blob: 7b46890abfcdc727841834c99b9acc7c6e1aab48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { TextEncoder } from 'text-encoding-utf-8';
import Arrow from '../Arrow';
import { TypedArray, TypedArrayConstructor } from '../../src/Arrow';
const utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8');
const { packBools } = Arrow.util;
const { BoolData, FlatData, FlatListData, DictionaryData } =;
const { Vector, IntVector, FloatVector, BoolVector, Utf8Vector, DateVector, DictionaryVector } = Arrow.vector;
const {
Dictionary, Utf8, Bool,
Float16, Float32, Float64,
Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64,
Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64,
} = Arrow.type;
const { DateUnit } = Arrow.enum_;
const FixedSizeVectors = {
Int64Vector: [IntVector, Int64] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Int64],
Uint64Vector: [IntVector, Uint64] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Uint64],
const FixedWidthVectors = {
Int8Vector: [IntVector, Int8] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Int8],
Int16Vector: [IntVector, Int16] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Int16],
Int32Vector: [IntVector, Int32] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Int32],
Uint8Vector: [IntVector, Uint8] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Uint8],
Uint16Vector: [IntVector, Uint16] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Uint16],
Uint32Vector: [IntVector, Uint32] as [typeof IntVector, typeof Uint32],
Float32Vector: [FloatVector, Float32] as [typeof FloatVector, typeof Float32],
Float64Vector: [FloatVector, Float64] as [typeof FloatVector, typeof Float64],
const fixedSizeVectors = toMap(FixedSizeVectors, Object.keys(FixedSizeVectors));
const fixedWidthVectors = toMap(FixedWidthVectors, Object.keys(FixedWidthVectors));
const randomBytes = (n: number) => Uint8Array.from(
{ length: n },
() => Math.random() * 255 | 0
const bytes = Array.from(
{ length: 5 },
() => randomBytes(64)
describe(`BoolVector`, () => {
const values = [true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false], n = values.length;
const vector = new BoolVector(new BoolData(new Bool(), n, null, new Uint8Array([27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])));
test(`gets expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
test(`iterates expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
for (let v of vector) {
test(`indexOf returns expected values`, () => {
for (let test_value of [true, false]) {
const expected = values.indexOf(test_value);
test(`indexOf returns -1 when value not found`, () => {
const v = new BoolVector(new BoolData(new Bool(), 3, null, new Uint8Array([0xFF])));
test(`can set values to true and false`, () => {
const v = new BoolVector(new BoolData(new Bool(), n, null, new Uint8Array([27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])));
const expected1 = [true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false];
const expected2 = [true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false];
const expected3 = [true, true, false, false, false, false, true, true];
function validate(expected: boolean[]) {
for (let i = -1; ++i < n;) {
v.set(2, true);
v.set(2, false);
v.set(3, false);
v.set(4, false);
v.set(6, true);
v.set(7, true);
v.set(3, true);
v.set(4, true);
v.set(6, false);
v.set(7, false);
test(`packs 0 values`, () => {
new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
test(`packs 3 values`, () => {
true, false, true
]).values).toEqual(new Uint8Array([5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
test(`packs 8 values`, () => {
true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false
]).values).toEqual(new Uint8Array([27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
test(`packs 25 values`, () => {
true, true, false, true, true, false, false, false,
false, false, false, true, true, false, true, true,
]).values).toEqual(new Uint8Array([27, 216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
test(`from with boolean Array packs values`, () => {
.from([true, false, true])
).toEqual(new Uint8Array([5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
describe('Float16Vector', () => {
const values = concatTyped(Uint16Array, ...bytes);
