blob: 37e81e0847f474385a8e3e900fc664f8e7082ecb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
func loadWord(byt []byte) uint64 {
return ToLEUint64(*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&byt[0])))
func shiftWord(current, next uint64, shift int64) uint64 {
if shift == 0 {
return current
return (current >> shift) | (next << (64 - shift))
// BitBlockCount is returned by the various bit block counter utilities
// in order to return a length of bits and the population count of that
// slice of bits.
type BitBlockCount struct {
Len int16
Popcnt int16
// NoneSet returns true if ALL the bits were 0 in this set, ie: Popcnt == 0
func (b BitBlockCount) NoneSet() bool {
return b.Popcnt == 0
// AllSet returns true if ALL the bits were 1 in this set, ie: Popcnt == Len
func (b BitBlockCount) AllSet() bool {
return b.Len == b.Popcnt
// BitBlockCounter is a utility for grabbing chunks of a bitmap at a time and efficiently
// counting the number of bits which are 1.
type BitBlockCounter struct {
bitmap []byte
bitsRemaining int64
bitOffset int8
const (
wordBits int64 = 64
fourWordsBits int64 = wordBits * 4
// NewBitBlockCounter returns a BitBlockCounter for the passed bitmap starting at startOffset
// of length nbits.
func NewBitBlockCounter(bitmap []byte, startOffset, nbits int64) *BitBlockCounter {
return &BitBlockCounter{
bitmap: bitmap[startOffset/8:],
bitsRemaining: nbits,
bitOffset: int8(startOffset % 8),
// getBlockSlow is for returning a block of the requested size when there aren't
// enough bits remaining to do a full word computation.
func (b *BitBlockCounter) getBlockSlow(blockSize int64) BitBlockCount {
runlen := int16(Min(b.bitsRemaining, blockSize))
popcnt := int16(bitutil.CountSetBits(b.bitmap, int(b.bitOffset), int(runlen)))
b.bitsRemaining -= int64(runlen)
b.bitmap = b.bitmap[runlen/8:]
return BitBlockCount{runlen, popcnt}
// NextFourWords returns the next run of available bits, usually 256. The
// returned pair contains the size of run and the number of true values.
// The last block will have a length less than 256 if the bitmap length
// is not a multiple of 256, and will return 0-length blocks in subsequent
// invocations.
func (b *BitBlockCounter) NextFourWords() BitBlockCount {
if b.bitsRemaining == 0 {
return BitBlockCount{0, 0}
totalPopcnt := 0
if b.bitOffset == 0 {
// if we're aligned at 0 bitoffset, then we can easily just jump from
// word to word nice and easy.
if b.bitsRemaining < fourWordsBits {
return b.getBlockSlow(fourWordsBits)
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(loadWord(b.bitmap))
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(loadWord(b.bitmap[8:]))
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(loadWord(b.bitmap[16:]))
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(loadWord(b.bitmap[24:]))
} else {
// When the offset is > 0, we need there to be a word beyond the last
// aligned word in the bitmap for the bit shifting logic.
if b.bitsRemaining < 5*fourWordsBits-int64(b.bitOffset) {
return b.getBlockSlow(fourWordsBits)
current := loadWord(b.bitmap)
next := loadWord(b.bitmap[8:])
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(shiftWord(current, next, int64(b.bitOffset)))
current = next
next = loadWord(b.bitmap[16:])
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(shiftWord(current, next, int64(b.bitOffset)))
current = next
next = loadWord(b.bitmap[24:])
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(shiftWord(current, next, int64(b.bitOffset)))
current = next
next = loadWord(b.bitmap[32:])
totalPopcnt += bits.OnesCount64(shiftWord(current, next, int64(b.bitOffset)))
b.bitmap = b.bitmap[bitutil.BytesForBits(fourWordsBits):]
b.bitsRemaining -= fourWordsBits
return BitBlockCount{256, int16(totalPopcnt)}
// NextWord returns the next run of available bits, usually 64. The returned
// pair contains the size of run and the number of true values. The last
// block will have a length less than 64 if the bitmap length is not a
// multiple of 64, and will return 0-length blocks in subsequent
// invocations.
