blob: 657df04f96550189099af5dc33ac693457f7f6be [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import atexit
import re
import warnings
from pyarrow import compat
from pyarrow.compat import builtin_pickle
# These are imprecise because the type (in pandas 0.x) depends on the presence
# of nulls
cdef dict _pandas_type_map = {
_Type_NA: np.float64, # NaNs
_Type_BOOL: np.bool_,
_Type_INT8: np.int8,
_Type_INT16: np.int16,
_Type_INT32: np.int32,
_Type_INT64: np.int64,
_Type_UINT8: np.uint8,
_Type_UINT16: np.uint16,
_Type_UINT32: np.uint32,
_Type_UINT64: np.uint64,
_Type_HALF_FLOAT: np.float16,
_Type_FLOAT: np.float32,
_Type_DOUBLE: np.float64,
_Type_DATE32: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'),
_Type_DATE64: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'),
_Type_TIMESTAMP: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'),
_Type_BINARY: np.object_,
_Type_FIXED_SIZE_BINARY: np.object_,
_Type_STRING: np.object_,
_Type_LIST: np.object_,
_Type_DECIMAL: np.object_,
cdef dict _pep3118_type_map = {
_Type_INT8: b'b',
_Type_INT16: b'h',
_Type_INT32: b'i',
_Type_INT64: b'q',
_Type_UINT8: b'B',
_Type_UINT16: b'H',
_Type_UINT32: b'I',
_Type_UINT64: b'Q',
_Type_HALF_FLOAT: b'e',
_Type_FLOAT: b'f',
_Type_DOUBLE: b'd',
cdef bytes _datatype_to_pep3118(CDataType* type):
Construct a PEP 3118 format string describing the given datatype.
None is returned for unsupported types.
char = _pep3118_type_map[]
except KeyError:
return None
if char in b'bBhHiIqQ':
# Use "standard" int widths, not native
return b'=' + char
return char
def _is_primitive(Type type):
# This is simply a redirect, the official API is in pyarrow.types.
return is_primitive(type)
# Workaround for Cython parsing bug
ctypedef CFixedWidthType* _CFixedWidthTypePtr
cdef class DataType:
Base class of all Arrow data types.
Each data type is an *instance* of this class.
def __cinit__(self):
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call {}'s constructor directly, use public "
"functions like pyarrow.int64, pyarrow.list_, etc. "
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
self.sp_type = type
self.type = type.get()
self.pep3118_format = _datatype_to_pep3118(self.type)
cdef Field child(self, int i):
cdef int index = <int> _normalize_index(i, self.type.num_children())
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.type.child(index))
def id(self):
def bit_width(self):
cdef _CFixedWidthTypePtr ty
ty = dynamic_cast[_CFixedWidthTypePtr](self.type)
if ty == nullptr:
raise ValueError("Non-fixed width type")
return ty.bit_width()
def num_children(self):
The number of child fields.
return self.type.num_children()
def num_buffers(self):
Number of data buffers required to construct Array type
excluding children
return self.type.layout().bit_widths.size()
def __str__(self):
return frombytes(self.type.ToString())
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __reduce__(self):
return type_for_alias, (str(self),)
def __repr__(self):
return '{0.__class__.__name__}({0})'.format(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return NotImplemented
def equals(self, other):
Return true if type is equivalent to passed value
other : DataType or string convertible to DataType
is_equal : boolean
cdef DataType other_type
if not isinstance(other, DataType):
if not isinstance(other, six.string_types):
raise TypeError(other)
other_type = type_for_alias(other)
other_type = other
return self.type.Equals(deref(other_type.type))
def to_pandas_dtype(self):
Return the equivalent NumPy / Pandas dtype.
cdef Type type_id =
if type_id in _pandas_type_map:
return _pandas_type_map[type_id]
raise NotImplementedError(str(self))
cdef class DictionaryMemo:
Tracking container for dictionary-encoded fields
def __cinit__(self):
self.sp_memo.reset(new CDictionaryMemo())
self.memo = self.sp_memo.get()
cdef class DictionaryType(DataType):
Concrete class for dictionary data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.dict_type = <const CDictionaryType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return dictionary, (self.index_type, self.value_type, self.ordered)
def ordered(self):
Whether the dictionary is ordered, i.e. whether the ordering of values
in the dictionary is important.
return self.dict_type.ordered()
def index_type(self):
The data type of dictionary indices (a signed integer type).
