blob: f4ca7639885b401a07958ef68eb0c026ce725770 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from pyarrow.lib import tobytes
from pyarrow.lib cimport *
from pyarrow.includes.libarrow_cuda cimport *
from pyarrow.lib import py_buffer, allocate_buffer, as_buffer, ArrowTypeError
from pyarrow.util import get_contiguous_span
cimport cpython as cp
cdef class Context(_Weakrefable):
CUDA driver context.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Create a CUDA driver context for a particular device.
If a CUDA context handle is passed, it is wrapped, otherwise
a default CUDA context for the given device is requested.
device_number : int (default 0)
Specify the GPU device for which the CUDA driver context is
handle : int, optional
Specify CUDA handle for a shared context that has been created
by another library.
# This method exposed because autodoc doesn't pick __cinit__
def __cinit__(self, int device_number=0, uintptr_t handle=0):
cdef CCudaDeviceManager* manager
manager = GetResultValue(CCudaDeviceManager.Instance())
cdef int n = manager.num_devices()
if device_number >= n or device_number < 0:
raise ValueError('device_number argument must be '
'non-negative less than %s' % (n))
if handle == 0:
self.context = GetResultValue(manager.GetContext(device_number))
self.context = GetResultValue(manager.GetSharedContext(
device_number, <void*>handle))
self.device_number = device_number
def from_numba(context=None):
Create a Context instance from a Numba CUDA context.
context : {numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver.Context, None}
A Numba CUDA context instance.
If None, the current Numba context is used.
shared_context : pyarrow.cuda.Context
Context instance.
if context is None:
import numba.cuda
context = numba.cuda.current_context()
return Context(,
def to_numba(self):
Convert Context to a Numba CUDA context.
context : numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver.Context
Numba CUDA context instance.
import ctypes
import numba.cuda
device = numba.cuda.gpus[self.device_number]
handle = ctypes.c_void_p(self.handle)
context = numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver.Context(device, handle)
class DummyPendingDeallocs(object):
# Context is managed by pyarrow
def add_item(self, *args, **kwargs):
context.deallocations = DummyPendingDeallocs()
return context
def get_num_devices():
""" Return the number of GPU devices.
cdef CCudaDeviceManager* manager
manager = GetResultValue(CCudaDeviceManager.Instance())
return manager.num_devices()
def device_number(self):
""" Return context device number.
return self.device_number
def handle(self):
""" Return pointer to context handle.
return <uintptr_t>self.context.get().handle()
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CCudaContext]& ctx):
self.context = ctx
def synchronize(self):
"""Blocks until the device has completed all preceding requested
def bytes_allocated(self):
"""Return the number of allocated bytes.
return self.context.get().bytes_allocated()
def get_device_address(self, uintptr_t address):
"""Return the device address that is reachable from kernels running in
the context
address : int
Specify memory address value
device_address : int
Device address accessible from device context
The device address is defined as a memory address accessible
by device. While it is often a device memory address but it
can be also a host memory address, for instance, when the
memory is allocated as host memory (using cudaMallocHost or
cudaHostAlloc) or as managed memory (using cudaMallocManaged)
or the host memory is page-locked (using cudaHostRegister).
return GetResultValue(self.context.get().GetDeviceAddress(address))
def new_buffer(self, int64_t nbytes):
"""Return new device buffer.
nbytes : int
Specify the number of bytes to be allocated.
buf : CudaBuffer
Allocated buffer.
shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] cudabuf
with nogil:
cudabuf = GetResultValue(self.context.get().Allocate(nbytes))
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(cudabuf)
def foreign_buffer(self, address, size, base=None):
"""Create device buffer from address and size as a view.
