blob: 80c91bdfd495307c0f53fcdb8130f3b2387f2280 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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from collections import OrderedDict
import pickle
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa
def test_schema_constructor_errors():
msg = ("Do not call Schema's constructor directly, use `pyarrow.schema` "
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
def test_type_integers():
dtypes = ['int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64',
'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64']
for name in dtypes:
factory = getattr(pa, name)
t = factory()
assert str(t) == name
def test_type_to_pandas_dtype():
M8_ns = np.dtype('datetime64[ns]')
cases = [
(pa.null(), np.float64),
(pa.bool_(), np.bool_),
(pa.int8(), np.int8),
(pa.int16(), np.int16),
(pa.int32(), np.int32),
(pa.int64(), np.int64),
(pa.uint8(), np.uint8),
(pa.uint16(), np.uint16),
(pa.uint32(), np.uint32),
(pa.uint64(), np.uint64),
(pa.float16(), np.float16),
(pa.float32(), np.float32),
(pa.float64(), np.float64),
(pa.date32(), M8_ns),
(pa.date64(), M8_ns),
(pa.timestamp('ms'), M8_ns),
(pa.binary(), np.object_),
(pa.binary(12), np.object_),
(pa.string(), np.object_),
(pa.list_(pa.int8()), np.object_),
for arrow_type, numpy_type in cases:
assert arrow_type.to_pandas_dtype() == numpy_type
def test_type_list():
value_type = pa.int32()
list_type = pa.list_(value_type)
assert str(list_type) == 'list<item: int32>'
field = pa.field('my_item', pa.string())
l2 = pa.list_(field)
assert str(l2) == 'list<my_item: string>'
def test_type_comparisons():
val = pa.int32()
assert val == pa.int32()
assert val == 'int32'
assert val != 5
def test_type_for_alias():
cases = [
('i1', pa.int8()),
('int8', pa.int8()),
('i2', pa.int16()),
('int16', pa.int16()),
('i4', pa.int32()),
('int32', pa.int32()),
('i8', pa.int64()),
('int64', pa.int64()),
('u1', pa.uint8()),
('uint8', pa.uint8()),
('u2', pa.uint16()),
('uint16', pa.uint16()),
('u4', pa.uint32()),
('uint32', pa.uint32()),
('u8', pa.uint64()),
('uint64', pa.uint64()),
('f4', pa.float32()),
('float32', pa.float32()),
('f8', pa.float64()),
('float64', pa.float64()),
('date32', pa.date32()),
('date64', pa.date64()),
('string', pa.string()),
('str', pa.string()),
('binary', pa.binary()),
('time32[s]', pa.time32('s')),
('time32[ms]', pa.time32('ms')),
('time64[us]', pa.time64('us')),
('time64[ns]', pa.time64('ns')),
('timestamp[s]', pa.timestamp('s')),
('timestamp[ms]', pa.timestamp('ms')),
('timestamp[us]', pa.timestamp('us')),
('timestamp[ns]', pa.timestamp('ns')),
for val, expected in cases:
assert pa.type_for_alias(val) == expected
def test_type_string():
t = pa.string()
assert str(t) == 'string'
def test_type_timestamp_with_tz():
tz = 'America/Los_Angeles'
t = pa.timestamp('ns', tz=tz)
assert t.unit == 'ns'
assert == tz
def test_time_types():
t1 = pa.time32('s')
t2 = pa.time32('ms')
t3 = pa.time64('us')
t4 = pa.time64('ns')
assert t1.unit == 's'
assert t2.unit == 'ms'
assert t3.unit == 'us'
assert t4.unit == 'ns'
assert str(t1) == 'time32[s]'
assert str(t4) == 'time64[ns]'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_from_numpy_dtype():
cases = [
(np.dtype('bool'), pa.bool_()),
(np.dtype('int8'), pa.int8()),
(np.dtype('int16'), pa.int16()),
(np.dtype('int32'), pa.int32()),
(np.dtype('int64'), pa.int64()),
(np.dtype('uint8'), pa.uint8()),
(np.dtype('uint16'), pa.uint16()),
(np.dtype('uint32'), pa.uint32()),
(np.dtype('float16'), pa.float16()),
(np.dtype('float32'), pa.float32()),
(np.dtype('float64'), pa.float64()),
(np.dtype('U'), pa.string()),
(np.dtype('S'), pa.binary()),
(np.dtype('datetime64[s]'), pa.timestamp('s')),
(np.dtype('datetime64[ms]'), pa.timestamp('ms')),