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.dict_type.index_type())
def value_type(self):
The dictionary value type. The dictionary values are found in an
instance of DictionaryArray
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.dict_type.value_type())
cdef class ListType(DataType):
Concrete class for list data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.list_type = <const CListType*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return list_, (self.value_type,)
def value_type(self):
The data type of list values.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.list_type.value_type())
cdef class StructType(DataType):
Concrete class for struct data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.struct_type = <const CStructType*> type.get()
cdef Field field(self, int i):
Return a child field by its index.
return self.child(i)
cdef Field field_by_name(self, name):
Return a child field by its name rather than its index.
cdef vector[shared_ptr[CField]] fields
fields = self.struct_type.GetAllFieldsByName(tobytes(name))
if fields.size() == 0:
raise KeyError(name)
elif fields.size() > 1:
warnings.warn("Struct field name corresponds to more "
"than one field", UserWarning)
raise KeyError(name)
return pyarrow_wrap_field(fields[0])
def __len__(self):
Like num_children().
return self.type.num_children()
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over struct fields, in order.
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
Return the struct field with the given index or name.
if isinstance(i, six.string_types):
return self.field_by_name(i)
elif isinstance(i, six.integer_types):
return self.child(i)
raise TypeError('Expected integer or string index')
def __reduce__(self):
return struct, (list(self),)
cdef class UnionType(DataType):
Concrete class for struct data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
def mode(self):
The mode of the union ("dense" or "sparse").
cdef CUnionType* type = <CUnionType*> self.sp_type.get()
cdef int mode = type.mode()
if mode == _UnionMode_DENSE:
return 'dense'
if mode == _UnionMode_SPARSE:
return 'sparse'
assert 0
def type_codes(self):
The type code to indicate each data type in this union.
cdef CUnionType* type = <CUnionType*> self.sp_type.get()
return type.type_codes()
def __len__(self):
Like num_children()
return self.type.num_children()
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over union members, in order.
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def __getitem__(self, i):
Return a child member by its index.
return self.child(i)
def __reduce__(self):
return union, (list(self), self.mode)
cdef class TimestampType(DataType):
Concrete class for timestamp data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.ts_type = <const CTimestampType*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The timestamp unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.ts_type.unit())
def tz(self):
The timestamp time zone, if any, or None.
if self.ts_type.timezone().size() > 0:
return frombytes(self.ts_type.timezone())
return None
def to_pandas_dtype(self):
Return the equivalent NumPy / Pandas dtype.
if is None:
return _pandas_type_map[_Type_TIMESTAMP]
# Return DatetimeTZ
from pyarrow.pandas_compat import make_datetimetz
return make_datetimetz(
def __reduce__(self):
return timestamp, (self.unit,
cdef class Time32Type(DataType):
Concrete class for time32 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.time_type = <const CTime32Type*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The time unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.time_type.unit())
cdef class Time64Type(DataType):
Concrete class for time64 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.time_type = <const CTime64Type*> type.get()
def unit(self):
The time unit ('s', 'ms', 'us' or 'ns').
return timeunit_to_string(self.time_type.unit())
cdef class FixedSizeBinaryType(DataType):
Concrete class for fixed-size binary data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.fixed_size_binary_type = (
<const CFixedSizeBinaryType*> type.get())
def __reduce__(self):
return binary, (self.byte_width,)
def byte_width(self):
The binary size in bytes.
return self.fixed_size_binary_type.byte_width()
cdef class Decimal128Type(FixedSizeBinaryType):
Concrete class for decimal128 data types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
FixedSizeBinaryType.init(self, type)
self.decimal128_type = <const CDecimal128Type*> type.get()
def __reduce__(self):
return decimal128, (self.precision, self.scale)
def precision(self):
The decimal precision, in number of decimal digits (an integer).
return self.decimal128_type.precision()
def scale(self):
The decimal scale (an integer).
return self.decimal128_type.scale()
cdef class BaseExtensionType(DataType):
Concrete base class for extension types.
