blob: 8abbe029e13417def2b9febc7c53be35c3c727a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array.h"
#include "arrow/array/builder_base.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
namespace arrow {
class ARROW_EXPORT NullBuilder : public ArrayBuilder {
explicit NullBuilder(MemoryPool* pool ARROW_MEMORY_POOL_DEFAULT)
: ArrayBuilder(null(), pool) {}
/// \brief Append the specified number of null elements
Status AppendNulls(int64_t length) final {
if (length < 0) return Status::Invalid("length must be positive");
null_count_ += length;
length_ += length;
return Status::OK();
/// \brief Append a single null element
Status AppendNull() final { return AppendNulls(1); }
Status Append(std::nullptr_t) { return AppendNull(); }
Status FinishInternal(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>* out) override;
/// \cond FALSE
using ArrayBuilder::Finish;
/// \endcond
Status Finish(std::shared_ptr<NullArray>* out) { return FinishTyped(out); }
/// Base class for all Builders that emit an Array of a scalar numerical type.
template <typename T>
class NumericBuilder : public ArrayBuilder {
using value_type = typename T::c_type;
using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<T>::ArrayType;
using ArrayBuilder::ArrayBuilder;
template <typename T1 = T>
explicit NumericBuilder(
typename std::enable_if<TypeTraits<T1>::is_parameter_free, MemoryPool*>::type pool
: ArrayBuilder(TypeTraits<T1>::type_singleton(), pool) {}
/// Append a single scalar and increase the size if necessary.
Status Append(const value_type val) {
return Status::OK();
/// Write nulls as uint8_t* (0 value indicates null) into pre-allocated memory
/// The memory at the corresponding data slot is set to 0 to prevent
/// uninitialized memory access
Status AppendNulls(int64_t length) final {
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(length, static_cast<value_type>(0));
return Status::OK();
/// \brief Append a single null element
Status AppendNull() final {
return Status::OK();
value_type GetValue(int64_t index) const { return[index]; }
void Reset() override { data_builder_.Reset(); }
Status Resize(int64_t capacity) override {
ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckCapacity(capacity, capacity_));
capacity = std::max(capacity, kMinBuilderCapacity);
return ArrayBuilder::Resize(capacity);
value_type operator[](int64_t index) const { return GetValue(index); }
value_type& operator[](int64_t index) {
return reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(data_builder_.mutable_data())[index];
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a contiguous C array of values
/// \param[in] length the number of values to append
/// \param[in] valid_bytes an optional sequence of bytes where non-zero
/// indicates a valid (non-null) value
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const value_type* values, int64_t length,
const uint8_t* valid_bytes = NULLPTR) {
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(values, length);
// length_ is update by these
ArrayBuilder::UnsafeAppendToBitmap(valid_bytes, length);
return Status::OK();
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a contiguous C array of values
/// \param[in] length the number of values to append
/// \param[in] is_valid an std::vector<bool> indicating valid (1) or null
/// (0). Equal in length to values
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const value_type* values, int64_t length,
const std::vector<bool>& is_valid) {
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(values, length);
// length_ is update by these
return Status::OK();
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a std::vector of values
/// \param[in] is_valid an std::vector<bool> indicating valid (1) or null
/// (0). Equal in length to values
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const std::vector<value_type>& values,
const std::vector<bool>& is_valid) {
return AppendValues(, static_cast<int64_t>(values.size()), is_valid);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a std::vector of values
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const std::vector<value_type>& values) {
return AppendValues(, static_cast<int64_t>(values.size()));
Status FinishInternal(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>* out) override {
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> data, null_bitmap;
*out = ArrayData::Make(type_, length_, {null_bitmap, data}, null_count_);
capacity_ = length_ = null_count_ = 0;
return Status::OK();
/// \cond FALSE
using ArrayBuilder::Finish;
/// \endcond
Status Finish(std::shared_ptr<ArrayType>* out) { return FinishTyped(out); }
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values_begin InputIterator to the beginning of the values
/// \param[in] values_end InputIterator pointing to the end of the values
/// \return Status
template <typename ValuesIter>
Status AppendValues(ValuesIter values_begin, ValuesIter values_end) {
int64_t length = static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(values_begin, values_end));
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(values_begin, values_end);
// this updates the length_
return Status::OK();
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot, with a specified nullmap
/// \param[in] values_begin InputIterator to the beginning of the values
/// \param[in] values_end InputIterator pointing to the end of the values
/// \param[in] valid_begin InputIterator with elements indication valid(1)
/// or null(0) values.
/// \return Status
template <typename ValuesIter, typename ValidIter>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<ValidIter>::value, Status>::type AppendValues(
ValuesIter values_begin, ValuesIter values_end, ValidIter valid_begin) {
"Don't pass a NULLPTR directly as valid_begin, use the 2-argument "
"version instead");
int64_t length = static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(values_begin, values_end));
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(values_begin, values_end);
length, [&valid_begin]() -> bool { return *valid_begin++; });
length_ = null_bitmap_builder_.length();
null_count_ = null_bitmap_builder_.false_count();
return Status::OK();
// Same as above, with a pointer type ValidIter
template <typename ValuesIter, typename ValidIter>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<ValidIter>::value, Status>::type AppendValues(
ValuesIter values_begin, ValuesIter values_end, ValidIter valid_begin) {
int64_t length = static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(values_begin, values_end));
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(values_begin, values_end);
// this updates the length_
if (valid_begin == NULLPTR) {
} else {
length, [&valid_begin]() -> bool { return *valid_begin++; });
length_ = null_bitmap_builder_.length();
null_count_ = null_bitmap_builder_.false_count();
return Status::OK();
/// Append a single scalar under the assumption that the underlying Buffer is
/// large enough.
