ARROW-12263: [Dev][Packaging] Move Crossbow to Archery

Main highlights:
- prepared for unittesting
- introduced jinja macros to reduce code duplication for crossbow related snippets, like arrow checkout or release uploading
- the tasks.yml is jinja templated now

Closes #9913 from kszucs/crossbow-to-archery

Authored-by: Krisztián Szűcs <>
Signed-off-by: Krisztián Szűcs <>
diff --git a/.github/workflows/archery.yml b/.github/workflows/archery.yml
index 7dd75b5..761e045 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/archery.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/archery.yml
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@
           python-version: '3.6'
       - name: Install Archery, Crossbow- and Test Dependencies
-        working-directory: dev/archery
-        run: pip install pytest responses toolz jinja2 -e .[all]
+        run: pip install pytest responses -e dev/archery[all]
       - name: Archery Unittests
         working-directory: dev/archery
         run: pytest -v archery
@@ -62,4 +61,4 @@
         run: archery docker
       - name: Crossbow Check Config
         working-directory: dev/tasks
-        run: python check-config
+        run: archery crossbow check-config
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/ b/dev/archery/archery/
index 54a57f2..35b69a6 100644
--- a/dev/archery/archery/
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-import operator
+import os
 import shlex
 from pathlib import Path
 from functools import partial
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@
 import click
 import github
-from .utils.crossbow import Crossbow
-from .utils.git import Git
+from .utils.git import git
+from .utils.logger import logger
+from .crossbow import Repo, Queue, Config, Target, Job, CommentReport
 class EventError(Exception):
@@ -81,86 +82,6 @@
 group = partial(, cls=Group)
-class CrossbowCommentFormatter:
-    _markdown_badge = '[![{title}]({badge})]({url})'
-    badges = {
-        'github': _markdown_badge.format(
-            title='Github Actions',
-            url='{repo}/actions?query=branch:{branch}',
-            badge=(
-                '{repo}/workflows/Crossbow/'
-                'badge.svg?branch={branch}'
-            ),
-        ),
-        'azure': _markdown_badge.format(
-            title='Azure',
-            url=(
-                '{repo}/_build/latest'
-                '?definitionId=1&branchName={branch}'
-            ),
-            badge=(
-                '{repo}/_apis/build/status/'
-                '{repo_dotted}?branchName={branch}'
-            )
-        ),
-        'travis': _markdown_badge.format(
-            title='TravisCI',
-            url='{repo}/branches',
-            badge='{repo}/{branch}.svg'
-        ),
-        'circle': _markdown_badge.format(
-            title='CircleCI',
-            url='{repo}/tree/{branch}',
-            badge=(
-                ''
-                '/{repo}/{branch}.svg'
-            )
-        ),
-        'appveyor': _markdown_badge.format(
-            title='Appveyor',
-            url='{repo}/history',
-            badge='{repo}/{branch}.svg'
-        ),
-        'drone': _markdown_badge.format(
-            title='Drone',
-            url='{repo}',
-            badge='{repo}/{branch}.svg'
-        ),
-    }
-    def __init__(self, crossbow_repo):
-        self.crossbow_repo = crossbow_repo
-    def render(self, job):
-        url = '{repo}/branches/all?query={branch}'
-        sha = job['target']['head']
-        msg = 'Revision: {}\n\n'.format(sha)
-        msg += 'Submitted crossbow builds: [{repo} @ {branch}]'
-        msg += '({})\n'.format(url)
-        msg += '\n|Task|Status|\n|----|------|'
-        tasks = sorted(job['tasks'].items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
-        for key, task in tasks:
-            branch = task['branch']
-            try:
-                template = self.badges[task['ci']]
-                badge = template.format(
-                    repo=self.crossbow_repo,
-                    repo_dotted=self.crossbow_repo.replace('/', '.'),
-                    branch=branch
-                )
-            except KeyError:
-                badge = 'unsupported CI service `{}`'.format(task['ci'])
-            msg += '\n|{}|{}|'.format(key, badge)
-        return msg.format(repo=self.crossbow_repo, branch=job['branch'])
 class CommentBot:
     def __init__(self, name, handler, token=None):
@@ -195,8 +116,7 @@
             command = self.parse_command(payload)
         except EventError as e:
-            print(e)
-            # TODO(kszucs): log
+            logger.error(e)
             # see the possible reasons in the validate method
@@ -220,14 +140,13 @@
         comment = pull.get_issue_comment(payload['comment']['id'])
-            self.handler(command, issue=issue, pull=pull, comment=comment)
+            self.handler(command, issue=issue, pull_request=pull,
+                         comment=comment)
         except CommandError as e:
-            # TODO(kszucs): log
-            print(e)
+            logger.error(e)
         except Exception as e:
-            # TODO(kszucs): log
-            print(e)
+            logger.error(e)
@@ -248,81 +167,94 @@
               help='Crossbow repository on github to use')
 def crossbow(obj, crossbow):
-    """Trigger crossbow builds for this pull request"""
+    """
+    Trigger crossbow builds for this pull request
+    """
     obj['crossbow_repo'] = crossbow
+def _clone_arrow_and_crossbow(dest, crossbow_repo, pull_request):
+    """
+    Clone the repositories and initialize crossbow objects.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    dest : Path
+        Filesystem path to clone the repositories to.
