blob: 5b6e16d37655499dd0577c749f1da7522ac04490 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Split up into several register functions by category to reduce cyclomatic
# complexity (linter)
register_bindings_datetime <- function() {
register_bindings_datetime_utility <- function() {
format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
tz = "",
unit = "ms") {
# Arrow uses unit for time parsing, strptime() does not.
# Arrow has no default option for strptime (format, unit),
# we suggest following format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", unit = MILLI/1L/"ms",
# (ARROW-12809)
unit <- make_valid_time_unit(
c(valid_time64_units, valid_time32_units)
output <- Expression$create(
options =
format = format,
unit = unit,
error_is_null = TRUE
if (tz == "") {
tz <- Sys.timezone()
# If a timestamp does not contain timezone information (i.e. it is
# "timezone-naive") we can attach timezone information (i.e. convert it into
# a "timezone-aware" timestamp) with `assume_timezone`
# if we want to cast to a different timezone, we can only do it for
# timezone-aware timestamps, not for timezone-naive ones.
# strptime in Acero will return a timezone-aware timestamp if %z is
# part of the format string.
if (!is.null(tz) && !grepl("%z", format, fixed = TRUE)) {
output <- Expression$create(
options =
timezone = tz
notes = c(
"accepts a `unit` argument not present in the `base` function.",
'Valid values are "s", "ms" (default), "us", "ns".'
register_binding("base::strftime", function(x,
format = "",
tz = "",
usetz = FALSE) {
if (usetz) {
format <- paste(format, "%Z")
if (tz == "") {
tz <- Sys.timezone()
# Arrow's strftime prints in timezone of the timestamp. To match R's strftime behavior we first
# cast the timestamp to desired timezone. This is a metadata only change.
if (call_binding("is.POSIXct", x)) {
ts <- Expression$create("cast", x, options = list(to_type = timestamp(x$type()$unit(), tz)))
} else {
ts <- x
Expression$create("strftime", ts, options = list(format = format, locale = check_time_locale()))
register_binding("lubridate::format_ISO8601", function(x, usetz = FALSE, precision = NULL, ...) {
ISO8601_precision_map <-
y = "%Y",
ym = "%Y-%m",
ymd = "%Y-%m-%d",
ymdh = "%Y-%m-%dT%H",
ymdhm = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M",
ymdhms = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
if (is.null(precision)) {
precision <- "ymdhms"
if (!precision %in% names(ISO8601_precision_map)) {
"`precision` must be one of the following values:",
paste(names(ISO8601_precision_map), collapse = ", "),
"\nValue supplied was: ",
format <- ISO8601_precision_map[[precision]]
if (usetz) {
format <- paste0(format, "%z")
Expression$create("strftime", x, options = list(format = format, locale = "C"))
register_binding("lubridate::is.Date", function(x) {
inherits(x, "Date") ||
(inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() %in% Type[c("DATE32", "DATE64")])
is_instant_binding <- function(x) {
inherits(x, c("POSIXt", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt", "Date")) ||
(inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() %in% Type[c("TIMESTAMP", "DATE32", "DATE64")])
register_binding("lubridate::is.instant", is_instant_binding)
register_binding("lubridate::is.timepoint", is_instant_binding)
register_binding("lubridate::is.POSIXct", function(x) {
inherits(x, "POSIXct") ||
(inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() %in% Type[c("TIMESTAMP")])
register_binding("lubridate::date", function(x) {
cast(x, date32())
register_bindings_datetime_components <- function() {
register_binding("lubridate::second", function(x) {
Expression$create("add", Expression$create("second", x), Expression$create("subsecond", x))
register_binding("lubridate::wday", function(x,
label = FALSE,
abbr = TRUE,
week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7),
locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")) {
if (label) {
if (abbr) {
format <- "%a"
} else {
format <- "%A"
return(Expression$create("strftime", x, options = list(format = format, locale = check_time_locale(locale))))
Expression$create("day_of_week", x, options = list(count_from_zero = FALSE, week_start = week_start))
register_binding("lubridate::week", function(x) {
(call_binding("yday", x) - 1) %/% 7 + 1
register_binding("lubridate::month", function(x,
label = FALSE,
abbr = TRUE,
locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")) {
if (call_binding("is.integer", x)) {
x <- call_binding(
call_binding("between", x, 1, 12),
if (!label) {
# if we don't need a label we can return the integer itself (already
# constrained to 1:12)
# make the integer into a date32() - which interprets integers as
# days from epoch (we multiply by 28 to be able to later extract the
# month with label) - NB this builds a false date (to be used by strftime)
# since we only know and care about the month
x <- cast(x * 28L, date32())
if (label) {
if (abbr) {
format <- "%b"
} else {
format <- "%B"
return(Expression$create("strftime", x, options = list(format = format, locale = check_time_locale(locale))))
Expression$create("month", x)
