blob: 748a64e183ab20fb5ea678dfbc1a007745f30d51 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import warnings
cdef _sequence_to_array(object sequence, object mask, object size,
DataType type, CMemoryPool* pool, c_bool from_pandas):
int64_t c_size
PyConversionOptions options
shared_ptr[CChunkedArray] chunked
if type is not None:
options.type = type.sp_type
if size is not None:
options.size = size
options.from_pandas = from_pandas
options.ignore_timezone = os.environ.get('PYARROW_IGNORE_TIMEZONE', False)
with nogil:
chunked = GetResultValue(
ConvertPySequence(sequence, mask, options, pool)
if chunked.get().num_chunks() == 1:
return pyarrow_wrap_array(chunked.get().chunk(0))
return pyarrow_wrap_chunked_array(chunked)
cdef inline _is_array_like(obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
return True
return pandas_api._have_pandas_internal() and pandas_api.is_array_like(obj)
def _ndarray_to_arrow_type(object values, DataType type):
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(_ndarray_to_type(values, type))
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] _ndarray_to_type(object values,
DataType type) except *:
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] c_type
dtype = values.dtype
if type is None and dtype != object:
with nogil:
check_status(NumPyDtypeToArrow(dtype, &c_type))
if type is not None:
c_type = type.sp_type
return c_type
cdef _ndarray_to_array(object values, object mask, DataType type,
c_bool from_pandas, c_bool safe, CMemoryPool* pool):
shared_ptr[CChunkedArray] chunked_out
shared_ptr[CDataType] c_type = _ndarray_to_type(values, type)
CCastOptions cast_options = CCastOptions(safe)
with nogil:
check_status(NdarrayToArrow(pool, values, mask, from_pandas,
c_type, cast_options, &chunked_out))
if chunked_out.get().num_chunks() > 1:
return pyarrow_wrap_chunked_array(chunked_out)
return pyarrow_wrap_array(chunked_out.get().chunk(0))
cdef _codes_to_indices(object codes, object mask, DataType type,
MemoryPool memory_pool):
Convert the codes of a pandas Categorical to indices for a pyarrow
DictionaryArray, taking into account missing values + mask
if mask is None:
mask = codes == -1
mask = mask | (codes == -1)
return array(codes, mask=mask, type=type, memory_pool=memory_pool)
def _handle_arrow_array_protocol(obj, type, mask, size):
if mask is not None or size is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot specify a mask or a size when passing an object that is "
"converted with the __arrow_array__ protocol.")
res = obj.__arrow_array__(type=type)
if not isinstance(res, (Array, ChunkedArray)):
raise TypeError("The object's __arrow_array__ method does not "
"return a pyarrow Array or ChunkedArray.")
return res
def array(object obj, type=None, mask=None, size=None, from_pandas=None,
bint safe=True, MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Create pyarrow.Array instance from a Python object.
obj : sequence, iterable, ndarray or Series
If both type and size are specified may be a single use iterable. If
not strongly-typed, Arrow type will be inferred for resulting array.
type : pyarrow.DataType
Explicit type to attempt to coerce to, otherwise will be inferred from
the data.
mask : array[bool], optional
Indicate which values are null (True) or not null (False).
size : int64, optional
Size of the elements. If the input is larger than size bail at this
length. For iterators, if size is larger than the input iterator this
will be treated as a "max size", but will involve an initial allocation
of size followed by a resize to the actual size (so if you know the
exact size specifying it correctly will give you better performance).
from_pandas : bool, default None
Use pandas's semantics for inferring nulls from values in
ndarray-like data. If passed, the mask tasks precedence, but
if a value is unmasked (not-null), but still null according to
pandas semantics, then it is null. Defaults to False if not
passed explicitly by user, or True if a pandas object is
passed in.
safe : bool, default True
Check for overflows or other unsafe conversions.
memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
If not passed, will allocate memory from the currently-set default
memory pool.
array : pyarrow.Array or pyarrow.ChunkedArray
A ChunkedArray instead of an Array is returned if:
- the object data overflowed binary storage.
- the object's ``__arrow_array__`` protocol method returned a chunked
Localized timestamps will currently be returned as UTC (pandas's native
representation). Timezone-naive data will be implicitly interpreted as
Converting to dictionary array will promote to a wider integer type for
indices if the number of distinct values cannot be represented, even if
the index type was explicitly set. This means that if there are more than
127 values the returned dictionary array's index type will be at least
pa.int16() even if pa.int8() was passed to the function. Note that an
explicit index type will not be demoted even if it is wider than required.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.array(pd.Series([1, 2]))
<pyarrow.lib.Int64Array object at 0x7f674e4c0e10>
>>> pa.array(["a", "b", "a"], type=pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.string()))
<pyarrow.lib.DictionaryArray object at 0x7feb288d9040>
-- dictionary:
-- indices:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pa.array(pd.Series([1, 2]), mask=np.array([0, 1], dtype=bool))
<pyarrow.lib.Int64Array object at 0x7f9019e11208>
>>> arr = pa.array(range(1024), type=pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.int64()))
>>> arr.type.index_type
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
bint is_pandas_object = False
bint c_from_pandas
type = ensure_type(type, allow_none=True)
if from_pandas is None:
c_from_pandas = False
c_from_pandas = from_pandas
if hasattr(obj, '__arrow_array__'):
return _handle_arrow_array_protocol(obj, type, mask, size)
elif _is_array_like(obj):
if mask is not None:
# out argument unused
mask = get_values(mask, &is_pandas_object)
values = get_values(obj, &is_pandas_object)
if is_pandas_object and from_pandas is None:
c_from_pandas = True
if isinstance(values,
if mask is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot pass a numpy masked array and "
"specify a mask at the same time")
# don't use shrunken masks
mask = None if values.mask is else values.mask
values =
if mask is not None:
if mask.dtype != np.bool_:
raise TypeError("Mask must be boolean dtype")
if mask.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("Mask must be 1D array")
if len(values) != len(mask):
raise ValueError(
"Mask is a different length from sequence being converted")
if hasattr(values, '__arrow_array__'):
return _handle_arrow_array_protocol(values, type, mask, size)
elif pandas_api.is_categorical(values):
if type is not None:
if != Type_DICTIONARY:
return _ndarray_to_array(
np.asarray(values), mask, type, c_from_pandas, safe,
index_type = type.index_type
value_type = type.value_type
if values.ordered != type.ordered:
"The 'ordered' flag of the passed categorical values "
"does not match the 'ordered' of the specified type. "
"Using the flag of the values, but in the future this "
"mismatch will raise a ValueError.",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
index_type = None
value_type = None
indices = _codes_to_indices(, mask, index_type, memory_pool)
dictionary = array(
values.categories.values, type=value_type,
except TypeError:
# TODO when removing the deprecation warning, this whole
# try/except can be removed (to bubble the TypeError of
# the first array(..) call)
if value_type is not None:
"The dtype of the 'categories' of the passed "
"categorical values ({0}) does not match the "
"specified type ({1}). For now ignoring the specified "
"type, but in the future this mismatch will raise a "
values.categories.dtype, value_type),
FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
dictionary = array(
values.categories.values, memory_pool=memory_pool)
return DictionaryArray.from_arrays(
indices, dictionary, ordered=values.ordered, safe=safe)
if pandas_api.have_pandas:
values, type = pandas_api.compat.get_datetimetz_type(
values, obj.dtype, type)
return _ndarray_to_array(values, mask, type, c_from_pandas, safe,
# ConvertPySequence does strict conversion if type is explicitly passed
return _sequence_to_array(obj, mask, size, type, pool, c_from_pandas)
def asarray(values, type=None):
Convert to pyarrow.Array, inferring type if not provided.