The caller is responsible for allocating and freeing the
memory. When `address==size==0` then a new zero-sized buffer
is returned.
address : int
Specify the starting address of the buffer. The address can
refer to both device or host memory but it must be
accessible from device after mapping it with
`get_device_address` method.
size : int
Specify the size of device buffer in bytes.
base : {None, object}
Specify object that owns the referenced memory.
cbuf : CudaBuffer
Device buffer as a view of device reachable memory.
if not address and size == 0:
return self.new_buffer(0)
uintptr_t c_addr = self.get_device_address(address)
int64_t c_size = size
shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] cudabuf
cudabuf = GetResultValue(self.context.get().View(
<uint8_t*>c_addr, c_size))
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer_base(cudabuf, base)
def open_ipc_buffer(self, ipc_handle):
""" Open existing CUDA IPC memory handle
ipc_handle : IpcMemHandle
Specify opaque pointer to CUipcMemHandle (driver API).
buf : CudaBuffer
referencing device buffer
handle = pyarrow_unwrap_cudaipcmemhandle(ipc_handle)
cdef shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] cudabuf
with nogil:
cudabuf = GetResultValue(
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(cudabuf)
def buffer_from_data(self, object data, int64_t offset=0, int64_t size=-1):
"""Create device buffer and initialize with data.
data : {CudaBuffer, HostBuffer, Buffer, array-like}
Specify data to be copied to device buffer.
offset : int
Specify the offset of input buffer for device data
buffering. Default: 0.
size : int
Specify the size of device buffer in bytes. Default: all
(starting from input offset)
cbuf : CudaBuffer
Device buffer with copied data.
is_host_data = not pyarrow_is_cudabuffer(data)
buf = as_buffer(data) if is_host_data else data
bsize = buf.size
if offset < 0 or (bsize and offset >= bsize):
raise ValueError('offset argument is out-of-range')
if size < 0:
size = bsize - offset
elif offset + size > bsize:
raise ValueError(
'requested larger slice than available in device buffer')
if offset != 0 or size != bsize:
buf = buf.slice(offset, size)
result = self.new_buffer(size)
if is_host_data:
result.copy_from_host(buf, position=0, nbytes=size)
result.copy_from_device(buf, position=0, nbytes=size)
return result
def buffer_from_object(self, obj):
"""Create device buffer view of arbitrary object that references
device accessible memory.
When the object contains a non-contiguous view of device
accessible memory then the returned device buffer will contain
contiguous view of the memory, that is, including the
intermediate data that is otherwise invisible to the input
obj : {object, Buffer, HostBuffer, CudaBuffer, ...}
Specify an object that holds (device or host) address that
can be accessed from device. This includes objects with
types defined in pyarrow.cuda as well as arbitrary objects
that implement the CUDA array interface as defined by numba.
cbuf : CudaBuffer
Device buffer as a view of device accessible memory.
if isinstance(obj, HostBuffer):
return self.foreign_buffer(obj.address, obj.size, base=obj)
elif isinstance(obj, Buffer):
return CudaBuffer.from_buffer(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, CudaBuffer):
return obj
elif hasattr(obj, '__cuda_array_interface__'):
desc = obj.__cuda_array_interface__
addr = desc['data'][0]
if addr is None:
return self.new_buffer(0)
import numpy as np
start, end = get_contiguous_span(
desc['shape'], desc.get('strides'),
return self.foreign_buffer(addr + start, end - start, base=obj)
raise ArrowTypeError('cannot create device buffer view from'
' `%s` object' % (type(obj)))
cdef class IpcMemHandle(_Weakrefable):
"""A serializable container for a CUDA IPC handle.
cdef void init(self, shared_ptr[CCudaIpcMemHandle]& h):
self.handle = h
def from_buffer(Buffer opaque_handle):
"""Create IpcMemHandle from opaque buffer (e.g. from another
opaque_handle :
a CUipcMemHandle as a const void*
ipc_handle : IpcMemHandle
c_buf = pyarrow_unwrap_buffer(opaque_handle)
shared_ptr[CCudaIpcMemHandle] handle
handle = GetResultValue(
return pyarrow_wrap_cudaipcmemhandle(handle)
def serialize(self, pool=None):
"""Write IpcMemHandle to a Buffer
pool : {MemoryPool, None}
Specify a pool to allocate memory from
buf : Buffer
The serialized buffer.
cdef CMemoryPool* pool_ = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(pool)
cdef shared_ptr[CBuffer] buf
cdef CCudaIpcMemHandle* h = self.handle.get()
with nogil:
buf = GetResultValue(h.Serialize(pool_))
return pyarrow_wrap_buffer(buf)
cdef class CudaBuffer(Buffer):
"""An Arrow buffer with data located in a GPU device.