register_binding("lubridate::qday", function(x) {
# We calculate day of quarter by flooring timestamp to beginning of quarter and
# calculating days between beginning of quarter and timestamp/date in question.
# Since we use one one-based numbering we add one.
floored_x <- Expression$create("floor_temporal", x, options = list(unit = 9L))
Expression$create("days_between", floored_x, x) + Expression$scalar(1L)
register_binding("lubridate::am", function(x) {
hour <- Expression$create("hour", x)
hour < 12
register_binding("lubridate::pm", function(x) {
!call_binding("am", x)
register_binding("lubridate::tz", function(x) {
if (!call_binding("is.POSIXct", x)) {
"timezone extraction for objects of class `",
register_binding("lubridate::semester", function(x, with_year = FALSE) {
month <- call_binding("month", x)
semester <- Expression$create("if_else", month <= 6, 1L, 2L)
if (with_year) {
year <- call_binding("year", x)
return(year + semester / 10)
} else {
register_bindings_datetime_conversion <- function() {
function(year = 1970L,
month = 1L,
day = 1L,
hour = 0L,
min = 0L,
sec = 0,
tz = "UTC") {
# ParseTimestampStrptime currently ignores the timezone information (ARROW-12820).
# Stop if tz other than 'UTC' is provided.
if (tz != "UTC") {
arrow_not_supported("Time zone other than 'UTC'")
x <- call_binding("str_c", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, sep = "-")
Expression$create("strptime", x, options = list(format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", unit = 0L))
notes = "only supports UTC (default) timezone"
register_binding("lubridate::make_date", function(year = 1970L,
month = 1L,
day = 1L) {
x <- call_binding("make_datetime", year, month, day)
cast(x, date32())
register_binding("base::ISOdatetime", function(year,
tz = "UTC") {
# NAs for seconds aren't propagated (but treated as 0) in the base version
sec <- call_binding(
call_binding("", sec),
call_binding("make_datetime", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz)
register_binding("base::ISOdate", function(year,
hour = 12,
min = 0,
sec = 0,
tz = "UTC") {
call_binding("make_datetime", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz)
format = NULL,
tryFormats = "%Y-%m-%d",
origin = "1970-01-01",
tz = "UTC") {
if (is.null(format) && length(tryFormats) > 1) {
"`as.Date()` with multiple `tryFormats` is not supported in Arrow.",
"Consider using the lubridate specialised parsing functions `ymd()`, `ymd()`, etc."
# base::as.Date() and lubridate::as_date() differ in the way they use the
# `tz` argument. Both cast to the desired timezone, if present. The
# difference appears when the `tz` argument is not set: `as.Date()` uses the
# default value ("UTC"), while `as_date()` keeps the original attribute
# => we only cast when we want the behaviour of the base version or when
# `tz` is set (i.e. not NULL)
if (call_binding("is.POSIXct", x)) {
unit <- if (inherits(x, "Expression")) x$type()$unit() else "s"
x <- cast(x, timestamp(unit = unit, timezone = tz))
x = x,
format = format,
tryFormats = tryFormats,
origin = origin
notes = c(
"Multiple `tryFormats` not supported in Arrow.",
"Consider using the lubridate specialised parsing functions `ymd()`, `ymd()`, etc."
