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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
package scalar
import (
type ListScalar interface {
GetList() array.Interface
type List struct {
Value array.Interface
func (l *List) Release() { l.Value.Release() }
func (l *List) Retain() { l.Value.Retain() }
func (l *List) value() interface{} { return l.Value }
func (l *List) GetList() array.Interface { return l.Value }
func (l *List) equals(rhs Scalar) bool {
return array.ArrayEqual(l.Value, rhs.(ListScalar).GetList())
func (l *List) Validate() (err error) {
if err = l.scalar.Validate(); err != nil {
if err = validateOptional(&l.scalar, l.Value, "value"); err != nil {
if !l.Valid {
var (
valueType arrow.DataType
switch dt := l.Type.(type) {
case *arrow.ListType:
valueType = dt.Elem()
case *arrow.FixedSizeListType:
valueType = dt.Elem()
case *arrow.MapType:
valueType = dt.ValueType()
listType := l.Type
if !arrow.TypeEqual(l.Value.DataType(), valueType) {
err = xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar should have a value of type %s, got %s",
listType, valueType, l.Value.DataType())
func (l *List) ValidateFull() error { return l.Validate() }
func (l *List) CastTo(to arrow.DataType) (Scalar, error) {
if !l.Valid {
return MakeNullScalar(to), nil
if arrow.TypeEqual(l.Type, to) {
return l, nil
if to.ID() == arrow.STRING {
var bld bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprint(&bld, l.Value)
buf := memory.NewBufferBytes(bld.Bytes())
defer buf.Release()
return NewStringScalarFromBuffer(buf), nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("cannot convert non-nil list scalar to type %s", to)
func (l *List) String() string {
if !l.Valid {
return "null"
val, err := l.CastTo(arrow.BinaryTypes.String)
if err != nil {
return "..."
return string(val.(*String).Value.Bytes())
func NewListScalar(val array.Interface) *List {
return &List{scalar{arrow.ListOf(val.DataType()), true}, array.MakeFromData(val.Data())}
func makeMapType(typ *arrow.StructType) *arrow.MapType {
debug.Assert(len(typ.Fields()) == 2, "must pass struct with only 2 fields for MapScalar")
return arrow.MapOf(typ.Field(0).Type, typ.Field(1).Type)
type Map struct {
func NewMapScalar(val array.Interface) *Map {
return &Map{&List{scalar{makeMapType(val.DataType().(*arrow.StructType)), true}, array.MakeFromData(val.Data())}}
type FixedSizeList struct {
func (f *FixedSizeList) Validate() (err error) {
if err = f.List.Validate(); err != nil {
if f.Valid {
listType := f.Type.(*arrow.FixedSizeListType)
if f.Value.Len() != int(listType.Len()) {
return xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar should have a child value of length %d, got %d",
f.Type, listType.Len(), f.Value.Len())
func (f *FixedSizeList) ValidateFull() error { return f.Validate() }
func NewFixedSizeListScalar(val array.Interface) *FixedSizeList {
return NewFixedSizeListScalarWithType(val, arrow.FixedSizeListOf(int32(val.Len()), val.DataType()))
func NewFixedSizeListScalarWithType(val array.Interface, typ arrow.DataType) *FixedSizeList {
debug.Assert(val.Len() == int(typ.(*arrow.FixedSizeListType).Len()), "length of value for fixed size list scalar must match type")
return &FixedSizeList{&List{scalar{typ, true}, array.MakeFromData(val.Data())}}
type Vector []Scalar
type Struct struct {
Value Vector
func (s *Struct) Field(name string) (Scalar, error) {
idx, ok := s.Type.(*arrow.StructType).FieldIdx(name)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("no field named %s found in struct scalar %s", name, s.Type)
return s.Value[idx], nil
func (s *Struct) value() interface{} { return s.Value }
func (s *Struct) String() string {
if !s.Valid {
return "null"
val, err := s.CastTo(arrow.BinaryTypes.String)
if err != nil {
return "..."
return string(val.(*String).Value.Bytes())
func (s *Struct) CastTo(to arrow.DataType) (Scalar, error) {
if !s.Valid {
return MakeNullScalar(to), nil
if to.ID() != arrow.STRING {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("cannot cast non-null struct scalar to type %s", to)
var bld bytes.Buffer
st := s.Type.(*arrow.StructType)
for i, v := range s.Value {
if i > 0 {
bld.WriteString(", ")
bld.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s = %s", st.Field(i).Name, st.Field(i).Type, v.String()))
buf := memory.NewBufferBytes(bld.Bytes())
defer buf.Release()
return NewStringScalarFromBuffer(buf), nil
func (s *Struct) equals(rhs Scalar) bool {
right := rhs.(*Struct)
if len(s.Value) != len(right.Value) {
return false
for i := range s.Value {
if !Equals(s.Value[i], right.Value[i]) {
return false
return true
func (s *Struct) Validate() (err error) {
if err = s.scalar.Validate(); err != nil {
if !s.Valid {
if len(s.Value) != 0 {
err = xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar is marked null but has child values", s.Type)
st := s.Type.(*arrow.StructType)
num := len(st.Fields())
if len(s.Value) != num {
return xerrors.Errorf("non-null %s scalar should have %d child values, got %d", s.Type, num, len(s.Value))
for i, f := range st.Fields() {
if s.Value[i] == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("non-null %s scalar has missing child value at index %d", s.Type, i)
err = s.Value[i].Validate()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar fails validation for child at index %d: %w", s.Type, i, err)
if !arrow.TypeEqual(s.Value[i].DataType(), f.Type) {
return xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar should have a child value of type %s at index %d, got %s", s.Type, f.Type, i, s.Value[i].DataType())
func (s *Struct) ValidateFull() (err error) {
if err = s.scalar.ValidateFull(); err != nil {
if !s.Valid {
if len(s.Value) != 0 {
err = xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar is marked null but has child values", s.Type)
st := s.Type.(*arrow.StructType)
num := len(st.Fields())
if len(s.Value) != num {
return xerrors.Errorf("non-null %s scalar should have %d child values, got %d", s.Type, num, len(s.Value))
for i, f := range st.Fields() {
if s.Value[i] == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("non-null %s scalar has missing child value at index %d", s.Type, i)
err = s.Value[i].ValidateFull()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar fails validation for child at index %d: %w", s.Type, i, err)
if !arrow.TypeEqual(s.Value[i].DataType(), f.Type) {
return xerrors.Errorf("%s scalar should have a child value of type %s at index %d, got %s", s.Type, f.Type, i, s.Value[i].DataType())
func NewStructScalar(val []Scalar, typ arrow.DataType) *Struct {
return &Struct{scalar{typ, true}, val}
func NewStructScalarWithNames(val []Scalar, names []string) (*Struct, error) {
if len(val) != len(names) {
return nil, xerrors.New("mismatching number of field names and child scalars")
fields := make([]arrow.Field, len(names))
for i, n := range names {
fields[i] = arrow.Field{Name: n, Type: val[i].DataType(), Nullable: true}
return NewStructScalar(val, arrow.StructOf(fields...)), nil