blob: 1d5946dec8001755f829abbbcda8d576918bb4b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "gandiva/llvm_generator.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "gandiva/bitmap_accumulator.h"
#include "gandiva/dex.h"
#include "gandiva/expr_decomposer.h"
#include "gandiva/expression.h"
#include "gandiva/function_registry.h"
#include "gandiva/lvalue.h"
namespace gandiva {
#define ADD_TRACE(...) \
if (enable_ir_traces_) { \
AddTrace(__VA_ARGS__); \
: dump_ir_(false), optimise_ir_(true), enable_ir_traces_(false) {}
Status LLVMGenerator::Make(std::shared_ptr<Configuration> config,
std::unique_ptr<LLVMGenerator>* llvm_generator) {
std::unique_ptr<LLVMGenerator> llvmgen_obj(new LLVMGenerator());
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(Engine::Make(config, &(llvmgen_obj->engine_)));
*llvm_generator = std::move(llvmgen_obj);
return Status::OK();
Status LLVMGenerator::Add(const ExpressionPtr expr, const FieldDescriptorPtr output) {
int idx = static_cast<int>(compiled_exprs_.size());
// decompose the expression to separate out value and validities.
ExprDecomposer decomposer(function_registry_, annotator_);
ValueValidityPairPtr value_validity;
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(decomposer.Decompose(*expr->root(), &value_validity));
// Generate the IR function for the decomposed expression.
std::unique_ptr<CompiledExpr> compiled_expr(new CompiledExpr(value_validity, output));
llvm::Function* ir_function = nullptr;
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(CodeGenExprValue(value_validity->value_expr(), output, idx,
&ir_function, selection_vector_mode_));
compiled_expr->SetIRFunction(selection_vector_mode_, ir_function);
return Status::OK();
/// Build and optimise module for projection expression.
Status LLVMGenerator::Build(const ExpressionVector& exprs, SelectionVector::Mode mode) {
selection_vector_mode_ = mode;
for (auto& expr : exprs) {
auto output = annotator_.AddOutputFieldDescriptor(expr->result());
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(Add(expr, output));
// optimise, compile and finalize the module
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(engine_->FinalizeModule(optimise_ir_, dump_ir_));
// setup the jit functions for each expression.
for (auto& compiled_expr : compiled_exprs_) {
auto ir_function = compiled_expr->GetIRFunction(mode);
auto jit_function =
compiled_expr->SetJITFunction(selection_vector_mode_, jit_function);
return Status::OK();
/// Execute the compiled module against the provided vectors.
Status LLVMGenerator::Execute(const arrow::RecordBatch& record_batch,
const ArrayDataVector& output_vector) {
return Execute(record_batch, nullptr, output_vector);
/// Execute the compiled module against the provided vectors based on the type of
/// selection vector.
Status LLVMGenerator::Execute(const arrow::RecordBatch& record_batch,
const SelectionVector* selection_vector,
const ArrayDataVector& output_vector) {
DCHECK_GT(record_batch.num_rows(), 0);
auto eval_batch = annotator_.PrepareEvalBatch(record_batch, output_vector);
DCHECK_GT(eval_batch->GetNumBuffers(), 0);
auto mode = SelectionVector::MODE_NONE;
if (selection_vector != nullptr) {
mode = selection_vector->GetMode();
if (mode != selection_vector_mode_) {
return Status::Invalid("llvm expression built for selection vector mode ",
selection_vector_mode_, " received vector with mode ", mode);
for (auto& compiled_expr : compiled_exprs_) {
// generate data/offset vectors.
const uint8_t* selection_buffer = nullptr;
auto num_output_rows = record_batch.num_rows();
if (selection_vector != nullptr) {
selection_buffer = selection_vector->GetBuffer().data();
num_output_rows = selection_vector->GetNumSlots();
EvalFunc jit_function = compiled_expr->GetJITFunction(mode);
jit_function(eval_batch->GetBufferArray(), eval_batch->GetLocalBitMapArray(),
selection_buffer, (int64_t)eval_batch->GetExecutionContext(),
// check for execution errors
// generate validity vectors.
ComputeBitMapsForExpr(*compiled_expr, *eval_batch, selection_vector);
return Status::OK();
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::LoadVectorAtIndex(llvm::Value* arg_addrs, int idx,
const std::string& name) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
llvm::Value* offset =
builder->CreateGEP(arg_addrs, types()->i32_constant(idx), name + "_mem_addr");
return builder->CreateLoad(offset, name + "_mem");
/// Get reference to validity array at specified index in the args list.
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::GetValidityReference(llvm::Value* arg_addrs, int idx,
FieldPtr field) {
const std::string& name = field->name();
llvm::Value* load = LoadVectorAtIndex(arg_addrs, idx, name);
return ir_builder()->CreateIntToPtr(load, types()->i64_ptr_type(), name + "_varray");
/// Get reference to data array at specified index in the args list.
