blob: 28a9b98716f25344c6aae90e8d48868353111533 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "parquet/exception.h"
#include "parquet/platform.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
namespace parquet {
class ColumnDescriptor;
// Untyped base for all encoders
class Encoder {
virtual ~Encoder() = default;
virtual int64_t EstimatedDataEncodedSize() = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<Buffer> FlushValues() = 0;
virtual Encoding::type encoding() const = 0;
virtual ::arrow::MemoryPool* memory_pool() const = 0;
// Base class for value encoders. Since encoders may or not have state (e.g.,
// dictionary encoding) we use a class instance to maintain any state.
// TODO(wesm): Encode interface API is temporary
template <typename DType>
class TypedEncoder : virtual public Encoder {
typedef typename DType::c_type T;
virtual void Put(const T* src, int num_values) = 0;
virtual void PutSpaced(const T* src, int num_values, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset) {
std::shared_ptr<ResizableBuffer> buffer;
this->memory_pool(), num_values * sizeof(T), &buffer));
int32_t num_valid_values = 0;
::arrow::internal::BitmapReader valid_bits_reader(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset,
T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer->mutable_data());
for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
if (valid_bits_reader.IsSet()) {
data[num_valid_values++] = src[i];
Put(data, num_valid_values);
// Base class for dictionary encoders
template <typename DType>
class DictEncoder : virtual public TypedEncoder<DType> {
/// Writes out any buffered indices to buffer preceded by the bit width of this data.
/// Returns the number of bytes written.
/// If the supplied buffer is not big enough, returns -1.
/// buffer must be preallocated with buffer_len bytes. Use EstimatedDataEncodedSize()
/// to size buffer.
virtual int WriteIndices(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len) = 0;
virtual int dict_encoded_size() = 0;
// virtual int dict_encoded_size() { return dict_encoded_size_; }
virtual int bit_width() const = 0;
/// Writes out the encoded dictionary to buffer. buffer must be preallocated to
/// dict_encoded_size() bytes.
virtual void WriteDict(uint8_t* buffer) = 0;
virtual int num_entries() const = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Value decoding
class Decoder {
virtual ~Decoder() = default;
// Sets the data for a new page. This will be called multiple times on the same
// decoder and should reset all internal state.
virtual void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) = 0;
// Returns the number of values left (for the last call to SetData()). This is
// the number of values left in this page.
virtual int values_left() const = 0;
virtual Encoding::type encoding() const = 0;
template <typename DType>
class TypedDecoder : virtual public Decoder {
using T = typename DType::c_type;
// Subclasses should override the ones they support. In each of these functions,
// the decoder would decode put to 'max_values', storing the result in 'buffer'.
// The function returns the number of values decoded, which should be max_values
// except for end of the current data page.
virtual int Decode(T* buffer, int max_values) = 0;
// Decode the values in this data page but leave spaces for null entries.
// num_values is the size of the def_levels and buffer arrays including the number of
// null values.
virtual int DecodeSpaced(T* buffer, int num_values, int null_count,
const uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset) {
int values_to_read = num_values - null_count;
int values_read = Decode(buffer, values_to_read);
if (values_read != values_to_read) {
throw ParquetException("Number of values / definition_levels read did not match");
// Depending on the number of nulls, some of the value slots in buffer may
// be uninitialized, and this will cause valgrind warnings / potentially UB
memset(static_cast<void*>(buffer + values_read), 0,
(num_values - values_read) * sizeof(T));
// Add spacing for null entries. As we have filled the buffer from the front,
// we need to add the spacing from the back.