values : array-like
This can be a sequence, numpy.ndarray, pyarrow.Array or
pyarrow.ChunkedArray. If a ChunkedArray is passed, the output will be
a ChunkedArray, otherwise the output will be a Array.
type : string or DataType
Explicitly construct the array with this type. Attempt to cast if
indicated type is different.
arr : Array or ChunkedArray
if isinstance(values, (Array, ChunkedArray)):
if type is not None and not values.type.equals(type):
values = values.cast(type)
return values
return array(values, type=type)
def nulls(size, type=None, MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Create a strongly-typed Array instance with all elements null.
size : int
Array length.
type : pyarrow.DataType, default None
Explicit type for the array. By default use NullType.
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
Arrow MemoryPool to use for allocations. Uses the default memory
pool is not passed.
arr : Array
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.nulls(10)
<pyarrow.lib.NullArray object at 0x7ffaf04c2e50>
10 nulls
>>> pa.nulls(3, pa.uint32())
<pyarrow.lib.UInt32Array object at 0x7ffaf04c2e50>
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
int64_t length = size
shared_ptr[CDataType] ty
shared_ptr[CArray] arr
type = ensure_type(type, allow_none=True)
if type is None:
type = null()
ty = pyarrow_unwrap_data_type(type)
with nogil:
arr = GetResultValue(MakeArrayOfNull(ty, length, pool))
return pyarrow_wrap_array(arr)
def repeat(value, size, MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Create an Array instance whose slots are the given scalar.
value: Scalar-like object
Either a pyarrow.Scalar or any python object coercible to a Scalar.
size : int
Number of times to repeat the scalar in the output Array.
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
Arrow MemoryPool to use for allocations. Uses the default memory
pool is not passed.
arr : Array
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> pa.repeat(10, 3)
<pyarrow.lib.Int64Array object at 0x7ffac03a2750>
>>> pa.repeat([1, 2], 2)
<pyarrow.lib.ListArray object at 0x7ffaf04c2e50>
>>> pa.repeat("string", 3)
<pyarrow.lib.StringArray object at 0x7ffac03a2750>
>>> pa.repeat(pa.scalar({'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2]}), 2)
<pyarrow.lib.StructArray object at 0x7ffac03a2750>
-- is_valid: all not null
-- child 0 type: int64
-- child 1 type: list<item: int64>
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
int64_t length = size
shared_ptr[CArray] c_array
shared_ptr[CScalar] c_scalar
if not isinstance(value, Scalar):
value = scalar(value, memory_pool=memory_pool)
c_scalar = (<Scalar> value).unwrap()
with nogil:
c_array = GetResultValue(
MakeArrayFromScalar(deref(c_scalar), length, pool)
return pyarrow_wrap_array(c_array)
def infer_type(values, mask=None, from_pandas=False):
Attempt to infer Arrow data type that can hold the passed Python
sequence type in an Array object
values : array-like
Sequence to infer type from.
mask : ndarray (bool type), optional
Optional exclusion mask where True marks null, False non-null.
from_pandas : bool, default False
Use pandas's NA/null sentinel values for type inference.
type : DataType
shared_ptr[CDataType] out
c_bool use_pandas_sentinels = from_pandas
if mask is not None and not isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool)
out = GetResultValue(InferArrowType(values, mask, use_pandas_sentinels))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(out)
def _normalize_slice(object arrow_obj, slice key):
Slices with step not equal to 1 (or None) will produce a copy
rather than a zero-copy view
Py_ssize_t start, stop, step
Py_ssize_t n = len(arrow_obj)
start = key.start or 0
if start < 0:
start += n
if start < 0:
start = 0
elif start >= n:
start = n
stop = key.stop if key.stop is not None else n
if stop < 0:
stop += n
if stop < 0:
stop = 0
elif stop >= n:
stop = n
step = key.step or 1
if step != 1:
if step < 0:
# Negative steps require some special handling
if key.start is None:
start = n - 1
if key.stop is None:
stop = -1
indices = np.arange(start, stop, step)
return arrow_obj.take(indices)
return arrow_obj.slice(start, stop - start)
cdef Py_ssize_t _normalize_index(Py_ssize_t index,
Py_ssize_t length) except -1:
if index < 0:
index += length
if index < 0:
raise IndexError("index out of bounds")
elif index >= length:
raise IndexError("index out of bounds")
return index
cdef wrap_datum(const CDatum& datum):
if datum.kind() == DatumType_ARRAY:
return pyarrow_wrap_array(MakeArray(datum.array()))
elif datum.kind() == DatumType_CHUNKED_ARRAY:
return pyarrow_wrap_chunked_array(datum.chunked_array())
elif datum.kind() == DatumType_RECORD_BATCH:
return pyarrow_wrap_batch(datum.record_batch())
elif datum.kind() == DatumType_TABLE:
return pyarrow_wrap_table(datum.table())
elif datum.kind() == DatumType_SCALAR:
return pyarrow_wrap_scalar(datum.scalar())
raise ValueError("Unable to wrap Datum in a Python object")
cdef _append_array_buffers(const CArrayData* ad, list res):
Recursively append Buffer wrappers from *ad* and its children.