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::GetDataReference(llvm::Value* arg_addrs, int idx,
FieldPtr field) {
const std::string& name = field->name();
llvm::Value* load = LoadVectorAtIndex(arg_addrs, idx, name);
llvm::Type* base_type = types()->DataVecType(field->type());
llvm::Value* ret;
if (base_type->isPointerTy()) {
ret = ir_builder()->CreateIntToPtr(load, base_type, name + "_darray");
} else {
llvm::Type* pointer_type = types()->ptr_type(base_type);
ret = ir_builder()->CreateIntToPtr(load, pointer_type, name + "_darray");
return ret;
/// Get reference to offsets array at specified index in the args list.
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::GetOffsetsReference(llvm::Value* arg_addrs, int idx,
FieldPtr field) {
const std::string& name = field->name();
llvm::Value* load = LoadVectorAtIndex(arg_addrs, idx, name);
return ir_builder()->CreateIntToPtr(load, types()->i32_ptr_type(), name + "_oarray");
/// Get reference to local bitmap array at specified index in the args list.
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::GetLocalBitMapReference(llvm::Value* arg_bitmaps, int idx) {
llvm::Value* load = LoadVectorAtIndex(arg_bitmaps, idx, "");
return ir_builder()->CreateIntToPtr(load, types()->i64_ptr_type(),
std::to_string(idx) + "_lbmap");
/// \brief Generate code for one expression.
// Sample IR code for "c1:int + c2:int"
// The C-code equivalent is :
// ------------------------------
// int expr_0(int64_t *addrs, int64_t *local_bitmaps,
// int64_t execution_context_ptr, int64_t nrecords) {
// int *outVec = (int *) addrs[5];
// int *c0Vec = (int *) addrs[1];
// int *c1Vec = (int *) addrs[3];
// for (int loop_var = 0; loop_var < nrecords; ++loop_var) {
// int c0 = c0Vec[loop_var];
// int c1 = c1Vec[loop_var];
// int out = c0 + c1;
// outVec[loop_var] = out;
// }
// }
// IR Code
// --------
// define i32 @expr_0(i64* %args, i64* %local_bitmaps, i64 %execution_context_ptr, , i64
// %nrecords) { entry:
// %outmemAddr = getelementptr i64, i64* %args, i32 5
// %outmem = load i64, i64* %outmemAddr
// %outVec = inttoptr i64 %outmem to i32*
// %c0memAddr = getelementptr i64, i64* %args, i32 1
// %c0mem = load i64, i64* %c0memAddr
// %c0Vec = inttoptr i64 %c0mem to i32*
// %c1memAddr = getelementptr i64, i64* %args, i32 3
// %c1mem = load i64, i64* %c1memAddr
// %c1Vec = inttoptr i64 %c1mem to i32*
// br label %loop
// loop: ; preds = %loop, %entry
// %loop_var = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %"loop_var+1", %loop ]
// %"loop_var+1" = add i64 %loop_var, 1
// %0 = getelementptr i32, i32* %c0Vec, i32 %loop_var
// %c0 = load i32, i32* %0
// %1 = getelementptr i32, i32* %c1Vec, i32 %loop_var
// %c1 = load i32, i32* %1
// %add_int_int = call i32 @add_int_int(i32 %c0, i32 %c1)
// %2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %outVec, i32 %loop_var
// store i32 %add_int_int, i32* %2
// %"loop_var < nrec" = icmp slt i64 %"loop_var+1", %nrecords
// br i1 %"loop_var < nrec", label %loop, label %exit
// exit: ; preds = %loop
// ret i32 0
// }
Status LLVMGenerator::CodeGenExprValue(DexPtr value_expr, FieldDescriptorPtr output,
int suffix_idx, llvm::Function** fn,
SelectionVector::Mode selection_vector_mode) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
// Create fn prototype :
// int expr_1 (long **addrs, long **bitmaps, long *context_ptr, long nrec)
std::vector<llvm::Type*> arguments;
switch (selection_vector_mode) {
case SelectionVector::MODE_NONE:
case SelectionVector::MODE_UINT16:
case SelectionVector::MODE_UINT32:
case SelectionVector::MODE_UINT64:
arguments.push_back(types()->i64_type()); // ctxt_ptr
arguments.push_back(types()->i64_type()); // nrec
llvm::FunctionType* prototype =
llvm::FunctionType::get(types()->i32_type(), arguments, false /*isVarArg*/);
// Create fn
std::string func_name = "expr_" + std::to_string(suffix_idx) + "_" +
*fn = llvm::Function::Create(prototype, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, func_name,
ARROW_RETURN_IF((*fn == nullptr), Status::CodeGenError("Error creating function."));
// Name the arguments
llvm::Function::arg_iterator args = (*fn)->arg_begin();
llvm::Value* arg_addrs = &*args;
llvm::Value* arg_local_bitmaps = &*args;
llvm::Value* arg_selection_vector = &*args;
llvm::Value* arg_context_ptr = &*args;
llvm::Value* arg_nrecords = &*args;
llvm::BasicBlock* loop_entry = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context(), "entry", *fn);
llvm::BasicBlock* loop_body = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context(), "loop", *fn);
llvm::BasicBlock* loop_exit = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context(), "exit", *fn);
// Add reference to output vector (in entry block)
llvm::Value* output_ref =
GetDataReference(arg_addrs, output->data_idx(), output->field());
// Loop body
// define loop_var : start with 0, +1 after each iter
llvm::PHINode* loop_var = builder->CreatePHI(types()->i64_type(), 2, "loop_var");
llvm::Value* position_var = loop_var;
if (selection_vector_mode != SelectionVector::MODE_NONE) {
position_var = builder->CreateIntCast(
builder->CreateLoad(builder->CreateGEP(arg_selection_vector, loop_var),
types()->i64_type(), true, "position_var");
// The visitor can add code to both the entry/loop blocks.