(np.dtype('datetime64[us]'), pa.timestamp('us')),
(np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'), pa.timestamp('ns'))
for dt, pt in cases:
result = pa.from_numpy_dtype(dt)
assert result == pt
# Things convertible to numpy dtypes work
assert pa.from_numpy_dtype('U') == pa.string()
assert pa.from_numpy_dtype(np.unicode) == pa.string()
assert pa.from_numpy_dtype('int32') == pa.int32()
assert pa.from_numpy_dtype(bool) == pa.bool_()
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_schema():
fields = [
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string()),
pa.field('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8()))
sch = pa.schema(fields)
assert sch.names == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
assert sch.types == [pa.int32(), pa.string(), pa.list_(pa.int8())]
assert len(sch) == 3
assert sch[0].name == 'foo'
assert sch[0].type == fields[0].type
assert sch.field_by_name('foo').name == 'foo'
assert sch.field_by_name('foo').type == fields[0].type
assert repr(sch) == """\
foo: int32
bar: string
baz: list<item: int8>
child 0, item: int8"""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_schema_from_tuples():
fields = [
('foo', pa.int32()),
('bar', pa.string()),
('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8())),
sch = pa.schema(fields)
assert sch.names == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
assert sch.types == [pa.int32(), pa.string(), pa.list_(pa.int8())]
assert len(sch) == 3
assert repr(sch) == """\
foo: int32
bar: string
baz: list<item: int8>
child 0, item: int8"""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pa.schema([('foo', None)])
def test_schema_from_mapping():
fields = OrderedDict([
('foo', pa.int32()),
('bar', pa.string()),
('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8())),
sch = pa.schema(fields)
assert sch.names == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
assert sch.types == [pa.int32(), pa.string(), pa.list_(pa.int8())]
assert len(sch) == 3
assert repr(sch) == """\
foo: int32
bar: string
baz: list<item: int8>
child 0, item: int8"""
fields = OrderedDict([('foo', None)])
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_schema_duplicate_fields():
fields = [
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string()),
pa.field('foo', pa.list_(pa.int8())),
sch = pa.schema(fields)
assert sch.names == ['foo', 'bar', 'foo']
assert sch.types == [pa.int32(), pa.string(), pa.list_(pa.int8())]
assert len(sch) == 3
assert repr(sch) == """\
foo: int32
bar: string
foo: list<item: int8>
child 0, item: int8"""
assert sch[0].name == 'foo'
assert sch[0].type == fields[0].type
assert sch.field_by_name('bar') == fields[1]
assert sch.field_by_name('xxx') is None
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
assert sch.field_by_name('foo') is None
def test_field_flatten():
f0 = pa.field('foo', pa.int32()).add_metadata({b'foo': b'bar'})
assert f0.flatten() == [f0]
f1 = pa.field('bar', pa.float64(), nullable=False)
ff = pa.field('ff', pa.struct([f0, f1]), nullable=False)
assert ff.flatten() == [
pa.field('', pa.int32()).add_metadata({b'foo': b'bar'}),
pa.field('', pa.float64(), nullable=False)] # XXX
# Nullable parent makes flattened child nullable
ff = pa.field('ff', pa.struct([f0, f1]))
assert ff.flatten() == [
pa.field('', pa.int32()).add_metadata({b'foo': b'bar'}),
pa.field('', pa.float64())]
fff = pa.field('fff', pa.struct([ff]))
assert fff.flatten() == [pa.field('fff.ff', pa.struct([f0, f1]))]
def test_schema_add_remove_metadata():
fields = [
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string()),
pa.field('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8()))
s1 = pa.schema(fields)
assert s1.metadata is None
metadata = {b'foo': b'bar', b'pandas': b'badger'}
