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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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import pytest
import numpy as np
from pyarrow.compat import unittest, u, unicode_type
import pyarrow as pa
class TestScalars(unittest.TestCase):
def test_null_singleton(self):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
def test_nulls(self):
arr = pa.array([None, None])
for v in arr:
assert v is pa.NA
assert v.as_py() is None
def test_bool(self):
arr = pa.array([True, None, False, None])
v = arr[0]
assert isinstance(v, pa.BooleanValue)
assert repr(v) == "True"
assert str(v) == "True"
assert v.as_py() is True
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
def test_int64(self):
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None])
v = arr[0]
assert isinstance(v, pa.Int64Value)
assert repr(v) == "1"
assert str(v) == "1"
assert v.as_py() == 1
assert v == 1
assert arr[2] is pa.NA
def test_double(self):
arr = pa.array([1.5, None, 3])
v = arr[0]
assert isinstance(v, pa.DoubleValue)
assert repr(v) == "1.5"
assert str(v) == "1.5"
assert v.as_py() == 1.5
assert v == 1.5
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
v = arr[2]
assert v.as_py() == 3.0
def test_half_float(self):
arr = pa.array([np.float16(1.5), None], type=pa.float16())
v = arr[0]
assert isinstance(v, pa.HalfFloatValue)
assert repr(v) == "1.5"
assert str(v) == "1.5"
assert v.as_py() == 1.5
assert v == 1.5
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
def test_string_unicode(self):
arr = pa.array([u'foo', None, u'mañana'])
v = arr[0]
assert isinstance(v, pa.StringValue)
assert v.as_py() == u'foo'
assert repr(v) == repr(u"foo")
assert str(v) == str(u"foo")
assert v == u'foo'
# Assert that newly created values are equal to the previously created
# one.
assert v == arr[0]
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
v = arr[2].as_py()
assert v == u'mañana'
assert isinstance(v, unicode_type)
def test_bytes(self):
arr = pa.array([b'foo', None, u('bar')])
def check_value(v, expected):
assert isinstance(v, pa.BinaryValue)
assert v.as_py() == expected
assert str(v) == str(expected)
assert repr(v) == repr(expected)
assert v == expected
assert v != b'xxxxx'
buf = v.as_buffer()
assert isinstance(buf, pa.Buffer)
assert buf.to_pybytes() == expected
check_value(arr[0], b'foo')
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
check_value(arr[2], b'bar')
def test_fixed_size_bytes(self):
data = [b'foof', None, b'barb']
arr = pa.array(data, type=pa.binary(4))
v = arr[0]
assert isinstance(v, pa.FixedSizeBinaryValue)
assert v.as_py() == b'foof'
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
v = arr[2].as_py()
assert v == b'barb'
assert isinstance(v, bytes)
def test_list(self):
arr = pa.array([['foo', None], None, ['bar'], []])
v = arr[0]
assert len(v) == 2
assert isinstance(v, pa.ListValue)
assert repr(v) == "['foo', None]"
assert v.as_py() == ['foo', None]
assert v[0].as_py() == 'foo'
assert v[1] is pa.NA
assert v[-1] == v[1]
assert v[-2] == v[0]
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
assert arr[1] is pa.NA
v = arr[3]
assert len(v) == 0
def test_timestamp(self):
import pandas as pd
arr = pd.date_range('2000-01-01 12:34:56', periods=10).values
units = ['ns', 'us', 'ms', 's']
for i, unit in enumerate(units):
dtype = 'datetime64[{0}]'.format(unit)
arrow_arr = pa.Array.from_pandas(arr.astype(dtype))
expected = pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01 12:34:56')
assert arrow_arr[0].as_py() == expected
assert arrow_arr[0].value * 1000**i == expected.value
tz = 'America/New_York'
arrow_type = pa.timestamp(unit, tz=tz)
dtype = 'datetime64[{0}]'.format(unit)
arrow_arr = pa.Array.from_pandas(arr.astype(dtype),
expected = (pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01 12:34:56')
assert arrow_arr[0].as_py() == expected
assert arrow_arr[0].value * 1000**i == expected.value
def test_dictionary(self):
import pandas as pd
colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
colors_dict = {'red': 0, 'green': 1, 'blue': 2}
values = pd.Series(colors * 4)
categorical = pd.Categorical(values, categories=colors)
v = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(,
for i, c in enumerate(values):
assert v[i].as_py() == c
assert v[i].dictionary_value == c
assert v[i].index_value == colors_dict[c]
def test_int_hash(self):
# ARROW-640
int_arr = pa.array([1, 1, 2, 1])
assert hash(int_arr[0]) == hash(1)
def test_float_hash(self):
# ARROW-640
float_arr = pa.array([1.4, 1.2, 2.5, 1.8])
assert hash(float_arr[0]) == hash(1.4)
def test_string_hash(self):
# ARROW-640
str_arr = pa.array(["foo", "bar"])
assert hash(str_arr[1]) == hash("bar")
def test_bytes_hash(self):
# ARROW-640
byte_arr = pa.array([b'foo', None, b'bar'])
assert hash(byte_arr[2]) == hash(b"bar")
def test_array_to_set(self):
# ARROW-640
arr = pa.array([1, 1, 2, 1])
set_from_array = set(arr)
assert isinstance(set_from_array, set)
assert set_from_array == {1, 2}
def test_struct_value_subscripting(self):
ty = pa.struct([pa.field('x', pa.int16()),
pa.field('y', pa.float32())])
arr = pa.array([(1, 2.5), (3, 4.5), (5, 6.5)], type=ty)
assert arr[0]['x'] == 1
assert arr[0]['y'] == 2.5
assert arr[1]['x'] == 3
assert arr[1]['y'] == 4.5
assert arr[2]['x'] == 5
assert arr[2]['y'] == 6.5
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):