const vector = bytes
.map((b) => new Uint16Array(b.buffer))
.map((b) => new FloatVector<Float16>(new FlatData(new Float16(), b.length, null, b)))
.reduce((v: any, v2) => v.concat(v2));
const n = values.length;
const clamp = (x: number) => (x - 32767) / 32767;
const float16s = new Float32Array([...values].map((x) => clamp(x)));
test(`gets expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
test(`iterates expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
for (let v of vector) {
test(`indexOf returns expected values`, () => {
const randomValues = new Uint16Array(randomBytes(64).buffer);
for (let value of [...values, ...randomValues]) {
const expected = values.indexOf(value);
test(`slices the entire array`, () => {
test(`slice returns a TypedArray`, () => {
test(`slices from -20 to length`, () => {
test(`slices from 0 to -20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, -20).toArray()).toEqual(float16s.slice(0, -20));
test(`slices the array from 0 to length - 20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, n - 20).toArray()).toEqual(float16s.slice(0, n - 20));
test(`slices the array from 0 to length + 20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, n + 20).toArray()).toEqual(float16s.slice(0, n + 20));
for (const [VectorName, [VectorType, DataType]] of fixedSizeVectors) {
describe(`${VectorName}`, () => {
const type = new DataType();
const values = concatTyped(type.ArrayType as any, ...bytes);
const vector = bytes
.map((b) => new type.ArrayType(b.buffer))
.map((b) => new VectorType(new FlatData(type, b.length * 0.5, null, b)))
.reduce((v: any, v2) => v.concat(v2));
const n = values.length * 0.5;
test(`gets expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
expect(vector.get(i)).toEqual(values.slice(2 * i, 2 * (i + 1)));
test(`iterates expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
for (let v of vector) {
expect(v).toEqual(values.slice(2 * i, 2 * (i + 1)));
test(`indexOf returns expected values`, () => {
// Create a set of test data composed of all of the actual values
// and a few random values
let testValues = concatTyped(
...[randomBytes(8 * 2 * type.ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)]
for (let i = -1, n = testValues.length / 2 | 0; ++i < n;) {
const value = testValues.slice(2 * i, 2 * (i + 1));
const expected = values.findIndex((d, i) => i % 2 === 0 && d === value[0] && testValues[i + 1] === value[1]);
expect(vector.indexOf(value)).toEqual(expected >= 0 ? expected / 2 : -1);
test(`slices the entire array`, () => {
test(`slice returns a TypedArray`, () => {
test(`slices from -20 to length`, () => {
test(`slices from 0 to -20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, -20).toArray()).toEqual(values.slice(0, -40));
test(`slices the array from 0 to length - 20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, n - 20).toArray()).toEqual(values.slice(0, values.length - 40));
test(`slices the array from 0 to length + 20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, n + 20).toArray()).toEqual(values.slice(0, values.length + 40));
for (const [VectorName, [VectorType, DataType]] of fixedWidthVectors) {
describe(`${VectorName}`, () => {
const type = new DataType();
const values = concatTyped(type.ArrayType as any, ...bytes);
const vector = bytes
.map((b) => new type.ArrayType(b.buffer))
.map((b) => new VectorType(new FlatData<any>(type, b.length, null, b)))
.reduce((v: any, v2) => v.concat(v2));
const n = values.length;
test(`gets expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
test(`iterates expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
for (let v of vector) {
test(`indexOf returns expected values`, () => {
// Create a set of test data composed of all of the actual values
// and a few random values
let testValues = concatTyped(
...[randomBytes(8 * type.ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)]
for (const value of testValues) {
const expected = values.indexOf(value);
test(`slices the entire array`, () => {
test(`slice returns a TypedArray`, () => {
test(`slices from -20 to length`, () => {
test(`slices from 0 to -20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, -20).toArray()).toEqual(values.slice(0, -20));