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
DataType.init(self, type)
self.ext_type = <const CExtensionType*> type.get()
def extension_name(self):
The extension type name.
return frombytes(self.ext_type.extension_name())
def storage_type(self):
The underlying storage type.
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(self.ext_type.storage_type())
cdef class ExtensionType(BaseExtensionType):
Concrete base class for Python-defined extension types.
def __cinit__(self):
if type(self) is ExtensionType:
raise TypeError("Can only instantiate subclasses of "
def __init__(self, DataType storage_type):
shared_ptr[CExtensionType] cpy_ext_type
assert storage_type is not None
type(self), &cpy_ext_type))
self.init(<shared_ptr[CDataType]> cpy_ext_type)
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CDataType]& type) except *:
BaseExtensionType.init(self, type)
self.cpy_ext_type = <const CPyExtensionType*> type.get()
# Store weakref and serialized version of self on C++ type instance
def __eq__(self, other):
# Default implementation to avoid infinite recursion through
# DataType.__eq__ -> ExtensionType::ExtensionEquals -> DataType.__eq__
if isinstance(other, ExtensionType):
return (type(self) == type(other) and
self.storage_type == other.storage_type)
return NotImplemented
def __reduce__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Please implement {0}.__reduce__"
def __arrow_ext_serialize__(self):
return builtin_pickle.dumps(self)
def __arrow_ext_deserialize__(cls, storage_type, serialized):
ty = builtin_pickle.loads(serialized)
except Exception:
# For some reason, it's impossible to deserialize the
# ExtensionType instance. Perhaps the serialized data is
# corrupt, or more likely the type is being deserialized
# in an environment where the original Python class or module
# is not available. Fall back on a generic BaseExtensionType.
return UnknownExtensionType(storage_type, serialized)
if ty.storage_type != storage_type:
raise TypeError("Expected storage type {0} but got {1}"
.format(ty.storage_type, storage_type))
return ty
cdef class UnknownExtensionType(ExtensionType):
A concrete class for Python-defined extension types that refer to
an unknown Python implementation.
bytes serialized
def __init__(self, DataType storage_type, serialized):
self.serialized = serialized
ExtensionType.__init__(self, storage_type)
def __arrow_ext_serialize__(self):
return self.serialized
cdef class Field:
A named field, with a data type, nullability, and optional metadata.
Do not use this class's constructor directly; use pyarrow.field
def __cinit__(self):
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call Field's constructor directly, use "
"`pyarrow.field` instead.")
cdef void init(self, const shared_ptr[CField]& field):
self.sp_field = field
self.field = field.get()
self.type = pyarrow_wrap_data_type(field.get().type())
def equals(self, Field other):
Test if this field is equal to the other
other : pyarrow.Field
is_equal : boolean
return self.field.Equals(deref(other.field))
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def __reduce__(self):
return field, (, self.type, self.nullable, self.metadata)
def __str__(self):
return 'pyarrow.Field<{0}>'.format(frombytes(self.field.ToString()))
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((, self.type, self.field.nullable()))
def nullable(self):
return self.field.nullable()
def name(self):
return frombytes(
def metadata(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_metadata(self.field.metadata())
def add_metadata(self, metadata):
Add metadata as dict of string keys and values to Field
metadata : dict
Keys and values must be string-like / coercible to bytes
field : pyarrow.Field
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
shared_ptr[CKeyValueMetadata] c_meta
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
raise TypeError('Metadata must be an instance of dict')
c_meta = pyarrow_unwrap_metadata(metadata)
with nogil:
c_field = self.field.AddMetadata(c_meta)
return pyarrow_wrap_field(c_field)
def remove_metadata(self):
Create new field without metadata, if any
field : pyarrow.Field
cdef shared_ptr[CField] new_field
with nogil:
new_field = self.field.RemoveMetadata()
return pyarrow_wrap_field(new_field)
def flatten(self):
Flatten this field. If a struct field, individual child fields
will be returned with their names prefixed by the parent's name.
