blob: 6493fd4d90884d063ff293fc7751ed1f2a4b31d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "gandiva/projector.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "gandiva/cache.h"
#include "gandiva/expr_validator.h"
#include "gandiva/llvm_generator.h"
#include "gandiva/projector_cache_key.h"
namespace gandiva {
Projector::Projector(std::unique_ptr<LLVMGenerator> llvm_generator, SchemaPtr schema,
const FieldVector& output_fields,
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> configuration)
: llvm_generator_(std::move(llvm_generator)),
configuration_(configuration) {}
Projector::~Projector() {}
Status Projector::Make(SchemaPtr schema, const ExpressionVector& exprs,
std::shared_ptr<Projector>* projector) {
return Projector::Make(schema, exprs, SelectionVector::Mode::MODE_NONE,
ConfigurationBuilder::DefaultConfiguration(), projector);
Status Projector::Make(SchemaPtr schema, const ExpressionVector& exprs,
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> configuration,
std::shared_ptr<Projector>* projector) {
return Projector::Make(schema, exprs, SelectionVector::Mode::MODE_NONE, configuration,
Status Projector::Make(SchemaPtr schema, const ExpressionVector& exprs,
SelectionVector::Mode selection_vector_mode,
std::shared_ptr<Configuration> configuration,
std::shared_ptr<Projector>* projector) {
ARROW_RETURN_IF(schema == nullptr, Status::Invalid("Schema cannot be null"));
ARROW_RETURN_IF(exprs.empty(), Status::Invalid("Expressions cannot be empty"));
ARROW_RETURN_IF(configuration == nullptr,
Status::Invalid("Configuration cannot be null"));
// see if equivalent projector was already built
static Cache<ProjectorCacheKey, std::shared_ptr<Projector>> cache;
ProjectorCacheKey cache_key(schema, configuration, exprs, selection_vector_mode);
std::shared_ptr<Projector> cached_projector = cache.GetModule(cache_key);
if (cached_projector != nullptr) {
*projector = cached_projector;
return Status::OK();
// Build LLVM generator, and generate code for the specified expressions
std::unique_ptr<LLVMGenerator> llvm_gen;
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(LLVMGenerator::Make(configuration, &llvm_gen));
// Run the validation on the expressions.
// Return if any of the expression is invalid since
// we will not be able to process further.
ExprValidator expr_validator(llvm_gen->types(), schema);
for (auto& expr : exprs) {
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(llvm_gen->Build(exprs, selection_vector_mode));
// save the output field types. Used for validation at Evaluate() time.
std::vector<FieldPtr> output_fields;
for (auto& expr : exprs) {
// Instantiate the projector with the completely built llvm generator
*projector = std::shared_ptr<Projector>(
new Projector(std::move(llvm_gen), schema, output_fields, configuration));
cache.PutModule(cache_key, *projector);
return Status::OK();
Status Projector::Evaluate(const arrow::RecordBatch& batch,
const ArrayDataVector& output_data_vecs) {
return Evaluate(batch, nullptr, output_data_vecs);
Status Projector::Evaluate(const arrow::RecordBatch& batch,
const SelectionVector* selection_vector,
const ArrayDataVector& output_data_vecs) {
if (output_data_vecs.size() != output_fields_.size()) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "number of buffers for output_data_vecs is " << output_data_vecs.size()
<< ", expected " << output_fields_.size();
return Status::Invalid(ss.str());
int idx = 0;
for (auto& array_data : output_data_vecs) {
if (array_data == nullptr) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "array for output field " << output_fields_[idx]->name() << "is null.";
return Status::Invalid(ss.str());
auto num_rows =
selection_vector == nullptr ? batch.num_rows() : selection_vector->GetNumSlots();
ValidateArrayDataCapacity(*array_data, *(output_fields_[idx]), num_rows));
return llvm_generator_->Execute(batch, selection_vector, output_data_vecs);
Status Projector::Evaluate(const arrow::RecordBatch& batch, arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
arrow::ArrayVector* output) {
return Evaluate(batch, nullptr, pool, output);
Status Projector::Evaluate(const arrow::RecordBatch& batch,
const SelectionVector* selection_vector,
arrow::MemoryPool* pool, arrow::ArrayVector* output) {
ARROW_RETURN_IF(output == nullptr, Status::Invalid("Output must be non-null."));
ARROW_RETURN_IF(pool == nullptr, Status::Invalid("Memory pool must be non-null."));
auto num_rows =
selection_vector == nullptr ? batch.num_rows() : selection_vector->GetNumSlots();
// Allocate the output data vecs.
ArrayDataVector output_data_vecs;
for (auto& field : output_fields_) {
ArrayDataPtr output_data;
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(AllocArrayData(field->type(), num_rows, pool, &output_data));
// Execute the expression(s).
llvm_generator_->Execute(batch, selection_vector, output_data_vecs));
// Create and return array arrays.
for (auto& array_data : output_data_vecs) {
return Status::OK();
// TODO : handle variable-len vectors
Status Projector::AllocArrayData(const DataTypePtr& type, int64_t num_records,
arrow::MemoryPool* pool, ArrayDataPtr* array_data) {
const auto* fw_type = dynamic_cast<const arrow::FixedWidthType*>(type.get());
ARROW_RETURN_IF(fw_type == nullptr,
Status::Invalid("Unsupported output data type ", type));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> null_bitmap;
int64_t bitmap_bytes = arrow::BitUtil::BytesForBits(num_records);
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow::AllocateBuffer(pool, bitmap_bytes, &null_bitmap));
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data;
int64_t data_len = arrow::BitUtil::BytesForBits(num_records * fw_type->bit_width());
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow::AllocateBuffer(pool, data_len, &data));
// This is not strictly required but valgrind gets confused and detects this
// as uninitialized memory access. See arrow::util::SetBitTo().
if (type->id() == arrow::Type::BOOL) {
memset(data->mutable_data(), 0, data_len);
*array_data = arrow::ArrayData::Make(type, num_records, {null_bitmap, data});
return Status::OK();
Status Projector::ValidateEvaluateArgsCommon(const arrow::RecordBatch& batch) {
Status::Invalid("Schema in RecordBatch must match schema in Make()"));
ARROW_RETURN_IF(batch.num_rows() == 0,
Status::Invalid("RecordBatch must be non-empty."));
return Status::OK();
Status Projector::ValidateArrayDataCapacity(const arrow::ArrayData& array_data,
const arrow::Field& field,
int64_t num_records) {
ARROW_RETURN_IF(array_data.buffers.size() < 2,
Status::Invalid("ArrayData must have at least 2 buffers"));
int64_t min_bitmap_len = arrow::BitUtil::BytesForBits(num_records);
int64_t bitmap_len = array_data.buffers[0]->capacity();
ARROW_RETURN_IF(bitmap_len < min_bitmap_len,
Status::Invalid("Bitmap buffer too small for ",;
// verify size of data buffer.
// TODO : handle variable-len vectors
const auto& fw_type = dynamic_cast<const arrow::FixedWidthType&>(*field.type());
int64_t min_data_len = arrow::BitUtil::BytesForBits(num_records * fw_type.bit_width());
int64_t data_len = array_data.buffers[1]->capacity();
ARROW_RETURN_IF(data_len < min_data_len,
Status::Invalid("Data buffer too small for ",;
return Status::OK();
} // namespace gandiva