blob: d127f772c63404d5571345a3c34b254c85585543 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/dataset.R
\title{Open a multi-file dataset of CSV or other delimiter-separated format}
schema = NULL,
partitioning = hive_partition(),
hive_style = NA,
unify_schemas = NULL,
factory_options = list(),
delim = ",",
quote = "\\"",
escape_double = TRUE,
escape_backslash = FALSE,
col_names = TRUE,
col_types = NULL,
na = c("", "NA"),
skip_empty_rows = TRUE,
skip = 0L,
convert_options = NULL,
read_options = NULL,
timestamp_parsers = NULL
schema = NULL,
partitioning = hive_partition(),
hive_style = NA,
unify_schemas = NULL,
factory_options = list(),
quote = "\\"",
escape_double = TRUE,
escape_backslash = FALSE,
col_names = TRUE,
col_types = NULL,
na = c("", "NA"),
skip_empty_rows = TRUE,
skip = 0L,
convert_options = NULL,
read_options = NULL,
timestamp_parsers = NULL
schema = NULL,
partitioning = hive_partition(),
hive_style = NA,
unify_schemas = NULL,
factory_options = list(),
quote = "\\"",
escape_double = TRUE,
escape_backslash = FALSE,
col_names = TRUE,
col_types = NULL,
na = c("", "NA"),
skip_empty_rows = TRUE,
skip = 0L,
convert_options = NULL,
read_options = NULL,
timestamp_parsers = NULL
\item{sources}{One of:
\item a string path or URI to a directory containing data files
\item a \link{FileSystem} that references a directory containing data files
(such as what is returned by \code{\link[=s3_bucket]{s3_bucket()}})
\item a string path or URI to a single file
\item a character vector of paths or URIs to individual data files
\item a list of \code{Dataset} objects as created by this function
\item a list of \code{DatasetFactory} objects as created by \code{\link[=dataset_factory]{dataset_factory()}}.
When \code{sources} is a vector of file URIs, they must all use the same protocol
and point to files located in the same file system and having the same
\item{schema}{\link{Schema} for the \code{Dataset}. If \code{NULL} (the default), the schema
will be inferred from the data sources.}
\item{partitioning}{When \code{sources} is a directory path/URI, one of:
\item a \code{Schema}, in which case the file paths relative to \code{sources} will be
parsed, and path segments will be matched with the schema fields.
\item a character vector that defines the field names corresponding to those
path segments (that is, you're providing the names that would correspond
to a \code{Schema} but the types will be autodetected)
\item a \code{Partitioning} or \code{PartitioningFactory}, such as returned
by \code{\link[=hive_partition]{hive_partition()}}
\item \code{NULL} for no partitioning
The default is to autodetect Hive-style partitions unless
\code{hive_style = FALSE}. See the "Partitioning" section for details.
When \code{sources} is not a directory path/URI, \code{partitioning} is ignored.}
\item{hive_style}{Logical: should \code{partitioning} be interpreted as
Hive-style? Default is \code{NA}, which means to inspect the file paths for
Hive-style partitioning and behave accordingly.}
\item{unify_schemas}{logical: should all data fragments (files, \code{Dataset}s)
be scanned in order to create a unified schema from them? If \code{FALSE}, only
the first fragment will be inspected for its schema. Use this fast path
when you know and trust that all fragments have an identical schema.
The default is \code{FALSE} when creating a dataset from a directory path/URI or
vector of file paths/URIs (because there may be many files and scanning may
be slow) but \code{TRUE} when \code{sources} is a list of \code{Dataset}s (because there
should be few \code{Dataset}s in the list and their \code{Schema}s are already in
\item{factory_options}{list of optional FileSystemFactoryOptions:
\item \code{partition_base_dir}: string path segment prefix to ignore when
discovering partition information with DirectoryPartitioning. Not
meaningful (ignored with a warning) for HivePartitioning, nor is it
valid when providing a vector of file paths.
\item \code{exclude_invalid_files}: logical: should files that are not valid data
files be excluded? Default is \code{FALSE} because checking all files up
front incurs I/O and thus will be slower, especially on remote
filesystems. If false and there are invalid files, there will be an
error at scan time. This is the only FileSystemFactoryOption that is
valid for both when providing a directory path in which to discover
files and when providing a vector of file paths.
\item \code{selector_ignore_prefixes}: character vector of file prefixes to ignore
when discovering files in a directory. If invalid files can be excluded
by a common filename prefix this way, you can avoid the I/O cost of
\code{exclude_invalid_files}. Not valid when providing a vector of file paths
(but if you're providing the file list, you can filter invalid files
\item{delim}{Single character used to separate fields within a record.}
\item{quote}{Single character used to quote strings.}
\item{escape_double}{Does the file escape quotes by doubling them?
i.e. If this option is \code{TRUE}, the value \verb{""""} represents
a single quote, \verb{\\"}.}
\item{escape_backslash}{Does the file use backslashes to escape special
characters? This is more general than \code{escape_double} as backslashes
can be used to escape the delimiter character, the quote character, or
to add special characters like \verb{\\\\n}.}
\item{col_names}{If \code{TRUE}, the first row of the input will be used as the
column names and will not be included in the data frame. If \code{FALSE}, column
names will be generated by Arrow, starting with "f0", "f1", ..., "fN".
Alternatively, you can specify a character vector of column names.}
\item{col_types}{A compact string representation of the column types,
an Arrow \link{Schema}, or \code{NULL} (the default) to infer types from the data.}
\item{na}{A character vector of strings to interpret as missing values.}
\item{skip_empty_rows}{Should blank rows be ignored altogether? If
\code{TRUE}, blank rows will not be represented at all. If \code{FALSE}, they will be
filled with missings.}
\item{skip}{Number of lines to skip before reading data.}
\item{convert_options}{see \link[=CsvReadOptions]{file reader options}}
\item{read_options}{see \link[=CsvReadOptions]{file reader options}}
\item{timestamp_parsers}{User-defined timestamp parsers. If more than one
parser is specified, the CSV conversion logic will try parsing values
starting from the beginning of this vector. Possible values are:
\item \code{NULL}: the default, which uses the ISO-8601 parser
\item a character vector of \link[base:strptime]{strptime} parse strings
\item a list of \link{TimestampParser} objects
A wrapper around \link{open_dataset} which explicitly includes parameters mirroring \code{\link[=read_csv_arrow]{read_csv_arrow()}},
\code{\link[=read_delim_arrow]{read_delim_arrow()}}, and \code{\link[=read_tsv_arrow]{read_tsv_arrow()}} to allows for easy switching between functions
for opening single files and functions for opening datasets.
\section{Options currently supported by \code{\link[=read_delim_arrow]{read_delim_arrow()}} which are not supported here}{
\item \code{file} (instead, please specify files in \code{sources})
\item \code{col_select} (instead, subset columns after dataset creation)
\item \code{quoted_na}
\item \code{as_data_frame} (instead, convert to data frame after dataset creation)
\item \code{parse_options}
\dontshow{if (arrow_with_dataset()) (if (getRversion() >= "3.4") withAutoprint else force)(\{ # examplesIf}
# Set up directory for examples
tf <- tempfile()
df <- data.frame(x = c("1", "2", "NULL"))
file_path <- file.path(tf, "file1.txt")
write.table(df, file_path, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
read_csv_arrow(file_path, na = c("", "NA", "NULL"), col_names = "y", skip = 1)
open_csv_dataset(file_path, na = c("", "NA", "NULL"), col_names = "y", skip = 1)
\dontshow{\}) # examplesIf}