test(`slices the array from 0 to length - 20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, n - 20).toArray()).toEqual(values.slice(0, n - 20));
test(`slices the array from 0 to length + 20`, () => {
expect(vector.slice(0, n + 20).toArray()).toEqual(values.slice(0, n + 20));
describe(`Utf8Vector`, () => {
const values = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo bar', 'bar'], n = values.length;
let offset = 0;
const offsets = Uint32Array.of(0, => { offset += d.length; return offset; }));
const vector = new Utf8Vector(new FlatListData(new Utf8(), n, null, offsets, utf8Encoder.encode(values.join(''))));
basicVectorTests(vector, values, ['abc', '123']);
describe(`sliced`, () => {
basicVectorTests(vector.slice(1,3), values.slice(1,3), ['foo', 'abc']);
describe(`DateVector`, () => {
const extras = [
new Date(2000, 0, 1),
new Date(1991, 5, 28, 12, 11, 10)
describe(`unit = MILLISECOND`, () => {
const values = [
new Date(1989, 5, 22, 1, 2, 3),
new Date(1988, 3, 25, 4, 5, 6),
new Date(1987, 2, 24, 7, 8, 9),
new Date(2018, 4, 12, 17, 30, 0)
const vector = DateVector.from(values);
basicVectorTests(vector, values, extras);
describe(`unit = DAY`, () => {
// Use UTC to ensure that dates are always at midnight
const values = [
new Date(Date.UTC(1989, 5, 22)),
new Date(Date.UTC(1988, 3, 25)),
new Date(Date.UTC(1987, 2, 24)),
new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 4, 12))
const vector = DateVector.from(values, DateUnit.DAY);
basicVectorTests(vector, values, extras);
describe(`DictionaryVector`, () => {
const dictionary = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
const extras = ['abc', '123']; // values to search for that should NOT be found
let offset = 0;
const offsets = Uint32Array.of(0, => { offset += d.length; return offset; }));
const dictionary_vec = new Utf8Vector(new FlatListData(new Utf8(), dictionary.length, null, offsets, utf8Encoder.encode(dictionary.join(''))));
const indices = Array.from({length: 50}, () => Math.random() * 3 | 0);
describe(`index with nullCount == 0`, () => {
const indices_data = new FlatData(new Int32(), indices.length, new Uint8Array(0), indices);
const values = Array.from(indices).map((d) => dictionary[d]);
const vector = new DictionaryVector(new DictionaryData(new Dictionary(dictionary_vec.type, indices_data.type), dictionary_vec, indices_data));
basicVectorTests(vector, values, extras);
describe(`sliced`, () => {
basicVectorTests(vector.slice(10, 20), values.slice(10,20), extras);
describe(`index with nullCount > 0`, () => {
const validity = Array.from({length: indices.length}, () => Math.random() > 0.2 ? true : false);
const indices_data = new FlatData(new Int32(), indices.length, packBools(validity), indices, 0, validity.reduce((acc, d) => acc + (d ? 0 : 1), 0));
const values = Array.from(indices).map((d, i) => validity[i] ? dictionary[d] : null);
const vector = new DictionaryVector(new DictionaryData(new Dictionary(dictionary_vec.type, indices_data.type), dictionary_vec, indices_data));
basicVectorTests(vector, values, ['abc', '123']);
describe(`sliced`, () => {
basicVectorTests(vector.slice(10, 20), values.slice(10,20), extras);
// Creates some basic tests for the given vector.
// Verifies that:
// - `get` and the native iterator return the same data as `values`
// - `indexOf` returns the same indices as `values`
function basicVectorTests(vector: Vector, values: any[], extras: any[]) {
const n = values.length;
test(`gets expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
while (++i < n) {
test(`iterates expected values`, () => {
let i = -1;
for (let v of vector) {
test(`indexOf returns expected values`, () => {
let testValues = values.concat(extras);
for (const value of testValues) {
const expected = values.indexOf(value);
function toMap<T>(entries: Record<string, T>, keys: string[]) {
return keys.reduce((map, key) => {
map.set(key, entries[key] as T);
return map;
}, new Map<string, T>());
function concatTyped<T extends TypedArray>(ArrayType: TypedArrayConstructor<T>, ...bytes: any[]) {
const BPE = ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
return bytes.reduce((v, bytes) => {
const l = bytes.byteLength / BPE;
const a = new ArrayType(v.length + l);
const b = new ArrayType(bytes.buffer);
a.set(b, v.length);
return a;
}, new ArrayType(0)) as T;