blob: c14c5ce1abcd63834606bdf10e0b1ad72284cb92 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#' @include arrow-package.R
#' @include enums.R
#' @include buffer.R
# OutputStream ------------------------------------------------------------
Writable <- R6Class("Writable", inherit = ArrowObject,
public = list(
write = function(x) io___Writable__write(self, buffer(x))
#' @title OutputStream classes
#' @description `FileOutputStream` is for writing to a file;
#' `BufferOutputStream` writes to a buffer;
#' You can create one and pass it to any of the table writers, for example.
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Factory:
#' The `$create()` factory methods instantiate the `OutputStream` object and
#' take the following arguments, depending on the subclass:
#' - `path` For `FileOutputStream`, a character file name
#' - `initial_capacity` For `BufferOutputStream`, the size in bytes of the
#' buffer.
#' @section Methods:
#' - `$tell()`: return the position in the stream
#' - `$close()`: close the stream
#' - `$write(x)`: send `x` to the stream
#' - `$capacity()`: for `BufferOutputStream`
#' - `$finish()`: for `BufferOutputStream`
#' - `$GetExtentBytesWritten()`: for `MockOutputStream`, report how many bytes
#' were sent.
#' @rdname OutputStream
#' @name OutputStream
OutputStream <- R6Class("OutputStream", inherit = Writable,
public = list(
close = function() io___OutputStream__Close(self),
tell = function() io___OutputStream__Tell(self)
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @rdname OutputStream
#' @export
FileOutputStream <- R6Class("FileOutputStream", inherit = OutputStream)
FileOutputStream$create <- function(path) {
shared_ptr(FileOutputStream, io___FileOutputStream__Open(clean_path_abs(path)))
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @rdname OutputStream
#' @export
BufferOutputStream <- R6Class("BufferOutputStream", inherit = OutputStream,
public = list(
capacity = function() io___BufferOutputStream__capacity(self),
finish = function() shared_ptr(Buffer, io___BufferOutputStream__Finish(self)),
write = function(bytes) io___BufferOutputStream__Write(self, bytes),
tell = function() io___BufferOutputStream__Tell(self)
BufferOutputStream$create <- function(initial_capacity = 0L) {
shared_ptr(BufferOutputStream, io___BufferOutputStream__Create(initial_capacity))
# InputStream -------------------------------------------------------------
Readable <- R6Class("Readable", inherit = ArrowObject,
public = list(
Read = function(nbytes) shared_ptr(Buffer, io___Readable__Read(self, nbytes))
#' @title InputStream classes
#' @description `RandomAccessFile` inherits from `InputStream` and is a base
#' class for: `ReadableFile` for reading from a file; `MemoryMappedFile` for
#' the same but with memory mapping; and `BufferReader` for reading from a
#' buffer. Use these with the various table readers.
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Factory:
#' The `$create()` factory methods instantiate the `InputStream` object and
#' take the following arguments, depending on the subclass:
#' - `path` For `ReadableFile`, a character file name
#' - `x` For `BufferReader`, a [Buffer] or an object that can be
#' made into a buffer via `buffer()`.
#' To instantiate a `MemoryMappedFile`, call [mmap_open()].
#' @section Methods:
#' - `$GetSize()`:
#' - `$supports_zero_copy()`: Logical
#' - `$seek(position)`: go to that position in the stream
#' - `$tell()`: return the position in the stream
#' - `$close()`: close the stream
#' - `$Read(nbytes)`: read data from the stream, either a specified `nbytes` or
#' all, if `nbytes` is not provided
#' - `$ReadAt(position, nbytes)`: similar to `$seek(position)$Read(nbytes)`
#' - `$Resize(size)`: for a `MemoryMappedFile` that is writeable
#' @rdname InputStream
#' @name InputStream
InputStream <- R6Class("InputStream", inherit = Readable,
public = list(
close = function() io___InputStream__Close(self)
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @rdname InputStream
#' @export
RandomAccessFile <- R6Class("RandomAccessFile", inherit = InputStream,
public = list(
GetSize = function() io___RandomAccessFile__GetSize(self),
supports_zero_copy = function() io___RandomAccessFile__supports_zero_copy(self),
seek = function(position) io___RandomAccessFile__Seek(self, position),
tell = function() io___RandomAccessFile__Tell(self),
Read = function(nbytes = NULL) {
if (is.null(nbytes)) {
shared_ptr(Buffer, io___RandomAccessFile__Read0(self))
} else {
shared_ptr(Buffer, io___Readable__Read(self, nbytes))
ReadAt = function(position, nbytes = NULL) {
if (is.null(nbytes)) {
nbytes <- self$GetSize() - position
shared_ptr(Buffer, io___RandomAccessFile__ReadAt(self, position, nbytes))
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @rdname InputStream
#' @export
MemoryMappedFile <- R6Class("MemoryMappedFile", inherit = RandomAccessFile,
public = list(
Resize = function(size) io___MemoryMappedFile__Resize(self, size)
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @rdname InputStream
#' @export
ReadableFile <- R6Class("ReadableFile", inherit = RandomAccessFile)
ReadableFile$create <- function(path) {
shared_ptr(ReadableFile, io___ReadableFile__Open(clean_path_abs(path)))
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @rdname InputStream
#' @export
BufferReader <- R6Class("BufferReader", inherit = RandomAccessFile)
BufferReader$create <- function(x) {
x <- buffer(x)
shared_ptr(BufferReader, io___BufferReader__initialize(x))
#' Create a new read/write memory mapped file of a given size
#' @param path file path
#' @param size size in bytes
#' @return a [arrow::io::MemoryMappedFile][MemoryMappedFile]
#' @export
mmap_create <- function(path, size) {
path <- clean_path_abs(path)
shared_ptr(MemoryMappedFile, io___MemoryMappedFile__Create(path, size))
#' Open a memory mapped file
#' @param path file path
#' @param mode file mode (read/write/readwrite)
#' @export
mmap_open <- function(path, mode = c("read", "write", "readwrite")) {
mode <- match(match.arg(mode), c("read", "write", "readwrite")) - 1L
path <- clean_path_abs(path)
shared_ptr(MemoryMappedFile, io___MemoryMappedFile__Open(path, mode))
#' Handle a range of possible input sources
#' @param file A character file name, `raw` vector, or an Arrow input stream
#' @param mmap Logical: whether to memory-map the file (default `TRUE`)
#' @param compression If the file is compressed, created a [CompressedInputStream]
#' with this compression codec, either a [Codec] or the string name of one.
#' If `NULL` (default) and `file` is a string file name, the function will try
#' to infer compression from the file extension.
#' @return An `InputStream` or a subclass of one.
#' @keywords internal
make_readable_file <- function(file, mmap = TRUE, compression = NULL) {
if (is.string(file)) {
if (is.null(compression)) {
# Infer compression from the file path
compression <- detect_compression(file)
if (isTRUE(mmap)) {
file <- mmap_open(file)
} else {
file <- ReadableFile$create(file)
if (!identical(compression, "uncompressed")) {
file <- CompressedInputStream$create(file, compression)
} else if (inherits(file, c("raw", "Buffer"))) {
file <- BufferReader$create(file)
assert_is(file, "InputStream")
detect_compression <- function(path) {
bz2 = "bz2",
gz = "gzip",
lz4 = "lz4",
zst = "zstd",