blob: 7d9abf7956b213d6f00d38c2154e962c006bd221 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import pickle
import pytest
import hypothesis as h
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.types as types
import pyarrow.tests.strategies as past
def get_many_types():
# returning them from a function is required because of pa.dictionary
# type holds a pyarrow array and
# checks that the default memory pool has zero allocated bytes
return (
pa.timestamp('us', tz='UTC'),
pa.timestamp('us', tz='Europe/Paris'),
pa.decimal128(19, 4),
pa.struct([pa.field('a', pa.int32()),
pa.field('b', pa.int8()),
pa.field('c', pa.string())]),
pa.struct([pa.field('a', pa.int32(), nullable=False),
pa.field('b', pa.int8(), nullable=False),
pa.field('c', pa.string())]),
pa.union([pa.field('a', pa.binary(10)),
pa.field('b', pa.string())], mode=pa.lib.UnionMode_DENSE),
pa.union([pa.field('a', pa.binary(10)),
pa.field('b', pa.string())], mode=pa.lib.UnionMode_SPARSE),
pa.union([pa.field('a', pa.binary(10), nullable=False),
pa.field('b', pa.string())], mode=pa.lib.UnionMode_SPARSE),
pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string())
def test_is_boolean():
assert types.is_boolean(pa.bool_())
assert not types.is_boolean(pa.int8())
def test_is_integer():
signed_ints = [pa.int8(), pa.int16(), pa.int32(), pa.int64()]
unsigned_ints = [pa.uint8(), pa.uint16(), pa.uint32(), pa.uint64()]
for t in signed_ints + unsigned_ints:
assert types.is_integer(t)
for t in signed_ints:
assert types.is_signed_integer(t)
assert not types.is_unsigned_integer(t)
for t in unsigned_ints:
assert types.is_unsigned_integer(t)
assert not types.is_signed_integer(t)
assert not types.is_integer(pa.float32())
assert not types.is_signed_integer(pa.float32())
def test_is_floating():
for t in [pa.float16(), pa.float32(), pa.float64()]:
assert types.is_floating(t)
assert not types.is_floating(pa.int32())
def test_is_null():
assert types.is_null(pa.null())
assert not types.is_null(pa.list_(pa.int32()))
def test_is_decimal():
assert types.is_decimal(pa.decimal128(19, 4))
assert not types.is_decimal(pa.int32())
def test_is_list():
assert types.is_list(pa.list_(pa.int32()))
assert not types.is_list(pa.int32())
def test_is_dictionary():
assert types.is_dictionary(pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string()))
assert not types.is_dictionary(pa.int32())
def test_is_nested_or_struct():
struct_ex = pa.struct([pa.field('a', pa.int32()),
pa.field('b', pa.int8()),
pa.field('c', pa.string())])
assert types.is_struct(struct_ex)
assert not types.is_struct(pa.list_(pa.int32()))
assert types.is_nested(struct_ex)
assert types.is_nested(pa.list_(pa.int32()))
assert not types.is_nested(pa.int32())
def test_is_union():
for mode in [pa.lib.UnionMode_SPARSE, pa.lib.UnionMode_DENSE]:
assert types.is_union(pa.union([pa.field('a', pa.int32()),
pa.field('b', pa.int8()),
pa.field('c', pa.string())],
assert not types.is_union(pa.list_(pa.int32()))
# TODO(wesm): is_map, once implemented
def test_is_binary_string():
assert types.is_binary(pa.binary())
assert not types.is_binary(pa.string())
assert types.is_string(pa.string())
assert types.is_unicode(pa.string())
assert not types.is_string(pa.binary())
assert types.is_fixed_size_binary(pa.binary(5))
assert not types.is_fixed_size_binary(pa.binary())
def test_is_temporal_date_time_timestamp():
date_types = [pa.date32(), pa.date64()]
time_types = [pa.time32('s'), pa.time64('ns')]
timestamp_types = [pa.timestamp('ms')]
for case in date_types + time_types + timestamp_types:
assert types.is_temporal(case)
for case in date_types:
assert types.is_date(case)
assert not types.is_time(case)
assert not types.is_timestamp(case)
for case in time_types:
assert types.is_time(case)
assert not types.is_date(case)
assert not types.is_timestamp(case)
for case in timestamp_types:
assert types.is_timestamp(case)
assert not types.is_date(case)
assert not types.is_time(case)
assert not types.is_temporal(pa.int32())
def test_is_primitive():
assert types.is_primitive(pa.int32())
assert not types.is_primitive(pa.list_(pa.int32()))
def test_timestamp():
for unit in ('s', 'ms', 'us', 'ns'):
for tz in (None, 'UTC', 'Europe/Paris'):
ty = pa.timestamp(unit, tz=tz)
assert ty.unit == unit
assert == tz
for invalid_unit in ('m', 'arbit', 'rary'):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid TimeUnit string'):
def test_time32_units():
for valid_unit in ('s', 'ms'):
ty = pa.time32(valid_unit)
assert ty.unit == valid_unit
