blob: 8002d16c44e4298718bb29e5cc2c2c704492ccd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
//! This module contains the `LogicalPlan` enum that describes queries
//! via a logical query plan.
use std::{
fmt::{self, Display},
use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema, SchemaRef};
use crate::datasource::TableProvider;
use crate::sql::parser::FileType;
use super::display::{GraphvizVisitor, IndentVisitor};
use super::expr::Expr;
use super::extension::UserDefinedLogicalNode;
use crate::logical_plan::dfschema::DFSchemaRef;
/// Join type
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum JoinType {
/// Inner join
/// Left join
/// Right join
/// A LogicalPlan represents the different types of relational
/// operators (such as Projection, Filter, etc) and can be created by
/// the SQL query planner and the DataFrame API.
/// A LogicalPlan represents transforming an input relation (table) to
/// an output relation (table) with a (potentially) different
/// schema. A plan represents a dataflow tree where data flows
/// from leaves up to the root to produce the query result.
pub enum LogicalPlan {
/// Evaluates an arbitrary list of expressions (essentially a
/// SELECT with an expression list) on its input.
Projection {
/// The list of expressions
expr: Vec<Expr>,
/// The incoming logical plan
input: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// The schema description of the output
schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// Filters rows from its input that do not match an
/// expression (essentially a WHERE clause with a predicate
/// expression).
/// Semantically, `<predicate>` is evaluated for each row of the input;
/// If the value of `<predicate>` is true, the input row is passed to
/// the output. If the value of `<predicate>` is false, the row is
/// discarded.
Filter {
/// The predicate expression, which must have Boolean type.
predicate: Expr,
/// The incoming logical plan
input: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Aggregates its input based on a set of grouping and aggregate
/// expressions (e.g. SUM).
Aggregate {
/// The incoming logical plan
input: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Grouping expressions
group_expr: Vec<Expr>,
/// Aggregate expressions
aggr_expr: Vec<Expr>,
/// The schema description of the aggregate output
schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// Sorts its input according to a list of sort expressions.
Sort {
/// The sort expressions
expr: Vec<Expr>,
/// The incoming logical plan
input: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Join two logical plans on one or more join columns
Join {
/// Left input
left: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Right input
right: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Equijoin clause expressed as pairs of (left, right) join columns
on: Vec<(String, String)>,
/// Join type
join_type: JoinType,
/// The output schema, containing fields from the left and right inputs
schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// Repartition the plan based on a partitioning scheme.
Repartition {
/// The incoming logical plan
input: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// The partitioning scheme
partitioning_scheme: Partitioning,
/// Produces rows from a table provider by reference or from the context
TableScan {
/// The name of the table
table_name: String,
/// The source of the table
source: Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>,
/// Optional column indices to use as a projection
projection: Option<Vec<usize>>,
/// The schema description of the output
projected_schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// Optional expressions to be used as filters by the table provider
filters: Vec<Expr>,
/// Produces no rows: An empty relation with an empty schema
EmptyRelation {
/// Whether to produce a placeholder row
produce_one_row: bool,
/// The schema description of the output
schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// Produces the first `n` tuples from its input and discards the rest.
Limit {
/// The limit
n: usize,
/// The logical plan
input: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Creates an external table.
CreateExternalTable {
/// The table schema
schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// The table name
name: String,
/// The physical location
location: String,
/// The file type of physical file
file_type: FileType,
/// Whether the CSV file contains a header
has_header: bool,
/// Produces a relation with string representations of
/// various parts of the plan
Explain {
/// Should extra (detailed, intermediate plans) be included?
verbose: bool,
/// The logical plan that is being EXPLAIN'd
plan: Arc<LogicalPlan>,
/// Represent the various stages plans have gone through
stringified_plans: Vec<StringifiedPlan>,
/// The output schema of the explain (2 columns of text)
schema: DFSchemaRef,
/// Extension operator defined outside of DataFusion
Extension {
/// The runtime extension operator
node: Arc<dyn UserDefinedLogicalNode + Send + Sync>,
impl LogicalPlan {
/// Get a reference to the logical plan's schema
pub fn schema(&self) -> &DFSchemaRef {
match self {
LogicalPlan::EmptyRelation { schema, .. } => &schema,
LogicalPlan::TableScan {
projected_schema, ..