+    crossbow_repo : str
+        Github repository name, like kszucs/crossbow.
+    pull_request : pygithub.PullRequest
+        Object containing information about the pull request the comment bot
+        was triggered from.
+    """
+    arrow_path = dest / 'arrow'
+    queue_path = dest / 'crossbow'
+    # clone arrow and checkout the pull request's branch
+    pull_request_ref = 'pull/{}/head:{}'.format(
+        pull_request.number, pull_request.head.ref
+    )
+    git.clone(pull_request.base.repo.clone_url, str(arrow_path))
+    git.fetch('origin', pull_request_ref, git_dir=arrow_path)
+    git.checkout(pull_request.head.ref, git_dir=arrow_path)
+    # clone crossbow repository
+    crossbow_url = '{}'.format(crossbow_repo)
+    git.clone(crossbow_url, str(queue_path))
+    # initialize crossbow objects
+    github_token = os.environ['CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN']
+    arrow = Repo(arrow_path)
+    queue = Queue(queue_path, github_token=github_token, require_https=True)
+    return (arrow, queue)
 @click.argument('tasks', nargs=-1, required=False)
 @click.option('--group', '-g', 'groups', multiple=True,
               help='Submit task groups as defined in tests.yml')
 @click.option('--param', '-p', 'params', multiple=True,
               help='Additional task parameters for rendering the CI templates')
-@click.option('--dry-run/--push', default=False,
-              help='Just display the new changelog, don\'t write it')
+@click.option('--arrow-version', '-v', default=None,
+              help='Set target version explicitly.')
-def submit(obj, tasks, groups, params, dry_run):
-    """Submit crossbow testing tasks.
+def submit(obj, tasks, groups, params, arrow_version):
+    """
+    Submit crossbow testing tasks.
     See groups defined in arrow/dev/tasks/tests.yml
-    from ruamel.yaml import YAML
-    git = Git()
-    # construct crossbow arguments
-    args = []
-    if dry_run:
-        args.append('--dry-run')
-    for p in params:
-        args.extend(['-p', p])
-    for g in groups:
-        args.extend(['-g', g])
-    for t in tasks:
-        args.append(t)
-    # pygithub pull request object
-    pr = obj['pull']
-    crossbow_url = '{}'.format(obj['crossbow_repo'])
+    crossbow_repo = obj['crossbow_repo']
+    pull_request = obj['pull_request']
     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
         tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)
-        arrow = tmpdir / 'arrow'
-        queue = tmpdir / 'crossbow'
-        # clone arrow and checkout the pull request's branch
-        git.clone(pr.base.repo.clone_url, str(arrow))
-        git.fetch('origin', 'pull/{}/head:{}'.format(pr.number, pr.head.ref),
-                  git_dir=str(arrow))
-        git.checkout(pr.head.ref, git_dir=str(arrow))
-        # clone crossbow
-        git.clone(crossbow_url, str(queue))
-        # submit the crossbow tasks
-        result = Path('result.yml').resolve()
-        xbow = Crossbow(str(arrow / 'dev' / 'tasks' / ''))
-            '--queue-path', str(queue),
-            '--output-file', str(result),
-            'submit',
-            '--job-prefix', 'actions',
-            # don't rely on crossbow's remote and branch detection, because
-            # it doesn't work without a tracking upstream branch
-            '--arrow-remote', pr.head.repo.clone_url,
-            '--arrow-branch', pr.head.ref,
-            *args
+        arrow, queue = _clone_arrow_and_crossbow(
+            dest=Path(tmpdir),
+            crossbow_repo=crossbow_repo,
+            pull_request=pull_request,
+        # load available tasks configuration and groups from yaml
+        config = Config.load_yaml(arrow.path / "dev" / "tasks" / "tasks.yml")
+        config.validate()
-    # parse the result yml describing the submitted job
-    yaml = YAML()
-    with as fp:
-        job = yaml.load(fp)
+        # initialize the crossbow build's target repository
