blob: 6c7332c9796e2af61be1d30312f79ba1124437a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package utils contains various internal utilities for the parquet library
// that aren't intended to be exposed to external consumers such as interfaces
// and bitmap readers/writers including the RLE encoder/decoder and so on.
package utils
import (
//go:generate go run ../../../arrow/_tools/tmpl/main.go -i -data=physical_types.tmpldata typed_rle_dict.gen.go.tmpl
const (
MaxValuesPerLiteralRun = (1 << 6) * 8
func MinBufferSize(bitWidth int) int {
maxLiteralRunSize := 1 + bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(MaxValuesPerLiteralRun*bitWidth))
maxRepeatedRunSize := binary.MaxVarintLen32 + bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(bitWidth))
return int(Max(maxLiteralRunSize, maxRepeatedRunSize))
func MaxBufferSize(width, numValues int) int {
bytesPerRun := width
numRuns := int(bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(numValues)))
literalMaxSize := numRuns + (numRuns * bytesPerRun)
minRepeatedRunSize := 1 + int(bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(width)))
repeatedMaxSize := int(bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(numValues))) * minRepeatedRunSize
return MaxInt(literalMaxSize, repeatedMaxSize)
// Utility classes to do run length encoding (RLE) for fixed bit width values. If runs
// are sufficiently long, RLE is used, otherwise, the values are just bit-packed
// (literal encoding).
// For both types of runs, there is a byte-aligned indicator which encodes the length
// of the run and the type of the run.
// This encoding has the benefit that when there aren't any long enough runs, values
// are always decoded at fixed (can be precomputed) bit offsets OR both the value and
// the run length are byte aligned. This allows for very efficient decoding
// implementations.
// The encoding is:
// encoded-block := run*
// run := literal-run | repeated-run
// literal-run := literal-indicator < literal bytes >
// repeated-run := repeated-indicator < repeated value. padded to byte boundary >
// literal-indicator := varint_encode( number_of_groups << 1 | 1)
// repeated-indicator := varint_encode( number_of_repetitions << 1 )
// Each run is preceded by a varint. The varint's least significant bit is
// used to indicate whether the run is a literal run or a repeated run. The rest
// of the varint is used to determine the length of the run (eg how many times the
// value repeats).
// In the case of literal runs, the run length is always a multiple of 8 (i.e. encode
// in groups of 8), so that no matter the bit-width of the value, the sequence will end
// on a byte boundary without padding.
// Given that we know it is a multiple of 8, we store the number of 8-groups rather than
// the actual number of encoded ints. (This means that the total number of encoded values
// can not be determined from the encoded data, since the number of values in the last
// group may not be a multiple of 8). For the last group of literal runs, we pad
// the group to 8 with zeros. This allows for 8 at a time decoding on the read side
// without the need for additional checks.
// There is a break-even point when it is more storage efficient to do run length
// encoding. For 1 bit-width values, that point is 8 values. They require 2 bytes
// for both the repeated encoding or the literal encoding. This value can always
// be computed based on the bit-width.
