ARROW-12214: [Rust][DataFusion] Add tests for limit

I was debugging another issue (not a bug in DataFusion I don't think) but noticed there wasn't any coverage for LIMIT in, so I figured I would add some.

(well really I was writing a test to trigger what I thought was a bug in DataFusion -- lol)

Closes #9897 from alamb/limit_fix

Authored-by: Andrew Lamb <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Lamb <>
diff --git a/rust/datafusion/src/execution/ b/rust/datafusion/src/execution/
index a22b5d3..50b3a7a 100644
--- a/rust/datafusion/src/execution/
+++ b/rust/datafusion/src/execution/
@@ -1722,6 +1722,46 @@
+    async fn limit() -> Result<()> {
+        let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
+        let mut ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, 1)?;
+        ctx.register_table("t", table_with_sequence(1, 1000).unwrap())
+            .unwrap();
+        let results =
+            plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT i FROM t ORDER BY i DESC limit 3")
+                .await
+                .unwrap();
+        let expected = vec![
+            "+------+", "| i    |", "+------+", "| 1000 |", "| 999  |", "| 998  |",
+            "+------+",
+        ];
+        assert_batches_eq!(expected, &results);
+        let results = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT i FROM t ORDER BY i limit 3")
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        let expected = vec![
+            "+---+", "| i |", "+---+", "| 1 |", "| 2 |", "| 3 |", "+---+",
+        ];
+        assert_batches_eq!(expected, &results);
+        let results = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT i FROM t limit 3")
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        // the actual rows are not guaranteed, so only check the count (should be 3)
+        let num_rows: usize = results.into_iter().map(|b| b.num_rows()).sum();
+        assert_eq!(num_rows, 3);
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[tokio::test]
     async fn case_sensitive_identifiers_functions() {
         let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
         ctx.register_table("t", table_with_sequence(1, 1).unwrap())