To create a CudaBuffer instance, use Context.device_buffer().
The memory allocated in a CudaBuffer is freed when the buffer object
is deleted.
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call CudaBuffer's constructor directly, use "
"`<pyarrow.Context instance>.device_buffer`"
" method instead.")
cdef void init_cuda(self,
const shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer]& buffer,
object base):
self.cuda_buffer = buffer
self.init(<shared_ptr[CBuffer]> buffer)
self.base = base
def from_buffer(buf):
""" Convert back generic buffer into CudaBuffer
buf : Buffer
Specify buffer containing CudaBuffer
dbuf : CudaBuffer
Resulting device buffer.
c_buf = pyarrow_unwrap_buffer(buf)
cuda_buffer = GetResultValue(CCudaBuffer.FromBuffer(c_buf))
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(cuda_buffer)
def from_numba(mem):
"""Create a CudaBuffer view from numba MemoryPointer instance.
mem : numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver.MemoryPointer
cbuf : CudaBuffer
Device buffer as a view of numba MemoryPointer.
ctx = Context.from_numba(mem.context)
if mem.device_pointer.value is None and mem.size==0:
return ctx.new_buffer(0)
return ctx.foreign_buffer(mem.device_pointer.value, mem.size, base=mem)
def to_numba(self):
"""Return numba memory pointer of CudaBuffer instance.
import ctypes
from numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver import MemoryPointer
return MemoryPointer(self.context.to_numba(),
cdef getitem(self, int64_t i):
return self.copy_to_host(position=i, nbytes=1)[0]
def copy_to_host(self, int64_t position=0, int64_t nbytes=-1,
Buffer buf=None,
MemoryPool memory_pool=None, c_bool resizable=False):
"""Copy memory from GPU device to CPU host
Caller is responsible for ensuring that all tasks affecting
the memory are finished. Use
`<CudaBuffer instance>.context.synchronize()`
when needed.
position : int
Specify the starting position of the source data in GPU
device buffer. Default: 0.
nbytes : int
Specify the number of bytes to copy. Default: -1 (all from
the position until host buffer is full).
buf : Buffer
Specify a pre-allocated output buffer in host. Default: None
(allocate new output buffer).
memory_pool : MemoryPool
resizable : bool
Specify extra arguments to allocate_buffer. Used only when
buf is None.
buf : Buffer
Output buffer in host.
if position < 0 or (self.size and position > self.size) \
or (self.size == 0 and position != 0):
raise ValueError('position argument is out-of-range')
int64_t c_nbytes
if buf is None:
if nbytes < 0:
# copy all starting from position to new host buffer
c_nbytes = self.size - position
if nbytes > self.size - position:
raise ValueError(
'requested more to copy than available from '
'device buffer')
# copy nbytes starting from position to new host buffeer
c_nbytes = nbytes
buf = allocate_buffer(c_nbytes, memory_pool=memory_pool,
if nbytes < 0:
# copy all from position until given host buffer is full
c_nbytes = min(self.size - position, buf.size)
if nbytes > buf.size:
raise ValueError(
'requested copy does not fit into host buffer')
# copy nbytes from position to given host buffer
c_nbytes = nbytes
shared_ptr[CBuffer] c_buf = pyarrow_unwrap_buffer(buf)
int64_t c_position = position
with nogil:
.CopyToHost(c_position, c_nbytes,
return buf
def copy_from_host(self, data, int64_t position=0, int64_t nbytes=-1):
"""Copy data from host to device.
The device buffer must be pre-allocated.
data : {Buffer, array-like}
Specify data in host. It can be array-like that is valid
argument to py_buffer
position : int
Specify the starting position of the copy in device buffer.
