blob: d6b51f06dc36d66cd8c2b30dd47e4e30c0227760 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Command arrow-cat displays the content of an Arrow stream or file.
// Examples:
// $> arrow-cat ./testdata/
// version: V4
// record 1/3...
// col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
// col[1] "int8s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[2] "int16s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[3] "int32s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[4] "int64s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[5] "uint8s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[6] "uint16s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[7] "uint32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[8] "uint64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[9] "float32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[10] "float64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// record 2/3...
// col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
// [...]
// $> gen-arrow-stream | arrow-cat
// record 1...
// col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
// col[1] "int8s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[2] "int16s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[3] "int32s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[4] "int64s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
// col[5] "uint8s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[6] "uint16s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[7] "uint32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[8] "uint64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[9] "float32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// col[10] "float64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
// record 2...
// col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
// [...]
package main // import ""
import (
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("arrow-cat: ")
var err error
switch flag.NArg() {
case 0:
err = processStream(os.Stdout, os.Stdin)
err = processFiles(os.Stdout, flag.Args())
if err != nil {
func processStream(w io.Writer, rin io.Reader) error {
mem := memory.NewGoAllocator()
for {
r, err := ipc.NewReader(rin, ipc.WithAllocator(mem))
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return nil
return err
n := 0
for r.Next() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "record %d...\n", n)
rec := r.Record()
for i, col := range rec.Columns() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " col[%d] %q: %v\n", i, rec.ColumnName(i), col)
return nil
func processFiles(w io.Writer, names []string) error {
for _, name := range names {
err := processFile(w, name)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func processFile(w io.Writer, fname string) error {
f, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
hdr := make([]byte, len(ipc.Magic))
_, err = io.ReadFull(f, hdr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("could not read file header: %w", err)
f.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
if !bytes.Equal(hdr, ipc.Magic) {
// try as a stream.
return processStream(w, f)
mem := memory.NewGoAllocator()
r, err := ipc.NewFileReader(f, ipc.WithAllocator(mem))
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return nil
return err
defer r.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "version: %v\n", r.Version())
for i := 0; i < r.NumRecords(); i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "record %d/%d...\n", i+1, r.NumRecords())
rec, err := r.Record(i)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, col := range rec.Columns() {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " col[%d] %q: %v\n", i, rec.ColumnName(i), col)
return nil
func init() {
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Command arrow-cat displays the content of an Arrow stream or file.
Usage: arrow-cat [OPTIONS] [FILE1 [FILE2 [...]]]
$> arrow-cat ./testdata/
version: V4
record 1/3...
col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
col[1] "int8s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[2] "int16s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[3] "int32s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[4] "int64s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[5] "uint8s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[6] "uint16s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[7] "uint32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[8] "uint64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[9] "float32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[10] "float64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
record 2/3...
col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
$> gen-arrow-stream | arrow-cat
record 1...
col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]
col[1] "int8s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[2] "int16s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[3] "int32s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[4] "int64s": [-1 (null) (null) -4 -5]
col[5] "uint8s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[6] "uint16s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[7] "uint32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[8] "uint64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[9] "float32s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
col[10] "float64s": [1 (null) (null) 4 5]
record 2...
col[0] "bools": [true (null) (null) false true]