// Examples with bit-width 1 (eg encoding booleans):
// ----------------------------------------
// 100 1s followed by 100 0s:
// <varint(100 << 1)> <1, padded to 1 byte> <varint(100 << 1)> <0, padded to 1 byte>
// - (total 4 bytes)
// alternating 1s and 0s (200 total):
// 200 ints = 25 groups of 8
// <varint((25 << 1) | 1)> <25 bytes of values, bitpacked>
// (total 26 bytes, 1 byte overhead)
type RleDecoder struct {
r *BitReader
bitWidth int
curVal uint64
repCount int32
litCount int32
func NewRleDecoder(data *bytes.Reader, width int) *RleDecoder {
return &RleDecoder{r: NewBitReader(data), bitWidth: width}
func (r *RleDecoder) Reset(data *bytes.Reader, width int) {
r.bitWidth = width
r.curVal = 0
r.repCount = 0
r.litCount = 0
func (r *RleDecoder) Next() bool {
indicator, ok := r.r.GetVlqInt()
if !ok {
return false
literal := (indicator & 1) != 0
count := uint32(indicator >> 1)
if literal {
if count == 0 || count > uint32(math.MaxInt32/8) {
return false
r.litCount = int32(count) * 8
} else {
if count == 0 || count > uint32(math.MaxInt32) {
return false
r.repCount = int32(count)
nbytes := int(bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(r.bitWidth)))
switch {
case nbytes > 4:
if !r.r.GetAligned(nbytes, &r.curVal) {
return false
case nbytes > 2:
var val uint32
if !r.r.GetAligned(nbytes, &val) {
return false
r.curVal = uint64(val)
case nbytes > 1:
var val uint16
if !r.r.GetAligned(nbytes, &val) {
return false
r.curVal = uint64(val)
var val uint8
if !r.r.GetAligned(nbytes, &val) {
return false
r.curVal = uint64(val)
return true
func (r *RleDecoder) GetValue() (uint64, bool) {
vals := make([]uint64, 1)
n := r.GetBatch(vals)
return vals[0], n == 1
func (r *RleDecoder) GetBatch(values []uint64) int {
read := 0
size := len(values)
out := values
for read < size {
remain := size - read
if r.repCount > 0 {
repbatch := int(math.Min(float64(remain), float64(r.repCount)))
for i := 0; i < repbatch; i++ {
out[i] = r.curVal
r.repCount -= int32(repbatch)
read += repbatch
out = out[repbatch:]
} else if r.litCount > 0 {
litbatch := int(math.Min(float64(remain), float64(r.litCount)))
n, _ := r.r.GetBatch(uint(r.bitWidth), out[:litbatch])
if n != litbatch {
return read
r.litCount -= int32(litbatch)
read += litbatch
out = out[litbatch:]
} else {
if !r.Next() {
return read
return read
func (r *RleDecoder) GetBatchSpaced(vals []uint64, nullcount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error) {
if nullcount == 0 {
return r.GetBatch(vals), nil
converter := plainConverter{}
blockCounter := NewBitBlockCounter(validBits, validBitsOffset, int64(len(vals)))
var (
totalProcessed int
processed int
block BitBlockCount
err error
for {
block = blockCounter.NextFourWords()
if block.Len == 0 {
if block.AllSet() {
processed = r.GetBatch(vals[:block.Len])
} else if block.NoneSet() {
processed = int(block.Len)
} else {
processed, err = r.getspaced(converter, vals, int(block.Len), int(block.Len-block.Popcnt), validBits, validBitsOffset)
if err != nil {
return totalProcessed, err
totalProcessed += processed
vals = vals[int(block.Len):]
validBitsOffset += int64(block.Len)
if processed != int(block.Len) {
return totalProcessed, nil
func (r *RleDecoder) getspaced(dc DictionaryConverter, vals interface{}, batchSize, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error) {
switch vals := vals.(type) {
case []int32:
return r.getspacedInt32(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []int64:
return r.getspacedInt64(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []float32:
return r.getspacedFloat32(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []float64:
return r.getspacedFloat64(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []parquet.ByteArray:
return r.getspacedByteArray(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []parquet.FixedLenByteArray:
return r.getspacedFixedLenByteArray(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []parquet.Int96:
return r.getspacedInt96(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []uint64:
return r.getspacedUint64(dc, vals, batchSize, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
return 0, xerrors.New("parquet/rle: getspaced invalid type")
func (r *RleDecoder) getspacedUint64(dc DictionaryConverter, vals []uint64, batchSize, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error) {
if nullCount == batchSize {
return batchSize, nil
read := 0
remain := batchSize - nullCount
const bufferSize = 1024
var indexbuffer [bufferSize]IndexType
// assume no bits to start
bitReader := NewBitRunReader(validBits, validBitsOffset, int64(batchSize))
validRun := bitReader.NextRun()
for read < batchSize {
if validRun.Len == 0 {
validRun = bitReader.NextRun()
if !validRun.Set {
vals = vals[int(validRun.Len):]
read += int(validRun.Len)
validRun.Len = 0
if r.repCount == 0 && r.litCount == 0 {
if !r.Next() {
return read, nil
var batch int
switch {
case r.repCount > 0:
batch, remain, validRun = r.consumeRepeatCounts(read, batchSize, remain, validRun, bitReader)
current := IndexType(r.curVal)
if !dc.IsValid(current) {
return read, nil
dc.Fill(vals[:batch], current)
case r.litCount > 0:
var (
litread int
skipped int
err error
litread, skipped, validRun, err = r.consumeLiteralsUint64(dc, vals, remain, indexbuffer[:], validRun, bitReader)
if err != nil {
return read, err
batch = litread + skipped
remain -= litread
vals = vals[batch:]
read += batch
return read, nil
func (r *RleDecoder) consumeRepeatCounts(read, batchSize, remain int, run BitRun, bitRdr BitRunReader) (int, int, BitRun) {
// Consume the entire repeat counts incrementing repeat_batch to
// be the total of nulls + values consumed, we only need to
// get the total count because we can fill in the same value for
// nulls and non-nulls. This proves to be a big efficiency win.