cdef size_t i, n
assert ad != NULL
n = ad.buffers.size()
for i in range(n):
buf = ad.buffers[i]
if buf.get() != NULL else None)
n = ad.child_data.size()
for i in range(n):
_append_array_buffers(ad.child_data[i].get(), res)
cdef _reduce_array_data(const CArrayData* ad):
Recursively dissect ArrayData to (pickable) tuples.
cdef size_t i, n
assert ad != NULL
n = ad.buffers.size()
buffers = []
for i in range(n):
buf = ad.buffers[i]
if buf.get() != NULL else None)
children = []
n = ad.child_data.size()
for i in range(n):
if ad.dictionary.get() != NULL:
dictionary = _reduce_array_data(ad.dictionary.get())
dictionary = None
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(ad.type), ad.length, ad.null_count, \
ad.offset, buffers, children, dictionary
cdef shared_ptr[CArrayData] _reconstruct_array_data(data):
Reconstruct CArrayData objects from the tuple structure generated
by _reduce_array_data.
int64_t length, null_count, offset, i
DataType dtype
Buffer buf
vector[shared_ptr[CBuffer]] c_buffers
vector[shared_ptr[CArrayData]] c_children
shared_ptr[CArrayData] c_dictionary
dtype, length, null_count, offset, buffers, children, dictionary = data
for i in range(len(buffers)):
buf = buffers[i]
if buf is None:
for i in range(len(children)):
if dictionary is not None:
c_dictionary = _reconstruct_array_data(dictionary)
return CArrayData.MakeWithChildrenAndDictionary(
def _restore_array(data):
Reconstruct an Array from pickled ArrayData.
cdef shared_ptr[CArrayData] ad = _reconstruct_array_data(data)
return pyarrow_wrap_array(MakeArray(ad))
cdef class _PandasConvertible(_Weakrefable):
def to_pandas(
bint strings_to_categorical=False,
bint zero_copy_only=False,
bint integer_object_nulls=False,
bint date_as_object=True,
bint timestamp_as_object=False,
bint use_threads=True,
bint deduplicate_objects=True,
bint ignore_metadata=False,
bint safe=True,
bint split_blocks=False,
bint self_destruct=False,
Convert to a pandas-compatible NumPy array or DataFrame, as appropriate
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
Arrow MemoryPool to use for allocations. Uses the default memory
pool is not passed.
strings_to_categorical : bool, default False
Encode string (UTF8) and binary types to pandas.Categorical.
categories: list, default empty
List of fields that should be returned as pandas.Categorical. Only
applies to table-like data structures.
zero_copy_only : bool, default False
Raise an ArrowException if this function call would require copying
the underlying data.
integer_object_nulls : bool, default False
Cast integers with nulls to objects
date_as_object : bool, default True
Cast dates to objects. If False, convert to datetime64[ns] dtype.
timestamp_as_object : bool, default False
Cast non-nanosecond timestamps (np.datetime64) to objects. This is
useful if you have timestamps that don't fit in the normal date
range of nanosecond timestamps (1678 CE-2262 CE).
If False, all timestamps are converted to datetime64[ns] dtype.
use_threads: bool, default True
Whether to parallelize the conversion using multiple threads.
deduplicate_objects : bool, default False
Do not create multiple copies Python objects when created, to save
on memory use. Conversion will be slower.
ignore_metadata : bool, default False
If True, do not use the 'pandas' metadata to reconstruct the
DataFrame index, if present
safe : bool, default True
For certain data types, a cast is needed in order to store the
data in a pandas DataFrame or Series (e.g. timestamps are always
stored as nanoseconds in pandas). This option controls whether it
is a safe cast or not.
split_blocks : bool, default False
If True, generate one internal "block" for each column when
creating a pandas.DataFrame from a RecordBatch or Table. While this
can temporarily reduce memory note that various pandas operations
can trigger "consolidation" which may balloon memory use.
self_destruct : bool, default False
EXPERIMENTAL: If True, attempt to deallocate the originating Arrow
memory while converting the Arrow object to pandas. If you use the
object after calling to_pandas with this option it will crash your
Note that you may not see always memory usage improvements. For
example, if multiple columns share an underlying allocation,
memory can't be freed until all columns are converted.
types_mapper : function, default None
A function mapping a pyarrow DataType to a pandas ExtensionDtype.
This can be used to override the default pandas type for conversion
of built-in pyarrow types or in absence of pandas_metadata in the
Table schema. The function receives a pyarrow DataType and is
expected to return a pandas ExtensionDtype or ``None`` if the
default conversion should be used for that type. If you have
a dictionary mapping, you can pass ``dict.get`` as function.
pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame depending on type of object
options = dict(
return self._to_pandas(options, categories=categories,
cdef PandasOptions _convert_pandas_options(dict options):
cdef PandasOptions result
result.pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(options['pool'])
result.strings_to_categorical = options['strings_to_categorical']
result.zero_copy_only = options['zero_copy_only']
result.integer_object_nulls = options['integer_object_nulls']
result.date_as_object = options['date_as_object']
result.timestamp_as_object = options['timestamp_as_object']
result.use_threads = options['use_threads']
result.deduplicate_objects = options['deduplicate_objects']
result.safe_cast = options['safe']
result.split_blocks = options['split_blocks']
result.self_destruct = options['self_destruct']
result.ignore_timezone = os.environ.get('PYARROW_IGNORE_TIMEZONE', False)
return result
cdef class Array(_PandasConvertible):
The base class for all Arrow arrays.
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call {}'s constructor directly, use one of "
"the `pyarrow.Array.from_*` functions instead."
