blob: 65c1036a261ea326f99d51ae83676a34a5b0aef8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metadata
import (
format ""
// DefaultCompressionType is used unless a different compression is specified
// in the properties
var DefaultCompressionType = compress.Codecs.Uncompressed
// FileMetaDataBuilder is a proxy for more easily constructing file metadata
// particularly used when writing a file out.
type FileMetaDataBuilder struct {
metadata *format.FileMetaData
props *parquet.WriterProperties
schema *schema.Schema
rowGroups []*format.RowGroup
currentRgBldr *RowGroupMetaDataBuilder
kvmeta KeyValueMetadata
cryptoMetadata *format.FileCryptoMetaData
// NewFileMetadataBuilder will use the default writer properties if nil is passed for
// the writer properties and nil is allowable for the key value metadata.
func NewFileMetadataBuilder(schema *schema.Schema, props *parquet.WriterProperties, kvmeta KeyValueMetadata) *FileMetaDataBuilder {
var crypto *format.FileCryptoMetaData
if props.FileEncryptionProperties() != nil && props.FileEncryptionProperties().EncryptedFooter() {
crypto = format.NewFileCryptoMetaData()
return &FileMetaDataBuilder{
metadata: format.NewFileMetaData(),
props: props,
schema: schema,
kvmeta: kvmeta,
cryptoMetadata: crypto,
// GetFileCryptoMetaData returns the cryptographic information for encrypting/
// decrypting the file.
func (f *FileMetaDataBuilder) GetFileCryptoMetaData() *FileCryptoMetadata {
if f.cryptoMetadata == nil {
return nil
props := f.props.FileEncryptionProperties()
f.cryptoMetadata.EncryptionAlgorithm = props.Algorithm().ToThrift()
keyMetadata := props.FooterKeyMetadata()
if keyMetadata != "" {
f.cryptoMetadata.KeyMetadata = []byte(keyMetadata)
return &FileCryptoMetadata{f.cryptoMetadata, 0}
// AppendRowGroup adds a rowgroup to the list and returns a builder
// for that row group
func (f *FileMetaDataBuilder) AppendRowGroup() *RowGroupMetaDataBuilder {
if f.rowGroups == nil {
f.rowGroups = make([]*format.RowGroup, 0, 1)
rg := format.NewRowGroup()
f.rowGroups = append(f.rowGroups, rg)
f.currentRgBldr = NewRowGroupMetaDataBuilder(f.props, f.schema, rg)
return f.currentRgBldr
// Finish will finalize the metadata of the number of rows, row groups,
// version etc. This will clear out this filemetadatabuilder so it can
// be re-used
func (f *FileMetaDataBuilder) Finish() (*FileMetaData, error) {
totalRows := int64(0)
for _, rg := range f.rowGroups {
totalRows += rg.NumRows
f.metadata.NumRows = totalRows
f.metadata.RowGroups = f.rowGroups
switch f.props.Version() {
case parquet.V1_0:
f.metadata.Version = 1
f.metadata.Version = 2
createdBy := f.props.CreatedBy()
f.metadata.CreatedBy = &createdBy
// Users cannot set the `ColumnOrder` since we do not not have user defined sort order
// in the spec yet.
// We always default to `TYPE_DEFINED_ORDER`. We can expose it in
// the API once we have user defined sort orders in the Parquet format.
