blob: f941aa1b7af460db9ddea818160dbbc431255a19 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import inspect
import posixpath
from os.path import join as pjoin
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
import pyarrow as pa
from pyarrow.util import implements, _stringify_path, _is_path_like
class FileSystem(object):
Abstract filesystem interface
def cat(self, path):
Return contents of file as a bytes object
contents : bytes
with, 'rb') as f:
def ls(self, path):
Return list of file paths
raise NotImplementedError
def delete(self, path, recursive=False):
Delete the indicated file or directory
path : string
recursive : boolean, default False
If True, also delete child paths for directories
raise NotImplementedError
def disk_usage(self, path):
Compute bytes used by all contents under indicated path in file tree
path : string
Can be a file path or directory
usage : int
path = _stringify_path(path)
path_info = self.stat(path)
if path_info['kind'] == 'file':
return path_info['size']
total = 0
for root, directories, files in self.walk(path):
for child_path in files:
abspath = self._path_join(root, child_path)
total += self.stat(abspath)['size']
return total
def _path_join(self, *args):
return self.pathsep.join(args)
def stat(self, path):
stat : dict
raise NotImplementedError('FileSystem.stat')
def rm(self, path, recursive=False):
Alias for FileSystem.delete
return self.delete(path, recursive=recursive)
def mv(self, path, new_path):
Alias for FileSystem.rename
return self.rename(path, new_path)
def rename(self, path, new_path):
Rename file, like UNIX mv command
path : string
Path to alter
new_path : string
Path to move to
raise NotImplementedError('FileSystem.rename')
def mkdir(self, path, create_parents=True):
raise NotImplementedError
def exists(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError
def isdir(self, path):
Return True if path is a directory
raise NotImplementedError
def isfile(self, path):
Return True if path is a file
raise NotImplementedError
def _isfilestore(self):
Returns True if this FileSystem is a unix-style file store with
raise NotImplementedError
def read_parquet(self, path, columns=None, metadata=None, schema=None,
use_threads=True, use_pandas_metadata=False):
Read Parquet data from path in file system. Can read from a single file
or a directory of files
path : str
Single file path or directory
columns : List[str], optional
Subset of columns to read
metadata : pyarrow.parquet.FileMetaData
Known metadata to validate files against
schema : pyarrow.parquet.Schema
Known schema to validate files against. Alternative to metadata
use_threads : boolean, default True
Perform multi-threaded column reads
use_pandas_metadata : boolean, default False
If True and file has custom pandas schema metadata, ensure that
index columns are also loaded
table : pyarrow.Table
from pyarrow.parquet import ParquetDataset
dataset = ParquetDataset(path, schema=schema, metadata=metadata,
return, use_threads=use_threads,
def open(self, path, mode='rb'):
Open file for reading or writing
raise NotImplementedError
def pathsep(self):
return '/'
class LocalFileSystem(FileSystem):
_instance = None
def get_instance(cls):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = LocalFileSystem()
return cls._instance
def ls(self, path):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return sorted(pjoin(path, x) for x in os.listdir(path))
def mkdir(self, path, create_parents=True):
path = _stringify_path(path)
if create_parents:
def isdir(self, path):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return os.path.isdir(path)
def isfile(self, path):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return os.path.isfile(path)
def _isfilestore(self):
return True
def exists(self, path):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return os.path.exists(path)
def open(self, path, mode='rb'):
Open file for reading or writing
path = _stringify_path(path)
return open(path, mode=mode)
def pathsep(self):
return os.path.sep
def walk(self, path):
Directory tree generator, see os.walk
path = _stringify_path(path)
return os.walk(path)
class DaskFileSystem(FileSystem):
Wraps s3fs Dask filesystem implementation like s3fs, gcsfs, etc.
def __init__(self, fs):
self.fs = fs
def isdir(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported file system API")
def isfile(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported file system API")
def _isfilestore(self):
Object Stores like S3 and GCSFS are based on key lookups, not true
return False
def delete(self, path, recursive=False):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return self.fs.rm(path, recursive=recursive)
def exists(self, path):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return self.fs.exists(path)
def mkdir(self, path, create_parents=True):
path = _stringify_path(path)
if create_parents:
return self.fs.mkdirs(path)
return self.fs.mkdir(path)
def open(self, path, mode='rb'):
Open file for reading or writing
path = _stringify_path(path)
return, mode=mode)
def ls(self, path, detail=False):
path = _stringify_path(path)
return, detail=detail)
def walk(self, path):
Directory tree generator, like os.walk
path = _stringify_path(path)
return self.fs.walk(path)
class S3FSWrapper(DaskFileSystem):
def isdir(self, path):
path = _sanitize_s3(_stringify_path(path))
contents =
if len(contents) == 1 and contents[0] == path:
return False
return True
except OSError:
return False
def isfile(self, path):
path = _sanitize_s3(_stringify_path(path))
contents =
return len(contents) == 1 and contents[0] == path
except OSError:
return False
def walk(self, path, refresh=False):
Directory tree generator, like os.walk
Generator version of what is in s3fs, which yields a flattened list of
path = _sanitize_s3(_stringify_path(path))
directories = set()
files = set()
for key in list(self.fs._ls(path, refresh=refresh)):
path = key['Key']
if key['StorageClass'] == 'DIRECTORY':
elif key['StorageClass'] == 'BUCKET':
# s3fs creates duplicate 'DIRECTORY' entries
files = sorted([posixpath.split(f)[1] for f in files
if f not in directories])
directories = sorted([posixpath.split(x)[1]
for x in directories])
yield path, directories, files
for directory in directories:
for tup in self.walk(directory, refresh=refresh):
yield tup
def _sanitize_s3(path):
if path.startswith('s3://'):
return path.replace('s3://', '')
return path
def _ensure_filesystem(fs):
fs_type = type(fs)
# If the arrow filesystem was subclassed, assume it supports the full
# interface and return it
if not issubclass(fs_type, FileSystem):
for mro in inspect.getmro(fs_type):
if mro.__name__ == 'S3FileSystem':
return S3FSWrapper(fs)
# In case its a simple LocalFileSystem (e.g. dask) use native arrow
# FS
elif mro.__name__ == 'LocalFileSystem':
return LocalFileSystem.get_instance()
raise IOError('Unrecognized filesystem: {0}'.format(fs_type))
return fs
def resolve_filesystem_and_path(where, filesystem=None):
Return filesystem from path which could be an HDFS URI, a local URI,
or a plain filesystem path.
if not _is_path_like(where):
if filesystem is not None:
raise ValueError("filesystem passed but where is file-like, so"
" there is nothing to open with filesystem.")
return filesystem, where
path = _stringify_path(where)
if filesystem is not None:
return _ensure_filesystem(filesystem), path
parsed_uri = urlparse(path)
if parsed_uri.scheme == 'hdfs':
# Input is hdfs URI such as hdfs://host:port/myfile.parquet
netloc_split = parsed_uri.netloc.split(':')
host = netloc_split[0]
if host == '':
host = 'default'
port = 0
if len(netloc_split) == 2 and netloc_split[1].isnumeric():
port = int(netloc_split[1])
fs = pa.hdfs.connect(host=host, port=port)
fs_path = parsed_uri.path
elif parsed_uri.scheme == 'file':
# Input is local URI such as file:///home/user/myfile.parquet
fs = LocalFileSystem.get_instance()
fs_path = parsed_uri.path
# Input is local path such as /home/user/myfile.parquet
fs = LocalFileSystem.get_instance()
fs_path = where
return fs, fs_path