blob: f0a80d3c959212a7dd97a96afadc521109dd9c7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "gandiva/date_utils.h"
namespace gandiva {
std::vector<std::string> DateUtils::GetMatches(std::string pattern, bool exactMatch) {
// we are case insensitive
std::transform(pattern.begin(), pattern.end(), pattern.begin(), ::tolower);
std::vector<std::string> matches;
for (const auto& it : sql_date_format_to_boost_map_) {
if (it.first.find(pattern) != std::string::npos &&
(!exactMatch || (it.first.length() == pattern.length()))) {
return matches;
std::vector<std::string> DateUtils::GetPotentialMatches(const std::string& pattern) {
return GetMatches(pattern, false);
std::vector<std::string> DateUtils::GetExactMatches(const std::string& pattern) {
return GetMatches(pattern, true);
* Validates and converts format to the strptime equivalent
Status DateUtils::ToInternalFormat(const std::string& format,
std::shared_ptr<std::string>* internal_format) {
std::stringstream builder;
std::stringstream buffer;
bool is_in_quoted_text = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < format.size(); i++) {
char currentChar = format[i];
// logic before we append to the buffer
if (currentChar == '"') {
if (is_in_quoted_text) {
// we are done with a quoted block
is_in_quoted_text = false;
// use ' for quoting
builder << '\'';
builder << buffer.str();
builder << '\'';
// clear buffer
} else {
ARROW_RETURN_IF(buffer.str().length() > 0,
Status::Invalid("Invalid date format string '", format, "'"));
is_in_quoted_text = true;
// handle special characters we want to simply pass through, but only if not in quoted
// and the buffer is empty
std::string special_characters = "*-/,.;: ";
if (!is_in_quoted_text && buffer.str().length() == 0 &&
(special_characters.find_first_of(currentChar) != std::string::npos)) {
builder << currentChar;
// append to the buffer
buffer << currentChar;
// nothing else to do if we are in quoted text
if (is_in_quoted_text) {
// check how many matches we have for our buffer
std::vector<std::string> potentialList = GetPotentialMatches(buffer.str());
int64_t potentialCount = potentialList.size();
if (potentialCount >= 1) {
// one potential and the length match
if (potentialCount == 1 && potentialList[0].length() == buffer.str().length()) {
// we have a match!
builder << sql_date_format_to_boost_map_[potentialList[0]];
} else {
// Some patterns (like MON, MONTH) can cause ambiguity, such as "MON:". "MON"
// will have two potential matches, but "MON:" will match nothing, so we want to
// look ahead when we match "MON" and check if adding the next char leads to 0
// potentials. If it does, we go ahead and treat the buffer as matched (if a
// potential match exists that matches the buffer)
if (format.length() - 1 > i) {
std::string lookAheadPattern = (buffer.str() + + 1));
std::transform(lookAheadPattern.begin(), lookAheadPattern.end(),
lookAheadPattern.begin(), ::tolower);
bool lookAheadMatched = false;
// we can query potentialList to see if it has anything that matches the
// lookahead pattern
for (std::string potential : potentialList) {
if (potential.find(lookAheadPattern) != std::string::npos) {
lookAheadMatched = true;
if (!lookAheadMatched) {
// check if any of the potential matches are the same length as our buffer, we
// do not want to match "MO:"
bool matched = false;
for (std::string potential : potentialList) {
if (potential.length() == buffer.str().length()) {
matched = true;
if (matched) {
std::string match = buffer.str();
std::transform(match.begin(), match.end(), match.begin(), ::tolower);
builder << sql_date_format_to_boost_map_[match];
} else {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid date format string '", format, "'");
if (buffer.str().length() > 0) {
// Some patterns (like MON, MONTH) can cause us to reach this point with a valid
// buffer value as MON has 2 valid potential matches, so double check here
std::vector<std::string> exactMatches = GetExactMatches(buffer.str());
if (exactMatches.size() == 1 && exactMatches[0].length() == buffer.str().length()) {
builder << sql_date_format_to_boost_map_[exactMatches[0]];
} else {
// Format partially parsed
int64_t pos = format.length() - buffer.str().length();
return Status::Invalid("Invalid date format string '", format, "' at position ",
std::string final_pattern = builder.str();
internal_format->reset(new std::string(final_pattern));
return Status::OK();
DateUtils::date_format_converter DateUtils::sql_date_format_to_boost_map_ = InitMap();
DateUtils::date_format_converter DateUtils::InitMap() {
date_format_converter map;
// Era
map["ad"] = "%EC";
map["bc"] = "%EC";
// Meridian
map["am"] = "%p";
map["pm"] = "%p";
// Century
map["cc"] = "%C";
// Week of year
map["ww"] = "%W";
// Day of week
map["d"] = "%u";
// Day name of week
map["dy"] = "%a";
map["day"] = "%a";
// Year
map["yyyy"] = "%Y";
map["yy"] = "%y";
// Day of year
map["ddd"] = "%j";
// Month
map["mm"] = "%m";
map["mon"] = "%b";
map["month"] = "%b";
// Day of month
map["dd"] = "%d";
// Hour of day
map["hh"] = "%I";
map["hh12"] = "%I";
map["hh24"] = "%H";
// Minutes
map["mi"] = "%M";
// Seconds
map["ss"] = "%S";
// Milliseconds
map["f"] = "S";
map["ff"] = "SS";
map["fff"] = "SSS";
// Timezone not tested/supported yet fully.
map["tzd"] = "%Z";
map["tzo"] = "%z";
map["tzh:tzm"] = "%z";
return map;
} // namespace gandiva