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CArray]& sp_array) except *:
self.sp_array = sp_array
self.ap = sp_array.get()
self.type = pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.sp_array.get().type())
def _debug_print(self):
with nogil:
check_status(DebugPrint(deref(self.ap), 0))
def diff(self, Array other):
Compare contents of this array against another one.
Return string containing the result of arrow::Diff comparing contents
of this array against the other array.
cdef c_string result
with nogil:
result = self.ap.Diff(deref(other.ap))
return frombytes(result, safe=True)
def cast(self, object target_type, safe=True):
Cast array values to another data type
See pyarrow.compute.cast for usage
return _pc().cast(self, target_type, safe=safe)
def view(self, object target_type):
Return zero-copy "view" of array as another data type.
The data types must have compatible columnar buffer layouts
target_type : DataType
Type to construct view as.
view : Array
cdef DataType type = ensure_type(target_type)
cdef shared_ptr[CArray] result
with nogil:
result = GetResultValue(self.ap.View(type.sp_type))
return pyarrow_wrap_array(result)
def sum(self):
Sum the values in a numerical array.
return _pc().call_function('sum', [self])
def unique(self):
Compute distinct elements in array.
return _pc().call_function('unique', [self])
def dictionary_encode(self, null_encoding='mask'):
Compute dictionary-encoded representation of array.
options = _pc().DictionaryEncodeOptions(null_encoding)
return _pc().call_function('dictionary_encode', [self], options)
def value_counts(self):
Compute counts of unique elements in array.
An array of <input type "Values", int64_t "Counts"> structs
return _pc().call_function('value_counts', [self])
def from_pandas(obj, mask=None, type=None, bint safe=True,
MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Convert pandas.Series to an Arrow Array.
This method uses Pandas semantics about what values indicate
nulls. See pyarrow.array for more general conversion from arrays or
sequences to Arrow arrays.
sequence : ndarray, pandas.Series, array-like
mask : array (boolean), optional
Indicate which values are null (True) or not null (False).
type : pyarrow.DataType
Explicit type to attempt to coerce to, otherwise will be inferred
from the data.
safe : bool, default True
Check for overflows or other unsafe conversions.
memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
If not passed, will allocate memory from the currently-set default
memory pool.
Localized timestamps will currently be returned as UTC (pandas's native
representation). Timezone-naive data will be implicitly interpreted as
array : pyarrow.Array or pyarrow.ChunkedArray
ChunkedArray is returned if object data overflows binary buffer.
return array(obj, mask=mask, type=type, safe=safe, from_pandas=True,
def __reduce__(self):
return _restore_array, \
def from_buffers(DataType type, length, buffers, null_count=-1, offset=0,
Construct an Array from a sequence of buffers.
The concrete type returned depends on the datatype.
type : DataType
The value type of the array.
length : int
The number of values in the array.
buffers : List[Buffer]
The buffers backing this array.
null_count : int, default -1
The number of null entries in the array. Negative value means that
the null count is not known.
offset : int, default 0
The array's logical offset (in values, not in bytes) from the
start of each buffer.
children : List[Array], default None
Nested type children with length matching type.num_fields.
array : Array
Buffer buf
Array child
vector[shared_ptr[CBuffer]] c_buffers
vector[shared_ptr[CArrayData]] c_child_data
shared_ptr[CArrayData] array_data
children = children or []
if type.num_fields != len(children):
raise ValueError("Type's expected number of children "
"({0}) did not match the passed number "
"({1}).".format(type.num_fields, len(children)))
if type.num_buffers != len(buffers):
raise ValueError("Type's expected number of buffers "
"({0}) did not match the passed number "
"({1}).".format(type.num_buffers, len(buffers)))
for buf in buffers:
# None will produce a null buffer pointer
for child in children:
array_data = CArrayData.MakeWithChildren(type.sp_type, length,
c_buffers, c_child_data,
null_count, offset)
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(MakeArray(array_data))
return result
def null_count(self):
return self.sp_array.get().null_count()
def nbytes(self):
Total number of bytes consumed by the elements of the array.
size = 0
for buf in self.buffers():
if buf is not None:
size += buf.size
return size
def __sizeof__(self):
return super(Array, self).__sizeof__() + self.nbytes
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self.getitem(i)
def __repr__(self):
type_format = object.__repr__(self)
return '{0}\n{1}'.format(type_format, str(self))
def to_string(self, int indent=0, int window=10):
c_string result
with nogil:
PrettyPrintOptions(indent, window),
return frombytes(result, safe=True)
def format(self, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn('Array.format is deprecated, use Array.to_string')
return self.to_string(**kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def equals(Array self, Array other):
return self.ap.Equals(deref(other.ap))
def __len__(self):
return self.length()
cdef int64_t length(self):
if self.sp_array.get():
return self.sp_array.get().length()
return 0
def is_null(self):
Return BooleanArray indicating the null values.
return _pc().is_null(self)
def is_valid(self):
Return BooleanArray indicating the non-null values.
return _pc().is_valid(self)
def fill_null(self, fill_value):
See pyarrow.compute.fill_null for usage.
return _pc().fill_null(self, fill_value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
Slice or return value at given index
key : integer or slice
Slices with step not equal to 1 (or None) will produce a copy
rather than a zero-copy view
value : Scalar (index) or Array (slice)
if PySlice_Check(key):
return _normalize_slice(self, key)
return self.getitem(_normalize_index(key, self.length()))
cdef getitem(self, int64_t i):
return Scalar.wrap(GetResultValue(self.ap.GetScalar(i)))
def slice(self, offset=0, length=None):
Compute zero-copy slice of this array.
offset : int, default 0
Offset from start of array to slice.
length : int, default None
Length of slice (default is until end of Array starting from
sliced : RecordBatch
shared_ptr[CArray] result
if offset < 0:
raise IndexError('Offset must be non-negative')
offset = min(len(self), offset)
if length is None:
result = self.ap.Slice(offset)
result = self.ap.Slice(offset, length)
return pyarrow_wrap_array(result)
def take(self, object indices):
Select values from an array. See pyarrow.compute.take for full usage.
return _pc().take(self, indices)
def filter(self, Array mask, null_selection_behavior='drop'):
Select values from an array. See pyarrow.compute.filter for full usage.
return _pc().filter(self, mask, null_selection_behavior)
def _to_pandas(self, options, **kwargs):
return _array_like_to_pandas(self, options)
def __array__(self, dtype=None):
values = self.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False)
if dtype is None:
return values
return values.astype(dtype)
def to_numpy(self, zero_copy_only=True, writable=False):
Return a NumPy view or copy of this array (experimental).
