blob: 9ae59efb8b78cc1245421cfb4b2584c96e33fb1c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distutils: language=c++
# cython: language_level = 3
from pyarrow.lib cimport *
def get_array_length(obj):
# An example function accessing both the pyarrow Cython API
# and the Arrow C++ API
cdef shared_ptr[CArray] arr = pyarrow_unwrap_array(obj)
if arr.get() == NULL:
raise TypeError("not an array")
return arr.get().length()
def make_null_array(length):
# An example function that returns a PyArrow object without PyArrow
# being imported explicitly at the Python level.
cdef shared_ptr[CArray] null_array
null_array.reset(new CNullArray(length))
return pyarrow_wrap_array(null_array)
def cast_scalar(scalar, to_type):
shared_ptr[CScalar] c_scalar
shared_ptr[CDataType] c_type
CCastOptions cast_options
CDatum c_datum
CResult[CDatum] c_cast_result
c_scalar = pyarrow_unwrap_scalar(scalar)
if c_scalar.get() == NULL:
raise TypeError("not a scalar")
c_type = pyarrow_unwrap_data_type(to_type)
if c_type.get() == NULL:
raise TypeError("not a type")
c_datum = CDatum(c_scalar)
cast_options = CCastOptions()
cast_options.to_type = c_type
c_cast_result = Cast(c_datum, cast_options)
c_datum = GetResultValue(c_cast_result)
return pyarrow_wrap_scalar(c_datum.scalar())