Visitor visitor(this, *fn, loop_entry, arg_addrs, arg_local_bitmaps, arg_context_ptr,
LValuePtr output_value = visitor.result();
// The "current" block may have changed due to code generation in the visitor.
llvm::BasicBlock* loop_body_tail = builder->GetInsertBlock();
// add jump to "loop block" at the end of the "setup block".
// save the value in the output vector.
auto output_type_id = output->Type()->id();
if (output_type_id == arrow::Type::BOOL) {
SetPackedBitValue(output_ref, loop_var, output_value->data());
} else if (arrow::is_primitive(output_type_id) ||
output_type_id == arrow::Type::DECIMAL) {
llvm::Value* slot_offset = builder->CreateGEP(output_ref, loop_var);
builder->CreateStore(output_value->data(), slot_offset);
} else {
return Status::NotImplemented("output type ", output->Type()->ToString(),
" not supported");
ADD_TRACE("saving result " + output->Name() + " value %T", output_value->data());
if (visitor.has_arena_allocs()) {
// Reset allocations to avoid excessive memory usage. Once the result is copied to
// the output vector (store instruction above), any memory allocations in this
// iteration of the loop are no longer needed.
std::vector<llvm::Value*> reset_args;
AddFunctionCall("gdv_fn_context_arena_reset", types()->void_type(), reset_args);
// check loop_var
loop_var->addIncoming(types()->i64_constant(0), loop_entry);
llvm::Value* loop_update =
builder->CreateAdd(loop_var, types()->i64_constant(1), "loop_var+1");
loop_var->addIncoming(loop_update, loop_body_tail);
llvm::Value* loop_var_check =
builder->CreateICmpSLT(loop_update, arg_nrecords, "loop_var < nrec");
builder->CreateCondBr(loop_var_check, loop_body, loop_exit);
// Loop exit
return Status::OK();
/// Return value of a bit in bitMap.
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::GetPackedBitValue(llvm::Value* bitmap,
llvm::Value* position) {
ADD_TRACE("fetch bit at position %T", position);
llvm::Value* bitmap8 = ir_builder()->CreateBitCast(
bitmap, types()->ptr_type(types()->i8_type()), "bitMapCast");
return AddFunctionCall("bitMapGetBit", types()->i1_type(), {bitmap8, position});
/// Set the value of a bit in bitMap.
void LLVMGenerator::SetPackedBitValue(llvm::Value* bitmap, llvm::Value* position,
llvm::Value* value) {
ADD_TRACE("set bit at position %T", position);
ADD_TRACE(" to value %T ", value);
llvm::Value* bitmap8 = ir_builder()->CreateBitCast(
bitmap, types()->ptr_type(types()->i8_type()), "bitMapCast");
AddFunctionCall("bitMapSetBit", types()->void_type(), {bitmap8, position, value});
/// Return value of a bit in validity bitMap (handles null bitmaps too).
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::GetPackedValidityBitValue(llvm::Value* bitmap,
llvm::Value* position) {
ADD_TRACE("fetch validity bit at position %T", position);
llvm::Value* bitmap8 = ir_builder()->CreateBitCast(
bitmap, types()->ptr_type(types()->i8_type()), "bitMapCast");
return AddFunctionCall("bitMapValidityGetBit", types()->i1_type(), {bitmap8, position});
/// Clear the bit in bitMap if value = false.
void LLVMGenerator::ClearPackedBitValueIfFalse(llvm::Value* bitmap, llvm::Value* position,
llvm::Value* value) {
ADD_TRACE("ClearIfFalse bit at position %T", position);
ADD_TRACE(" value %T ", value);
llvm::Value* bitmap8 = ir_builder()->CreateBitCast(
bitmap, types()->ptr_type(types()->i8_type()), "bitMapCast");
AddFunctionCall("bitMapClearBitIfFalse", types()->void_type(),
{bitmap8, position, value});
/// Extract the bitmap addresses, and do an intersection.
void LLVMGenerator::ComputeBitMapsForExpr(const CompiledExpr& compiled_expr,
const EvalBatch& eval_batch,
const SelectionVector* selection_vector) {
auto validities = compiled_expr.value_validity()->validity_exprs();
// Extract all the source bitmap addresses.
BitMapAccumulator accumulator(eval_batch);
for (auto& validity_dex : validities) {
// Extract the destination bitmap address.
int out_idx = compiled_expr.output()->validity_idx();
uint8_t* dst_bitmap = eval_batch.GetBuffer(out_idx);
// Compute the destination bitmap.
if (selection_vector == nullptr) {
} else {
/// The output bitmap is an intersection of some input/local bitmaps. However, with a
/// selection vector, only the bits corresponding to the indices in the selection
/// vector need to set in the output bitmap. This is done in two steps :
/// 1. Do the intersection of input/local bitmaps to generate a temporary bitmap.