+        target = Target.from_repo(arrow, version=arrow_version,
+                                  remote=pull_request.base.repo.clone_url)
-    # render the response comment's content
-    formatter = CrossbowCommentFormatter(obj['crossbow_repo'])
-    response = formatter.render(job)
+        # parse additional job parameters
+        params = dict([p.split("=") for p in params])
-    # send the response
-    pr.create_issue_comment(response)
+        # instantiate the job object
+        job = Job.from_config(config=config, target=target, tasks=tasks,
+                              groups=groups, params=params)
+        # add the job to the crossbow queue and push to the remote repository
+        queue.put(job, prefix="actions")
+        queue.push()
+        # render the response comment's content
+        report = CommentReport(job, crossbow_repo=crossbow_repo)
+        # send the response
+        pull_request.create_issue_comment(
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/ b/dev/archery/archery/
index 74e2373..bcaddf1 100644
--- a/dev/archery/archery/
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/
@@ -1069,5 +1069,23 @@
         click.echo('git cherry-pick {}'.format(commit.hexsha))
+    from .crossbow.cli import crossbow  # noqa
+except ImportError as exc:
+    missing_package =
+    @archery.command(
+        'crossbow',
+        context_settings={"ignore_unknown_options": True}
+    )
+    def crossbow():
+        raise click.ClickException(
+            "Couldn't import crossbow because of missing dependency: {}"
+            .format(missing_package)
+        )
+    archery.add_command(crossbow)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/utils/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
similarity index 80%
rename from dev/archery/archery/utils/
rename to dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
index f28b976..bc72e81 100644
--- a/dev/archery/archery/utils/
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
@@ -15,9 +15,5 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-from .command import Command, default_bin
-class Crossbow(Command):
-    def __init__(self, crossbow_bin=None):
-        self.bin = default_bin(crossbow_bin, "arrow/dev/tasks/")
+from .core import Config, Repo, Queue, Target, Job  # noqa
+from .reports import CommentReport, ConsoleReport, EmailReport  # noqa
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c25e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from pathlib import Path
+import click
+from .core import Config, Repo, Queue, Target, Job, CrossbowError
+from .reports import EmailReport, ConsoleReport
+from ..utils.source import ArrowSources
+_default_arrow_path = ArrowSources.find().path
+_default_queue_path = _default_arrow_path.parent / "crossbow"
+_default_config_path = _default_arrow_path / "dev" / "tasks" / "tasks.yml"
+@click.option('--github-token', '-t', default=None,
+              envvar="CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN",
+              help='OAuth token for GitHub authentication')
+@click.option('--arrow-path', '-a',
+              type=click.Path(), default=_default_arrow_path,
+              help='Arrow\'s repository path. Defaults to the repository of '
+                   'this script')
+@click.option('--queue-path', '-q',
+              type=click.Path(), default=_default_queue_path,
+              help='The repository path used for scheduling the tasks. '
+                   'Defaults to crossbow directory placed next to arrow')
+@click.option('--queue-remote', '-qr', default=None,
+              help='Force to use this remote URL for the Queue repository')
+@click.option('--output-file', metavar='<output>',
+              type=click.File('w', encoding='utf8'), default='-',
+              help='Capture output result into file.')
+def crossbow(ctx, github_token, arrow_path, queue_path, queue_remote,
+             output_file):
+    """
+    Schedule packaging tasks or nightly builds on CI services.