repeatBatch := 0
for r.repCount > 0 && (read+repeatBatch) < batchSize {
if run.Set {
updateSize := int(Min(run.Len, int64(r.repCount)))
r.repCount -= int32(updateSize)
repeatBatch += updateSize
run.Len -= int64(updateSize)
remain -= updateSize
} else {
repeatBatch += int(run.Len)
run.Len = 0
if run.Len == 0 {
run = bitRdr.NextRun()
return repeatBatch, remain, run
func (r *RleDecoder) consumeLiteralsUint64(dc DictionaryConverter, vals []uint64, remain int, buf []IndexType, run BitRun, bitRdr BitRunReader) (int, int, BitRun, error) {
batch := MinInt(MinInt(remain, int(r.litCount)), len(buf))
buf = buf[:batch]
n, _ := r.r.GetBatchIndex(uint(r.bitWidth), buf)
if n != batch {
return 0, 0, run, xerrors.New("was not able to retrieve correct number of indexes")
if !dc.IsValid(buf...) {
return 0, 0, run, xerrors.New("invalid index values found for dictionary converter")
var (
read int
skipped int
for read < batch {
if run.Set {
updateSize := MinInt(batch-read, int(run.Len))
if err := dc.Copy(vals, buf[read:read+updateSize]); err != nil {
return 0, 0, run, err
read += updateSize
vals = vals[updateSize:]
run.Len -= int64(updateSize)
} else {
vals = vals[int(run.Len):]
skipped += int(run.Len)
run.Len = 0
if run.Len == 0 {
run = bitRdr.NextRun()
r.litCount -= int32(batch)
return read, skipped, run, nil
func (r *RleDecoder) GetBatchWithDict(dc DictionaryConverter, vals interface{}) (int, error) {
switch vals := vals.(type) {
case []int32:
return r.GetBatchWithDictInt32(dc, vals)
case []int64:
return r.GetBatchWithDictInt64(dc, vals)
case []float32:
return r.GetBatchWithDictFloat32(dc, vals)
case []float64:
return r.GetBatchWithDictFloat64(dc, vals)
case []parquet.ByteArray:
return r.GetBatchWithDictByteArray(dc, vals)
case []parquet.FixedLenByteArray:
return r.GetBatchWithDictFixedLenByteArray(dc, vals)
case []parquet.Int96:
return r.GetBatchWithDictInt96(dc, vals)
return 0, xerrors.New("parquet/rle: GetBatchWithDict invalid type")
func (r *RleDecoder) GetBatchWithDictSpaced(dc DictionaryConverter, vals interface{}, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error) {
switch vals := vals.(type) {
case []int32:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedInt32(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []int64:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedInt64(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []float32:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedFloat32(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []float64:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedFloat64(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []parquet.ByteArray:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedByteArray(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []parquet.FixedLenByteArray:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedFixedLenByteArray(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
case []parquet.Int96:
return r.GetBatchWithDictSpacedInt96(dc, vals, nullCount, validBits, validBitsOffset)
return 0, xerrors.New("parquet/rle: GetBatchWithDictSpaced invalid type")