/// This method does not capacity-check; make sure to call Reserve
/// beforehand.
void UnsafeAppend(const value_type val) {
void UnsafeAppendNull() {
TypedBufferBuilder<value_type> data_builder_;
// Builders
using UInt8Builder = NumericBuilder<UInt8Type>;
using UInt16Builder = NumericBuilder<UInt16Type>;
using UInt32Builder = NumericBuilder<UInt32Type>;
using UInt64Builder = NumericBuilder<UInt64Type>;
using Int8Builder = NumericBuilder<Int8Type>;
using Int16Builder = NumericBuilder<Int16Type>;
using Int32Builder = NumericBuilder<Int32Type>;
using Int64Builder = NumericBuilder<Int64Type>;
using HalfFloatBuilder = NumericBuilder<HalfFloatType>;
using FloatBuilder = NumericBuilder<FloatType>;
using DoubleBuilder = NumericBuilder<DoubleType>;
class ARROW_EXPORT BooleanBuilder : public ArrayBuilder {
using value_type = bool;
explicit BooleanBuilder(MemoryPool* pool ARROW_MEMORY_POOL_DEFAULT);
explicit BooleanBuilder(const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& type, MemoryPool* pool);
/// Write nulls as uint8_t* (0 value indicates null) into pre-allocated memory
Status AppendNulls(int64_t length) final {
data_builder_.UnsafeAppend(length, false);
return Status::OK();
Status AppendNull() final {
return Status::OK();
/// Scalar append
Status Append(const bool val) {
return Status::OK();
Status Append(const uint8_t val) { return Append(val != 0); }
/// Scalar append, without checking for capacity
void UnsafeAppend(const bool val) {
void UnsafeAppendNull() {
void UnsafeAppend(const uint8_t val) { UnsafeAppend(val != 0); }
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a contiguous array of bytes (non-zero is 1)
/// \param[in] length the number of values to append
/// \param[in] valid_bytes an optional sequence of bytes where non-zero
/// indicates a valid (non-null) value
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const uint8_t* values, int64_t length,
const uint8_t* valid_bytes = NULLPTR);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a contiguous C array of values
/// \param[in] length the number of values to append
/// \param[in] is_valid an std::vector<bool> indicating valid (1) or null
/// (0). Equal in length to values
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const uint8_t* values, int64_t length,
const std::vector<bool>& is_valid);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a std::vector of bytes
/// \param[in] is_valid an std::vector<bool> indicating valid (1) or null
/// (0). Equal in length to values
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const std::vector<uint8_t>& values,
const std::vector<bool>& is_valid);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values a std::vector of bytes
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const std::vector<uint8_t>& values);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values an std::vector<bool> indicating true (1) or false
/// \param[in] is_valid an std::vector<bool> indicating valid (1) or null
/// (0). Equal in length to values
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const std::vector<bool>& values, const std::vector<bool>& is_valid);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values an std::vector<bool> indicating true (1) or false
/// \return Status
Status AppendValues(const std::vector<bool>& values);
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot
/// \param[in] values_begin InputIterator to the beginning of the values
/// \param[in] values_end InputIterator pointing to the end of the values
/// or null(0) values
/// \return Status
template <typename ValuesIter>
Status AppendValues(ValuesIter values_begin, ValuesIter values_end) {
int64_t length = static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(values_begin, values_end));
length, [&values_begin]() -> bool { return *values_begin++; });
// this updates length_
return Status::OK();
/// \brief Append a sequence of elements in one shot, with a specified nullmap
/// \param[in] values_begin InputIterator to the beginning of the values
/// \param[in] values_end InputIterator pointing to the end of the values
/// \param[in] valid_begin InputIterator with elements indication valid(1)
/// or null(0) values
/// \return Status
template <typename ValuesIter, typename ValidIter>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<ValidIter>::value, Status>::type AppendValues(
ValuesIter values_begin, ValuesIter values_end, ValidIter valid_begin) {
"Don't pass a NULLPTR directly as valid_begin, use the 2-argument "
"version instead");
int64_t length = static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(values_begin, values_end));
length, [&values_begin]() -> bool { return *values_begin++; });
length, [&valid_begin]() -> bool { return *valid_begin++; });
length_ = null_bitmap_builder_.length();
null_count_ = null_bitmap_builder_.false_count();
return Status::OK();
// Same as above, for a pointer type ValidIter
template <typename ValuesIter, typename ValidIter>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<ValidIter>::value, Status>::type AppendValues(
ValuesIter values_begin, ValuesIter values_end, ValidIter valid_begin) {
int64_t length = static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(values_begin, values_end));
length, [&values_begin]() -> bool { return *values_begin++; });
if (valid_begin == NULLPTR) {
} else {
length, [&valid_begin]() -> bool { return *valid_begin++; });
length_ = null_bitmap_builder_.length();
null_count_ = null_bitmap_builder_.false_count();
return Status::OK();
Status AppendValues(int64_t length, bool value);
Status FinishInternal(std::shared_ptr<ArrayData>* out) override;
/// \cond FALSE
using ArrayBuilder::Finish;
/// \endcond
Status Finish(std::shared_ptr<BooleanArray>* out) { return FinishTyped(out); }
void Reset() override;
Status Resize(int64_t capacity) override;
TypedBufferBuilder<bool> data_builder_;
} // namespace arrow