blob: 11d302c0b04d1e1f2ef24593d636f09fe96135f6 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/io.R
\title{Handle a range of possible input sources}
make_readable_file(file, mmap = TRUE, compression = NULL)
\item{file}{A character file name, \code{raw} vector, or an Arrow input stream}
\item{mmap}{Logical: whether to memory-map the file (default \code{TRUE})}
\item{compression}{If the file is compressed, created a \link{CompressedInputStream}
with this compression codec, either a \link{Codec} or the string name of one.
If \code{NULL} (default) and \code{file} is a string file name, the function will try
to infer compression from the file extension.}
An \code{InputStream} or a subclass of one.
Handle a range of possible input sources