fields : List[pyarrow.Field]
cdef vector[shared_ptr[CField]] flattened
with nogil:
flattened = self.field.Flatten()
return [pyarrow_wrap_field(f) for f in flattened]
cdef class Schema:
def __cinit__(self):
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Do not call Schema's constructor directly, use "
"`pyarrow.schema` instead.")
def __len__(self):
return self.schema.num_fields()
def __getitem__(self, key):
cdef int index = <int> _normalize_index(key, self.schema.num_fields())
return pyarrow_wrap_field(self.schema.field(index))
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
cdef void init(self, const vector[shared_ptr[CField]]& fields):
self.schema = new CSchema(fields)
cdef void init_schema(self, const shared_ptr[CSchema]& schema):
self.schema = schema.get()
self.sp_schema = schema
def __reduce__(self):
return schema, (list(self), self.metadata)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((tuple(self), self.metadata))
def pandas_metadata(self):
Return deserialized-from-JSON pandas metadata field (if it exists)
metadata = self.metadata
key = b'pandas'
if metadata is None or key not in metadata:
return None
import json
return json.loads(metadata[key].decode('utf8'))
def names(self):
The schema's field names.
list of str
cdef int i
result = []
for i in range(self.schema.num_fields()):
name = frombytes(self.schema.field(i).get().name())
return result
def types(self):
The schema's field types.
list of DataType
return [field.type for field in self]
def metadata(self):
return pyarrow_wrap_metadata(self.schema.metadata())
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.equals(other)
except TypeError:
return NotImplemented
def empty_table(self):
Provide an empty table according to the schema.
table: pyarrow.Table
arrays = []
names = []
for field in self:
arrays.append(array([], type=field.type))
return Table.from_arrays(
def equals(self, Schema other not None, bint check_metadata=True):
Test if this schema is equal to the other
other : pyarrow.Schema
check_metadata : bool, default False
Key/value metadata must be equal too
is_equal : boolean
return self.sp_schema.get().Equals(deref(other.schema),
def from_pandas(cls, df, preserve_index=None):
Returns implied schema from dataframe
df : pandas.DataFrame
preserve_index : bool, default True
Whether to store the index as an additional column (or columns, for
MultiIndex) in the resulting `Table`.
The default of None will store the index as a column, except for
RangeIndex which is stored as metadata only. Use
``preserve_index=True`` to force it to be stored as a column.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
... 'int': [1, 2],
... 'str': ['a', 'b']
... })
>>> pa.Schema.from_pandas(df)
int: int64
str: string
__index_level_0__: int64
from pyarrow.pandas_compat import dataframe_to_types
names, types, metadata = dataframe_to_types(
fields = []
for name, type_ in zip(names, types):
fields.append(field(name, type_))
return schema(fields, metadata)
def field_by_name(self, name):
Access a field by its name rather than the column index.
name: str
field: pyarrow.Field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] results
results = self.schema.GetAllFieldsByName(tobytes(name))
if results.size() == 0:
return None
elif results.size() > 1:
warnings.warn("Schema field name corresponds to more "
"than one field", UserWarning)
return None
return pyarrow_wrap_field(results[0])
def get_field_index(self, name):
return self.schema.GetFieldIndex(tobytes(name))
def append(self, Field field):
Append a field at the end of the schema.
In contrast to Python's ``list.append()`` it does return a new
object, leaving the original Schema unmodified.
field: Field
schema: Schema
New object with appended field.
return self.insert(self.schema.num_fields(), field)
def insert(self, int i, Field field):
Add a field at position i to the schema.
i: int
field: Field
schema: Schema
shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
c_field = field.sp_field
with nogil:
check_status(self.schema.AddField(i, c_field, &new_schema))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def remove(self, int i):
Remove the field at index i from the schema.
i: int
schema: Schema
cdef shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
with nogil:
check_status(self.schema.RemoveField(i, &new_schema))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def set(self, int i, Field field):
Replace a field at position i in the schema.
