blob: 271c8b0dbc789ab4a83f07861e6b31cc897e7408 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package arrow
import (
var (
// global extension type registry, initially left null to avoid paying
// the cost if no extension types are used.
// the choice to use a sync.Map here is because it's expected that most
// use cases would be to register some number of types at initialization
// or otherwise and leave them rather than a pattern of repeatedly registering
// and unregistering types. As per the documentation for sync.Map
// (, it is specialized for the case where an entry
// is written once but read many times which fits our case here as we register
// a type once and then have to read it many times when deserializing messages
// with that type.
extTypeRegistry *sync.Map
// used for initializing the registry once and only once
initReg sync.Once
// convenience function to ensure that the type registry is initialized once
// and only once in a goroutine-safe manner.
func getExtTypeRegistry() *sync.Map {
initReg.Do(func() { extTypeRegistry = &sync.Map{} })
return extTypeRegistry
// RegisterExtensionType registers the provided ExtensionType by calling ExtensionName
// to use as a Key for registrying the type. If a type with the same name is already
// registered then this will return an error saying so, otherwise it will return nil
// if successful registering the type.
// This function is safe to call from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func RegisterExtensionType(typ ExtensionType) error {
name := typ.ExtensionName()
registry := getExtTypeRegistry()
if _, existed := registry.LoadOrStore(name, typ); existed {
return fmt.Errorf("arrow: type extension with name %s already defined", name)
return nil
// UnregisterExtensionType removes the type with the given name from the registry
// causing any messages with that type which come in to be expressed with their
// metadata and underlying type instead of the extension type that isn't known.
// This function is safe to call from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func UnregisterExtensionType(typName string) error {
registry := getExtTypeRegistry()
if _, loaded := registry.LoadAndDelete(typName); !loaded {
return fmt.Errorf("arrow: no type extension with name %s found", typName)
return nil
// GetExtensionType retrieves and returns the extension type of the given name
// from the global extension type registry. If the type isn't found it will return
// nil. This function is safe to call from multiple goroutines concurrently.
func GetExtensionType(typName string) ExtensionType {
registry := getExtTypeRegistry()
if val, ok := registry.Load(typName); ok {
return val.(ExtensionType)
return nil
// ExtensionType is an interface for handling user-defined types. They must be
// DataTypes and must embed arrow.ExtensionBase in them in order to work properly
// ensuring that they always have the expected base behavior.
// The arrow.ExtensionBase that needs to be embedded implements the DataType interface
// leaving the remaining functions having to be implemented by the actual user-defined
// type in order to be handled properly.
type ExtensionType interface {
// ArrayType should return the reflect.TypeOf(ExtensionArrayType{}) where the
// ExtensionArrayType is a type that implements the array.ExtensionArray interface.
// Such a type must also embed the array.ExtensionArrayBase in it. This will be used
// when creating arrays of this ExtensionType by using reflect.New
ArrayType() reflect.Type
// ExtensionName is what will be used when registering / unregistering this extension
// type. Multiple user-defined types can be defined with a parameterized ExtensionType
// as long as the parameter is used in the ExtensionName to distinguish the instances
// in the global Extension Type registry.
// The return from this is also what will be placed in the metadata for IPC communication
// under the key ARROW:extension:name
ExtensionName() string
// StorageType returns the underlying storage type which is used by this extension
// type. It is already implemented by the ExtensionBase struct and thus does not need
// to be re-implemented by a user-defined type.
StorageType() DataType
// ExtensionEquals is used to tell whether two ExtensionType instances are equal types.
ExtensionEquals(ExtensionType) bool
// Serialize should produce any extra metadata necessary for initializing an instance of
// this user-defined type. Not all user-defined types require this and it is valid to return
// nil from this function or an empty slice. This is used for the IPC format and will be
// added to metadata for IPC communication under the key ARROW:extension:metadata
// This should be implemented such that it is valid to be called by multiple goroutines
// concurrently.
Serialize() string
// Deserialize is called when reading in extension arrays and types via the IPC format
// in order to construct an instance of the appropriate extension type. The data passed in
// is pulled from the ARROW:extension:metadata key and may be nil or an empty slice.
// If the storage type is incorrect or something else is invalid with the data this should
// return nil and an appropriate error.
Deserialize(storageType DataType, data string) (ExtensionType, error)
// ExtensionBase is the base struct for user-defined Extension Types which must be
// embedded in any user-defined types like so:
// type UserDefinedType struct {
// arrow.ExtensionBase
// // any other data
// }
type ExtensionBase struct {
// Storage is the underlying storage type
Storage DataType
// ID always returns arrow.EXTENSION and should not be overridden
func (*ExtensionBase) ID() Type { return EXTENSION }
// Name should always return "extension" and should not be overridden
func (*ExtensionBase) Name() string { return "extension" }
// String by default will return "extension_type<storage=storage_type>" by can be overridden
// to customize what is printed out when printing this extension type.
func (e *ExtensionBase) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("extension_type<storage=%s>", e.Storage) }
// StorageType returns the underlying storage type and exists so that functions
// written against the ExtensionType interface can access the storage type.
func (e *ExtensionBase) StorageType() DataType { return e.Storage }
func (e *ExtensionBase) Fingerprint() string { return typeFingerprint(e) + e.Storage.Fingerprint() }
func (e *ExtensionBase) Fields() []Field {
if nested, ok := e.Storage.(NestedType); ok {
return nested.Fields()
return nil
func (e *ExtensionBase) Layout() DataTypeLayout { return e.Storage.Layout() }
// this no-op exists to ensure that this type must be embedded in any user-defined extension type.
//lint:ignore U1000 this function is intentionally unused as it only exists to ensure embedding happens
func (ExtensionBase) mustEmbedExtensionBase() {}
var (
_ DataType = (*ExtensionBase)(nil)