func (b *BitBlockCounter) NextWord() BitBlockCount {
if b.bitsRemaining == 0 {
return BitBlockCount{0, 0}
popcnt := 0
if b.bitOffset == 0 {
if b.bitsRemaining < wordBits {
return b.getBlockSlow(wordBits)
popcnt = bits.OnesCount64(loadWord(b.bitmap))
} else {
// When the offset is > 0, we need there to be a word beyond the last
// aligned word in the bitmap for the bit shifting logic.
if b.bitsRemaining < (2*wordBits - int64(b.bitOffset)) {
return b.getBlockSlow(wordBits)
popcnt = bits.OnesCount64(shiftWord(loadWord(b.bitmap), loadWord(b.bitmap[8:]), int64(b.bitOffset)))
b.bitmap = b.bitmap[wordBits/8:]
b.bitsRemaining -= wordBits
return BitBlockCount{64, int16(popcnt)}
// OptionalBitBlockCounter is a useful counter to iterate through a possibly
// non-existent validity bitmap to allow us to write one code path for both
// the with-nulls and no-nulls cases without giving up a lot of performance.
type OptionalBitBlockCounter struct {
hasBitmap bool
pos int64
len int64
counter *BitBlockCounter
// NewOptionalBitBlockCounter constructs and returns a new bit block counter that
// can properly handle the case when a bitmap is null, if it is guaranteed that the
// the bitmap is not nil, then prefer NewBitBlockCounter here.
func NewOptionalBitBlockCounter(bitmap []byte, offset, length int64) *OptionalBitBlockCounter {
var counter *BitBlockCounter
if bitmap != nil {
counter = NewBitBlockCounter(bitmap, offset, length)
return &OptionalBitBlockCounter{
hasBitmap: bitmap != nil,
pos: 0,
len: length,
counter: counter,
// NextBlock returns block count for next word when the bitmap is available otherwise
// return a block with length up to INT16_MAX when there is no validity
// bitmap (so all the referenced values are not null).
func (obc *OptionalBitBlockCounter) NextBlock() BitBlockCount {
const maxBlockSize = math.MaxInt16
if obc.hasBitmap {
block := obc.counter.NextWord()
obc.pos += int64(block.Len)
return block
blockSize := int16(Min(maxBlockSize, obc.len-obc.pos))
obc.pos += int64(blockSize)
// all values are non-null
return BitBlockCount{blockSize, blockSize}
// NextWord is like NextBlock, but returns a word-sized block even when there is no
// validity bitmap
func (obc *OptionalBitBlockCounter) NextWord() BitBlockCount {
const wordsize = 64
if obc.hasBitmap {
block := obc.counter.NextWord()
obc.pos += int64(block.Len)
return block
blockSize := int16(Min(wordsize, obc.len-obc.pos))
obc.pos += int64(blockSize)
// all values are non-null
return BitBlockCount{blockSize, blockSize}
// VisitBitBlocks is a utility for easily iterating through the blocks of bits in a bitmap,
// calling the appropriate visitValid/visitInvalid function as we iterate through the bits.
// visitValid is called with the bitoffset of the valid bit. Don't use this inside a tight
// loop when performance is needed and instead prefer manually constructing these loops
// in that scenario.
func VisitBitBlocks(bitmap []byte, offset, length int64, visitValid func(pos int64), visitInvalid func()) {
counter := NewOptionalBitBlockCounter(bitmap, offset, length)
pos := int64(0)
for pos < length {
block := counter.NextBlock()
if block.AllSet() {
for i := 0; i < int(block.Len); i, pos = i+1, pos+1 {
} else if block.NoneSet() {
for i := 0; i < int(block.Len); i, pos = i+1, pos+1 {
} else {
for i := 0; i < int(block.Len); i, pos = i+1, pos+1 {
if bitutil.BitIsSet(bitmap, int(offset+pos)) {
} else {