+    """
+    ctx.ensure_object(dict)
+    ctx.obj['output'] = output_file
+    ctx.obj['arrow'] = Repo(arrow_path)
+    ctx.obj['queue'] = Queue(queue_path, remote_url=queue_remote,
+                             github_token=github_token, require_https=True)
+@click.option('--config-path', '-c',
+              type=click.Path(exists=True), default=_default_config_path,
+              help='Task configuration yml. Defaults to tasks.yml')
+def check_config(obj, config_path):
+    # load available tasks configuration and groups from yaml
+    config = Config.load_yaml(config_path)
+    config.validate()
+    output = obj['output']
+@click.argument('tasks', nargs=-1, required=False)
+@click.option('--group', '-g', 'groups', multiple=True,
+              help='Submit task groups as defined in task.yml')
+@click.option('--param', '-p', 'params', multiple=True,
+              help='Additional task parameters for rendering the CI templates')
+@click.option('--job-prefix', default='build',
+              help='Arbitrary prefix for branch names, e.g. nightly')
+@click.option('--config-path', '-c',
+              type=click.Path(exists=True), default=_default_config_path,
+              help='Task configuration yml. Defaults to tasks.yml')
+@click.option('--arrow-version', '-v', default=None,
+              help='Set target version explicitly.')
+@click.option('--arrow-remote', '-r', default=None,
+              help='Set GitHub remote explicitly, which is going to be cloned '
+                   'on the CI services. Note, that no validation happens '
+                   'locally. Examples: or '
+                   '')
+@click.option('--arrow-branch', '-b', default=None,
+              help='Give the branch name explicitly, e.g. master, ARROW-1949.')
+@click.option('--arrow-sha', '-t', default=None,
+              help='Set commit SHA or Tag name explicitly, e.g. f67a515, '
+                   'apache-arrow-0.11.1.')
+@click.option('--fetch/--no-fetch', default=True,
+              help='Fetch references (branches and tags) from the remote')
+@click.option('--dry-run/--commit', default=False,
+              help='Just display the rendered CI configurations without '
+                   'committing them')
+@click.option('--no-push/--push', default=False,
+              help='Don\'t push the changes')
+def submit(obj, tasks, groups, params, job_prefix, config_path, arrow_version,
+           arrow_remote, arrow_branch, arrow_sha, fetch, dry_run, no_push):
+    output = obj['output']
+    queue, arrow = obj['queue'], obj['arrow']
+    # load available tasks configuration and groups from yaml
+    config = Config.load_yaml(config_path)
+    try:
+        config.validate()
+    except CrossbowError as e:
+        raise click.ClickException(str(e))
+    # Override the detected repo url / remote, branch and sha - this aims to
+    # make release procedure a bit simpler.
+    # Note, that the target resivion's crossbow templates must be
+    # compatible with the locally checked out version of crossbow (which is
+    # in case of the release procedure), because the templates still
+    # contain some business logic (dependency installation, deployments)
+    # which will be reduced to a single command in the future.
+    target = Target.from_repo(arrow, remote=arrow_remote, branch=arrow_branch,
+                              head=arrow_sha, version=arrow_version)
+    # parse additional job parameters
+    params = dict([p.split("=") for p in params])
+    # instantiate the job object
+    try:
+        job = Job.from_config(config=config, target=target, tasks=tasks,
+                              groups=groups, params=params)
+    except CrossbowError as e:
+        raise click.ClickException(str(e))
+    if dry_run:
+        return
+    if fetch:
+        queue.fetch()
+    queue.put(job, prefix=job_prefix)
+    if no_push:
+        click.echo('Branches and commits created but not pushed: `{}`'
+                   .format(job.branch))
+    else:
+        queue.push()
+        click.echo('Pushed job identifier is: `{}`'.format(job.branch))
+@click.argument('task', required=True)
+@click.option('--config-path', '-c',
+              type=click.Path(exists=True), default=_default_config_path,
+              help='Task configuration yml. Defaults to tasks.yml')
+@click.option('--arrow-version', '-v', default=None,
+              help='Set target version explicitly.')
+@click.option('--arrow-remote', '-r', default=None,
+              help='Set GitHub remote explicitly, which is going to be cloned '
+                   'on the CI services. Note, that no validation happens '
+                   'locally. Examples: or '
+                   '')
+@click.option('--arrow-branch', '-b', default=None,
+              help='Give the branch name explicitly, e.g. master, ARROW-1949.')
+@click.option('--arrow-sha', '-t', default=None,
+              help='Set commit SHA or Tag name explicitly, e.g. f67a515, '
+                   'apache-arrow-0.11.1.')