/// 2. copy just the relevant bits from the temporary bitmap to the output bitmap.
LocalBitMapsHolder bit_map_holder(eval_batch.num_records(), 1);
uint8_t* temp_bitmap = bit_map_holder.GetLocalBitMap(0);
auto num_out_records = selection_vector->GetNumSlots();
// the memset isn't required, doing it just for valgrind.
memset(dst_bitmap, 0, arrow::BitUtil::BytesForBits(num_out_records));
for (auto i = 0; i < num_out_records; ++i) {
auto bit = arrow::BitUtil::GetBit(temp_bitmap, selection_vector->GetIndex(i));
arrow::BitUtil::SetBitTo(dst_bitmap, i, bit);
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::AddFunctionCall(const std::string& full_name,
llvm::Type* ret_type,
const std::vector<llvm::Value*>& args) {
// find the llvm function.
llvm::Function* fn = module()->getFunction(full_name);
DCHECK_NE(fn, nullptr) << "missing function " << full_name;
if (enable_ir_traces_ && !"printf") &&
!"printff")) {
// Trace for debugging
ADD_TRACE("invoke native fn " + full_name);
// build a call to the llvm function.
llvm::Value* value;
if (ret_type->isVoidTy()) {
// void functions can't have a name for the call.
value = ir_builder()->CreateCall(fn, args);
} else {
value = ir_builder()->CreateCall(fn, args, full_name);
DCHECK(value->getType() == ret_type);
return value;
std::shared_ptr<DecimalLValue> LLVMGenerator::BuildDecimalLValue(llvm::Value* value,
DataTypePtr arrow_type) {
// only decimals of size 128-bit supported.
auto decimal_type =
return std::make_shared<DecimalLValue>(value, nullptr,
#define ADD_VISITOR_TRACE(...) \
if (generator_->enable_ir_traces_) { \
generator_->AddTrace(__VA_ARGS__); \
// Visitor for generating the code for a decomposed expression.
LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visitor(LLVMGenerator* generator, llvm::Function* function,
llvm::BasicBlock* entry_block, llvm::Value* arg_addrs,
llvm::Value* arg_local_bitmaps,
llvm::Value* arg_context_ptr, llvm::Value* loop_var)
: generator_(generator),
has_arena_allocs_(false) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("Iteration %T", loop_var);
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const VectorReadFixedLenValueDex& dex) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
llvm::Value* slot_ref = GetBufferReference(dex.DataIdx(), kBufferTypeData, dex.Field());
llvm::Value* slot_value;
std::shared_ptr<LValue> lvalue;
switch (dex.FieldType()->id()) {
case arrow::Type::BOOL:
slot_value = generator_->GetPackedBitValue(slot_ref, loop_var_);
lvalue = std::make_shared<LValue>(slot_value);
case arrow::Type::DECIMAL: {
auto slot_offset = builder->CreateGEP(slot_ref, loop_var_);
slot_value = builder->CreateLoad(slot_offset, dex.FieldName());
lvalue = generator_->BuildDecimalLValue(slot_value, dex.FieldType());
default: {
auto slot_offset = builder->CreateGEP(slot_ref, loop_var_);
slot_value = builder->CreateLoad(slot_offset, dex.FieldName());
lvalue = std::make_shared<LValue>(slot_value);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit fixed-len data vector " + dex.FieldName() + " value %T",
result_ = lvalue;
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const VectorReadVarLenValueDex& dex) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
llvm::Value* slot;
// compute len from the offsets array.
llvm::Value* offsets_slot_ref =
GetBufferReference(dex.OffsetsIdx(), kBufferTypeOffsets, dex.Field());
// => offset_start = offsets[loop_var]
slot = builder->CreateGEP(offsets_slot_ref, loop_var_);
llvm::Value* offset_start = builder->CreateLoad(slot, "offset_start");
// => offset_end = offsets[loop_var + 1]
llvm::Value* loop_var_next =
builder->CreateAdd(loop_var_, generator_->types()->i64_constant(1), "loop_var+1");
slot = builder->CreateGEP(offsets_slot_ref, loop_var_next);
llvm::Value* offset_end = builder->CreateLoad(slot, "offset_end");
// => len_value = offset_end - offset_start
llvm::Value* len_value =
builder->CreateSub(offset_end, offset_start, dex.FieldName() + "Len");
// get the data from the data array, at offset 'offset_start'.