} => &projected_schema,
LogicalPlan::Projection { schema, .. } => &schema,
LogicalPlan::Filter { input, .. } => input.schema(),
LogicalPlan::Aggregate { schema, .. } => &schema,
LogicalPlan::Sort { input, .. } => input.schema(),
LogicalPlan::Join { schema, .. } => &schema,
LogicalPlan::Repartition { input, .. } => input.schema(),
LogicalPlan::Limit { input, .. } => input.schema(),
LogicalPlan::CreateExternalTable { schema, .. } => &schema,
LogicalPlan::Explain { schema, .. } => &schema,
LogicalPlan::Extension { node } => &node.schema(),
/// Returns the (fixed) output schema for explain plans
pub fn explain_schema() -> SchemaRef {
Field::new("plan_type", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("plan", DataType::Utf8, false),
/// Logical partitioning schemes supported by the repartition operator.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Partitioning {
/// Allocate batches using a round-robin algorithm and the specified number of partitions
/// Allocate rows based on a hash of one of more expressions and the specified number
/// of partitions.
/// This partitioning scheme is not yet fully supported. See <>
Hash(Vec<Expr>, usize),
/// Trait that implements the [Visitor
/// pattern]( for a
/// depth first walk of `LogicalPlan` nodes. `pre_visit` is called
/// before any children are visited, and then `post_visit` is called
/// after all children have been visited.
/// To use, define a struct that implements this trait and then invoke
/// "LogicalPlan::accept".
/// For example, for a logical plan like:
/// Projection: #id
/// Filter: #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\")\
/// CsvScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3])";
/// The sequence of visit operations would be:
/// ```text
/// visitor.pre_visit(Projection)
/// visitor.pre_visit(Filter)
/// visitor.pre_visit(CsvScan)
/// visitor.post_visit(CsvScan)
/// visitor.post_visit(Filter)
/// visitor.post_visit(Projection)
/// ```
pub trait PlanVisitor {
/// The type of error returned by this visitor
type Error;
/// Invoked on a logical plan before any of its child inputs have been
/// visited. If Ok(true) is returned, the recursion continues. If
/// Err(..) or Ok(false) are returned, the recursion stops
/// immediately and the error, if any, is returned to `accept`
fn pre_visit(&mut self, plan: &LogicalPlan)
-> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error>;
/// Invoked on a logical plan after all of its child inputs have
/// been visited. The return value is handled the same as the
/// return value of `pre_visit`. The provided default implementation
/// returns `Ok(true)`.
fn post_visit(
&mut self,
_plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
impl LogicalPlan {
/// returns all inputs in the logical plan. Returns Ok(true) if
/// all nodes were visited, and Ok(false) if any call to
/// `pre_visit` or `post_visit` returned Ok(false) and may have
/// cut short the recursion
pub fn accept<V>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> std::result::Result<bool, V::Error>
V: PlanVisitor,
if !visitor.pre_visit(self)? {
return Ok(false);
let recurse = match self {
LogicalPlan::Projection { input, .. } => input.accept(visitor)?,
LogicalPlan::Filter { input, .. } => input.accept(visitor)?,
LogicalPlan::Repartition { input, .. } => input.accept(visitor)?,
LogicalPlan::Aggregate { input, .. } => input.accept(visitor)?,
LogicalPlan::Sort { input, .. } => input.accept(visitor)?,
LogicalPlan::Join { left, right, .. } => {
left.accept(visitor)? && right.accept(visitor)?