Default: 0.
nbytes : int
Specify the number of bytes to copy. Default: -1 (all from
source until device buffer, starting from position, is full)
nbytes : int
Number of bytes copied.
if position < 0 or position > self.size:
raise ValueError('position argument is out-of-range')
int64_t c_nbytes
buf = as_buffer(data)
if nbytes < 0:
# copy from host buffer to device buffer starting from
# position until device buffer is full
c_nbytes = min(self.size - position, buf.size)
if nbytes > buf.size:
raise ValueError(
'requested more to copy than available from host buffer')
if nbytes > self.size - position:
raise ValueError(
'requested more to copy than available in device buffer')
# copy nbytes from host buffer to device buffer starting
# from position
c_nbytes = nbytes
shared_ptr[CBuffer] c_buf = pyarrow_unwrap_buffer(buf)
int64_t c_position = position
with nogil:
CopyFromHost(c_position, c_buf.get().data(),
return c_nbytes
def copy_from_device(self, buf, int64_t position=0, int64_t nbytes=-1):
"""Copy data from device to device.
buf : CudaBuffer
Specify source device buffer.
position : int
Specify the starting position of the copy in device buffer.
Default: 0.
nbytes : int
Specify the number of bytes to copy. Default: -1 (all from
source until device buffer, starting from position, is full)
nbytes : int
Number of bytes copied.
if position < 0 or position > self.size:
raise ValueError('position argument is out-of-range')
int64_t c_nbytes
if nbytes < 0:
# copy from source device buffer to device buffer starting
# from position until device buffer is full
c_nbytes = min(self.size - position, buf.size)
if nbytes > buf.size:
raise ValueError(
'requested more to copy than available from device buffer')
if nbytes > self.size - position:
raise ValueError(
'requested more to copy than available in device buffer')
# copy nbytes from source device buffer to device buffer
# starting from position
c_nbytes = nbytes
shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] c_buf = pyarrow_unwrap_cudabuffer(buf)
int64_t c_position = position
shared_ptr[CCudaContext] c_src_ctx = pyarrow_unwrap_cudacontext(
void* c_source_data = <void*>(c_buf.get().address())
if self.context.handle != buf.context.handle:
with nogil:
CopyFromAnotherDevice(c_src_ctx, c_position,
c_source_data, c_nbytes))
with nogil:
CopyFromDevice(c_position, c_source_data,
return c_nbytes
def export_for_ipc(self):
Expose this device buffer as IPC memory which can be used in other
After calling this function, this device memory will not be
freed when the CudaBuffer is destructed.
ipc_handle : IpcMemHandle
The exported IPC handle
cdef shared_ptr[CCudaIpcMemHandle] handle
with nogil:
handle = GetResultValue(self.cuda_buffer.get().ExportForIpc())
return pyarrow_wrap_cudaipcmemhandle(handle)
def context(self):
"""Returns the CUDA driver context of this buffer.
return pyarrow_wrap_cudacontext(self.cuda_buffer.get().context())
def slice(self, offset=0, length=None):
"""Return slice of device buffer
offset : int, default 0
Specify offset from the start of device buffer to slice
length : int, default None
Specify the length of slice (default is until end of device
buffer starting from offset). If the length is larger than
the data available, the returned slice will have a size of
the available data starting from the offset.
sliced : CudaBuffer
Zero-copy slice of device buffer.
if offset < 0 or (self.size and offset >= self.size):
raise ValueError('offset argument is out-of-range')
cdef int64_t offset_ = offset
cdef int64_t size
if length is None:
size = self.size - offset_
elif offset + length <= self.size:
size = length
size = self.size - offset
parent = pyarrow_unwrap_cudabuffer(self)
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(make_shared[CCudaBuffer](parent,
offset_, size))
def to_pybytes(self):
"""Return device buffer content as Python bytes.
return self.copy_to_host().to_pybytes()
def __getbuffer__(self, cp.Py_buffer* buffer, int flags):
# Device buffer contains data pointers on the device. Hence,
# cannot support buffer protocol PEP-3118 for CudaBuffer.
raise BufferError('buffer protocol for device buffer not supported')
cdef class HostBuffer(Buffer):
"""Device-accessible CPU memory created using cudaHostAlloc.
To create a HostBuffer instance, use
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call HostBuffer's constructor directly,"
" use `cuda.new_host_buffer` function instead.")
cdef void init_host(self, const shared_ptr[CCudaHostBuffer]& buffer):
self.host_buffer = buffer
self.init(<shared_ptr[CBuffer]> buffer)
def size(self):
return self.host_buffer.get().size()
cdef class BufferReader(NativeFile):
"""File interface for zero-copy read from CUDA buffers.