// TypeDefinedOrder implies choose SortOrder based on ConvertedType/PhysicalType
typeDefined := format.NewTypeDefinedOrder()
colOrder := &format.ColumnOrder{TYPE_ORDER: typeDefined}
f.metadata.ColumnOrders = make([]*format.ColumnOrder, f.schema.NumColumns())
for idx := range f.metadata.ColumnOrders {
f.metadata.ColumnOrders[idx] = colOrder
encryptProps := f.props.FileEncryptionProperties()
if encryptProps != nil && !encryptProps.EncryptedFooter() {
var signingAlgo parquet.Algorithm
algo := encryptProps.Algorithm()
signingAlgo.Aad.AadFileUnique = algo.Aad.AadFileUnique
signingAlgo.Aad.SupplyAadPrefix = algo.Aad.SupplyAadPrefix
if !algo.Aad.SupplyAadPrefix {
signingAlgo.Aad.AadPrefix = algo.Aad.AadPrefix
signingAlgo.Algo = parquet.AesGcm
f.metadata.EncryptionAlgorithm = signingAlgo.ToThrift()
footerSigningMetadata := f.props.FileEncryptionProperties().FooterKeyMetadata()
if footerSigningMetadata != "" {
f.metadata.FooterSigningKeyMetadata = []byte(footerSigningMetadata)
f.metadata.Schema = schema.ToThrift(f.schema.Root())
f.metadata.KeyValueMetadata = f.kvmeta
out := &FileMetaData{
FileMetaData: f.metadata,
version: NewAppVersion(f.metadata.GetCreatedBy()),
if err := out.initSchema(); err != nil {
return nil, err
f.metadata = format.NewFileMetaData()
f.rowGroups = nil
return out, nil
// KeyValueMetadata is an alias for a slice of thrift keyvalue pairs.
// It is presumed that the metadata should all be utf8 valid.
type KeyValueMetadata []*format.KeyValue
// NewKeyValueMetadata is equivalent to make(KeyValueMetadata, 0)
func NewKeyValueMetadata() KeyValueMetadata {
return make(KeyValueMetadata, 0)
// Append adds the passed in key and value to the metadata, if either contains
// any invalid utf8 runes, then it is not added and an error is returned.
func (k *KeyValueMetadata) Append(key, value string) error {
if !utf8.ValidString(key) || !utf8.ValidString(value) {
return xerrors.Errorf("metadata must be valid utf8 strings, got key = '%s' and value = '%s'", key, value)
*k = append(*k, &format.KeyValue{Key: key, Value: &value})
return nil
func (k KeyValueMetadata) Len() int { return len(k) }
// Equals compares all of the metadata keys and values to check they are equal
func (k KeyValueMetadata) Equals(other KeyValueMetadata) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(k, other)
func (k KeyValueMetadata) Keys() (ret []string) {
ret = make([]string, len(k))
for idx, v := range k {
ret[idx] = v.GetKey()
func (k KeyValueMetadata) Values() (ret []string) {
ret = make([]string, len(k))
for idx, v := range k {
ret[idx] = v.GetValue()
func (k KeyValueMetadata) FindValue(key string) *string {
for _, v := range k {
if v.Key == key {
return v.Value
return nil
// FileMetaData is a proxy around the underlying thrift FileMetaData object
// to make it easier to use and interact with.
type FileMetaData struct {
Schema *schema.Schema
FileDecryptor encryption.FileDecryptor
// app version of the writer for this file
version *AppVersion
// size of the raw bytes of the metadata in the file which were
// decoded by thrift, Size() getter returns the value.
metadataLen int
// NewFileMetaData takes in the raw bytes of the serialized metadata to deserialize
// and will attempt to decrypt the footer if a decryptor is provided.
func NewFileMetaData(data []byte, fileDecryptor encryption.FileDecryptor) (*FileMetaData, error) {
meta := format.NewFileMetaData()
if fileDecryptor != nil {
footerDecryptor := fileDecryptor.GetFooterDecryptor()
data = footerDecryptor.Decrypt(data)
remain, err := thrift.DeserializeThrift(meta, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f := &FileMetaData{
FileMetaData: meta,
version: NewAppVersion(meta.GetCreatedBy()),
metadataLen: len(data) - int(remain),
FileDecryptor: fileDecryptor,
return f, nil
// Size is the length of the raw serialized metadata bytes in the footer
func (f *FileMetaData) Size() int { return f.metadataLen }
// NumSchemaElements is the length of the flattened schema list in the thrift
func (f *FileMetaData) NumSchemaElements() int {
return len(f.FileMetaData.Schema)
// RowGroup provides the metadata for the (0-based) index of the row group
func (f *FileMetaData) RowGroup(i int) *RowGroupMetaData {
return &RowGroupMetaData{
f.RowGroups[i], f.Schema, f.version, f.FileDecryptor,
func (f *FileMetaData) Serialize(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
return thrift.NewThriftSerializer().Write(ctx, f.FileMetaData)
func (f *FileMetaData) SerializeString(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return thrift.NewThriftSerializer().WriteString(ctx, f.FileMetaData)
// EncryptionAlgorithm constructs the algorithm object from the thrift
// information or returns an empty instance if it was not set.