+@click.option('--param', '-p', 'params', multiple=True,
+              help='Additional task parameters for rendering the CI templates')
+def render(obj, task, config_path, arrow_version, arrow_remote, arrow_branch,
+           arrow_sha, params):
+    """
+    Utility command to check the rendered CI templates.
+    """
+    from .core import _flatten
+    def highlight(code):
+        try:
+            from pygments import highlight
+            from pygments.lexers import YamlLexer
+            from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
+            return highlight(code, YamlLexer(), TerminalFormatter())
+        except ImportError:
+            return code
+    arrow = obj['arrow']
+    target = Target.from_repo(arrow, remote=arrow_remote, branch=arrow_branch,
+                              head=arrow_sha, version=arrow_version)
+    config = Config.load_yaml(config_path)
+    params = dict([p.split("=") for p in params])
+    job = Job.from_config(config=config, target=target, tasks=[task],
+                          params=params)
+    for task_name, rendered_files in job.render_tasks().items():
+        for path, content in _flatten(rendered_files).items():
+            click.echo('#' * 80)
+            click.echo('### {:^72} ###'.format("/".join(path)))
+            click.echo('#' * 80)
+            click.echo(highlight(content))
+@click.argument('job-name', required=True)
+@click.option('--fetch/--no-fetch', default=True,
+              help='Fetch references (branches and tags) from the remote')
+def status(obj, job_name, fetch):
+    output = obj['output']
+    queue = obj['queue']
+    if fetch:
+        queue.fetch()
+    job = queue.get(job_name)
+    ConsoleReport(job).show(output)
+@click.argument('prefix', required=True)
+@click.option('--fetch/--no-fetch', default=True,
+              help='Fetch references (branches and tags) from the remote')
+def latest_prefix(obj, prefix, fetch):
+    queue = obj['queue']
+    if fetch:
+        queue.fetch()
+    latest = queue.latest_for_prefix(prefix)
+    click.echo(latest.branch)
+@click.argument('job-name', required=True)
+@click.option('--sender-name', '-n',
+              help='Name to use for report e-mail.')
+@click.option('--sender-email', '-e',
+              help='E-mail to use for report e-mail.')
+@click.option('--recipient-email', '-r',
+              help='Where to send the e-mail report')
+@click.option('--smtp-user', '-u',
+              help='E-mail address to use for SMTP login')
+@click.option('--smtp-password', '-P',
+              help='SMTP password to use for report e-mail.')
+@click.option('--smtp-server', '-s', default='',
+              help='SMTP server to use for report e-mail.')
+@click.option('--smtp-port', '-p', default=465,
+              help='SMTP port to use for report e-mail.')
+@click.option('--poll/--no-poll', default=False,
+              help='Wait for completion if there are tasks pending')
+@click.option('--poll-max-minutes', default=180,
+              help='Maximum amount of time waiting for job completion')
+@click.option('--poll-interval-minutes', default=10,
+              help='Number of minutes to wait to check job status again')
+@click.option('--send/--dry-run', default=False,
+              help='Just display the report, don\'t send it')
+@click.option('--fetch/--no-fetch', default=True,
+              help='Fetch references (branches and tags) from the remote')
+def report(obj, job_name, sender_name, sender_email, recipient_email,
+           smtp_user, smtp_password, smtp_server, smtp_port, poll,
+           poll_max_minutes, poll_interval_minutes, send, fetch):
+    """
+    Send an e-mail report showing success/failure of tasks in a Crossbow run
+    """
+    output = obj['output']
+    queue = obj['queue']
+    if fetch:
+        queue.fetch()
+    job = queue.get(job_name)
+    report = EmailReport(
+        job=job,
+        sender_name=sender_name,
+        sender_email=sender_email,
+        recipient_email=recipient_email
+    )
+    if poll:
+        job.wait_until_finished(
+            poll_max_minutes=poll_max_minutes,
+            poll_interval_minutes=poll_interval_minutes
+        )
+    if send:
+        report.send(
+            smtp_user=smtp_user,
+            smtp_password=smtp_password,
+            smtp_server=smtp_server,
+            smtp_port=smtp_port
+        )
+    else:
+@click.argument('job-name', required=True)
+@click.option('-t', '--target-dir',
+              default=_default_arrow_path / 'packages',
+              type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True),
+              help='Directory to download the build artifacts')
+@click.option('--dry-run/--execute', default=False,
+              help='Just display process, don\'t download anything')
+@click.option('--fetch/--no-fetch', default=True,
+              help='Fetch references (branches and tags) from the remote')