Note: Read methods return pointers to device memory. This means
you must be careful using this interface with any Arrow code which
may expect to be able to do anything other than pointer arithmetic
on the returned buffers.
def __cinit__(self, CudaBuffer obj):
self.buffer = obj
self.reader = new CCudaBufferReader(self.buffer.buffer)
self.is_readable = True
def read_buffer(self, nbytes=None):
"""Return a slice view of the underlying device buffer.
The slice will start at the current reader position and will
have specified size in bytes.
nbytes : int, default None
Specify the number of bytes to read. Default: None (read all
remaining bytes).
cbuf : CudaBuffer
New device buffer.
int64_t c_nbytes
int64_t bytes_read = 0
shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] output
if nbytes is None:
c_nbytes = self.size() - self.tell()
c_nbytes = nbytes
with nogil:
output = static_pointer_cast[CCudaBuffer, CBuffer](
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(output)
cdef class BufferWriter(NativeFile):
"""File interface for writing to CUDA buffers.
By default writes are unbuffered. Use set_buffer_size to enable
def __cinit__(self, CudaBuffer buffer):
self.buffer = buffer
self.writer = new CCudaBufferWriter(self.buffer.cuda_buffer)
self.is_writable = True
def writeat(self, int64_t position, object data):
"""Write data to buffer starting from position.
position : int
Specify device buffer position where the data will be
data : array-like
Specify data, the data instance must implement buffer
Buffer buf = as_buffer(data)
const uint8_t* c_data = buf.buffer.get().data()
int64_t c_size = buf.buffer.get().size()
with nogil:
check_status(self.writer.WriteAt(position, c_data, c_size))
def flush(self):
""" Flush the buffer stream """
with nogil:
def seek(self, int64_t position, int whence=0):
# TODO: remove this method after supports
# writable files.
cdef int64_t offset
with nogil:
if whence == 0:
offset = position
elif whence == 1:
offset = GetResultValue(self.writer.Tell())
offset = offset + position
with gil:
raise ValueError("Invalid value of whence: {0}"
return self.tell()
def buffer_size(self):
"""Returns size of host (CPU) buffer, 0 for unbuffered
return self.writer.buffer_size()
def buffer_size(self, int64_t buffer_size):
"""Set CPU buffer size to limit calls to cudaMemcpy
buffer_size : int
Specify the size of CPU buffer to allocate in bytes.
with nogil:
def num_bytes_buffered(self):
"""Returns number of bytes buffered on host
return self.writer.num_bytes_buffered()
# Functions
def new_host_buffer(const int64_t size, int device=0):
"""Return buffer with CUDA-accessible memory on CPU host
size : int
Specify the number of bytes to be allocated.
device : int
Specify GPU device number.
dbuf : HostBuffer
Allocated host buffer
cdef shared_ptr[CCudaHostBuffer] buffer
with nogil:
buffer = GetResultValue(AllocateCudaHostBuffer(device, size))
return pyarrow_wrap_cudahostbuffer(buffer)
def serialize_record_batch(object batch, object ctx):
""" Write record batch message to GPU device memory
batch : RecordBatch
Record batch to write
ctx : Context
CUDA Context to allocate device memory from
dbuf : CudaBuffer
device buffer which contains the record batch message
cdef shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] buffer
cdef CRecordBatch* batch_ = pyarrow_unwrap_batch(batch).get()
cdef CCudaContext* ctx_ = pyarrow_unwrap_cudacontext(ctx).get()
with nogil:
buffer = GetResultValue(CudaSerializeRecordBatch(batch_[0], ctx_))
return pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(buffer)
def read_message(object source, pool=None):
""" Read Arrow IPC message located on GPU device
source : {CudaBuffer, cuda.BufferReader}
Device buffer or reader of device buffer.
pool : MemoryPool (optional)
Pool to allocate CPU memory for the metadata
message : Message
The deserialized message, body still on device
Message result = Message.__new__(Message)
cdef CMemoryPool* pool_ = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(pool)
if not isinstance(source, BufferReader):
reader = BufferReader(source)
with nogil:
result.message = move(
GetResultValue(ReadMessage(reader.reader, pool_)))
return result
def read_record_batch(object buffer, object schema, *,
DictionaryMemo dictionary_memo=None, pool=None):
"""Construct RecordBatch referencing IPC message located on CUDA device.