LogicalPlan::Limit { input, .. } => input.accept(visitor)?,
LogicalPlan::Extension { node } => {
for input in node.inputs() {
if !input.accept(visitor)? {
return Ok(false);
// plans without inputs
LogicalPlan::TableScan { .. }
| LogicalPlan::EmptyRelation { .. }
| LogicalPlan::CreateExternalTable { .. }
| LogicalPlan::Explain { .. } => true,
if !recurse {
return Ok(false);
if !visitor.post_visit(self)? {
return Ok(false);
// Various implementations for printing out LogicalPlans
impl LogicalPlan {
/// Return a `format`able structure that produces a single line
/// per node. For example:
/// ```text
/// Projection: #id
/// Filter: #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\")\
/// CsvScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3])
/// ```
/// ```
/// use arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema, DataType};
/// use datafusion::logical_plan::{lit, col, LogicalPlanBuilder};
/// let schema = Schema::new(vec![
/// Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false),
/// ]);
/// let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("foo.csv", &schema, None).unwrap()
/// .filter(col("id").eq(lit(5))).unwrap()
/// .build().unwrap();
/// // Format using display_indent
/// let display_string = format!("{}", plan.display_indent());
/// assert_eq!("Filter: #id Eq Int32(5)\
/// \n TableScan: foo.csv projection=None",
/// display_string);
/// ```
pub fn display_indent(&self) -> impl fmt::Display + '_ {
// Boilerplate structure to wrap LogicalPlan with something
// that that can be formatted
struct Wrapper<'a>(&'a LogicalPlan);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for Wrapper<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let with_schema = false;
let mut visitor = IndentVisitor::new(f, with_schema);
self.0.accept(&mut visitor).unwrap();
/// Return a `format`able structure that produces a single line
/// per node that includes the output schema. For example:
/// ```text
/// Projection: #id [id:Int32]\
/// Filter: #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\") [id:Int32, state:Utf8]\
/// TableScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3]) [id:Int32, state:Utf8]";
/// ```
/// ```
/// use arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema, DataType};
/// use datafusion::logical_plan::{lit, col, LogicalPlanBuilder};
/// let schema = Schema::new(vec![
/// Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false),
/// ]);
/// let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("foo.csv", &schema, None).unwrap()
/// .filter(col("id").eq(lit(5))).unwrap()
/// .build().unwrap();
/// // Format using display_indent_schema
/// let display_string = format!("{}", plan.display_indent_schema());
/// assert_eq!("Filter: #id Eq Int32(5) [id:Int32]\
/// \n TableScan: foo.csv projection=None [id:Int32]",
/// display_string);
/// ```
pub fn display_indent_schema(&self) -> impl fmt::Display + '_ {
// Boilerplate structure to wrap LogicalPlan with something
// that that can be formatted
struct Wrapper<'a>(&'a LogicalPlan);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for Wrapper<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let with_schema = true;
let mut visitor = IndentVisitor::new(f, with_schema);
self.0.accept(&mut visitor).unwrap();
/// Return a `format`able structure that produces lines meant for
/// graphical display using the `DOT` language. This format can be
/// visualized using software from
/// [`graphviz`](
/// This currently produces two graphs -- one with the basic
/// structure, and one with additional details such as schema.
/// ```
/// use arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema, DataType};
/// use datafusion::logical_plan::{lit, col, LogicalPlanBuilder};
/// let schema = Schema::new(vec![
/// Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false),
/// ]);
/// let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("foo.csv", &schema, None).unwrap()
/// .filter(col("id").eq(lit(5))).unwrap()
/// .build().unwrap();
/// // Format using display_graphviz
/// let graphviz_string = format!("{}", plan.display_graphviz());
/// ```
/// If graphviz string is saved to a file such as `/tmp/`, the following
/// commands can be used to render it as a pdf:
/// ```bash
/// dot -Tpdf < /tmp/ > /tmp/example.pdf
/// ```
pub fn display_graphviz(&self) -> impl fmt::Display + '_ {
// Boilerplate structure to wrap LogicalPlan with something
// that that can be formatted
struct Wrapper<'a>(&'a LogicalPlan);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for Wrapper<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"// Begin DataFusion GraphViz Plan (see"
writeln!(f, "digraph {{")?;
let mut visitor = GraphvizVisitor::new(f);
self.0.accept(&mut visitor).unwrap();
visitor.pre_visit_plan("Detailed LogicalPlan")?;
self.0.accept(&mut visitor).unwrap();
writeln!(f, "}}")?;
writeln!(f, "// End DataFusion GraphViz Plan")?;
/// Return a `format`able structure with the a human readable
/// description of this LogicalPlan node per node, not including
/// children. For example:
/// ```text
/// Projection: #id
/// ```
/// ```
/// use arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema, DataType};