int values_to_move = values_read;
for (int i = num_values - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (BitUtil::GetBit(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset + i)) {
buffer[i] = buffer[--values_to_move];
return num_values;
template <typename DType>
class DictDecoder : virtual public TypedDecoder<DType> {
virtual void SetDict(TypedDecoder<DType>* dictionary) = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TypedEncoder specializations, traits, and factory functions
class BooleanEncoder : virtual public TypedEncoder<BooleanType> {
using TypedEncoder<BooleanType>::Put;
virtual void Put(const std::vector<bool>& src, int num_values) = 0;
using Int32Encoder = TypedEncoder<Int32Type>;
using Int64Encoder = TypedEncoder<Int64Type>;
using Int96Encoder = TypedEncoder<Int96Type>;
using FloatEncoder = TypedEncoder<FloatType>;
using DoubleEncoder = TypedEncoder<DoubleType>;
class ByteArrayEncoder : virtual public TypedEncoder<ByteArrayType> {};
class FLBAEncoder : virtual public TypedEncoder<FLBAType> {};
class BooleanDecoder : virtual public TypedDecoder<BooleanType> {
using TypedDecoder<BooleanType>::Decode;
virtual int Decode(uint8_t* buffer, int max_values) = 0;
using Int32Decoder = TypedDecoder<Int32Type>;
using Int64Decoder = TypedDecoder<Int64Type>;
using Int96Decoder = TypedDecoder<Int96Type>;
using FloatDecoder = TypedDecoder<FloatType>;
using DoubleDecoder = TypedDecoder<DoubleType>;
class ByteArrayDecoder : virtual public TypedDecoder<ByteArrayType> {
using TypedDecoder<ByteArrayType>::DecodeSpaced;
class WrappedBuilderInterface {
virtual void Reserve(int64_t values) = 0;
virtual void Append(const uint8_t* value, uint32_t length) = 0;
virtual void AppendNull() = 0;
virtual ~WrappedBuilderInterface() = default;
template <typename Builder>
class WrappedBuilder : public WrappedBuilderInterface {
explicit WrappedBuilder(Builder* builder) : builder_(builder) {}
void Reserve(int64_t values) override {
void Append(const uint8_t* value, uint32_t length) override {
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(builder_->Append(value, length));
void AppendNull() override { PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(builder_->AppendNull()); }
Builder* builder_;
template <typename Builder>
int DecodeArrow(int num_values, int null_count, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, Builder* builder) {
int result = 0;
WrappedBuilder<Builder> wrapped_builder(builder);
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(DecodeArrow(num_values, null_count, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, &wrapped_builder, &result));
return result;
template <typename Builder>
int DecodeArrowNonNull(int num_values, Builder* builder) {
int result = 0;
WrappedBuilder<Builder> wrapped_builder(builder);
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(DecodeArrowNonNull(num_values, &wrapped_builder, &result));
return result;
virtual ::arrow::Status DecodeArrow(int num_values, int null_count,
const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset,
WrappedBuilderInterface* builder,
int* values_decoded) = 0;
virtual ::arrow::Status DecodeArrowNonNull(int num_values,
WrappedBuilderInterface* builder,
int* values_decoded) = 0;
class FLBADecoder : virtual public TypedDecoder<FLBAType> {
using TypedDecoder<FLBAType>::DecodeSpaced;
// TODO(wesm): As possible follow-up to PARQUET-1508, we should examine if
// there is value in adding specialized read methods for
// FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY. If only Decimal data can occur with this data type
// then perhaps not
template <typename T>
struct EncodingTraits {};
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<BooleanType> {
using Encoder = BooleanEncoder;
using Decoder = BooleanDecoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<Int32Type> {
using Encoder = Int32Encoder;
using Decoder = Int32Decoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<Int64Type> {
using Encoder = Int64Encoder;
using Decoder = Int64Decoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<Int96Type> {
using Encoder = Int96Encoder;
using Decoder = Int96Decoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<FloatType> {
using Encoder = FloatEncoder;
using Decoder = FloatDecoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<DoubleType> {
using Encoder = DoubleEncoder;
using Decoder = DoubleDecoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<ByteArrayType> {
using Encoder = ByteArrayEncoder;
using Decoder = ByteArrayDecoder;
template <>
struct EncodingTraits<FLBAType> {
using Encoder = FLBAEncoder;
using Decoder = FLBADecoder;
std::unique_ptr<Encoder> MakeEncoder(
Type::type type_num, Encoding::type encoding, bool use_dictionary = false,
const ColumnDescriptor* descr = NULLPTR,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool());
template <typename DType>
std::unique_ptr<typename EncodingTraits<DType>::Encoder> MakeTypedEncoder(
Encoding::type encoding, bool use_dictionary = false,
const ColumnDescriptor* descr = NULLPTR,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool()) {
using OutType = typename EncodingTraits<DType>::Encoder;
std::unique_ptr<Encoder> base =
MakeEncoder(DType::type_num, encoding, use_dictionary, descr, pool);
return std::unique_ptr<OutType>(dynamic_cast<OutType*>(base.release()));
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> MakeDecoder(Type::type type_num, Encoding::type encoding,
const ColumnDescriptor* descr = NULLPTR);
namespace detail {
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> MakeDictDecoder(Type::type type_num,
const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool);
} // namespace detail
template <typename DType>
std::unique_ptr<DictDecoder<DType>> MakeDictDecoder(
const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool()) {
using OutType = DictDecoder<DType>;
auto decoder = detail::MakeDictDecoder(DType::type_num, descr, pool);
return std::unique_ptr<OutType>(dynamic_cast<OutType*>(decoder.release()));
template <typename DType>
std::unique_ptr<typename EncodingTraits<DType>::Decoder> MakeTypedDecoder(
Encoding::type encoding, const ColumnDescriptor* descr = NULLPTR) {
using OutType = typename EncodingTraits<DType>::Decoder;
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> base = MakeDecoder(DType::type_num, encoding, descr);
return std::unique_ptr<OutType>(dynamic_cast<OutType*>(base.release()));
} // namespace parquet