blob: c3577337a7b9b63c939e61e737020bf6b2992952 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package array // import ""
import (
// A type which satisfies array.Interface represents an immutable sequence of values.
type Interface interface {
// DataType returns the type metadata for this instance.
DataType() arrow.DataType
// NullN returns the number of null values in the array.
NullN() int
// NullBitmapBytes returns a byte slice of the validity bitmap.
NullBitmapBytes() []byte
// IsNull returns true if value at index is null.
// NOTE: IsNull will panic if NullBitmapBytes is not empty and 0 > i ≥ Len.
IsNull(i int) bool
// IsValid returns true if value at index is not null.
// NOTE: IsValid will panic if NullBitmapBytes is not empty and 0 > i ≥ Len.
IsValid(i int) bool
Data() *Data
// Len returns the number of elements in the array.
Len() int
// Retain increases the reference count by 1.
// Retain may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
// Release decreases the reference count by 1.
// Release may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
// When the reference count goes to zero, the memory is freed.
const (
// UnknownNullCount specifies the NullN should be calculated from the null bitmap buffer.
UnknownNullCount = -1
type array struct {
refCount int64
data *Data
nullBitmapBytes []byte
// Retain increases the reference count by 1.
// Retain may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
func (a *array) Retain() {
atomic.AddInt64(&a.refCount, 1)
// Release decreases the reference count by 1.
// Release may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.
// When the reference count goes to zero, the memory is freed.
func (a *array) Release() {
debug.Assert(atomic.LoadInt64(&a.refCount) > 0, "too many releases")
if atomic.AddInt64(&a.refCount, -1) == 0 {, a.nullBitmapBytes = nil, nil
// DataType returns the type metadata for this instance.
func (a *array) DataType() arrow.DataType { return }
// NullN returns the number of null values in the array.
func (a *array) NullN() int {
if < 0 { = - bitutil.CountSetBits(a.nullBitmapBytes,,
// NullBitmapBytes returns a byte slice of the validity bitmap.
func (a *array) NullBitmapBytes() []byte { return a.nullBitmapBytes }
func (a *array) Data() *Data { return }
// Len returns the number of elements in the array.
func (a *array) Len() int { return }
// IsNull returns true if value at index is null.
// NOTE: IsNull will panic if NullBitmapBytes is not empty and 0 > i ≥ Len.
func (a *array) IsNull(i int) bool {
return len(a.nullBitmapBytes) != 0 && bitutil.BitIsNotSet(a.nullBitmapBytes,
// IsValid returns true if value at index is not null.
// NOTE: IsValid will panic if NullBitmapBytes is not empty and 0 > i ≥ Len.
func (a *array) IsValid(i int) bool {
return len(a.nullBitmapBytes) == 0 || bitutil.BitIsSet(a.nullBitmapBytes,
func (a *array) setData(data *Data) {
if != nil {
if len(data.buffers) > 0 && data.buffers[0] != nil {
a.nullBitmapBytes = data.buffers[0].Bytes()
} = data
func (a *array) Offset() int {
type arrayConstructorFn func(*Data) Interface
var (
makeArrayFn [32]arrayConstructorFn
func unsupportedArrayType(data *Data) Interface {
panic("unsupported data type: " + data.dtype.ID().String())
func invalidDataType(data *Data) Interface {
panic("invalid data type: " + data.dtype.ID().String())
// MakeFromData constructs a strongly-typed array instance from generic Data.
func MakeFromData(data *Data) Interface {
return makeArrayFn[byte(data.dtype.ID()&0x1f)](data)
// NewSlice constructs a zero-copy slice of the array with the indicated
// indices i and j, corresponding to array[i:j].
// The returned array must be Release()'d after use.
// NewSlice panics if the slice is outside the valid range of the input array.
// NewSlice panics if j < i.
func NewSlice(arr Interface, i, j int64) Interface {
data := NewSliceData(arr.Data(), i, j)
slice := MakeFromData(data)
return slice
func init() {
makeArrayFn = [...]arrayConstructorFn{
arrow.NULL: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewNullData(data) },
arrow.BOOL: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewBooleanData(data) },
arrow.UINT8: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewUint8Data(data) },
arrow.INT8: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewInt8Data(data) },
arrow.UINT16: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewUint16Data(data) },
arrow.INT16: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewInt16Data(data) },
arrow.UINT32: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewUint32Data(data) },
arrow.INT32: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewInt32Data(data) },
arrow.UINT64: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewUint64Data(data) },
arrow.INT64: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewInt64Data(data) },
arrow.FLOAT16: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewFloat16Data(data) },
arrow.FLOAT32: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewFloat32Data(data) },
arrow.FLOAT64: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewFloat64Data(data) },
arrow.STRING: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewStringData(data) },
arrow.BINARY: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewBinaryData(data) },
arrow.FIXED_SIZE_BINARY: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewFixedSizeBinaryData(data) },
arrow.DATE32: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewDate32Data(data) },
arrow.DATE64: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewDate64Data(data) },
arrow.TIMESTAMP: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewTimestampData(data) },
arrow.TIME32: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewTime32Data(data) },
arrow.TIME64: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewTime64Data(data) },
arrow.INTERVAL: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewIntervalData(data) },
arrow.DECIMAL: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewDecimal128Data(data) },
arrow.LIST: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewListData(data) },
arrow.STRUCT: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewStructData(data) },
arrow.UNION: unsupportedArrayType,
arrow.DICTIONARY: unsupportedArrayType,
arrow.MAP: unsupportedArrayType,
arrow.EXTENSION: unsupportedArrayType,
arrow.FIXED_SIZE_LIST: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewFixedSizeListData(data) },
arrow.DURATION: func(data *Data) Interface { return NewDurationData(data) },
// invalid data types to fill out array size 2⁵-1
31: invalidDataType,