/// use datafusion::logical_plan::{lit, col, LogicalPlanBuilder};
/// let schema = Schema::new(vec![
/// Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false),
/// ]);
/// let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("foo.csv", &schema, None).unwrap()
/// .build().unwrap();
/// // Format using display
/// let display_string = format!("{}", plan.display());
/// assert_eq!("TableScan: foo.csv projection=None", display_string);
/// ```
pub fn display(&self) -> impl fmt::Display + '_ {
// Boilerplate structure to wrap LogicalPlan with something
// that that can be formatted
struct Wrapper<'a>(&'a LogicalPlan);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for Wrapper<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match &*self.0 {
LogicalPlan::EmptyRelation { .. } => write!(f, "EmptyRelation"),
LogicalPlan::TableScan {
ref table_name,
ref projection,
ref filters,
} => {
let sep = " ".repeat(min(1, table_name.len()));
"TableScan: {}{}projection={:?}",
table_name, sep, projection
if !filters.is_empty() {
write!(f, ", filters={:?}", filters)?;
LogicalPlan::Projection { ref expr, .. } => {
write!(f, "Projection: ")?;
for (i, expr_item) in expr.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{:?}", expr_item)?;
LogicalPlan::Filter {
predicate: ref expr,
} => write!(f, "Filter: {:?}", expr),
LogicalPlan::Aggregate {
ref group_expr,
ref aggr_expr,
} => write!(
"Aggregate: groupBy=[{:?}], aggr=[{:?}]",
group_expr, aggr_expr
LogicalPlan::Sort { ref expr, .. } => {
write!(f, "Sort: ")?;
for (i, expr_item) in expr.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{:?}", expr_item)?;
LogicalPlan::Join { on: ref keys, .. } => {
let join_expr: Vec<String> =
keys.iter().map(|(l, r)| format!("{} = {}", l, r)).collect();
write!(f, "Join: {}", join_expr.join(", "))
LogicalPlan::Repartition {
} => match partitioning_scheme {
Partitioning::RoundRobinBatch(n) => {
"Repartition: RoundRobinBatch partition_count={}",
Partitioning::Hash(expr, n) => {
let hash_expr: Vec<String> =
expr.iter().map(|e| format!("{:?}", e)).collect();
"Repartition: Hash({}) partition_count={}",
hash_expr.join(", "),
LogicalPlan::Limit { ref n, .. } => write!(f, "Limit: {}", n),
LogicalPlan::CreateExternalTable { ref name, .. } => {
write!(f, "CreateExternalTable: {:?}", name)
LogicalPlan::Explain { .. } => write!(f, "Explain"),
LogicalPlan::Extension { ref node } => node.fmt_for_explain(f),
impl fmt::Debug for LogicalPlan {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
/// Represents which type of plan
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum PlanType {
/// The initial LogicalPlan provided to DataFusion
/// The LogicalPlan which results from applying an optimizer pass
OptimizedLogicalPlan {
/// The name of the optimizer which produced this plan
optimizer_name: String,
/// The physical plan, prepared for execution
impl From<&PlanType> for String {
fn from(t: &PlanType) -> Self {
match t {
PlanType::LogicalPlan => "logical_plan".into(),
PlanType::OptimizedLogicalPlan { optimizer_name } => {
format!("logical_plan after {}", optimizer_name)
PlanType::PhysicalPlan => "physical_plan".into(),
/// Represents some sort of execution plan, in String form
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct StringifiedPlan {
/// An identifier of what type of plan this string represents
pub plan_type: PlanType,
/// The string representation of the plan
pub plan: Arc<String>,
impl StringifiedPlan {
/// Create a new Stringified plan of `plan_type` with string
/// representation `plan`
pub fn new(plan_type: PlanType, plan: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
StringifiedPlan {
plan: Arc::new(plan.into()),
/// returns true if this plan should be displayed. Generally
/// `verbose_mode = true` will display all available plans
pub fn should_display(&self, verbose_mode: bool) -> bool {
self.plan_type == PlanType::LogicalPlan || verbose_mode
mod tests {
use super::super::{col, lit, LogicalPlanBuilder};
use super::*;
fn employee_schema() -> Schema {
Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("first_name", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("last_name", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("state", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("salary", DataType::Int32, false),
fn display_plan() -> LogicalPlan {
Some(vec![0, 3]),
fn test_display_indent() {
let plan = display_plan();
let expected = "Projection: #id\
\n Filter: #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\")\
\n TableScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3])";
assert_eq!(expected, format!("{}", plan.display_indent()));
fn test_display_indent_schema() {
let plan = display_plan();
let expected = "Projection: #id [id:Int32]\
\n Filter: #state Eq Utf8(\"CO\") [id:Int32, state:Utf8]\
\n TableScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3]) [id:Int32, state:Utf8]";
assert_eq!(expected, format!("{}", plan.display_indent_schema()));
fn test_display_graphviz() {
let plan = display_plan();
// just test for a few key lines in the output rather than the
// whole thing to make test mainteance easier.