i: int
field: Field
schema: Schema
shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
shared_ptr[CField] c_field
c_field = field.sp_field
with nogil:
check_status(self.schema.SetField(i, c_field, &new_schema))
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def add_metadata(self, metadata):
Add metadata as dict of string keys and values to Schema
metadata : dict
Keys and values must be string-like / coercible to bytes
schema : pyarrow.Schema
shared_ptr[CKeyValueMetadata] c_meta
shared_ptr[CSchema] c_schema
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
raise TypeError('Metadata must be an instance of dict')
c_meta = pyarrow_unwrap_metadata(metadata)
with nogil:
c_schema = self.schema.AddMetadata(c_meta)
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(c_schema)
def serialize(self, DictionaryMemo dictionary_memo=None, memory_pool=None):
Write Schema to Buffer as encapsulated IPC message
memory_pool : MemoryPool, default None
Uses default memory pool if not specified
dictionary_memo : DictionaryMemo, optional
If schema contains dictionaries, must pass a
DictionaryMemo to be able to deserialize RecordBatch
serialized : Buffer
shared_ptr[CBuffer] buffer
CMemoryPool* pool = maybe_unbox_memory_pool(memory_pool)
CDictionaryMemo temp_memo
CDictionaryMemo* arg_dict_memo
if dictionary_memo is not None:
arg_dict_memo = dictionary_memo.memo
arg_dict_memo = &temp_memo
with nogil:
check_status(SerializeSchema(deref(self.schema), arg_dict_memo,
pool, &buffer))
return pyarrow_wrap_buffer(buffer)
def remove_metadata(self):
Create new schema without metadata, if any
schema : pyarrow.Schema
cdef shared_ptr[CSchema] new_schema
with nogil:
new_schema = self.schema.RemoveMetadata()
return pyarrow_wrap_schema(new_schema)
def __str__(self):
c_string result
with nogil:
printed = frombytes(result)
if self.metadata is not None:
import pprint
metadata_formatted = pprint.pformat(self.metadata)
printed += '\nmetadata\n--------\n' + metadata_formatted
return printed
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
cdef dict _type_cache = {}
cdef DataType primitive_type(Type type):
if type in _type_cache:
return _type_cache[type]
cdef DataType out = DataType.__new__(DataType)
_type_cache[type] = out
return out
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Type factory functions
def field(name, type, bint nullable=True, metadata=None):
Create a pyarrow.Field instance
name : string or bytes
type : pyarrow.DataType
nullable : boolean, default True
metadata : dict, default None
Keys and values must be coercible to bytes
field : pyarrow.Field
Field result = Field.__new__(Field)
DataType _type = ensure_type(type, allow_none=False)
shared_ptr[CKeyValueMetadata] c_meta
if metadata is not None:
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
raise TypeError('Metadata must be an instance of dict')
c_meta = pyarrow_unwrap_metadata(metadata)
new CField(tobytes(name), _type.sp_type, nullable, c_meta)
result.field = result.sp_field.get()
result.type = _type
return result
cdef set PRIMITIVE_TYPES = set([
_Type_NA, _Type_BOOL,
_Type_UINT8, _Type_INT8,
_Type_UINT16, _Type_INT16,
_Type_UINT32, _Type_INT32,
_Type_UINT64, _Type_INT64,
_Type_TIMESTAMP, _Type_DATE32,
_Type_TIME32, _Type_TIME64,
def null():
Create instance of null type
return primitive_type(_Type_NA)
def bool_():
Create instance of boolean type
return primitive_type(_Type_BOOL)
def uint8():
Create instance of unsigned int8 type
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT8)
def int8():
Create instance of signed int8 type
return primitive_type(_Type_INT8)
def uint16():
Create instance of unsigned uint16 type
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT16)
def int16():
Create instance of signed int16 type
return primitive_type(_Type_INT16)
def uint32():
Create instance of unsigned uint32 type
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT32)
def int32():
Create instance of signed int32 type
