blob: 338e15260a2f44e89cc4aef80f48a51ea7a7e918 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#' @include arrowExports.R
array_expression <- function(FUN, ...) {
structure(list(fun = FUN, args = list(...)), class = "array_expression")
#' @export
Ops.Array <- function(e1, e2) array_expression(.Generic, e1, e2)
#' @export
Ops.ChunkedArray <- Ops.Array
#' @export
Ops.array_expression <- Ops.Array
#' @export <- function(x) array_expression("", x)
#' @export
as.vector.array_expression <- function(x, ...) {
x$args <- lapply(x$args, as.vector)$fun, x$args)
#' @export
print.array_expression <- function(x, ...) print(as.vector(x))
#' Arrow expressions
#' @description
#' `Expression`s are used to define filter logic for passing to a [Dataset]
#' [Scanner].
#' `Expression$scalar(x)` constructs an `Expression` which always evaluates to
#' the provided scalar (length-1) R value.
#' `Expression$field_ref(name)` is used to construct an `Expression` which
#' evaluates to the named column in the `Dataset` against which it is evaluated.
#' `Expression$compare(OP, e1, e2)` takes two `Expression` operands, constructing
#' an `Expression` which will evaluate these operands then compare them with the
#' relation specified by OP (e.g. "==", "!=", ">", etc.) For example, to filter
#' down to rows where the column named "alpha" is less than 5:
#' `Expression$compare("<", Expression$field_ref("alpha"), Expression$scalar(5))`
#' `Expression$and(e1, e2)`, `Expression$or(e1, e2)`, and `Expression$not(e1)`
#' construct an `Expression` combining their arguments with Boolean operators.
#' `Expression$is_valid(x)` is essentially (an inversion of) `` for `Expression`s.
#' `Expression$in_(x, set)` evaluates x and returns whether or not it is a member of the set.
#' @name Expression
#' @rdname Expression
#' @export
Expression <- R6Class("Expression", inherit = ArrowObject,
public = list(
ToString = function() dataset___expr__ToString(self)
Expression$field_ref <- function(name) {
assert_is(name, "character")
assert_that(length(name) == 1)
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__field_ref(name))
Expression$scalar <- function(x) {
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__scalar(Scalar$create(x)))
Expression$compare <- function(OP, e1, e2) {
comp_func <- comparison_function_map[[OP]]
if (is.null(comp_func)) {
stop(OP, " is not a supported comparison function", call. = FALSE)
shared_ptr(Expression, comp_func(e1, e2))
comparison_function_map <- list(
"==" = dataset___expr__equal,
"!=" = dataset___expr__not_equal,
">" = dataset___expr__greater,
">=" = dataset___expr__greater_equal,
"<" = dataset___expr__less,
"<=" = dataset___expr__less_equal
Expression$in_ <- function(x, set) {
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__in(x, Array$create(set)))
Expression$and <- function(e1, e2) {
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__and(e1, e2))
Expression$or <- function(e1, e2) {
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__or(e1, e2))
Expression$not <- function(e1) {
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__not(e1))
Expression$is_valid <- function(e1) {
shared_ptr(Expression, dataset___expr__is_valid(e1))
#' @export
Ops.Expression <- function(e1, e2) {
if (.Generic == "!") {
make_expression(.Generic, e1, e2)
make_expression <- function(operator, e1, e2) {
if (operator == "%in%") {
# In doesn't take Scalar, it takes Array
return(Expression$in_(e1, e2))
# Check for non-expressions and convert to Expressions
if (!inherits(e1, "Expression")) {
e1 <- Expression$scalar(e1)
if (!inherits(e2, "Expression")) {
e2 <- Expression$scalar(e2)
if (operator == "&") {
Expression$and(e1, e2)
} else if (operator == "|") {
Expression$or(e1, e2)
} else {
Expression$compare(operator, e1, e2)
#' @export <- function(x) !Expression$is_valid(x)