register_binding("lubridate::as_date", function(x,
format = NULL,
origin = "1970-01-01",
tz = NULL) {
# base::as.Date() and lubridate::as_date() differ in the way they use the
# `tz` argument. Both cast to the desired timezone, if present. The
# difference appears when the `tz` argument is not set: `as.Date()` uses the
# default value ("UTC"), while `as_date()` keeps the original attribute
# => we only cast when we want the behaviour of the base version or when
# `tz` is set (i.e. not NULL)
if (call_binding("is.POSIXct", x) && !is.null(tz)) {
unit <- if (inherits(x, "Expression")) x$type()$unit() else "s"
x <- cast(x, timestamp(unit = unit, timezone = tz))
x = x,
format = format,
origin = origin
register_binding("lubridate::as_datetime", function(x,
origin = "1970-01-01",
tz = "UTC",
format = NULL,
unit = "ns") {
# Arrow uses unit for time parsing, as_datetime() does not.
unit <- make_valid_time_unit(
c(valid_time64_units, valid_time32_units)
if (call_binding("is.integer", x)) {
x <- cast(x, int64())
if (call_binding("is.numeric", x)) {
multiple <- Expression$create("power_checked", 1000L, unit)
delta <- call_binding("difftime", origin, "1970-01-01")
delta <- cast(delta, int64())
delta <- Expression$create("multiply_checked", delta, multiple)
x <- Expression$create("multiply_checked", x, multiple)
x <- cast(x, int64())
x <- Expression$create("add_checked", x, delta)
if (call_binding("is.character", x) && !is.null(format)) {
x <- Expression$create(
options = list(format = format, unit = unit, error_is_null = TRUE)
output <- cast(x, timestamp(unit = unit))
Expression$create("assume_timezone", output, options = list(timezone = tz))
register_binding("lubridate::decimal_date", function(date) {
y <- Expression$create("year", date)
start <- call_binding("make_datetime", year = y, tz = "UTC")
sofar <- call_binding("difftime", date, start, units = "secs")
total <- Expression$create(
Expression$create("is_leap_year", date),
Expression$scalar(31622400L), # number of seconds in a leap year (366 days)
Expression$scalar(31536000L) # number of seconds in a regular year (365 days)
y + cast(sofar, int64()) / total
register_binding("lubridate::date_decimal", function(decimal, tz = "UTC") {
y <- Expression$create("floor", decimal)
start <- call_binding("make_datetime", year = y, tz = tz)
seconds <- Expression$create(
Expression$create("is_leap_year", start),
Expression$scalar(31622400L), # number of seconds in a leap year (366 days)
Expression$scalar(31536000L) # number of seconds in a regular year (365 days)
fraction <- decimal - y
delta <- Expression$create("floor", seconds * fraction)
delta <- make_duration(delta, "s")
start + delta
register_bindings_datetime_timezone <- function() {
function(time, tzone = "", roll_dst = c("error", "post")) {
if (length(roll_dst) == 1L) {
roll_dst <- c(roll_dst, roll_dst)
} else if (length(roll_dst) != 2L) {
arrow_not_supported("`roll_dst` must be 1 or 2 items long; other lengths")
nonexistent <- switch(
"error" = 0L,
"boundary" = 2L,
arrow_not_supported("`roll_dst` value must be 'error' or 'boundary' for non-existent times; other values")
ambiguous <- switch(
"error" = 0L,
"pre" = 1L,
"post" = 2L,
arrow_not_supported("`roll_dst` value must be 'error', 'pre', or 'post' for non-existent times")
if (identical(tzone, "")) {
tzone <- Sys.timezone()
if (!inherits(time, "Expression")) {
time <- Expression$scalar(time)
# Non-UTC timezones don't work here and getting them to do so was too
# hard to do in the initial PR because there is no way in Arrow to
# "unapply" a UTC offset (i.e., the reverse of assume_timezone).
if (!time$type()$timezone() %in% c("", "UTC")) {
arrow_not_supported("`time` with a non-UTC timezone")
# Remove timezone if needed
current_unit <- time$type()$unit()
time <- cast(time, timestamp(current_unit, ""))
# Add timezone
options = list(
timezone = tzone,
nonexistent = nonexistent,
ambiguous = ambiguous
notes = c(
"Timezone conversion from non-UTC timezone not supported;",
"`roll_dst` values of 'error' and 'boundary' are supported for nonexistent times,",
"`roll_dst` values of 'error', 'pre', and 'post' are supported for ambiguous times."