return primitive_type(_Type_INT32)
def uint64():
Create instance of unsigned uint64 type
return primitive_type(_Type_UINT64)
def int64():
Create instance of signed int64 type
return primitive_type(_Type_INT64)
cdef dict _timestamp_type_cache = {}
cdef dict _time_type_cache = {}
cdef timeunit_to_string(TimeUnit unit):
if unit == TimeUnit_SECOND:
return 's'
elif unit == TimeUnit_MILLI:
return 'ms'
elif unit == TimeUnit_MICRO:
return 'us'
elif unit == TimeUnit_NANO:
return 'ns'
_FIXED_OFFSET_RE = re.compile(r'([+-])(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$')
def tzinfo_to_string(tz):
Converts a time zone object into a string indicating the name of a time
zone, one of:
* As used in the Olson time zone database (the "tz database" or
"tzdata"), such as "America/New_York"
* An absolute time zone offset of the form +XX:XX or -XX:XX, such as +07:30
tz : datetime.tzinfo
Time zone object
name : string
Time zone name
import pytz
import datetime
def fixed_offset_to_string(offset):
seconds = int(offset.utcoffset(None).total_seconds())
sign = '+' if seconds >= 0 else '-'
minutes, seconds = divmod(abs(seconds), 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
if seconds > 0:
raise ValueError('Offset must represent whole number of minutes')
return '{}{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(sign, hours, minutes)
if tz is pytz.utc:
return # ARROW-4055
elif isinstance(tz, pytz.tzinfo.BaseTzInfo):
elif isinstance(tz, pytz._FixedOffset):
return fixed_offset_to_string(tz)
elif isinstance(tz, datetime.tzinfo):
if six.PY3 and isinstance(tz, datetime.timezone):
return fixed_offset_to_string(tz)
raise ValueError('Unable to convert timezone `{}` to string'
raise TypeError('Must be an instance of `datetime.tzinfo`')
def string_to_tzinfo(name):
Converts a string indicating the name of a time zone into a time zone
object, one of:
* As used in the Olson time zone database (the "tz database" or
"tzdata"), such as "America/New_York"
* An absolute time zone offset of the form +XX:XX or -XX:XX, such as +07:30
name: string
Time zone name
tz : datetime.tzinfo
Time zone object
import pytz
m = _FIXED_OFFSET_RE.match(name)
if m:
sign = 1 if == '+' else -1
hours, minutes = map(int,, 3))
return pytz.FixedOffset(sign * (hours * 60 + minutes))
return pytz.timezone(name)
def timestamp(unit, tz=None):
Create instance of timestamp type with resolution and optional time zone
unit : string
one of 's' [second], 'ms' [millisecond], 'us' [microsecond], or 'ns'
tz : string, default None
Time zone name. None indicates time zone naive
t1 = pa.timestamp('us')
t2 = pa.timestamp('s', tz='America/New_York')
timestamp_type : TimestampType
TimeUnit unit_code
c_string c_timezone
if unit == "s":
unit_code = TimeUnit_SECOND
elif unit == 'ms':
unit_code = TimeUnit_MILLI
elif unit == 'us':
unit_code = TimeUnit_MICRO
elif unit == 'ns':
unit_code = TimeUnit_NANO
raise ValueError('Invalid TimeUnit string')
cdef TimestampType out = TimestampType.__new__(TimestampType)
if tz is None:
if unit_code in _timestamp_type_cache:
return _timestamp_type_cache[unit_code]
_timestamp_type_cache[unit_code] = out
if not isinstance(tz, six.string_types):
tz = tzinfo_to_string(tz)
c_timezone = tobytes(tz)
out.init(ctimestamp(unit_code, c_timezone))
return out
def time32(unit):
Create instance of 32-bit time (time of day) type with unit resolution
unit : string
one of 's' [second], or 'ms' [millisecond]
t1 = pa.time32('s')
t2 = pa.time32('ms')
TimeUnit unit_code
c_string c_timezone
if unit == 's':
unit_code = TimeUnit_SECOND
elif unit == 'ms':
unit_code = TimeUnit_MILLI
raise ValueError('Invalid TimeUnit for time32: {}'.format(unit))
if unit_code in _time_type_cache:
return _time_type_cache[unit_code]
cdef Time32Type out = Time32Type.__new__(Time32Type)
_time_type_cache[unit_code] = out
return out
def time64(unit):
Create instance of 64-bit time (time of day) type with unit resolution
unit : string