for invalid_unit in ('m', 'us', 'ns'):
error_msg = 'Invalid TimeUnit for time32: {}'.format(invalid_unit)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=error_msg):
def test_time64_units():
for valid_unit in ('us', 'ns'):
ty = pa.time64(valid_unit)
assert ty.unit == valid_unit
for invalid_unit in ('m', 's', 'ms'):
error_msg = 'Invalid TimeUnit for time64: {}'.format(invalid_unit)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=error_msg):
def test_list_type():
ty = pa.list_(pa.int64())
assert ty.value_type == pa.int64()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_struct_type():
fields = [
# Duplicate field name on purpose
pa.field('a', pa.int64()),
pa.field('a', pa.int32()),
pa.field('b', pa.int32())
ty = pa.struct(fields)
assert len(ty) == ty.num_children == 3
assert list(ty) == fields
assert ty[0].name == 'a'
assert ty[2].type == pa.int32()
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
assert ty[3]
assert ty['b'] == ty[2]
# Duplicate
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# Not found
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# Neither integer nor string
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
for a, b in zip(ty, fields):
a == b
# Construct from list of tuples
ty = pa.struct([('a', pa.int64()),
('a', pa.int32()),
('b', pa.int32())])
assert list(ty) == fields
for a, b in zip(ty, fields):
a == b
# Construct from mapping
fields = [pa.field('a', pa.int64()),
pa.field('b', pa.int32())]
ty = pa.struct(OrderedDict([('a', pa.int64()),
('b', pa.int32())]))
assert list(ty) == fields
for a, b in zip(ty, fields):
a == b
# Invalid args
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pa.struct([('a', None)])
def test_union_type():
def check_fields(ty, fields):
assert ty.num_children == len(fields)
assert [ty[i] for i in range(ty.num_children)] == fields
fields = [pa.field('x', pa.list_(pa.int32())),
pa.field('y', pa.binary())]
for mode in ('sparse', pa.lib.UnionMode_SPARSE):
ty = pa.union(fields, mode=mode)
assert ty.mode == 'sparse'
check_fields(ty, fields)
assert ty.type_codes == [0, 1]
for mode in ('dense', pa.lib.UnionMode_DENSE):
ty = pa.union(fields, mode=mode)
assert ty.mode == 'dense'
check_fields(ty, fields)
assert ty.type_codes == [0, 1]
for mode in ('unknown', 2):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid union mode'):
pa.union(fields, mode=mode)
def test_dictionary_type():
ty0 = pa.dictionary(pa.int32(), pa.string())
assert ty0.index_type == pa.int32()
assert ty0.value_type == pa.string()
assert ty0.ordered is False
ty1 = pa.dictionary(pa.int8(), pa.float64(), ordered=True)
assert ty1.index_type == pa.int8()
assert ty1.value_type == pa.float64()
assert ty1.ordered is True
# construct from non-arrow objects
ty2 = pa.dictionary('int8', 'string')
assert ty2.index_type == pa.int8()
assert ty2.value_type == pa.string()
assert ty2.ordered is False
def test_types_hashable():
many_types = get_many_types()
in_dict = {}
for i, type_ in enumerate(many_types):
assert hash(type_) == hash(type_)
in_dict[type_] = i
assert len(in_dict) == len(many_types)
for i, type_ in enumerate(many_types):
assert in_dict[type_] == i
def test_types_picklable():
for ty in get_many_types():
data = pickle.dumps(ty)
assert pickle.loads(data) == ty
def test_fields_hashable():
in_dict = {}
fields = [pa.field('a', pa.int32()),
pa.field('a', pa.int64()),
pa.field('a', pa.int64(), nullable=False),
pa.field('b', pa.int32()),
pa.field('b', pa.int32(), nullable=False)]
for i, field in enumerate(fields):
in_dict[field] = i
assert len(in_dict) == len(fields)
for i, field in enumerate(fields):
assert in_dict[field] == i
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t,check_func', [
(pa.date32(), types.is_date32),
(pa.date64(), types.is_date64),
(pa.time32('s'), types.is_time32),
(pa.time64('ns'), types.is_time64),
(pa.int8(), types.is_int8),
(pa.int16(), types.is_int16),
(pa.int32(), types.is_int32),
(pa.int64(), types.is_int64),
(pa.uint8(), types.is_uint8),
(pa.uint16(), types.is_uint16),
(pa.uint32(), types.is_uint32),
(pa.uint64(), types.is_uint64),
(pa.float16(), types.is_float16),
(pa.float32(), types.is_float32),
(pa.float64(), types.is_float64)
def test_exact_primitive_types(t, check_func):
assert check_func(t)
def test_type_id():
# enum values are not exposed publicly
for ty in get_many_types():
assert isinstance(, int)
def test_bit_width():
for ty, expected in [(pa.bool_(), 1),
(pa.int8(), 8),
(pa.uint32(), 32),