While the metadata is copied to host memory for deserialization,
the record batch data remains on the device.
buffer :
Device buffer containing the complete IPC message
schema : Schema
The schema for the record batch
dictionary_memo : DictionaryMemo, optional
If message contains dictionaries, must pass a populated
pool : MemoryPool (optional)
Pool to allocate metadata from
batch : RecordBatch
Reconstructed record batch, with device pointers
shared_ptr[CSchema] schema_ = pyarrow_unwrap_schema(schema)
shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] buffer_ = pyarrow_unwrap_cudabuffer(buffer)
CDictionaryMemo temp_memo
CDictionaryMemo* arg_dict_memo
CMemoryPool* pool_ = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(pool)
shared_ptr[CRecordBatch] batch
if dictionary_memo is not None:
arg_dict_memo = dictionary_memo.memo
arg_dict_memo = &temp_memo
with nogil:
batch = GetResultValue(CudaReadRecordBatch(
schema_, arg_dict_memo, buffer_, pool_))
return pyarrow_wrap_batch(batch)
# Public API
cdef public api bint pyarrow_is_buffer(object buffer):
return isinstance(buffer, Buffer)
# cudabuffer
cdef public api bint pyarrow_is_cudabuffer(object buffer):
return isinstance(buffer, CudaBuffer)
cdef public api object \
pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer_base(const shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer]& buf, base):
cdef CudaBuffer result = CudaBuffer.__new__(CudaBuffer)
result.init_cuda(buf, base)
return result
cdef public api object \
pyarrow_wrap_cudabuffer(const shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer]& buf):
cdef CudaBuffer result = CudaBuffer.__new__(CudaBuffer)
result.init_cuda(buf, None)
return result
cdef public api shared_ptr[CCudaBuffer] pyarrow_unwrap_cudabuffer(object obj):
if pyarrow_is_cudabuffer(obj):
return (<CudaBuffer>obj).cuda_buffer
raise TypeError('expected CudaBuffer instance, got %s'
% (type(obj).__name__))
# cudahostbuffer
cdef public api bint pyarrow_is_cudahostbuffer(object buffer):
return isinstance(buffer, HostBuffer)
cdef public api object \
pyarrow_wrap_cudahostbuffer(const shared_ptr[CCudaHostBuffer]& buf):
cdef HostBuffer result = HostBuffer.__new__(HostBuffer)
return result
cdef public api shared_ptr[CCudaHostBuffer] \
pyarrow_unwrap_cudahostbuffer(object obj):
if pyarrow_is_cudahostbuffer(obj):
return (<HostBuffer>obj).host_buffer
raise TypeError('expected HostBuffer instance, got %s'
% (type(obj).__name__))
# cudacontext
cdef public api bint pyarrow_is_cudacontext(object ctx):
return isinstance(ctx, Context)
cdef public api object \
pyarrow_wrap_cudacontext(const shared_ptr[CCudaContext]& ctx):
cdef Context result = Context.__new__(Context)
return result
cdef public api shared_ptr[CCudaContext] \
pyarrow_unwrap_cudacontext(object obj):
if pyarrow_is_cudacontext(obj):
return (<Context>obj).context
raise TypeError('expected Context instance, got %s'
% (type(obj).__name__))
# cudaipcmemhandle
cdef public api bint pyarrow_is_cudaipcmemhandle(object handle):
return isinstance(handle, IpcMemHandle)
cdef public api object \
pyarrow_wrap_cudaipcmemhandle(shared_ptr[CCudaIpcMemHandle]& h):
cdef IpcMemHandle result = IpcMemHandle.__new__(IpcMemHandle)
return result
cdef public api shared_ptr[CCudaIpcMemHandle] \
pyarrow_unwrap_cudaipcmemhandle(object obj):
if pyarrow_is_cudaipcmemhandle(obj):
return (<IpcMemHandle>obj).handle
raise TypeError('expected IpcMemHandle instance, got %s'
% (type(obj).__name__))