s2 = s1.add_metadata(metadata)
assert s2.metadata == metadata
s3 = s2.remove_metadata()
assert s3.metadata is None
# idempotent
s4 = s3.remove_metadata()
assert s4.metadata is None
def test_schema_equals():
fields = [
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string()),
pa.field('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8()))
metadata = {b'foo': b'bar', b'pandas': b'badger'}
sch1 = pa.schema(fields)
sch2 = pa.schema(fields)
sch3 = pa.schema(fields, metadata=metadata)
sch4 = pa.schema(fields, metadata=metadata)
assert sch1.equals(sch2)
assert sch3.equals(sch4)
assert sch1.equals(sch3, check_metadata=False)
assert not sch1.equals(sch3, check_metadata=True)
assert not sch1.equals(sch3)
del fields[-1]
sch3 = pa.schema(fields)
assert not sch1.equals(sch3)
def test_schema_equals_propagates_check_metadata():
# ARROW-4088
schema1 = pa.schema([
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string())
schema2 = pa.schema([
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string(), metadata={'a': 'alpha'}),
assert not schema1.equals(schema2)
assert schema1.equals(schema2, check_metadata=False)
def test_schema_equals_invalid_type():
# ARROW-5873
schema = pa.schema([pa.field("a", pa.int64())])
for val in [None, 'string', pa.array([1, 2])]:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_schema_equality_operators():
fields = [
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string()),
pa.field('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8()))
metadata = {b'foo': b'bar', b'pandas': b'badger'}
sch1 = pa.schema(fields)
sch2 = pa.schema(fields)
sch3 = pa.schema(fields, metadata=metadata)
sch4 = pa.schema(fields, metadata=metadata)
assert sch1 == sch2
assert sch3 == sch4
assert sch1 != sch3
assert sch2 != sch4
# comparison with other types doesn't raise
assert sch1 != []
assert sch3 != 'foo'
def test_schema_negative_indexing():
fields = [
pa.field('foo', pa.int32()),
pa.field('bar', pa.string()),
pa.field('baz', pa.list_(pa.int8()))
schema = pa.schema(fields)
assert schema[-1].equals(schema[2])
assert schema[-2].equals(schema[1])
assert schema[-3].equals(schema[0])
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
def test_schema_repr_with_dictionaries():
fields = [
pa.field('one', pa.dictionary(pa.int16(), pa.string())),
pa.field('two', pa.int32())
sch = pa.schema(fields)
expected = (
one: dictionary<values=string, indices=int16, ordered=0>
two: int32""")
assert repr(sch) == expected
def test_type_schema_pickling():
cases = [
pa.field('a', 'int8'),
pa.field('b', 'string')
pa.field('a', pa.int8()),
pa.field('b', pa.int16())
], pa.lib.UnionMode_SPARSE),
pa.field('a', pa.int8()),
pa.field('b', pa.int16())
], pa.lib.UnionMode_DENSE),
pa.decimal128(12, 2),
pa.field('a', 'string', metadata={b'foo': b'bar'})
for val in cases:
roundtripped = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(val))
assert val == roundtripped
fields = []
for i, f in enumerate(cases):
if isinstance(f, pa.Field):
fields.append(pa.field('_f{}'.format(i), f))
schema = pa.schema(fields, metadata={b'foo': b'bar'})
roundtripped = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(schema))
assert schema == roundtripped
def test_empty_table():
schema = pa.schema([
pa.field('oneField', pa.int64())
table = schema.empty_table()
assert isinstance(table, pa.Table)
assert table.num_rows == 0
assert table.schema == schema
def test_schema_from_pandas():
import pandas as pd
inputs = [
['foo', 'bar', None, 'baz', 'qux'],
], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
for data in inputs:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': data})
schema = pa.Schema.from_pandas(df)
expected = pa.Table.from_pandas(df).schema
assert schema == expected