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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package decimal128 // import ""
import (
var (
MaxDecimal128 = New(542101086242752217, 687399551400673280-1)
// Num represents a signed 128-bit integer in two's complement.
// Calculations wrap around and overflow is ignored.
// For a discussion of the algorithms, look at Knuth's volume 2,
// Semi-numerical Algorithms section 4.3.1.
// Adapted from the Apache ORC C++ implementation
type Num struct {
lo uint64 // low bits
hi int64 // high bits
// New returns a new signed 128-bit integer value.
func New(hi int64, lo uint64) Num {
return Num{lo: lo, hi: hi}
// FromU64 returns a new signed 128-bit integer value from the provided uint64 one.
func FromU64(v uint64) Num {
return New(0, v)
// FromI64 returns a new signed 128-bit integer value from the provided int64 one.
func FromI64(v int64) Num {
switch {
case v > 0:
return New(0, uint64(v))
case v < 0:
return New(-1, uint64(v))
return Num{}
// FromBigInt will convert a big.Int to a Num, if the value in v has a
// BitLen > 128, this will panic.
func FromBigInt(v *big.Int) (n Num) {
bitlen := v.BitLen()
if bitlen > 128 {
panic("arrow/decimal128: cannot represent value larger than 128bits")
} else if bitlen == 0 {
// if bitlen is 0, then the value is 0 so return the default zeroed
// out n
// if the value is negative, then get the high and low bytes from
// v, and then negate it. this is because Num uses a two's compliment
// representation of values and big.Int stores the value as a bool for
// the sign and the absolute value of the integer. This means that the
// raw bytes are *always* the absolute value.
b := v.Bits()
n.lo = uint64(b[0])
if len(b) > 1 {
n.hi = int64(b[1])
if v.Sign() < 0 {
return n.negated()
func (n Num) negated() Num {
n.lo = ^n.lo + 1
n.hi = ^n.hi
if n.lo == 0 {
n.hi += 1
return n
// LowBits returns the low bits of the two's complement representation of the number.
func (n Num) LowBits() uint64 { return n.lo }
// HighBits returns the high bits of the two's complement representation of the number.
func (n Num) HighBits() int64 { return n.hi }
// Sign returns:
// -1 if x < 0
// 0 if x == 0
// +1 if x > 0
func (n Num) Sign() int {
if n == (Num{}) {
return 0
return int(1 | (n.hi >> 63))
func toBigIntPositive(n Num) *big.Int {
return (&big.Int{}).SetBits([]big.Word{big.Word(n.lo), big.Word(n.hi)})
// while the code would be simpler to just do lsh/rsh and add
// it turns out from benchmarking that calling SetBits passing
// in the words and negating ends up being >2x faster
func (n Num) BigInt() *big.Int {
if n.Sign() < 0 {
b := toBigIntPositive(n.negated())
return b.Neg(b)
return toBigIntPositive(n)