By default, tries to return a view of this array. This is only
supported for primitive arrays with the same memory layout as NumPy
(i.e. integers, floating point, ..) and without any nulls.
zero_copy_only : bool, default True
If True, an exception will be raised if the conversion to a numpy
array would require copying the underlying data (e.g. in presence
of nulls, or for non-primitive types).
writable : bool, default False
For numpy arrays created with zero copy (view on the Arrow data),
the resulting array is not writable (Arrow data is immutable).
By setting this to True, a copy of the array is made to ensure
it is writable.
array : numpy.ndarray
PyObject* out
PandasOptions c_options
object values
if zero_copy_only and writable:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot return a writable array if asking for zero-copy")
c_options.zero_copy_only = zero_copy_only
with nogil:
check_status(ConvertArrayToPandas(c_options, self.sp_array,
self, &out))
# wrap_array_output uses pandas to convert to Categorical, here
# always convert to numpy array without pandas dependency
array = PyObject_to_object(out)
if isinstance(array, dict):
array = np.take(array['dictionary'], array['indices'])
if writable and not array.flags.writeable:
# if the conversion already needed to a copy, writeable is True
array = array.copy()
return array
def to_pylist(self):
Convert to a list of native Python objects.
lst : list
return [x.as_py() for x in self]
def tolist(self):
Alias of to_pylist for compatibility with NumPy.
return self.to_pylist()
def validate(self, *, full=False):
Perform validation checks. An exception is raised if validation fails.
By default only cheap validation checks are run. Pass `full=True`
for thorough validation checks (potentially O(n)).
full: bool, default False
If True, run expensive checks, otherwise cheap checks only.
if full:
with nogil:
with nogil:
def offset(self):
A relative position into another array's data.
The purpose is to enable zero-copy slicing. This value defaults to zero
but must be applied on all operations with the physical storage
return self.sp_array.get().offset()
def buffers(self):
Return a list of Buffer objects pointing to this array's physical
To correctly interpret these buffers, you need to also apply the offset
multiplied with the size of the stored data type.
res = []
_append_array_buffers(self.sp_array.get().data().get(), res)
return res
def _export_to_c(self, uintptr_t out_ptr, uintptr_t out_schema_ptr=0):
Export to a C ArrowArray struct, given its pointer.
If a C ArrowSchema struct pointer is also given, the array type
is exported to it at the same time.
out_ptr: int
The raw pointer to a C ArrowArray struct.
out_schema_ptr: int (optional)
The raw pointer to a C ArrowSchema struct.
Be careful: if you don't pass the ArrowArray struct to a consumer,
array memory will leak. This is a low-level function intended for
expert users.
with nogil:
<ArrowArray*> out_ptr,
<ArrowSchema*> out_schema_ptr))
def _import_from_c(uintptr_t in_ptr, type):
Import Array from a C ArrowArray struct, given its pointer
and the imported array type.
in_ptr: int
The raw pointer to a C ArrowArray struct.
type: DataType or int
Either a DataType object, or the raw pointer to a C ArrowSchema
This is a low-level function intended for expert users.
shared_ptr[CArray] c_array
c_type = pyarrow_unwrap_data_type(type)
if c_type == nullptr:
# Not a DataType object, perhaps a raw ArrowSchema pointer
type_ptr = <uintptr_t> type
with nogil:
c_array = GetResultValue(ImportArray(<ArrowArray*> in_ptr,
<ArrowSchema*> type_ptr))
with nogil:
c_array = GetResultValue(ImportArray(<ArrowArray*> in_ptr,
return pyarrow_wrap_array(c_array)
cdef _array_like_to_pandas(obj, options):
PyObject* out
PandasOptions c_options = _convert_pandas_options(options)
original_type = obj.type
name = obj._name
# ARROW-3789(wesm): Convert date/timestamp types to datetime64[ns]
c_options.coerce_temporal_nanoseconds = True
if isinstance(obj, Array):
with nogil:
(<Array> obj).sp_array,
obj, &out))
elif isinstance(obj, ChunkedArray):
with nogil:
(<ChunkedArray> obj).sp_chunked_array,
obj, &out))
arr = wrap_array_output(out)
if (isinstance(original_type, TimestampType) and
# ARROW-5359 - need to specify object dtype to avoid pandas to
# coerce back to ns resolution
dtype = "object"
dtype = None
result = pandas_api.series(arr, dtype=dtype, name=name)
if (isinstance(original_type, TimestampType) and is not None and
# can be object dtype for non-ns and timestamp_as_object=True
result.dtype.kind == "M"):
from pyarrow.pandas_compat import make_tz_aware
result = make_tz_aware(result,
return result
cdef wrap_array_output(PyObject* output):
cdef object obj = PyObject_to_object(output)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return pandas_api.categorical_type(obj['indices'],
return obj
cdef class NullArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of null data type.
cdef class BooleanArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of boolean data type.
def false_count(self):
return (<CBooleanArray*> self.ap).false_count()
def true_count(self):
return (<CBooleanArray*> self.ap).true_count()
cdef class NumericArray(Array):
A base class for Arrow numeric arrays.
cdef class IntegerArray(NumericArray):
A base class for Arrow integer arrays.
cdef class FloatingPointArray(NumericArray):
A base class for Arrow floating-point arrays.
cdef class Int8Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of int8 data type.
cdef class UInt8Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of uint8 data type.
cdef class Int16Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of int16 data type.
cdef class UInt16Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of uint16 data type.
cdef class Int32Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of int32 data type.
cdef class UInt32Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of uint32 data type.
cdef class Int64Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of int64 data type.
cdef class UInt64Array(IntegerArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of uint64 data type.
cdef class Date32Array(NumericArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of date32 data type.
cdef class Date64Array(NumericArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of date64 data type.
cdef class TimestampArray(NumericArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of timestamp data type.
cdef class Time32Array(NumericArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of time32 data type.
cdef class Time64Array(NumericArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of time64 data type.
cdef class DurationArray(NumericArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of duration data type.
cdef class HalfFloatArray(FloatingPointArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of float16 data type.
cdef class FloatArray(FloatingPointArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of float32 data type.
cdef class DoubleArray(FloatingPointArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of float64 data type.
cdef class FixedSizeBinaryArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a fixed-size binary data type.
cdef class Decimal128Array(FixedSizeBinaryArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of decimal128 data type.
cdef class Decimal256Array(FixedSizeBinaryArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of decimal256 data type.
cdef class BaseListArray(Array):
def flatten(self):
Unnest this ListArray/LargeListArray by one level.