one of 'us' [microsecond], or 'ns' [nanosecond]
t1 = pa.time64('us')
t2 = pa.time64('ns')
TimeUnit unit_code
c_string c_timezone
if unit == 'us':
unit_code = TimeUnit_MICRO
elif unit == 'ns':
unit_code = TimeUnit_NANO
raise ValueError('Invalid TimeUnit for time64: {}'.format(unit))
if unit_code in _time_type_cache:
return _time_type_cache[unit_code]
cdef Time64Type out = Time64Type.__new__(Time64Type)
_time_type_cache[unit_code] = out
return out
def date32():
Create instance of 32-bit date (days since UNIX epoch 1970-01-01)
return primitive_type(_Type_DATE32)
def date64():
Create instance of 64-bit date (milliseconds since UNIX epoch 1970-01-01)
return primitive_type(_Type_DATE64)
def float16():
Create half-precision floating point type
return primitive_type(_Type_HALF_FLOAT)
def float32():
Create single-precision floating point type
return primitive_type(_Type_FLOAT)
def float64():
Create double-precision floating point type
return primitive_type(_Type_DOUBLE)
cpdef DataType decimal128(int precision, int scale=0):
Create decimal type with precision and scale and 128bit width
precision : int
scale : int
decimal_type : Decimal128Type
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] decimal_type
if precision < 1 or precision > 38:
raise ValueError("precision should be between 1 and 38")
decimal_type.reset(new CDecimal128Type(precision, scale))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(decimal_type)
def string():
Create UTF8 variable-length string type
return primitive_type(_Type_STRING)
def utf8():
Alias for string()
return string()
def binary(int length=-1):
Create variable-length binary type
length : int, optional, default -1
If length == -1 then return a variable length binary type. If length is
greater than or equal to 0 then return a fixed size binary type of
width `length`.
if length == -1:
return primitive_type(_Type_BINARY)
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] fixed_size_binary_type
fixed_size_binary_type.reset(new CFixedSizeBinaryType(length))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(fixed_size_binary_type)
cpdef ListType list_(value_type):
Create ListType instance from child data type or field
value_type : DataType or Field
list_type : DataType
DataType data_type
Field _field
shared_ptr[CDataType] list_type
ListType out = ListType.__new__(ListType)
if isinstance(value_type, DataType):
_field = field('item', value_type)
elif isinstance(value_type, Field):
_field = value_type
raise TypeError('List requires DataType or Field')
list_type.reset(new CListType(_field.sp_field))
return out
cpdef DictionaryType dictionary(index_type, value_type, bint ordered=False):
Dictionary (categorical, or simply encoded) type
index_type : DataType
value_type : DataType
ordered : boolean
type : DictionaryType
DataType _index_type = ensure_type(index_type, allow_none=False)
DataType _value_type = ensure_type(value_type, allow_none=False)
DictionaryType out = DictionaryType.__new__(DictionaryType)
shared_ptr[CDataType] dict_type
dict_type.reset(new CDictionaryType(_index_type.sp_type,
_value_type.sp_type, ordered == 1))
return out
def struct(fields):
Create StructType instance from fields
fields : iterable of Fields or tuples, or mapping of strings to DataTypes
import pyarrow as pa
fields = [
('f1', pa.int32()),
('f2', pa.string()),
struct_type = pa.struct(fields)
fields = [
pa.field('f1', pa.int32()),
pa.field('f2', pa.string(), nullable=false),
struct_type = pa.struct(fields)
type : DataType
Field py_field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] struct_type
if isinstance(fields, compat.Mapping):
fields = fields.items()
for item in fields:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
py_field = field(*item)
py_field = item
struct_type.reset(new CStructType(c_fields))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(struct_type)
def union(children_fields, mode):
Create UnionType from children fields.
