blob: 484c300e0e417b7e91c6469c02105dfe5f01ecd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <arrow/io/file.h>
#include <arrow/ipc/feather.h>
#include <arrow/status.h>
#include <arrow/table.h>
#include <arrow/type.h>
#include <arrow/util/bit-util.h>
#include <mex.h>
#include "feather_reader.h"
#include "matlab_traits.h"
#include "util/handle_status.h"
#include "util/unicode_conversion.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace matlab {
namespace internal {
// Read the name of variable i from the Feather file as a mxArray*.
mxArray* ReadVariableName(const std::string& column_name) {
return matlab::util::ConvertUTF8StringToUTF16CharMatrix(column_name);
template <typename ArrowDataType>
mxArray* ReadNumericVariableData(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) {
using MatlabType = typename MatlabTraits<ArrowDataType>::MatlabType;
using ArrowArrayType = typename TypeTraits<ArrowDataType>::ArrayType;
const mxClassID matlab_class_id = MatlabTraits<ArrowDataType>::matlab_class_id;
// Allocate a numeric mxArray* with the correct mxClassID based on the type of the
// arrow::Array.
mxArray* variable_data =
mxCreateNumericMatrix(column->length(), 1, matlab_class_id, mxREAL);
std::shared_ptr<ArrowArrayType> integer_array =
// Get a raw pointer to the Arrow array data.
const MatlabType* source = integer_array->raw_values();
// Get a mutable pointer to the MATLAB array data and std::copy the
// Arrow array data into it.
MatlabType* destination = MatlabTraits<ArrowDataType>::GetData(variable_data);
std::copy(source, source + column->length(), destination);
return variable_data;
// Read the data of variable i from the Feather file as a mxArray*.
mxArray* ReadVariableData(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column,
const std::string& column_name) {
std::shared_ptr<DataType> type = column->type();
switch (type->id()) {
case Type::FLOAT:
return ReadNumericVariableData<FloatType>(column);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return ReadNumericVariableData<DoubleType>(column);
case Type::UINT8:
return ReadNumericVariableData<UInt8Type>(column);
case Type::UINT16:
return ReadNumericVariableData<UInt16Type>(column);
case Type::UINT32:
return ReadNumericVariableData<UInt32Type>(column);
case Type::UINT64:
return ReadNumericVariableData<UInt64Type>(column);
case Type::INT8:
return ReadNumericVariableData<Int8Type>(column);
case Type::INT16:
return ReadNumericVariableData<Int16Type>(column);
case Type::INT32:
return ReadNumericVariableData<Int32Type>(column);
case Type::INT64:
return ReadNumericVariableData<Int64Type>(column);
default: {
"Unsupported arrow::Type '%s' for variable '%s'",
type->name().c_str(), column_name.c_str());
return nullptr;
// arrow::Buffers are bit-packed, while mxLogical arrays aren't. This utility
// uses an Arrow utility to copy each bit of an arrow::Buffer into each byte
// of an mxLogical array.
void BitUnpackBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer>& source, int64_t length,
mxLogical* destination) {
const uint8_t* source_data = source->data();
// Call into an Arrow utility to visit each bit in the bitmap.
auto visitFcn = [&](mxLogical is_valid) { *destination++ = is_valid; };
const int64_t start_offset = 0;
arrow::internal::VisitBitsUnrolled(source_data, start_offset, length, visitFcn);
// Populates the validity bitmap from an arrow::Array.
// writes to a zero-initialized destination buffer.
// Implements a fast path for the fully-valid and fully-invalid cases.
// Returns true if the destination buffer was successfully populated.
bool TryBitUnpackFastPath(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& array,
mxLogical* destination) {
const int64_t null_count = array->null_count();
const int64_t length = array->length();
if (null_count == length) {
// The source array is filled with invalid values. Since mxCreateLogicalMatrix
// zero-initializes the destination buffer, we can return without changing anything
// in the destination buffer.
return true;
} else if (null_count == 0) {
// The source array contains only valid values. Fill the destination buffer
// with 'true'.
std::fill(destination, destination + length, true);
return true;
// Return false to indicate that we couldn't fill the entire validity bitmap.
return false;
// Read the validity (null) bitmap of variable i from the Feather
// file as an mxArray*.
mxArray* ReadVariableValidityBitmap(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) {
// Allocate an mxLogical array to store the validity (null) bitmap values.