The returned Array is logically a concatenation of all the sub-lists
in this Array.
Note that this method is different from ``self.values()`` in that
it takes care of the slicing offset as well as null elements backed
by non-empty sub-lists.
result : Array
return _pc().list_flatten(self)
def value_parent_indices(self):
Return array of same length as list child values array where each
output value is the index of the parent list array slot containing each
child value.
>>> arr = pa.array([[1, 2, 3], [], None, [4]],
... type=pa.list_(pa.int32()))
>>> arr.value_parent_indices()
<pyarrow.lib.Int32Array object at 0x7efc5db958a0>
return _pc().list_parent_indices(self)
def value_lengths(self):
Return integers array with values equal to the respective length of
each list element. Null list values are null in the output.
>>> arr = pa.array([[1, 2, 3], [], None, [4]],
... type=pa.list_(pa.int32()))
>>> arr.value_lengths()
<pyarrow.lib.Int32Array object at 0x7efc5db95910>
return _pc().list_value_length(self)
cdef class ListArray(BaseListArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a list data type.
def from_arrays(offsets, values, MemoryPool pool=None):
Construct ListArray from arrays of int32 offsets and values.
offsets : Array (int32 type)
values : Array (any type)
list_array : ListArray
Array _offsets, _values
shared_ptr[CArray] out
cdef CMemoryPool* cpool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(pool)
_offsets = asarray(offsets, type='int32')
_values = asarray(values)
with nogil:
out = GetResultValue(
CListArray.FromArrays(_offsets.ap[0], _values.ap[0], cpool))
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(out)
return result
def values(self):
cdef CListArray* arr = <CListArray*> self.ap
return pyarrow_wrap_array(arr.values())
def offsets(self):
Return the offsets as an int32 array.
return pyarrow_wrap_array((<CListArray*> self.ap).offsets())
cdef class LargeListArray(BaseListArray):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a large list data type.
Identical to ListArray, but 64-bit offsets.
def from_arrays(offsets, values, MemoryPool pool=None):
Construct LargeListArray from arrays of int64 offsets and values.
offsets : Array (int64 type)
values : Array (any type)
list_array : LargeListArray
Array _offsets, _values
shared_ptr[CArray] out
cdef CMemoryPool* cpool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(pool)
_offsets = asarray(offsets, type='int64')
_values = asarray(values)
with nogil:
out = GetResultValue(
CLargeListArray.FromArrays(_offsets.ap[0], _values.ap[0],
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(out)
return result
def values(self):
cdef CLargeListArray* arr = <CLargeListArray*> self.ap
return pyarrow_wrap_array(arr.values())
def offsets(self):
Return the offsets as an int64 array.
return pyarrow_wrap_array((<CLargeListArray*> self.ap).offsets())
cdef class MapArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a map data type.
def from_arrays(offsets, keys, items, MemoryPool pool=None):
Construct MapArray from arrays of int32 offsets and key, item arrays.
offsets : array-like or sequence (int32 type)
keys : array-like or sequence (any type)
items : array-like or sequence (any type)
map_array : MapArray
Array _offsets, _keys, _items
shared_ptr[CArray] out
cdef CMemoryPool* cpool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(pool)
_offsets = asarray(offsets, type='int32')
_keys = asarray(keys)
_items = asarray(items)
with nogil:
out = GetResultValue(
_items.sp_array, cpool))
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(out)
return result
def keys(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_array((<CMapArray*> self.ap).keys())
def items(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_array((<CMapArray*> self.ap).items())
cdef class FixedSizeListArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a fixed size list data type.
def from_arrays(values, int32_t list_size):
Construct FixedSizeListArray from array of values and a list length.
values : Array (any type)
list_size : int
The fixed length of the lists.
Array _values
CResult[shared_ptr[CArray]] c_result
_values = asarray(values)
with nogil:
c_result = CFixedSizeListArray.FromArrays(
_values.sp_array, list_size)
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(GetResultValue(c_result))
return result
def values(self):
return self.flatten()
def flatten(self):
Unnest this FixedSizeListArray by one level.
result : Array
cdef CFixedSizeListArray* arr = <CFixedSizeListArray*> self.ap
return pyarrow_wrap_array(arr.values())
cdef class UnionArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a Union data type.
def child(self, int pos):
import warnings
warnings.warn("child is deprecated, use field", FutureWarning)
return self.field(pos)
def field(self, int pos):
Return the given child field as an individual array.
For sparse unions, the returned array has its offset, length,
and null count adjusted.
For dense unions, the returned array is unchanged.
cdef shared_ptr[CArray] result
result = (<CUnionArray*> self.ap).field(pos)
if result != NULL:
return pyarrow_wrap_array(result)
raise KeyError("UnionArray does not have child {}".format(pos))
def type_codes(self):
"""Get the type codes array."""
buf = pyarrow_wrap_buffer((<CUnionArray*> self.ap).type_codes())
return Array.from_buffers(int8(), len(self), [None, buf])
def offsets(self):
Get the value offsets array (dense arrays only).