+def download_artifacts(obj, job_name, target_dir, dry_run, fetch):
+    """Download build artifacts from GitHub releases"""
+    output = obj['output']
+    # fetch the queue repository
+    queue = obj['queue']
+    if fetch:
+        queue.fetch()
+    # query the job's artifacts
+    job = queue.get(job_name)
+    # create directory to download the assets to
+    target_dir = Path(target_dir).absolute() / job_name
+    target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    # download the assets while showing the job status
+    def asset_callback(task_name, task, asset):
+        if asset is not None:
+            path = target_dir / task_name /
+            path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+            if not dry_run:
+    click.echo('Downloading {}\'s artifacts.'.format(job_name))
+    click.echo('Destination directory is {}'.format(target_dir))
+    click.echo()
+    report = ConsoleReport(job)
+, asset_callback=asset_callback)
+@click.option('--sha', required=True, help='Target committish')
+@click.option('--tag', required=True, help='Target tag')
+@click.option('--method', default='curl', help='Use cURL to upload')
+@click.option('--pattern', '-p', 'patterns', required=True, multiple=True,
+              help='File pattern to upload as assets')
+def upload_artifacts(obj, tag, sha, patterns, method):
+    queue = obj['queue']
+    queue.github_overwrite_release_assets(
+        tag_name=tag, target_commitish=sha, method=method, patterns=patterns
+    )
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d3d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import re
+import fnmatch
+import glob
+import time
+import logging
+import mimetypes
+import subprocess
+import textwrap
+from io import StringIO
+from pathlib import Path
+from datetime import date
+import jinja2
+from ruamel.yaml import YAML
+    import github3
+    _have_github3 = True
+except ImportError:
+    github3 = object
+    _have_github3 = False
+    import pygit2
+except ImportError:
+    PygitRemoteCallbacks = object
+    PygitRemoteCallbacks = pygit2.RemoteCallbacks
+from ..utils.source import ArrowSources
+for pkg in ["requests", "urllib3", "github3"]:
+    logging.getLogger(pkg).setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+logger = logging.getLogger("crossbow")
+class CrossbowError(Exception):
+    pass
+def _flatten(mapping):
+    """Converts a hierarchical mapping to a flat dictionary"""
+    result = {}
+    for k, v in mapping.items():
+        if isinstance(v, dict):
+            for ik, iv in _flatten(v).items():
+                ik = ik if isinstance(ik, tuple) else (ik,)
+                result[(k,) + ik] = iv
+        elif isinstance(v, list):
+            for ik, iv in enumerate(_flatten(v)):
+                ik = ik if isinstance(ik, tuple) else (ik,)
+                result[(k,) + ik] = iv
+        else:
+            result[(k,)] = v
+    return result
+def _unflatten(mapping):
+    """Converts a flat tuple => object mapping to hierarchical one"""
+    result = {}
+    for path, value in mapping.items():
+        parents, leaf = path[:-1], path[-1]
+        # create the hierarchy until we reach the leaf value
+        temp = result
+        for parent in parents:
+            temp.setdefault(parent, {})
+            temp = temp[parent]
+        # set the leaf value
+        temp[leaf] = value
+    return result
+def _unflatten_tree(files):
+    """Converts a flat path => object mapping to a hierarchical directories
+    Input:
+        {
+            'path/to/file.a': a_content,
+            'path/to/file.b': b_content,
+            'path/file.c': c_content
+        }
+    Output:
+        {
+            'path': {
+                'to': {
+                    'file.a': a_content,
+                    'file.b': b_content
+                },
+                'file.c': c_content
+            }
+        }
+    """
+    files = {tuple(k.split('/')): v for k, v in files.items()}
+    return _unflatten(files)
+def _render_jinja_template(searchpath, template, params):
+    def format_all(items, pattern):
+        return [pattern.format(item) for item in items]
+    loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath)
+    env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, trim_blocks=True,
+                             lstrip_blocks=True)
+    env.filters['format_all'] = format_all
+    template = env.get_template(template)
+    return template.render(**params)
+# configurations for setting up branch skipping
+# - appveyor has a feature to skip builds without an appveyor.yml
+# - travis reads from the master branch and applies the rules
+# - circle requires the configuration to be present on all branch, even ones
+#   that are configured to be skipped
+# - azure skips branches without azure-pipelines.yml by default
+# - github skips branches without .github/workflows/ by default