// Note: All Arrow arrays can have an associated validity (null) bitmap.
// The Apache Arrow specification defines 0 (false) to represent an
// invalid (null) array entry and 1 (true) to represent a valid
// (non-null) array entry.
mxArray* validity_bitmap = mxCreateLogicalMatrix(column->length(), 1);
mxLogical* validity_bitmap_unpacked = mxGetLogicals(validity_bitmap);
if (!TryBitUnpackFastPath(column, validity_bitmap_unpacked)) {
// Couldn't fill the full validity bitmap at once. Call an optimized loop-unrolled
// implementation instead that goes byte-by-byte and populates the validity bitmap.
BitUnpackBuffer(column->null_bitmap(), column->length(), validity_bitmap_unpacked);
return validity_bitmap;
// Read the type name of an arrow::Array as an mxChar array.
mxArray* ReadVariableType(const std::shared_ptr<Array>& column) {
return util::ConvertUTF8StringToUTF16CharMatrix(column->type()->name());
// MATLAB arrays cannot be larger than 2^48 elements.
static constexpr uint64_t MAX_MATLAB_SIZE = static_cast<uint64_t>(0x01) << 48;
} // namespace internal
Status FeatherReader::Open(const std::string& filename,
std::shared_ptr<FeatherReader>* feather_reader) {
*feather_reader = std::shared_ptr<FeatherReader>(new FeatherReader());
// Open file with given filename as a ReadableFile.
std::shared_ptr<io::ReadableFile> readable_file(nullptr);
RETURN_NOT_OK(io::ReadableFile::Open(filename, &readable_file));
// TableReader expects a RandomAccessFile.
std::shared_ptr<io::RandomAccessFile> random_access_file(readable_file);
// Open the Feather file for reading with a TableReader.
// Read the table metadata from the Feather file.
(*feather_reader)->num_rows_ = (*feather_reader)->table_reader_->num_rows();
(*feather_reader)->num_variables_ = (*feather_reader)->table_reader_->num_columns();
(*feather_reader)->description_ =
? (*feather_reader)->table_reader_->GetDescription()
: "";
if ((*feather_reader)->num_rows_ > internal::MAX_MATLAB_SIZE ||
(*feather_reader)->num_variables_ > internal::MAX_MATLAB_SIZE) {
"The table size exceeds MATLAB limits: %u x %u",
(*feather_reader)->num_rows_, (*feather_reader)->num_variables_);
return Status::OK();
// Read the table metadata from the Feather file as a mxArray*.
mxArray* FeatherReader::ReadMetadata() const {
const int32_t num_metadata_fields = 3;
const char* fieldnames[] = {"NumRows", "NumVariables", "Description"};
// Create a mxArray struct array containing the table metadata to be passed back to
mxArray* metadata = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, num_metadata_fields, fieldnames);
// Returning double values to MATLAB since that is the default type.
// Set the number of rows.
mxSetField(metadata, 0, "NumRows",
// Set the number of variables.
mxSetField(metadata, 0, "NumVariables",
// Set the description.
mxSetField(metadata, 0, "Description",
return metadata;
// Read the table variables from the Feather file as a mxArray*.
mxArray* FeatherReader::ReadVariables() const {
const int32_t num_variable_fields = 4;
const char* fieldnames[] = {"Name", "Type", "Data", "Valid"};
// Create an mxArray* struct array containing the table variables to be passed back to
mxArray* variables =
mxCreateStructMatrix(1, num_variables_, num_variable_fields, fieldnames);
// Read all the table variables in the Feather file into memory.
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_variables_; ++i) {
std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> column;
util::HandleStatus(table_reader_->GetColumn(i, &column));
if (column->num_chunks() != 1) {
"Chunked columns not yet supported");
std::shared_ptr<Array> chunk = column->chunk(0);
const std::string column_name = table_reader_->GetColumnName(i);
// set the struct fields data
mxSetField(variables, i, "Name", internal::ReadVariableName(column_name));
mxSetField(variables, i, "Type", internal::ReadVariableType(chunk));
mxSetField(variables, i, "Data", internal::ReadVariableData(chunk, column_name));
mxSetField(variables, i, "Valid", internal::ReadVariableValidityBitmap(chunk));
return variables;
} // namespace matlab
} // namespace arrow