llvm::Value* data_slot_ref =
GetBufferReference(dex.DataIdx(), kBufferTypeData, dex.Field());
llvm::Value* data_value = builder->CreateGEP(data_slot_ref, offset_start);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit var-len data vector " + dex.FieldName() + " len %T",
result_.reset(new LValue(data_value, len_value));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const VectorReadValidityDex& dex) {
llvm::Value* slot_ref =
GetBufferReference(dex.ValidityIdx(), kBufferTypeValidity, dex.Field());
llvm::Value* validity = generator_->GetPackedValidityBitValue(slot_ref, loop_var_);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit validity vector " + dex.FieldName() + " value %T", validity);
result_.reset(new LValue(validity));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const LocalBitMapValidityDex& dex) {
llvm::Value* slot_ref = GetLocalBitMapReference(dex.local_bitmap_idx());
llvm::Value* validity = generator_->GetPackedBitValue(slot_ref, loop_var_);
"visit local bitmap " + std::to_string(dex.local_bitmap_idx()) + " value %T",
result_.reset(new LValue(validity));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const TrueDex& dex) {
result_.reset(new LValue(generator_->types()->true_constant()));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const FalseDex& dex) {
result_.reset(new LValue(generator_->types()->false_constant()));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const LiteralDex& dex) {
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
llvm::Value* value = nullptr;
llvm::Value* len = nullptr;
switch (dex.type()->id()) {
case arrow::Type::BOOL:
value = types->i1_constant(arrow::util::get<bool>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::UINT8:
value = types->i8_constant(arrow::util::get<uint8_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::UINT16:
value = types->i16_constant(arrow::util::get<uint16_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::UINT32:
value = types->i32_constant(arrow::util::get<uint32_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::UINT64:
value = types->i64_constant(arrow::util::get<uint64_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::INT8:
value = types->i8_constant(arrow::util::get<int8_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::INT16:
value = types->i16_constant(arrow::util::get<int16_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::INT32:
value = types->i32_constant(arrow::util::get<int32_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::INT64:
value = types->i64_constant(arrow::util::get<int64_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::FLOAT:
value = types->float_constant(arrow::util::get<float>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::DOUBLE:
value = types->double_constant(arrow::util::get<double>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::STRING:
case arrow::Type::BINARY: {
const std::string& str = arrow::util::get<std::string>(dex.holder());
llvm::Constant* str_int_cast = types->i64_constant((int64_t)str.c_str());
value = llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(str_int_cast, types->i8_ptr_type());
len = types->i32_constant(static_cast<int32_t>(str.length()));
case arrow::Type::DATE64:
value = types->i64_constant(arrow::util::get<int64_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::TIME32:
value = types->i32_constant(arrow::util::get<int32_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::TIME64:
value = types->i64_constant(arrow::util::get<int64_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
value = types->i64_constant(arrow::util::get<int64_t>(dex.holder()));
case arrow::Type::DECIMAL: {
// build code for struct
auto scalar = arrow::util::get<DecimalScalar128>(dex.holder());
// ConstantInt doesn't have a get method that takes int128 or a pair of int64. so,
// passing the string representation instead.
auto int128_value =
Decimal128(scalar.value()).ToIntegerString(), 10);
auto type = arrow::decimal(scalar.precision(), scalar.scale());
auto lvalue = generator_->BuildDecimalLValue(int128_value, type);
// set it as the l-value and return.
result_ = lvalue;
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit Literal %T", value);
result_.reset(new LValue(value, len));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const NonNullableFuncDex& dex) {
const std::string& function_name = dex.func_descriptor()->name();
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit NonNullableFunc base function " + function_name);
const NativeFunction* native_function = dex.native_function();
// build the function params (ignore validity).
auto params = BuildParams(dex.function_holder().get(), dex.args(), false,
auto arrow_return_type = dex.func_descriptor()->return_type();
if (native_function->CanReturnErrors()) {
// slow path : if a function can return errors, skip invoking the function
// unless all of the input args are valid. Otherwise, it can cause spurious errors.
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
auto arrow_type_id = arrow_return_type->id();
auto result_type = types->IRType(arrow_type_id);
// Build combined validity of the args.
llvm::Value* is_valid = types->true_constant();
for (auto& pair : dex.args()) {
auto arg_validity = BuildCombinedValidity(pair->validity_exprs());
is_valid = builder->CreateAnd(is_valid, arg_validity, "validityBitAnd");
// then block
auto then_lambda = [&] {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("fn " + function_name +
" can return errors : all args valid, invoke fn");
return BuildFunctionCall(native_function, arrow_return_type, &params);
// else block
auto else_lambda = [&] {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("fn " + function_name +
" can return errors : not all args valid, return dummy value");
llvm::Value* else_value = types->NullConstant(result_type);
llvm::Value* else_value_len = nullptr;
if (arrow::is_binary_like(arrow_type_id)) {
else_value_len = types->i32_constant(0);
return std::make_shared<LValue>(else_value, else_value_len);
result_ = BuildIfElse(is_valid, then_lambda, else_lambda, arrow_return_type);
} else {
// fast path : invoke function without computing validities.
result_ = BuildFunctionCall(native_function, arrow_return_type, &params);
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const NullableNeverFuncDex& dex) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit NullableNever base function " + dex.func_descriptor()->name());
const NativeFunction* native_function = dex.native_function();
// build function params along with validity.
auto params = BuildParams(dex.function_holder().get(), dex.args(), true,
auto arrow_return_type = dex.func_descriptor()->return_type();
result_ = BuildFunctionCall(native_function, arrow_return_type, &params);
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const NullableInternalFuncDex& dex) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit NullableInternal base function " +
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
const NativeFunction* native_function = dex.native_function();
// build function params along with validity.
auto params = BuildParams(dex.function_holder().get(), dex.args(), true,
// add an extra arg for validity (alloced on stack).
llvm::AllocaInst* result_valid_ptr =
new llvm::AllocaInst(types->i8_type(), 0, "result_valid", entry_block_);
auto arrow_return_type = dex.func_descriptor()->return_type();
result_ = BuildFunctionCall(native_function, arrow_return_type, &params);
// load the result validity and truncate to i1.
llvm::Value* result_valid_i8 = builder->CreateLoad(result_valid_ptr);
llvm::Value* result_valid = builder->CreateTrunc(result_valid_i8, types->i1_type());
// set validity bit in the local bitmap.