let graphviz = format!("{}", plan.display_graphviz());
r#"// Begin DataFusion GraphViz Plan (see"#
r#"[shape=box label="TableScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3])"]"#
assert!(graphviz.contains(r#"[shape=box label="TableScan: employee.csv projection=Some([0, 3])\nSchema: [id:Int32, state:Utf8]"]"#),
"\n{}", plan.display_graphviz());
graphviz.contains(r#"// End DataFusion GraphViz Plan"#),
/// Tests for the Visitor trait and walking logical plan nodes
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct OkVisitor {
strings: Vec<String>,
impl PlanVisitor for OkVisitor {
type Error = String;
fn pre_visit(
&mut self,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
let s = match plan {
LogicalPlan::Projection { .. } => "pre_visit Projection",
LogicalPlan::Filter { .. } => "pre_visit Filter",
LogicalPlan::TableScan { .. } => "pre_visit TableScan",
_ => unimplemented!("unknown plan type"),
fn post_visit(
&mut self,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
let s = match plan {
LogicalPlan::Projection { .. } => "post_visit Projection",
LogicalPlan::Filter { .. } => "post_visit Filter",
LogicalPlan::TableScan { .. } => "post_visit TableScan",
_ => unimplemented!("unknown plan type"),
fn visit_order() {
let mut visitor = OkVisitor::default();
let plan = test_plan();
let res = plan.accept(&mut visitor);
"pre_visit Projection",
"pre_visit Filter",
"pre_visit TableScan",
"post_visit TableScan",
"post_visit Filter",
"post_visit Projection"
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Counter than counts to zero and returns true when it gets there
struct OptionalCounter {
val: Option<usize>,
impl OptionalCounter {
fn new(val: usize) -> Self {
Self { val: Some(val) }
// Decrements the counter by 1, if any, returning true if it hits zero
fn dec(&mut self) -> bool {
if Some(0) == self.val {
} else {
self.val = self.val.take().map(|i| i - 1);
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Visitor that returns false after some number of visits
struct StoppingVisitor {
inner: OkVisitor,
/// When Some(0) returns false from pre_visit
return_false_from_pre_in: OptionalCounter,
/// When Some(0) returns false from post_visit
return_false_from_post_in: OptionalCounter,
impl PlanVisitor for StoppingVisitor {
type Error = String;
fn pre_visit(
&mut self,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
if self.return_false_from_pre_in.dec() {
return Ok(false);
fn post_visit(
&mut self,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
if self.return_false_from_post_in.dec() {
return Ok(false);
/// test early stopping in pre-visit
fn early_stopping_pre_visit() {
let mut visitor = StoppingVisitor {
return_false_from_pre_in: OptionalCounter::new(2),
let plan = test_plan();
let res = plan.accept(&mut visitor);
vec!["pre_visit Projection", "pre_visit Filter",]
fn early_stopping_post_visit() {
let mut visitor = StoppingVisitor {
return_false_from_post_in: OptionalCounter::new(1),
let plan = test_plan();
let res = plan.accept(&mut visitor);
"pre_visit Projection",
"pre_visit Filter",
"pre_visit TableScan",
"post_visit TableScan",
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Visitor that returns an error after some number of visits
struct ErrorVisitor {
inner: OkVisitor,
/// When Some(0) returns false from pre_visit
return_error_from_pre_in: OptionalCounter,
/// When Some(0) returns false from post_visit
return_error_from_post_in: OptionalCounter,
impl PlanVisitor for ErrorVisitor {
type Error = String;
fn pre_visit(
&mut self,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
if self.return_error_from_pre_in.dec() {
return Err("Error in pre_visit".into());
fn post_visit(
&mut self,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> std::result::Result<bool, Self::Error> {
if self.return_error_from_post_in.dec() {
return Err("Error in post_visit".into());
fn error_pre_visit() {
let mut visitor = ErrorVisitor {
return_error_from_pre_in: OptionalCounter::new(2),
let plan = test_plan();
let res = plan.accept(&mut visitor);
if let Err(e) = res {
assert_eq!("Error in pre_visit", e);
} else {
panic!("Expected an error");
vec!["pre_visit Projection", "pre_visit Filter",]
fn error_post_visit() {
let mut visitor = ErrorVisitor {
return_error_from_post_in: OptionalCounter::new(1),
let plan = test_plan();
let res = plan.accept(&mut visitor);
if let Err(e) = res {
assert_eq!("Error in post_visit", e);
} else {
panic!("Expected an error");
"pre_visit Projection",
"pre_visit Filter",
"pre_visit TableScan",
"post_visit TableScan",
fn test_plan() -> LogicalPlan {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("id", DataType::Int32, false)]);
LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("", &schema, Some(vec![0]))