register_binding("lubridate::with_tz", function(time, tzone = "") {
if (tzone == "") {
tzone <- Sys.timezone()
cast(time, timestamp(unit = time$type()$unit(), timezone = tzone))
register_bindings_duration <- function() {
function(time1, time2, tz, units = "secs") {
if (units != "secs") {
arrow_not_supported("`difftime()` with units other than `secs`")
if (!missing(tz)) {
warn("`tz` argument is not supported in Arrow, so it will be ignored")
# cast to timestamp if time1 and time2 are not dates or timestamp expressions
# (the subtraction of which would output a `duration`)
if (!call_binding("is.instant", time1)) {
time1 <- cast(time1, timestamp())
if (!call_binding("is.instant", time2)) {
time2 <- cast(time2, timestamp())
# if time1 or time2 are timestamps they cannot be expressed in "s" /seconds
# otherwise they cannot be added subtracted with durations
# TODO delete the casting to "us" once
# is solved
if (inherits(time1, "Expression") &&
time1$type_id() %in% Type[c("TIMESTAMP")] && time1$type()$unit() != 2L) {
time1 <- cast(time1, timestamp("us"))
if (inherits(time2, "Expression") &&
time2$type_id() %in% Type[c("TIMESTAMP")] && time2$type()$unit() != 2L) {
time2 <- cast(time2, timestamp("us"))
# we need to go build the subtract expression instead of `time1 - time2` to
# prevent complaints when we try to subtract an R object from an Expression
cast(call_binding("-", time1, time2), duration("s"))
notes = c(
'only supports `units = "secs"` (the default);',
"`tz` argument not supported"
function(x, format = "%X", units = "secs") {
# windows doesn't seem to like "%X"
if (format == "%X" & tolower([["sysname"]]) == "windows") {
format <- "%H:%M:%S"
if (units != "secs") {
arrow_not_supported("`as.difftime()` with units other than 'secs'")
if (call_binding("is.character", x)) {
x <- Expression$create("strptime", x, options = list(format = format, unit = 0L))
# we do a final cast to duration ("s") at the end
x <- make_duration(cast(x, time64("us")), unit = "us")
# numeric -> duration not supported in Arrow yet so we use int64() as an
# intermediate step
# TODO: revisit after ARROW-15862
if (call_binding("is.numeric", x)) {
# coerce x to be int64(). it should work for integer-like doubles and fail
# for pure doubles
# if we abort for all doubles, we risk erroring in cases in which
# coercion to int64() would work
x <- cast(x, int64())
cast(x, duration(unit = "s"))
notes = 'only supports `units = "secs"` (the default)'
register_bindings_duration_constructor <- function() {
function(num = NULL, units = "secs", ...) {
if (units != "secs") {
arrow_not_supported("`make_difftime()` with units other than 'secs'")
chunks <- list(...)
# lubridate concatenates durations passed via the `num` argument with those
# passed via `...` resulting in a vector of length 2 - which is virtually
# unusable in a dplyr pipeline. Arrow errors in this situation
if (!is.null(num) && length(chunks) > 0) {
arrow_not_supported("`make_difftime()` with both `num` and `...`")
if (!is.null(num)) {
# build duration from num if present
duration <- num
} else {
# build duration from chunks when nothing is passed via ...
duration <- duration_from_chunks(chunks)
make_duration(duration, "s")
notes = c(
'only supports `units = "secs"` (the default);',
"providing both `num` and `...` is not supported"
register_bindings_duration_helpers <- function() {
duration_factory <- function(value, unit) {
function(x = 1) make_duration(x * value, unit)
register_binding("lubridate::dminutes", duration_factory(60, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::dhours", duration_factory(3600, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::ddays", duration_factory(86400, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::dweeks", duration_factory(604800, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::dmonths", duration_factory(2629800, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::dyears", duration_factory(31557600, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::dseconds", duration_factory(1, "s"))
register_binding("lubridate::dmilliseconds", duration_factory(1, "ms"))
register_binding("lubridate::dmicroseconds", duration_factory(1, "us"))
register_binding("lubridate::dnanoseconds", duration_factory(1, "ns"))
function(x = 1) {
abort("Duration in picoseconds not supported in Arrow.")