+_default_travis_yml = """
+  only:
+    - master
+    - /.*-travis-.*/
+os: linux
+dist: trusty
+language: generic
+_default_circle_yml = """
+version: 2
+  build:
+    machine: true
+  version: 2
+  build:
+    jobs:
+      - build:
+          filters:
+            branches:
+              only:
+                - /.*-circle-.*/
+_default_tree = {
+    '.travis.yml': _default_travis_yml,
+    '.circleci/config.yml': _default_circle_yml
+class GitRemoteCallbacks(PygitRemoteCallbacks):
+    def __init__(self, token):
+        self.token = token
+        self.attempts = 0
+        super().__init__()
+    def push_update_reference(self, refname, message):
+        pass
+    def update_tips(self, refname, old, new):
+        pass
+    def credentials(self, url, username_from_url, allowed_types):
+        # its a libgit2 bug, that it infinitely retries the authentication
+        self.attempts += 1
+        if self.attempts >= 5:
+            # pygit2 doesn't propagate the exception properly
+            msg = 'Wrong oauth personal access token'
+            print(msg)
+            raise CrossbowError(msg)
+        if allowed_types & pygit2.credentials.GIT_CREDTYPE_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT:
+            return pygit2.UserPass(self.token, 'x-oauth-basic')
+        else:
+            return None
+def _git_ssh_to_https(url):
+    return url.replace('', '')
+class Repo:
+    """
+    Base class for interaction with local git repositories
+    A high level wrapper used for both reading revision information from
+    arrow's repository and pushing continuous integration tasks to the queue
+    repository.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    require_https : boolean, default False
+        Raise exception for SSH origin URLs
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path, github_token=None, remote_url=None,
+                 require_https=False):
+        self.path = Path(path)
+        self.github_token = github_token
+        self.require_https = require_https
+        self._remote_url = remote_url
+        self._pygit_repo = None
+        self._github_repo = None  # set by as_github_repo()
+        self._updated_refs = []
+    def __str__(self):
+        tpl = textwrap.dedent('''
+            Repo: {remote}@{branch}
+            Commit: {head}
+        ''')
+        return tpl.format(
+            remote=self.remote_url,
+            branch=self.branch.branch_name,
+            head=self.head
+        )
+    @property
+    def repo(self):
+        if self._pygit_repo is None:
+            self._pygit_repo = pygit2.Repository(str(self.path))
+        return self._pygit_repo
+    @property
+    def origin(self):
+        remote = self.repo.remotes['origin']
+        if self.require_https and remote.url.startswith(''):
+            raise CrossbowError("Change SSH origin URL to HTTPS to use "
+                                "Crossbow: {}".format(remote.url))
+        return remote
+    def fetch(self):
+        refspec = '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
+        self.origin.fetch([refspec])
+    def push(self, refs=None, github_token=None):
+        github_token = github_token or self.github_token
+        if github_token is None:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                'Could not determine GitHub token. Please set the '
+                'CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to a '
+                'valid GitHub access token or pass one to --github-token.'
+            )
+        callbacks = GitRemoteCallbacks(github_token)
+        refs = refs or []
+        try:
+            self.origin.push(refs + self._updated_refs, callbacks=callbacks)
+        except pygit2.GitError:
+            raise RuntimeError('Failed to push updated references, '
+                               'potentially because of credential issues: {}'
+                               .format(self._updated_refs))
+        else:
+            self.updated_refs = []
+    @property
+    def head(self):
+        """Currently checked out commit's sha"""
+        return self.repo.head
+    @property
+    def branch(self):
+        """Currently checked out branch"""
+        try:
+            return self.repo.branches[self.repo.head.shorthand]
+        except KeyError:
+            return None  # detached
+    @property
+    def remote(self):
+        """Currently checked out branch's remote counterpart"""
+        try:
+            return self.repo.remotes[self.branch.upstream.remote_name]
+        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+            return None  # cannot detect
+    @property
+    def remote_url(self):
+        """Currently checked out branch's remote counterpart URL
+        If an SSH github url is set, it will be replaced by the https
+        equivalent usable with GitHub OAuth token.