Does not account for any slice offset.
if self.type.mode != "dense":
raise ArrowTypeError("Can only get value offsets for dense arrays")
cdef CDenseUnionArray* dense = <CDenseUnionArray*> self.ap
buf = pyarrow_wrap_buffer(dense.value_offsets())
return Array.from_buffers(int32(), len(self), [None, buf])
def from_dense(Array types, Array value_offsets, list children,
list field_names=None, list type_codes=None):
Construct dense UnionArray from arrays of int8 types, int32 offsets and
children arrays
types : Array (int8 type)
value_offsets : Array (int32 type)
children : list
field_names : list
type_codes : list
union_array : UnionArray
shared_ptr[CArray] out
vector[shared_ptr[CArray]] c
Array child
vector[c_string] c_field_names
vector[int8_t] c_type_codes
for child in children:
if field_names is not None:
for x in field_names:
if type_codes is not None:
for x in type_codes:
with nogil:
out = GetResultValue(CDenseUnionArray.Make(
deref(types.ap), deref(value_offsets.ap), c, c_field_names,
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(out)
return result
def from_sparse(Array types, list children, list field_names=None,
list type_codes=None):
Construct sparse UnionArray from arrays of int8 types and children
types : Array (int8 type)
children : list
field_names : list
type_codes : list
union_array : UnionArray
shared_ptr[CArray] out
vector[shared_ptr[CArray]] c
Array child
vector[c_string] c_field_names
vector[int8_t] c_type_codes
for child in children:
if field_names is not None:
for x in field_names:
if type_codes is not None:
for x in type_codes:
with nogil:
out = GetResultValue(CSparseUnionArray.Make(
deref(types.ap), c, c_field_names, c_type_codes))
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(out)
return result
cdef class StringArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of string (or utf8) data type.
def from_buffers(int length, Buffer value_offsets, Buffer data,
Buffer null_bitmap=None, int null_count=-1,
int offset=0):
Construct a StringArray from value_offsets and data buffers.
If there are nulls in the data, also a null_bitmap and the matching
null_count must be passed.
length : int
value_offsets : Buffer
data : Buffer
null_bitmap : Buffer, optional
null_count : int, default 0
offset : int, default 0
string_array : StringArray
return Array.from_buffers(utf8(), length,
[null_bitmap, value_offsets, data],
null_count, offset)
cdef class LargeStringArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of large string (or utf8) data type.
def from_buffers(int length, Buffer value_offsets, Buffer data,
Buffer null_bitmap=None, int null_count=-1,
int offset=0):
Construct a LargeStringArray from value_offsets and data buffers.
If there are nulls in the data, also a null_bitmap and the matching
null_count must be passed.
length : int
value_offsets : Buffer
data : Buffer
null_bitmap : Buffer, optional
null_count : int, default 0
offset : int, default 0
string_array : StringArray
return Array.from_buffers(large_utf8(), length,
[null_bitmap, value_offsets, data],
null_count, offset)
cdef class BinaryArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of variable-sized binary data type.
def total_values_length(self):
The number of bytes from beginning to end of the data buffer addressed
by the offsets of this BinaryArray.
return (<CBinaryArray*> self.ap).total_values_length()
cdef class LargeBinaryArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of large variable-sized binary data type.
def total_values_length(self):
The number of bytes from beginning to end of the data buffer addressed
by the offsets of this LargeBinaryArray.
return (<CLargeBinaryArray*> self.ap).total_values_length()
cdef class DictionaryArray(Array):
Concrete class for dictionary-encoded Arrow arrays.
def dictionary_encode(self):
return self
def dictionary(self):
cdef CDictionaryArray* darr = <CDictionaryArray*>(self.ap)
if self._dictionary is None:
self._dictionary = pyarrow_wrap_array(darr.dictionary())
return self._dictionary
def indices(self):
cdef CDictionaryArray* darr = <CDictionaryArray*>(self.ap)
if self._indices is None:
self._indices = pyarrow_wrap_array(darr.indices())
return self._indices
def from_arrays(indices, dictionary, mask=None, bint ordered=False,
bint from_pandas=False, bint safe=True,
MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Construct a DictionaryArray from indices and values.
indices : pyarrow.Array, numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series, int type
Non-negative integers referencing the dictionary values by zero
based index.
dictionary : pyarrow.Array, ndarray or pandas.Series
The array of values referenced by the indices.
mask : ndarray or pandas.Series, bool type
True values indicate that indices are actually null.
from_pandas : bool, default False
If True, the indices should be treated as though they originated in
a pandas.Categorical (null encoded as -1).
ordered : bool, default False
Set to True if the category values are ordered.
safe : bool, default True
If True, check that the dictionary indices are in range.
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
For memory allocations, if required, otherwise uses default pool.
dict_array : DictionaryArray
Array _indices, _dictionary
shared_ptr[CDataType] c_type
shared_ptr[CArray] c_result
if isinstance(indices, Array):
if mask is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"mask not implemented with Arrow array inputs yet")
_indices = indices
if from_pandas:
_indices = _codes_to_indices(indices, mask, None, memory_pool)
_indices = array(indices, mask=mask, memory_pool=memory_pool)
if isinstance(dictionary, Array):
_dictionary = dictionary
_dictionary = array(dictionary, memory_pool=memory_pool)
if not isinstance(_indices, IntegerArray):
raise ValueError('Indices must be integer type')
cdef c_bool c_ordered = ordered
c_type.reset(new CDictionaryType(_indices.type.sp_type,
if safe:
with nogil:
c_result = GetResultValue(
CDictionaryArray.FromArrays(c_type, _indices.sp_array,
c_result.reset(new CDictionaryArray(c_type, _indices.sp_array,
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(c_result)
return result
cdef class StructArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow arrays of a struct data type.
def field(self, index):
Retrieves the child array belonging to field.
index : Union[int, str]
Index / position or name of the field.
result : Array
CStructArray* arr = <CStructArray*> self.ap
shared_ptr[CArray] child
if isinstance(index, (bytes, str)):
child = arr.GetFieldByName(tobytes(index))
if child == nullptr:
raise KeyError(index)
elif isinstance(index, int):
child = arr.field(
<int>_normalize_index(index, self.ap.num_fields()))
raise TypeError('Expected integer or string index')
return pyarrow_wrap_array(child)
def flatten(self, MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Return one individual array for each field in the struct.
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
For memory allocations, if required, otherwise use default pool.
result : List[Array]
vector[shared_ptr[CArray]] arrays
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
CStructArray* sarr = <CStructArray*> self.ap
with nogil:
arrays = GetResultValue(sarr.Flatten(pool))
return [pyarrow_wrap_array(arr) for arr in arrays]
def from_arrays(arrays, names=None, fields=None):
Construct StructArray from collection of arrays representing
each field in the struct.