type RleEncoder struct {
w *BitWriter
buffer []uint64
BitWidth int
curVal uint64
repCount int32
litCount int32
literalIndicatorOffset int
indicatorBuffer [1]byte
func NewRleEncoder(w io.WriterAt, width int) *RleEncoder {
return &RleEncoder{
w: NewBitWriter(w),
buffer: make([]uint64, 0, 8),
BitWidth: width,
literalIndicatorOffset: -1,
func (r *RleEncoder) Flush() int {
if r.litCount > 0 || r.repCount > 0 || len(r.buffer) > 0 {
allRep := r.litCount == 0 && (r.repCount == int32(len(r.buffer)) || len(r.buffer) == 0)
if r.repCount > 0 && allRep {
} else {
// buffer the last grou pof literals to 8 by padding with 0s
for len(r.buffer) != 0 && len(r.buffer) < 8 {
r.buffer = append(r.buffer, 0)
r.litCount += int32(len(r.buffer))
r.repCount = 0
return r.w.Written()
func (r *RleEncoder) flushBuffered(done bool) (err error) {
if r.repCount >= 8 {
// clear buffered values. they are part of the repeated run now and we
// don't want to flush them as literals
r.buffer = r.buffer[:0]
if r.litCount != 0 {
// there was current literal run. all values flushed but need to update the indicator
err = r.flushLiteral(true)
r.litCount += int32(len(r.buffer))
ngroups := r.litCount / 8
if ngroups+1 >= (1 << 6) {
// we need to start a new literal run because the indicator byte we've reserved
// cannot store any more values
err = r.flushLiteral(true)
} else {
err = r.flushLiteral(done)
r.repCount = 0
func (r *RleEncoder) flushLiteral(updateIndicator bool) (err error) {
if r.literalIndicatorOffset == -1 {
r.literalIndicatorOffset = r.w.ReserveBytes(1)
for _, val := range r.buffer {
if err = r.w.WriteValue(val, uint(r.BitWidth)); err != nil {
r.buffer = r.buffer[:0]
if updateIndicator {
// at this point we need to write the indicator byte for the literal run.
// we only reserve one byte, to allow for streaming writes of literal values.
// the logic makes sure we flush literal runs often enough to not overrun the 1 byte.
ngroups := r.litCount / 8
r.indicatorBuffer[0] = byte((ngroups << 1) | 1)
_, err = r.w.WriteAt(r.indicatorBuffer[:], int64(r.literalIndicatorOffset))
r.literalIndicatorOffset = -1
r.litCount = 0
func (r *RleEncoder) flushRepeated() (ret bool) {
indicator := r.repCount << 1
ret = r.w.WriteVlqInt(uint64(indicator))
ret = ret && r.w.WriteAligned(r.curVal, int(bitutil.BytesForBits(int64(r.BitWidth))))
r.repCount = 0
r.buffer = r.buffer[:0]
// Put buffers input values 8 at a time. after seeing all 8 values,
// it decides whether they should be encoded as a literal or repeated run.
func (r *RleEncoder) Put(value uint64) error {
if r.curVal == value {
if r.repCount > 8 {
// this is just a continuation of the current run, no need to buffer the values
// NOTE this is the fast path for long repeated runs
return nil
} else {
if r.repCount >= 8 {
if !r.flushRepeated() {
return xerrors.New("failed to flush repeated value")
r.repCount = 1
r.curVal = value
r.buffer = append(r.buffer, value)
if len(r.buffer) == 8 {
return r.flushBuffered(false)
return nil
func (r *RleEncoder) Clear() {
r.curVal = 0
r.repCount = 0
r.buffer = r.buffer[:0]
r.litCount = 0
r.literalIndicatorOffset = -1