blob: 7c8faa34b11114789e199d72150812fa94405751 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package schema
import (
// ListOf is a convenience helper function to create a properly structured
// list structure according to the Parquet Spec.
// <list-repetition> group <name> (LIST) {
// repeated group list {
// <element-repetition> <element-type> element;
// }
// }
// <list-repetition> can only be optional or required. panics if repeated.
// <element-repetition> can only be optional or required. panics if repeated.
func ListOf(n Node, rep parquet.Repetition, fieldID int32) (*GroupNode, error) {
if rep == parquet.Repetitions.Repeated || n.RepetitionType() == parquet.Repetitions.Repeated {
return nil, xerrors.New("parquet: listof repetition and element repetition must not be repeated.")
listName := n.Name()
switch n := n.(type) {
case *PrimitiveNode: = "element"
case *GroupNode: = "element"
list, err := NewGroupNode("list" /* name */, parquet.Repetitions.Repeated, FieldList{n}, -1 /* fieldID */)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewGroupNodeLogical(listName, rep, FieldList{list}, ListLogicalType{}, fieldID)
// MapOf is a convenience helper function to create a properly structured
// parquet map node setup according to the Parquet Spec.
// <map-repetition> group <name> (MAP) {
// repeated group key_value {
// required <key-type> key;
// <value-repetition> <value-type> value;
// }
// }
// key node will be renamed to "key", value node if not nil will be renamed to "value"
// <map-repetition> must be only optional or required. panics if repeated is passed.
// the key node *must* be required repetition. panics if optional or repeated
// value node can be nil (omitted) or have a repetition of required or optional *only*.
// panics if value node is not nil and has a repetition of repeated.
func MapOf(name string, key Node, value Node, mapRep parquet.Repetition, fieldID int32) (*GroupNode, error) {
if mapRep == parquet.Repetitions.Repeated {
return nil, xerrors.New("parquet: map repetition cannot be Repeated")
if key.RepetitionType() != parquet.Repetitions.Required {
return nil, xerrors.New("parquet: map key repetition must be Required")
if value != nil {
if value.RepetitionType() == parquet.Repetitions.Repeated {
return nil, xerrors.New("parquet: map value cannot have repetition Repeated")
switch value := value.(type) {
case *PrimitiveNode: = "value"
case *GroupNode: = "value"
switch key := key.(type) {
case *PrimitiveNode: = "key"
case *GroupNode: = "key"
keyval := FieldList{key}
if value != nil {
keyval = append(keyval, value)
kvNode, err := NewGroupNode("key_value" /* name */, parquet.Repetitions.Repeated, keyval, -1 /* fieldID */)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewGroupNodeLogical(name, mapRep, FieldList{kvNode}, MapLogicalType{}, fieldID)