func (f *FileMetaData) EncryptionAlgorithm() parquet.Algorithm {
if f.IsSetEncryptionAlgorithm() {
return parquet.AlgorithmFromThrift(f.GetEncryptionAlgorithm())
return parquet.Algorithm{}
func (f *FileMetaData) initSchema() error {
root, err := schema.FromParquet(f.FileMetaData.Schema)
if err != nil {
return err
f.Schema = schema.NewSchema(root.(*schema.GroupNode))
return nil
func (f *FileMetaData) initColumnOrders() {
orders := make([]parquet.ColumnOrder, 0, f.Schema.NumColumns())
if f.IsSetColumnOrders() {
for _, o := range f.GetColumnOrders() {
if o.IsSetTYPE_ORDER() {
orders = append(orders, parquet.ColumnOrders.TypeDefinedOrder)
} else {
orders = append(orders, parquet.ColumnOrders.Undefined)
} else {
orders = orders[:f.Schema.NumColumns()]
orders[0] = parquet.ColumnOrders.Undefined
for i := 1; i < len(orders); i *= 2 {
copy(orders[i:], orders[:i])
// WriterVersion returns the constructed application version from the
// created by string
func (f *FileMetaData) WriterVersion() *AppVersion {
if f.version == nil {
f.version = NewAppVersion(f.GetCreatedBy())
return f.version
// SetFilePath will set the file path into all of the columns in each row group.
func (f *FileMetaData) SetFilePath(path string) {
for _, rg := range f.RowGroups {
for _, chunk := range rg.Columns {
chunk.FilePath = &path
// AppendRowGroups will add all of the rowgroup metadata from other to the
// current file metadata
func (f *FileMetaData) AppendRowGroups(other *FileMetaData) error {
if !f.Schema.Equals(other.Schema) {
return xerrors.New("parquet/FileMetaData: AppendRowGroups requires equal schemas")
f.RowGroups = append(f.RowGroups, other.GetRowGroups()...)
for _, rg := range other.GetRowGroups() {
f.NumRows += rg.NumRows
return nil
// Subset will construct a new FileMetaData object containing only the requested
// row groups by index
func (f *FileMetaData) Subset(rowGroups []int) (*FileMetaData, error) {
for _, i := range rowGroups {
if i < len(f.RowGroups) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("parquet: this file only has %d row groups, but requested a subset including row group: %d", len(f.RowGroups), i)
out := &FileMetaData{
Schema: f.FileMetaData.Schema,
CreatedBy: f.CreatedBy,
ColumnOrders: f.GetColumnOrders(),
EncryptionAlgorithm: f.FileMetaData.EncryptionAlgorithm,
FooterSigningKeyMetadata: f.FooterSigningKeyMetadata,
Version: f.FileMetaData.Version,
KeyValueMetadata: f.KeyValueMetadata(),
out.RowGroups = make([]*format.RowGroup, 0, len(rowGroups))
for _, selected := range rowGroups {
out.RowGroups = append(out.RowGroups, f.RowGroups[selected])
out.NumRows += f.RowGroups[selected].GetNumRows()
return out, nil
func (f *FileMetaData) Equals(other *FileMetaData) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(f.FileMetaData, other.FileMetaData)
func (f *FileMetaData) KeyValueMetadata() KeyValueMetadata {
return f.GetKeyValueMetadata()
// VerifySignature constructs a cryptographic signature using the FileDecryptor
// of the footer and then verifies it's integrity.
