;
// parameter is only used when a dataset is spread across multiple files
const std::string& file_path() const;
// column metadata
Type::type type() const;
int64_t num_values() const;
std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath> path_in_schema() const;
bool is_stats_set() const;
std::shared_ptr<Statistics> statistics() const;
Compression::type compression() const;
const std::vector<Encoding::type>& encodings() const;
bool has_dictionary_page() const;
int64_t dictionary_page_offset() const;
int64_t data_page_offset() const;
bool has_index_page() const;
int64_t index_page_offset() const;
int64_t total_compressed_size() const;
int64_t total_uncompressed_size() const;
explicit ColumnChunkMetaData(const void* metadata, const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
const ApplicationVersion* writer_version = NULLPTR);
// PIMPL Idiom
class ColumnChunkMetaDataImpl;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnChunkMetaDataImpl> impl_;
class PARQUET_EXPORT RowGroupMetaData {
// API convenience to get a MetaData accessor
static std::unique_ptr<RowGroupMetaData> Make(
const void* metadata, const SchemaDescriptor* schema,
const ApplicationVersion* writer_version = NULLPTR);
// row-group metadata
int num_columns() const;
int64_t num_rows() const;
int64_t total_byte_size() const;
// Return const-pointer to make it clear that this object is not to be copied
const SchemaDescriptor* schema() const;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnChunkMetaData> ColumnChunk(int i) const;
explicit RowGroupMetaData(const void* metadata, const SchemaDescriptor* schema,
const ApplicationVersion* writer_version = NULLPTR);
// PIMPL Idiom
class RowGroupMetaDataImpl;
std::unique_ptr<RowGroupMetaDataImpl> impl_;
class FileMetaDataBuilder;
class PARQUET_EXPORT FileMetaData {
// API convenience to get a MetaData accessor
static std::shared_ptr<FileMetaData> Make(const void* serialized_metadata,
uint32_t* metadata_len);
// file metadata
uint32_t size() const;
int num_columns() const;
int64_t num_rows() const;
int num_row_groups() const;
ParquetVersion::type version() const;
const std::string& created_by() const;
int num_schema_elements() const;
std::unique_ptr<RowGroupMetaData> RowGroup(int i) const;
const ApplicationVersion& writer_version() const;
void WriteTo(::arrow::io::OutputStream* dst) const;
// Return const-pointer to make it clear that this object is not to be copied
const SchemaDescriptor* schema() const;
std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata> key_value_metadata() const;
// Set file_path ColumnChunk fields to a particular value
void set_file_path(const std::string& path);
// Merge row-group metadata from "other" FileMetaData object
void AppendRowGroups(const FileMetaData& other);
friend FileMetaDataBuilder;
explicit FileMetaData(const void* serialized_metadata, uint32_t* metadata_len);
// PIMPL Idiom
class FileMetaDataImpl;
std::unique_ptr<FileMetaDataImpl> impl_;
// Builder API
class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilder {
// API convenience to get a MetaData reader
static std::unique_ptr<ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilder> Make(
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props, const ColumnDescriptor* column);
static std::unique_ptr<ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilder> Make(
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props, const ColumnDescriptor* column,
void* contents);
// column chunk
// Used when a dataset is spread across multiple files
void set_file_path(const std::string& path);
// column metadata
void SetStatistics(const EncodedStatistics& stats);
// get the column descriptor
const ColumnDescriptor* descr() const;
// commit the metadata
void Finish(int64_t num_values, int64_t dictonary_page_offset,
int64_t index_page_offset, int64_t data_page_offset,
int64_t compressed_size, int64_t uncompressed_size, bool has_dictionary,
bool dictionary_fallback);
// The metadata contents, suitable for passing to ColumnChunkMetaData::Make
const void* contents() const;
// For writing metadata at end of column chunk
void WriteTo(::arrow::io::OutputStream* sink);
explicit ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilder(const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props,
const ColumnDescriptor* column);
explicit ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilder(const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props,
const ColumnDescriptor* column, void* contents);
// PIMPL Idiom
class ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilderImpl;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilderImpl> impl_;
class PARQUET_EXPORT RowGroupMetaDataBuilder {
// API convenience to get a MetaData reader
static std::unique_ptr<RowGroupMetaDataBuilder> Make(
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props, const SchemaDescriptor* schema_,
void* contents);
ColumnChunkMetaDataBuilder* NextColumnChunk();
int num_columns();
int64_t num_rows();
int current_column() const;
void set_num_rows(int64_t num_rows);
// commit the metadata
void Finish(int64_t total_bytes_written);
explicit RowGroupMetaDataBuilder(const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props,
const SchemaDescriptor* schema_, void* contents);
// PIMPL Idiom
class RowGroupMetaDataBuilderImpl;
std::unique_ptr<RowGroupMetaDataBuilderImpl> impl_;
class PARQUET_EXPORT FileMetaDataBuilder {
// API convenience to get a MetaData reader
static std::unique_ptr<FileMetaDataBuilder> Make(
const SchemaDescriptor* schema, const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props,
const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata>& key_value_metadata = NULLPTR);
// The prior RowGroupMetaDataBuilder (if any) is destroyed
RowGroupMetaDataBuilder* AppendRowGroup();
// Complete the Thrift structure
std::unique_ptr<FileMetaData> Finish();
explicit FileMetaDataBuilder(
const SchemaDescriptor* schema, const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& props,
const std::shared_ptr<const KeyValueMetadata>& key_value_metadata = NULLPTR);
// PIMPL Idiom
class FileMetaDataBuilderImpl;
std::unique_ptr<FileMetaDataBuilderImpl> impl_;
PARQUET_EXPORT std::string ParquetVersionToString(ParquetVersion::type ver);
} // namespace parquet