ClearLocalBitMapIfNotValid(dex.local_bitmap_idx(), result_valid);
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const IfDex& dex) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit IfExpression");
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
// Evaluate condition.
LValuePtr if_condition = BuildValueAndValidity(dex.condition_vv());
// Check if the result is valid, and there is match.
llvm::Value* validAndMatched =
builder->CreateAnd(if_condition->data(), if_condition->validity(), "validAndMatch");
// then block
auto then_lambda = [&] {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("branch to then block");
LValuePtr then_lvalue = BuildValueAndValidity(dex.then_vv());
ClearLocalBitMapIfNotValid(dex.local_bitmap_idx(), then_lvalue->validity());
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("IfExpression result validity %T in matching then",
return then_lvalue;
// else block
auto else_lambda = [&] {
LValuePtr else_lvalue;
if (dex.is_terminal_else()) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("branch to terminal else block");
else_lvalue = BuildValueAndValidity(dex.else_vv());
// update the local bitmap with the validity.
ClearLocalBitMapIfNotValid(dex.local_bitmap_idx(), else_lvalue->validity());
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("IfExpression result validity %T in terminal else",
} else {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("branch to non-terminal else block");
// this is a non-terminal else. let the child (nested if/else) handle validity.
auto value_expr = dex.else_vv().value_expr();
else_lvalue = result();
return else_lvalue;
// build the if-else condition.
result_ = BuildIfElse(validAndMatched, then_lambda, else_lambda, dex.result_type());
if (arrow::is_binary_like(dex.result_type()->id())) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("IfElse result length %T", result_->length());
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("IfElse result value %T", result_->data());
// Boolean AND
// if any arg is valid and false,
// short-circuit and return FALSE (value=false, valid=true)
// else if all args are valid and true
// return TRUE (value=true, valid=true)
// else
// return NULL (value=true, valid=false)
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const BooleanAndDex& dex) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit BooleanAndExpression");
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
llvm::LLVMContext* context = generator_->context();
// Create blocks for short-circuit.
llvm::BasicBlock* short_circuit_bb =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "short_circuit", function_);
llvm::BasicBlock* non_short_circuit_bb =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "non_short_circuit", function_);
llvm::BasicBlock* merge_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "merge", function_);
llvm::Value* all_exprs_valid = types->true_constant();
for (auto& pair : dex.args()) {
LValuePtr current = BuildValueAndValidity(*pair);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanAndExpression arg value %T", current->data());
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanAndExpression arg valdity %T", current->validity());
// short-circuit if valid and false
llvm::Value* is_false = builder->CreateNot(current->data());
llvm::Value* valid_and_false =
builder->CreateAnd(is_false, current->validity(), "valid_and_false");
llvm::BasicBlock* else_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "else", function_);
builder->CreateCondBr(valid_and_false, short_circuit_bb, else_bb);
// Emit the else block.
// remember if any nulls were encountered.
all_exprs_valid =
builder->CreateAnd(all_exprs_valid, current->validity(), "validityBitAnd");
// continue to evaluate the next pair in list.
// Short-circuit case (atleast one of the expressions is valid and false).
// No need to set validity bit (valid by default).
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanAndExpression result value false");
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanAndExpression result valdity true");
// non short-circuit case (All expressions are either true or null).
// result valid if all of the exprs are non-null.
ClearLocalBitMapIfNotValid(dex.local_bitmap_idx(), all_exprs_valid);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanAndExpression result value true");
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanAndExpression result valdity %T", all_exprs_valid);
llvm::PHINode* result_value = builder->CreatePHI(types->i1_type(), 2, "res_value");
result_value->addIncoming(types->false_constant(), short_circuit_bb);
result_value->addIncoming(types->true_constant(), non_short_circuit_bb);
result_.reset(new LValue(result_value));
// Boolean OR
// if any arg is valid and true,
// short-circuit and return TRUE (value=true, valid=true)
// else if all args are valid and false
// return FALSE (value=false, valid=true)
// else
// return NULL (value=false, valid=false)
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const BooleanOrDex& dex) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit BooleanOrExpression");
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
llvm::LLVMContext* context = generator_->context();
// Create blocks for short-circuit.
llvm::BasicBlock* short_circuit_bb =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "short_circuit", function_);
llvm::BasicBlock* non_short_circuit_bb =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "non_short_circuit", function_);
llvm::BasicBlock* merge_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "merge", function_);
llvm::Value* all_exprs_valid = types->true_constant();
for (auto& pair : dex.args()) {
LValuePtr current = BuildValueAndValidity(*pair);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanOrExpression arg value %T", current->data());
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanOrExpression arg valdity %T", current->validity());
// short-circuit if valid and true.
llvm::Value* valid_and_true =
builder->CreateAnd(current->data(), current->validity(), "valid_and_true");
llvm::BasicBlock* else_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "else", function_);
builder->CreateCondBr(valid_and_true, short_circuit_bb, else_bb);
// Emit the else block.