notes = "not supported"
register_bindings_datetime_parsers <- function() {
tz = "UTC",
truncated = 0,
quiet = TRUE,
exact = FALSE) {
if (!quiet) {
arrow_not_supported("`quiet = FALSE`")
if (truncated > 0) {
if (truncated > (nchar(orders) - 3)) {
arrow_not_supported(paste0("a value for `truncated` > ", nchar(orders) - 3))
# build several orders for truncated formats
orders <- map_chr(0:truncated, ~ substr(orders, start = 1, stop = nchar(orders) - .x))
if (!inherits(x, "Expression")) {
x <- Expression$scalar(x)
if (exact == TRUE) {
# no data processing takes place & we don't derive formats
parse_attempts <- build_strptime_exprs(x, orders)
} else {
parse_attempts <- attempt_parsing(x, orders = orders)
coalesce_output <- Expression$create("coalesce", args = parse_attempts)
# we need this binding to be able to handle a NULL `tz`, which, in turn,
# will be used by bindings such as `ymd()` to return a date or timestamp,
# based on whether tz is NULL or not
if (!is.null(tz)) {
Expression$create("assume_timezone", coalesce_output, options = list(timezone = tz))
} else {
notes = c(
"`quiet = FALSE` is not supported",
"Available formats are H, I, j, M, S, U, w, W, y, Y, R, T.",
"On Linux and OS X additionally a, A, b, B, Om, p, r are available."
parser_vec <- c(
"ymd", "ydm", "mdy", "myd", "dmy", "dym", "ym", "my", "yq",
"ymd_HMS", "ymd_HM", "ymd_H", "dmy_HMS", "dmy_HM", "dmy_H",
"mdy_HMS", "mdy_HM", "mdy_H", "ydm_HMS", "ydm_HM", "ydm_H"
parser_map_factory <- function(order) {
function(x, quiet = TRUE, tz = NULL, locale = NULL, truncated = 0) {
if (!is.null(locale)) {
# Parsers returning datetimes return UTC by default and never return dates.
if (is.null(tz) && nchar(order) > 3) {
tz <- "UTC"
parse_x <- call_binding("parse_date_time", x, order, tz, truncated, quiet)
if (is.null(tz)) {
# we cast so we can mimic the behaviour of the `tz` argument in lubridate
# "If NULL (default), a Date object is returned. Otherwise a POSIXct with
# time zone attribute set to tz."
parse_x <- cast(parse_x, date32())
for (order in parser_vec) {
paste0("lubridate::", tolower(order)),
notes = "`locale` argument not supported"
function(x, format, tz = "UTC", lt = FALSE, cutoff_2000 = 68L) {
# `lt` controls the output `lt = TRUE` returns a POSIXlt (which doesn't play
# well with mutate, for example)
if (lt) {
arrow_not_supported("`lt = TRUE` argument")
# TODO revisit after
if (cutoff_2000 != 68L) {
arrow_not_supported("`cutoff_2000` != 68L argument")
parse_attempt_expressions <- list()
parse_attempt_expressions <- map(
~ Expression$create(
options = list(
format = .x,
unit = 0L,
error_is_null = TRUE
coalesce_output <- Expression$create("coalesce", args = parse_attempt_expressions)
Expression$create("assume_timezone", coalesce_output, options = list(timezone = tz))
notes = "non-default values of `lt` and `cutoff_2000` not supported"
register_bindings_datetime_rounding <- function() {
unit = "second",
week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)) {
opts <- parse_period_unit(unit)
if (opts$unit == 7L) { # weeks (unit = 7L) need to accommodate week_start
return(shift_temporal_to_week("round_temporal", x, week_start, options = opts))
Expression$create("round_temporal", x, options = opts)
unit = "second",
week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)) {
opts <- parse_period_unit(unit)
if (opts$unit == 7L) { # weeks (unit = 7L) need to accommodate week_start
return(shift_temporal_to_week("floor_temporal", x, week_start, options = opts))
Expression$create("floor_temporal", x, options = opts)
unit = "second",
change_on_boundary = NULL,
week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 7)) {
opts <- parse_period_unit(unit)
if (is.null(change_on_boundary)) {
change_on_boundary <- ifelse(call_binding("is.Date", x), TRUE, FALSE)
opts$ceil_is_strictly_greater <- change_on_boundary
if (opts$unit == 7L) { # weeks (unit = 7L) need to accommodate week_start
return(shift_temporal_to_week("ceil_temporal", x, week_start, options = opts))
Expression$create("ceil_temporal", x, options = opts)