(pa.float16(), 16),
(pa.decimal128(19, 4), 128),
(pa.binary(42), 42 * 8)]:
assert ty.bit_width == expected
for ty in [pa.binary(), pa.string(), pa.list_(pa.int16())]:
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="fixed width"):
def test_fixed_size_binary_byte_width():
ty = pa.binary(5)
assert ty.byte_width == 5
def test_decimal_properties():
ty = pa.decimal128(19, 4)
assert ty.byte_width == 16
assert ty.precision == 19
assert ty.scale == 4
def test_decimal_overflow():
pa.decimal128(1, 0)
pa.decimal128(38, 0)
for i in (0, -1, 39):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pa.decimal128(39, 0)
def test_type_equality_operators():
many_types = get_many_types()
non_pyarrow = ('foo', 16, {'s', 'e', 't'})
for index, ty in enumerate(many_types):
# could use two parametrization levels,
# but that'd bloat pytest's output
for i, other in enumerate(many_types + non_pyarrow):
if i == index:
assert ty == other
assert ty != other
def test_field_basic():
t = pa.string()
f = pa.field('foo', t)
assert == 'foo'
assert f.nullable
assert f.type is t
assert repr(f) == "pyarrow.Field<foo: string>"
f = pa.field('foo', t, False)
assert not f.nullable
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pa.field('foo', None)
def test_field_equals():
meta1 = {b'foo': b'bar'}
meta2 = {b'bizz': b'bazz'}
f1 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True)
f2 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True)
f3 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=False)
f4 = pa.field('a', pa.int16(), nullable=False)
f5 = pa.field('b', pa.int16(), nullable=False)
f6 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True, metadata=meta1)
f7 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True, metadata=meta1)
f8 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True, metadata=meta2)
assert f1.equals(f2)
assert f6.equals(f7)
assert not f1.equals(f3)
assert not f1.equals(f4)
assert not f3.equals(f4)
assert not f1.equals(f6)
assert not f4.equals(f5)
assert not f7.equals(f8)
def test_field_equality_operators():
f1 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True)
f2 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), nullable=True)
f3 = pa.field('b', pa.int8(), nullable=True)
f4 = pa.field('b', pa.int8(), nullable=False)
assert f1 == f2
assert f1 != f3
assert f3 != f4
assert f1 != 'foo'
def test_field_metadata():
f1 = pa.field('a', pa.int8())
f2 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), metadata={})
f3 = pa.field('a', pa.int8(), metadata={b'bizz': b'bazz'})
assert f1.metadata is None
assert f2.metadata == {}
assert f3.metadata[b'bizz'] == b'bazz'
def test_field_add_remove_metadata():
import collections
f0 = pa.field('foo', pa.int32())
assert f0.metadata is None
metadata = {b'foo': b'bar', b'pandas': b'badger'}
metadata2 = collections.OrderedDict([
(b'a', b'alpha'),
(b'b', b'beta')
f1 = f0.add_metadata(metadata)
assert f1.metadata == metadata
f2 = f0.add_metadata(metadata2)
assert f2.metadata == metadata2
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
f0.add_metadata([1, 2, 3])
f3 = f1.remove_metadata()
assert f3.metadata is None
# idempotent
f4 = f3.remove_metadata()
assert f4.metadata is None
f5 = pa.field('foo', pa.int32(), True, metadata)
f6 = f0.add_metadata(metadata)
assert f5.equals(f6)
def test_is_integer_value():
assert pa.types.is_integer_value(1)
assert pa.types.is_integer_value(np.int64(1))
assert not pa.types.is_integer_value('1')
def test_is_float_value():
assert not pa.types.is_float_value(1)
assert pa.types.is_float_value(1.)
assert pa.types.is_float_value(np.float64(1))
assert not pa.types.is_float_value('1.0')
def test_is_boolean_value():
assert not pa.types.is_boolean_value(1)
assert pa.types.is_boolean_value(True)
assert pa.types.is_boolean_value(False)
assert pa.types.is_boolean_value(np.bool_(True))
assert pa.types.is_boolean_value(np.bool_(False))
past.all_types |
past.all_fields |
pa.field(name='', type=pa.null(), metadata={'0': '', '': ''})
def test_pickling(field):
data = pickle.dumps(field)
assert pickle.loads(data) == field
st.lists(past.all_types) |
st.lists(past.all_fields) |
def test_hashing(items):
# well, this is still O(n^2), but makes the input unique
all(not a.equals(b) for i, a in enumerate(items) for b in items[:i])
container = {}
for i, item in enumerate(items):
assert hash(item) == hash(item)
container[item] = i
assert len(container) == len(items)
for i, item in enumerate(items):
assert container[item] == i