// remember if any nulls were encountered.
all_exprs_valid =
builder->CreateAnd(all_exprs_valid, current->validity(), "validityBitAnd");
// continue to evaluate the next pair in list.
// Short-circuit case (atleast one of the expressions is valid and true).
// No need to set validity bit (valid by default).
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanOrExpression result value true");
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanOrExpression result valdity true");
// non short-circuit case (All expressions are either false or null).
// result valid if all of the exprs are non-null.
ClearLocalBitMapIfNotValid(dex.local_bitmap_idx(), all_exprs_valid);
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanOrExpression result value false");
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("BooleanOrExpression result valdity %T", all_exprs_valid);
llvm::PHINode* result_value = builder->CreatePHI(types->i1_type(), 2, "res_value");
result_value->addIncoming(types->true_constant(), short_circuit_bb);
result_value->addIncoming(types->false_constant(), non_short_circuit_bb);
result_.reset(new LValue(result_value));
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const InExprDexBase<int32_t>& dex) {
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const InExprDexBase<int64_t>& dex) {
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::Visit(const InExprDexBase<std::string>& dex) {
template <typename Type>
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::VisitInExpression(const InExprDexBase<Type>& dex) {
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("visit In Expression");
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
std::vector<llvm::Value*> params;
const InExprDex<Type>& dex_instance = dynamic_cast<const InExprDex<Type>&>(dex);
/* add the holder at the beginning */
llvm::Constant* ptr_int_cast =
/* eval expr result */
for (auto& pair : dex.args()) {
DexPtr value_expr = pair->value_expr();
LValue& result_ref = *result();
/* length if the result is a string */
if (result_ref.length() != nullptr) {
/* push the validity of eval expr result */
llvm::Value* validity_expr = BuildCombinedValidity(pair->validity_exprs());
llvm::Type* ret_type = types->IRType(arrow::Type::type::BOOL);
llvm::Value* value =
generator_->AddFunctionCall(dex.runtime_function(), ret_type, params);
result_.reset(new LValue(value));
LValuePtr LLVMGenerator::Visitor::BuildIfElse(llvm::Value* condition,
std::function<LValuePtr()> then_func,
std::function<LValuePtr()> else_func,
DataTypePtr result_type) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
llvm::LLVMContext* context = generator_->context();
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
// Create blocks for the then, else and merge cases.
llvm::BasicBlock* then_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "then", function_);
llvm::BasicBlock* else_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "else", function_);
llvm::BasicBlock* merge_bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*context, "merge", function_);
builder->CreateCondBr(condition, then_bb, else_bb);
// Emit the then block.
LValuePtr then_lvalue = then_func();
// refresh then_bb for phi (could have changed due to code generation of then_vv).
then_bb = builder->GetInsertBlock();
// Emit the else block.
LValuePtr else_lvalue = else_func();
// refresh else_bb for phi (could have changed due to code generation of else_vv).
else_bb = builder->GetInsertBlock();
// Emit the merge block.
auto llvm_type = types->IRType(result_type->id());
llvm::PHINode* result_value = builder->CreatePHI(llvm_type, 2, "res_value");
result_value->addIncoming(then_lvalue->data(), then_bb);
result_value->addIncoming(else_lvalue->data(), else_bb);
LValuePtr ret;
switch (result_type->id()) {
case arrow::Type::STRING: {
llvm::PHINode* result_length;
result_length = builder->CreatePHI(types->i32_type(), 2, "res_length");
result_length->addIncoming(then_lvalue->length(), then_bb);
result_length->addIncoming(else_lvalue->length(), else_bb);
ret = std::make_shared<LValue>(result_value, result_length);
case arrow::Type::DECIMAL:
ret = generator_->BuildDecimalLValue(result_value, result_type);
ret = std::make_shared<LValue>(result_value);
return ret;
LValuePtr LLVMGenerator::Visitor::BuildValueAndValidity(const ValueValidityPair& pair) {
// generate code for value
auto value_expr = pair.value_expr();
auto value = result()->data();
auto length = result()->length();
// generate code for validity
auto validity = BuildCombinedValidity(pair.validity_exprs());
return std::make_shared<LValue>(value, length, validity);
LValuePtr LLVMGenerator::Visitor::BuildFunctionCall(const NativeFunction* func,
DataTypePtr arrow_return_type,
std::vector<llvm::Value*>* params) {
auto types = generator_->types();
auto arrow_return_type_id = arrow_return_type->id();
auto llvm_return_type = types->IRType(arrow_return_type_id);
if (arrow_return_type_id == arrow::Type::DECIMAL) {
// For decimal fns, the output precision/scale are passed along as parameters.
