blob: d5f147c595fa10b7ed29c135015a5767a06579c2 [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/field.R
\title{Field class}
field(name, type, metadata)
\item{name}{field name}
\item{type}{logical type, instance of \link{DataType}}
\item{metadata}{currently ignored}
\code{field()} lets you create an \code{arrow::Field} that maps a
\link[=data-type]{DataType} to a column name. Fields are contained in
\item \code{f$ToString()}: convert to a string
\item \code{f$Equals(other)}: test for equality. More naturally called as \code{f == other}
field("x", int32())