Either field names or field instances must be passed.
arrays : sequence of Array
names : List[str] (optional)
Field names for each struct child.
fields : List[Field] (optional)
Field instances for each struct child.
result : StructArray
shared_ptr[CArray] c_array
vector[shared_ptr[CArray]] c_arrays
vector[c_string] c_names
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
CResult[shared_ptr[CArray]] c_result
ssize_t num_arrays
ssize_t length
ssize_t i
Field py_field
DataType struct_type
if names is None and fields is None:
raise ValueError('Must pass either names or fields')
if names is not None and fields is not None:
raise ValueError('Must pass either names or fields, not both')
arrays = [asarray(x) for x in arrays]
for arr in arrays:
if names is not None:
for name in names:
for item in fields:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
py_field = field(*item)
py_field = item
if (c_arrays.size() == 0 and c_names.size() == 0 and
c_fields.size() == 0):
# The C++ side doesn't allow this
return array([], struct([]))
if names is not None:
# XXX Cannot pass "nullptr" for a shared_ptr<T> argument:
c_result = CStructArray.MakeFromFieldNames(
c_arrays, c_names, shared_ptr[CBuffer](), -1, 0)
c_result = CStructArray.MakeFromFields(
c_arrays, c_fields, shared_ptr[CBuffer](), -1, 0)
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(GetResultValue(c_result))
return result
cdef class ExtensionArray(Array):
Concrete class for Arrow extension arrays.
def storage(self):
CExtensionArray* ext_array = <CExtensionArray*>(self.ap)
return pyarrow_wrap_array(
def from_storage(BaseExtensionType typ, Array storage):
Construct ExtensionArray from type and storage array.
typ: DataType
The extension type for the result array.
storage: Array
The underlying storage for the result array.
ext_array : ExtensionArray
shared_ptr[CExtensionArray] ext_array
if storage.type != typ.storage_type:
raise TypeError("Incompatible storage type {0} "
"for extension type {1}".format(storage.type, typ))
ext_array = make_shared[CExtensionArray](typ.sp_type, storage.sp_array)
cdef Array result = pyarrow_wrap_array(<shared_ptr[CArray]> ext_array)
return result
def _to_pandas(self, options, **kwargs):
pandas_dtype = None
pandas_dtype = self.type.to_pandas_dtype()
except NotImplementedError:
# pandas ExtensionDtype that implements conversion from pyarrow
if hasattr(pandas_dtype, '__from_arrow__'):
arr = pandas_dtype.__from_arrow__(self)
return pandas_api.series(arr)
# otherwise convert the storage array with the base implementation
return Array._to_pandas(, options, **kwargs)
def to_numpy(self, **kwargs):
Convert extension array to a numpy ndarray.
See Also
cdef dict _array_classes = {
_Type_NA: NullArray,
_Type_BOOL: BooleanArray,
_Type_UINT8: UInt8Array,
_Type_UINT16: UInt16Array,
_Type_UINT32: UInt32Array,
_Type_UINT64: UInt64Array,
_Type_INT8: Int8Array,
_Type_INT16: Int16Array,
_Type_INT32: Int32Array,
_Type_INT64: Int64Array,
_Type_DATE32: Date32Array,
_Type_DATE64: Date64Array,
_Type_TIMESTAMP: TimestampArray,
_Type_TIME32: Time32Array,
_Type_TIME64: Time64Array,
_Type_DURATION: DurationArray,
_Type_HALF_FLOAT: HalfFloatArray,
_Type_FLOAT: FloatArray,
_Type_DOUBLE: DoubleArray,
_Type_LIST: ListArray,
_Type_LARGE_LIST: LargeListArray,
_Type_MAP: MapArray,
_Type_FIXED_SIZE_LIST: FixedSizeListArray,
_Type_SPARSE_UNION: UnionArray,
_Type_DENSE_UNION: UnionArray,
_Type_BINARY: BinaryArray,
_Type_STRING: StringArray,
_Type_LARGE_BINARY: LargeBinaryArray,
_Type_LARGE_STRING: LargeStringArray,
_Type_DICTIONARY: DictionaryArray,
_Type_FIXED_SIZE_BINARY: FixedSizeBinaryArray,
_Type_DECIMAL128: Decimal128Array,
_Type_DECIMAL256: Decimal256Array,
_Type_STRUCT: StructArray,
_Type_EXTENSION: ExtensionArray,
cdef object get_array_class_from_type(
const shared_ptr[CDataType]& sp_data_type):
cdef CDataType* data_type = sp_data_type.get()
if data_type == NULL:
raise ValueError('Array data type was NULL')
if == _Type_EXTENSION:
py_ext_data_type = pyarrow_wrap_data_type(sp_data_type)
return py_ext_data_type.__arrow_ext_class__()
return _array_classes[]
cdef object get_values(object obj, bint* is_series):
if pandas_api.is_series(obj) or pandas_api.is_index(obj):
result = pandas_api.get_values(obj)
is_series[0] = True
elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
result = obj
is_series[0] = False
result = pandas_api.series(obj).values
is_series[0] = False
return result
def concat_arrays(arrays, MemoryPool memory_pool=None):
Concatenate the given arrays.
The contents of the input arrays are copied into the returned array.
ArrowInvalid : if not all of the arrays have the same type.
arrays : iterable of pyarrow.Array
Arrays to concatenate, must be identically typed.
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
For memory allocations. If None, the default pool is used.
vector[shared_ptr[CArray]] c_arrays
shared_ptr[CArray] c_concatenated
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
for array in arrays:
if not isinstance(array, Array):
raise TypeError("Iterable should contain Array objects, "
"got {0} instead".format(type(array)))
with nogil:
c_concatenated = GetResultValue(Concatenate(c_arrays, pool))
return pyarrow_wrap_array(c_concatenated)
def _empty_array(DataType type):
Create empty array of the given type.
if == Type_DICTIONARY:
arr = DictionaryArray.from_arrays(
_empty_array(type.index_type), _empty_array(type.value_type),
arr = array([], type=type)
return arr