blob: 4e0f9746ef213aa25da0ed420123efe18c8d4fa0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flight
import (
// DataStreamReader is an interface for receiving flight data messages on a stream
// such as via grpc with Arrow Flight.
type DataStreamReader interface {
Recv() (*FlightData, error)
type dataMessageReader struct {
rdr DataStreamReader
refCount int64
msg *ipc.Message
lastAppMetadata []byte
descr *FlightDescriptor
func (d *dataMessageReader) Message() (*ipc.Message, error) {
fd, err := d.rdr.Recv()
if err != nil {
if d.msg != nil {
// clear the previous message in the error case
d.msg = nil
d.lastAppMetadata = nil
d.descr = nil
return nil, err
d.lastAppMetadata = fd.AppMetadata
d.descr = fd.FlightDescriptor
d.msg = ipc.NewMessage(memory.NewBufferBytes(fd.DataHeader), memory.NewBufferBytes(fd.DataBody))
return d.msg, nil
func (d *dataMessageReader) Retain() {
atomic.AddInt64(&d.refCount, 1)
func (d *dataMessageReader) Release() {
debug.Assert(atomic.LoadInt64(&d.refCount) > 0, "too many releases")
if atomic.AddInt64(&d.refCount, -1) == 0 {
if d.msg != nil {
d.msg = nil
d.lastAppMetadata = nil
// Reader is an ipc.Reader which also keeps track of the metadata from
// the FlightData messages as they come in, calling LatestAppMetadata
// will return the metadata bytes from the most recently read message.
type Reader struct {
dmr *dataMessageReader
// Retain increases the reference count for the underlying message reader
// and ipc.Reader which are utilized by this Reader.
func (r *Reader) Retain() {
// Release reduces the reference count for the underlying message reader
// and ipc.Reader, when the reference counts become zero, the allocated
// memory is released for the stored record and metadata.
func (r *Reader) Release() {
// LatestAppMetadata returns the bytes from the AppMetadata field of the
// most recently read FlightData message that was processed by calling
// the Next function. The metadata returned would correspond to the record
// retrieved by calling Record().
func (r *Reader) LatestAppMetadata() []byte {
return r.dmr.lastAppMetadata
// LatestFlightDescriptor returns a pointer to the last FlightDescriptor object
// that was received in the most recently read FlightData message that was
// processed by calling the Next function. The descriptor returned would correspond
// to the record retrieved by calling Record().
func (r *Reader) LatestFlightDescriptor() *FlightDescriptor {
return r.dmr.descr
// NewRecordReader constructs an ipc reader using the flight data stream reader
// as the source of the ipc messages, opts passed will be passed to the underlying
// ipc.Reader such as ipc.WithSchema and ipc.WithAllocator
func NewRecordReader(r DataStreamReader, opts ...ipc.Option) (*Reader, error) {
rdr := &Reader{dmr: &dataMessageReader{rdr: r}}
var err error
if rdr.Reader, err = ipc.NewReaderFromMessageReader(rdr.dmr, opts...); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("arrow/flight: could not create flight reader: %w", err)
return rdr, nil
// DeserializeSchema takes the schema bytes from FlightInfo or SchemaResult
// and returns the deserialized arrow schema.
func DeserializeSchema(info []byte, mem memory.Allocator) (*arrow.Schema, error) {
// even though the Flight proto file says that the bytes should be the
// flatbuffer message as per Schema.fbs, the current implementations send
// a serialized recordbatch with no body rows rather than just the
// schema message. So let's make sure to follow that.
rdr, err := ipc.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(info), ipc.WithAllocator(mem))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rdr.Release()
return rdr.Schema(), nil