fields : sequence of Field values
mode : str
'dense' or 'sparse'
type : DataType
Field child_field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
vector[uint8_t] type_codes
shared_ptr[CDataType] union_type
int i
if isinstance(mode, int):
if mode not in (_UnionMode_SPARSE, _UnionMode_DENSE):
raise ValueError("Invalid union mode {0!r}".format(mode))
if mode == 'sparse':
mode = _UnionMode_SPARSE
elif mode == 'dense':
mode = _UnionMode_DENSE
raise ValueError("Invalid union mode {0!r}".format(mode))
for i, child_field in enumerate(children_fields):
if mode == UnionMode_SPARSE:
union_type.reset(new CUnionType(c_fields, type_codes,
union_type.reset(new CUnionType(c_fields, type_codes,
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(union_type)
cdef dict _type_aliases = {
'null': null,
'bool': bool_,
'boolean': bool_,
'i1': int8,
'int8': int8,
'i2': int16,
'int16': int16,
'i4': int32,
'int32': int32,
'i8': int64,
'int64': int64,
'u1': uint8,
'uint8': uint8,
'u2': uint16,
'uint16': uint16,
'u4': uint32,
'uint32': uint32,
'u8': uint64,
'uint64': uint64,
'f2': float16,
'halffloat': float16,
'float16': float16,
'f4': float32,
'float': float32,
'float32': float32,
'f8': float64,
'double': float64,
'float64': float64,
'string': string,
'str': string,
'utf8': string,
'binary': binary,
'date32': date32,
'date64': date64,
'date32[day]': date32,
'date64[ms]': date64,
'time32[s]': time32('s'),
'time32[ms]': time32('ms'),
'time64[us]': time64('us'),
'time64[ns]': time64('ns'),
'timestamp[s]': timestamp('s'),
'timestamp[ms]': timestamp('ms'),
'timestamp[us]': timestamp('us'),
'timestamp[ns]': timestamp('ns'),
def type_for_alias(name):
Return DataType given a string alias if one exists
type : DataType
name = name.lower()
alias = _type_aliases[name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('No type alias for {0}'.format(name))
if isinstance(alias, DataType):
return alias
return alias()
cdef DataType ensure_type(object ty, c_bool allow_none=False):
if allow_none and ty is None:
return None
elif isinstance(ty, DataType):
return ty
elif isinstance(ty, six.string_types):
return type_for_alias(ty)
raise TypeError('DataType expected, got {!r}'.format(type(ty)))
def schema(fields, metadata=None):
Construct pyarrow.Schema from collection of fields
field : iterable of Fields or tuples, or mapping of strings to DataTypes
metadata : dict, default None
Keys and values must be coercible to bytes
import pyarrow as pa
fields = [
('some_int', pa.int32()),
('some_string', pa.string()),
schema = pa.schema(fields)
schema : pyarrow.Schema
shared_ptr[CKeyValueMetadata] c_meta
shared_ptr[CSchema] c_schema
Schema result
Field py_field
vector[shared_ptr[CField]] c_fields
if isinstance(fields, compat.Mapping):
fields = fields.items()
for item in fields:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
py_field = field(*item)
py_field = item
if py_field is None:
raise TypeError("field or tuple expected, got None")
if metadata is not None:
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
raise TypeError('Metadata must be an instance of dict')
c_meta = pyarrow_unwrap_metadata(metadata)
c_schema.reset(new CSchema(c_fields, c_meta))
result = Schema.__new__(Schema)
return result
def from_numpy_dtype(object dtype):
Convert NumPy dtype to pyarrow.DataType
cdef shared_ptr[CDataType] c_type
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
with nogil:
check_status(NumPyDtypeToArrow(dtype, &c_type))
return pyarrow_wrap_data_type(c_type)
def is_boolean_value(object obj):
return IsPyBool(obj)
def is_integer_value(object obj):
return IsPyInt(obj)
def is_float_value(object obj):
return IsPyFloat(obj)
def _register_py_extension_type():
DataType storage_type
shared_ptr[CExtensionType] cpy_ext_type
# Make a dummy C++ ExtensionType
storage_type = null()
ExtensionType, &cpy_ext_type))
RegisterPyExtensionType(<shared_ptr[CDataType]> cpy_ext_type))
def _unregister_py_extension_type():
# This needs to be done explicitly before the Python interpreter is
# finalized. If the C++ type is destroyed later in the process
# teardown stage, it will invoke CPython APIs such as Py_DECREF
# with a destroyed interpreter.