blob: 81c6be4fb3f6e82f744827ba0e84c3fe41f7ba4e [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/csv.R, R/json.R
\title{File reader options}
\code{CsvReadOptions}, \code{CsvParseOptions}, \code{CsvConvertOptions},
\code{JsonReadOptions}, and \code{JsonParseOptions} are containers for various
file reading options. See their usage in \code{\link[=read_csv_arrow]{read_csv_arrow()}} and
\code{\link[=read_json_arrow]{read_json_arrow()}}, respectively.
The \code{CsvReadOptions$create()} and \code{JsonReadOptions$create()} factory methods
take the following arguments:
\item \code{use_threads} Whether to use the global CPU thread pool
\item \code{block_size} Block size we request from the IO layer; also determines
the size of chunks when use_threads is \code{TRUE}. NB: if \code{FALSE}, JSON input
must end with an empty line.
\code{CsvReadOptions$create()} further accepts these additional arguments:
\item \code{skip_rows} Number of lines to skip before reading data (default 0)
\item \code{column_names} Character vector to supply column names. If length-0
(the default), the first non-skipped row will be parsed to generate column
names, unless \code{autogenerate_column_names} is \code{TRUE}.
\item \code{autogenerate_column_names} Logical: generate column names instead of
using the first non-skipped row (the default)? If \code{TRUE}, column names will
be "f0", "f1", ..., "fN".
\code{CsvParseOptions$create()} takes the following arguments:
\item \code{delimiter} Field delimiting character (default \code{","})
\item \code{quoting} Logical: are strings quoted? (default \code{TRUE})
\item \code{quote_char} Quoting character, if \code{quoting} is \code{TRUE}
\item \code{double_quote} Logical: are quotes inside values double-quoted? (default \code{TRUE})
\item \code{escaping} Logical: whether escaping is used (default \code{FALSE})
\item \code{escape_char} Escaping character, if \code{escaping} is \code{TRUE}
\item \code{newlines_in_values} Logical: are values allowed to contain CR (\code{0x0d})
and LF (\code{0x0a}) characters? (default \code{FALSE})
\item \code{ignore_empty_lines} Logical: should empty lines be ignored (default) or
generate a row of missing values (if \code{FALSE})?
\code{JsonParseOptions$create()} accepts only the \code{newlines_in_values} argument.
\code{CsvConvertOptions$create()} takes the following arguments:
\item \code{check_utf8} Logical: check UTF8 validity of string columns? (default \code{TRUE})
\item \code{null_values} character vector of recognized spellings for null values.
Analogous to the \code{na.strings} argument to
\code{\link[utils:read.table]{read.csv()}} or \code{na} in \code{readr::read_csv()}.
\item \code{strings_can_be_null} Logical: can string / binary columns have
null values? Similar to the \code{quoted_na} argument to \code{readr::read_csv()}.
(default \code{FALSE})
These classes have no implemented methods. They are containers for the