// Panics if f.FileDecryptor is nil
func (f *FileMetaData) VerifySignature(signature []byte) bool {
if f.FileDecryptor == nil {
panic("decryption not set propertly, cannot verify signature")
serializer := thrift.NewThriftSerializer()
data, _ := serializer.Write(context.Background(), f.FileMetaData)
nonce := signature[:encryption.NonceLength]
tag := signature[encryption.NonceLength : encryption.NonceLength+encryption.GcmTagLength]
key := f.FileDecryptor.GetFooterKey()
aad := encryption.CreateFooterAad(f.FileDecryptor.FileAad())
enc := encryption.NewAesEncryptor(f.FileDecryptor.Algorithm(), true)
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.Grow(enc.CiphertextSizeDelta() + len(data))
encryptedLen := enc.SignedFooterEncrypt(&buf, data, []byte(key), []byte(aad), nonce)
return bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes()[encryptedLen-encryption.GcmTagLength:], tag)
// WriteTo will serialize and write out this file metadata, encrypting it if
// appropriate.
// If it is an encrypted file with a plaintext footer, then we will write the
// signature with the unencrypted footer.
func (f *FileMetaData) WriteTo(w io.Writer, encryptor encryption.Encryptor) (int64, error) {
serializer := thrift.NewThriftSerializer()
// only in encrypted files with plaintext footers, the encryption algorithm is set in the footer
if f.IsSetEncryptionAlgorithm() {
data, err := serializer.Write(context.Background(), f.FileMetaData)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// encrypt the footer key
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.Grow(encryptor.CiphertextSizeDelta() + len(data))
encryptedLen := encryptor.Encrypt(&buf, data)
wrote := 0
n := 0
// write unencrypted footer
if n, err = w.Write(data); err != nil {
return int64(n), err
wrote += n
// write signature (nonce and tag)
if n, err = w.Write(buf.Next(encryption.NonceLength)); err != nil {
return int64(wrote + n), err
wrote += n
buf.Next(encryptedLen - 4 - encryption.NonceLength - encryption.GcmTagLength)
n, err = w.Write(buf.Next(encryption.GcmTagLength))
return int64(wrote + n), err
n, err := serializer.Serialize(f.FileMetaData, w, encryptor)
return int64(n), err
// Version returns the "version" of the file
// WARNING: The value returned by this method is unreliable as 1) the
// parquet file metadata stores the version as a single integer and
// 2) some producers are known to always write a hardcoded value. Therefore
// you cannot use this value to know which features are used in the file.
func (f *FileMetaData) Version() parquet.Version {
switch f.FileMetaData.Version {
case 1:
return parquet.V1_0
case 2:
return parquet.V2_LATEST
// imporperly set version, assume parquet 1.0
return parquet.V1_0
// FileCryptoMetadata is a proxy for the thrift fileCryptoMetadata object
type FileCryptoMetadata struct {
metadata *format.FileCryptoMetaData
cryptoMetadataLen uint32
// NewFileCryptoMetaData takes in the raw serialized bytes to deserialize
// storing the number of bytes that were actually deserialized.
func NewFileCryptoMetaData(metadata []byte) (ret FileCryptoMetadata, err error) {
ret.metadata = format.NewFileCryptoMetaData()
var remain uint64
remain, err = thrift.DeserializeThrift(ret.metadata, metadata)
ret.cryptoMetadataLen = uint32(uint64(len(metadata)) - remain)
// WriteTo writes out the serialized crypto metadata to w
func (fc FileCryptoMetadata) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
serializer := thrift.NewThriftSerializer()
n, err := serializer.Serialize(fc.metadata, w, nil)
return int64(n), err
// Len is the number of bytes that were deserialized to create this object
func (fc FileCryptoMetadata) Len() int { return int(fc.cryptoMetadataLen) }
func (fc FileCryptoMetadata) KeyMetadata() []byte {
return fc.metadata.KeyMetadata
// EncryptionAlgorithm constructs the object from the thrift instance of
// the encryption algorithm
func (fc FileCryptoMetadata) EncryptionAlgorithm() parquet.Algorithm {
return parquet.AlgorithmFromThrift(fc.metadata.GetEncryptionAlgorithm())