// convert from this :
// out = add_decimal(v1, p1, s1, v2, p2, s2)
// to:
// out = add_decimal(v1, p1, s1, v2, p2, s2, out_p, out_s)
// Append the out_precision and out_scale
auto ret_lvalue = generator_->BuildDecimalLValue(nullptr, arrow_return_type);
// Make the function call
auto out = generator_->AddFunctionCall(func->pc_name(), llvm_return_type, *params);
return std::move(ret_lvalue);
} else {
// add extra arg for return length for variable len return types (alloced on stack).
llvm::AllocaInst* result_len_ptr = nullptr;
if (arrow::is_binary_like(arrow_return_type_id)) {
result_len_ptr = new llvm::AllocaInst(generator_->types()->i32_type(), 0,
"result_len", entry_block_);
has_arena_allocs_ = true;
// Make the function call
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
auto value = generator_->AddFunctionCall(func->pc_name(), llvm_return_type, *params);
auto value_len =
(result_len_ptr == nullptr) ? nullptr : builder->CreateLoad(result_len_ptr);
return std::make_shared<LValue>(value, value_len);
std::vector<llvm::Value*> LLVMGenerator::Visitor::BuildParams(
FunctionHolder* holder, const ValueValidityPairVector& args, bool with_validity,
bool with_context) {
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
std::vector<llvm::Value*> params;
// add context if required.
if (with_context) {
// if the function has holder, add the holder pointer.
if (holder != nullptr) {
auto ptr = types->i64_constant((int64_t)holder);
// build the function params, along with the validities.
for (auto& pair : args) {
// build value.
DexPtr value_expr = pair->value_expr();
LValue& result_ref = *result();
// append all the parameters corresponding to this LValue.
// build validity.
if (with_validity) {
llvm::Value* validity_expr = BuildCombinedValidity(pair->validity_exprs());
return params;
// Bitwise-AND of a vector of bits to get the combined validity.
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::Visitor::BuildCombinedValidity(const DexVector& validities) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
LLVMTypes* types = generator_->types();
llvm::Value* isValid = types->true_constant();
for (auto& dex : validities) {
isValid = builder->CreateAnd(isValid, result()->data(), "validityBitAnd");
ADD_VISITOR_TRACE("combined validity is %T", isValid);
return isValid;
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::Visitor::GetBufferReference(int idx, BufferType buffer_type,
FieldPtr field) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
// Switch to the entry block to create a reference.
llvm::BasicBlock* saved_block = builder->GetInsertBlock();
llvm::Value* slot_ref = nullptr;
switch (buffer_type) {
case kBufferTypeValidity:
slot_ref = generator_->GetValidityReference(arg_addrs_, idx, field);
case kBufferTypeData:
slot_ref = generator_->GetDataReference(arg_addrs_, idx, field);
case kBufferTypeOffsets:
slot_ref = generator_->GetOffsetsReference(arg_addrs_, idx, field);
// Revert to the saved block.
return slot_ref;
llvm::Value* LLVMGenerator::Visitor::GetLocalBitMapReference(int idx) {
llvm::IRBuilder<>* builder = ir_builder();
// Switch to the entry block to create a reference.
llvm::BasicBlock* saved_block = builder->GetInsertBlock();
llvm::Value* slot_ref = generator_->GetLocalBitMapReference(arg_local_bitmaps_, idx);
// Revert to the saved block.
return slot_ref;
/// The local bitmap is pre-filled with 1s. Clear only if invalid.
void LLVMGenerator::Visitor::ClearLocalBitMapIfNotValid(int local_bitmap_idx,
llvm::Value* is_valid) {
llvm::Value* slot_ref = GetLocalBitMapReference(local_bitmap_idx);
generator_->ClearPackedBitValueIfFalse(slot_ref, loop_var_, is_valid);
// Hooks for tracing/printfs.
// replace %T with the type-specific format specifier.
// For some reason, float/double literals are getting lost when printing with the generic
// printf. so, use a wrapper instead.
std::string LLVMGenerator::ReplaceFormatInTrace(const std::string& in_msg,
llvm::Value* value,
std::string* print_fn) {
std::string msg = in_msg;
std::size_t pos = msg.find("%T");
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
return msg;
llvm::Type* type = value->getType();
const char* fmt = "";
if (type->isIntegerTy(1) || type->isIntegerTy(8) || type->isIntegerTy(16) ||
type->isIntegerTy(32)) {
fmt = "%d";
} else if (type->isIntegerTy(64)) {
// bigint
fmt = "%lld";
} else if (type->isFloatTy()) {
// float
fmt = "%f";
*print_fn = "print_float";
} else if (type->isDoubleTy()) {
// float
fmt = "%lf";
*print_fn = "print_double";
} else if (type->isPointerTy()) {
// string
fmt = "%s";
} else {
msg.replace(pos, 2, fmt);
return msg;
void LLVMGenerator::AddTrace(const std::string& msg, llvm::Value* value) {
if (!enable_ir_traces_) {
std::string dmsg = "IR_TRACE:: " + msg + "\n";
std::string print_fn_name = "printf";
if (value != nullptr) {
dmsg = ReplaceFormatInTrace(dmsg, value, &print_fn_name);
// cast this to an llvm pointer.
const char* str = trace_strings_.back().c_str();
llvm::Constant* str_int_cast = types()->i64_constant((int64_t)str);
llvm::Constant* str_ptr_cast =
llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(str_int_cast, types()->i8_ptr_type());
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
if (value != nullptr) {
AddFunctionCall(print_fn_name, types()->i32_type(), args);
} // namespace gandiva