+        """
+        try:
+            return self._remote_url or _git_ssh_to_https(self.remote.url)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def user_name(self):
+        try:
+            return next(self.repo.config.get_multivar(''))
+        except StopIteration:
+            return os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_NAME', 'unknown')
+    @property
+    def user_email(self):
+        try:
+            return next(self.repo.config.get_multivar(''))
+        except StopIteration:
+            return os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL', 'unknown')
+    @property
+    def signature(self):
+        return pygit2.Signature(self.user_name, self.user_email,
+                                int(time.time()))
+    def create_tree(self, files):
+        builder = self.repo.TreeBuilder()
+        for filename, content in files.items():
+            if isinstance(content, dict):
+                # create a subtree
+                tree_id = self.create_tree(content)
+                builder.insert(filename, tree_id, pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_TREE)
+            else:
+                # create a file
+                blob_id = self.repo.create_blob(content)
+                builder.insert(filename, blob_id, pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB)
+        tree_id = builder.write()
+        return tree_id
+    def create_commit(self, files, parents=None, message='',
+                      reference_name=None):
+        if parents is None:
+            # by default use the main branch as the base of the new branch
+            # required to reuse github actions cache across crossbow tasks
+            commit, _ = self.repo.resolve_refish("master")
+            parents = []
+        tree_id = self.create_tree(files)
+        author = committer = self.signature
+        commit_id = self.repo.create_commit(reference_name, author, committer,
+                                            message, tree_id, parents)
+        return self.repo[commit_id]
+    def create_branch(self, branch_name, files, parents=None, message='',
+                      signature=None):
+        # create commit with the passed tree
+        commit = self.create_commit(files, parents=parents, message=message)
+        # create branch pointing to the previously created commit
+        branch = self.repo.create_branch(branch_name, commit)
+        # append to the pushable references
+        self._updated_refs.append('refs/heads/{}'.format(branch_name))
+        return branch
+    def create_tag(self, tag_name, commit_id, message=''):
+        tag_id = self.repo.create_tag(tag_name, commit_id,
+                                      pygit2.GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, self.signature,
+                                      message)
+        # append to the pushable references
+        self._updated_refs.append('refs/tags/{}'.format(tag_name))
+        return self.repo[tag_id]
+    def file_contents(self, commit_id, file):
+        commit = self.repo[commit_id]
+        entry = commit.tree[file]
+        blob = self.repo[]
+        return
+    def _parse_github_user_repo(self):
+        m = re.match(r'.*\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/\.]+)(\.git)?$', self.remote_url)
+        if m is None:
+            raise CrossbowError(
+                "Unable to parse the github owner and repository from the "
+                "repository's remote url '{}'".format(self.remote_url)
+            )
+        user, repo =,
+        return user, repo
+    def as_github_repo(self, github_token=None):
+        """Converts it to a repository object which wraps the GitHub API"""
+        if self._github_repo is None:
+            if not _have_github3:
+                raise ImportError('Must install')
+            github_token = github_token or self.github_token
+            username, reponame = self._parse_github_user_repo()
+            session = github3.session.GitHubSession(
+                default_connect_timeout=10,
+                default_read_timeout=30
+            )
+            github = github3.GitHub(session=session)
+            github.login(token=github_token)
+            self._github_repo = github.repository(username, reponame)
+        return self._github_repo
+    def github_commit(self, sha):
+        repo = self.as_github_repo()
+        return repo.commit(sha)
+    def github_release(self, tag):
+        repo = self.as_github_repo()
+        try:
+            return repo.release_from_tag(tag)
+        except github3.exceptions.NotFoundError:
+            return None
+    def github_upload_asset_requests(self, release, path, name, mime,
+                                     max_retries=None, retry_backoff=None):
+        if max_retries is None:
+            max_retries = int(os.environ.get('CROSSBOW_MAX_RETRIES', 8))
+        if retry_backoff is None:
+            retry_backoff = int(os.environ.get('CROSSBOW_RETRY_BACKOFF', 5))
+        for i in range(max_retries):
+            try:
+                with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
+                    result = release.upload_asset(name=name, asset=fp,
+                                                  content_type=mime)
+            except github3.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
+                logger.error('Attempt {} has failed with message: {}.'
+                             .format(i + 1, str(e)))
+                logger.error('Error message {}'.format(e.msg))
+                logger.error('List of errors provided by Github:')
+                for err in e.errors:
+                    logger.error(' - {}'.format(err))
+                if e.code == 422:
+                    # 422 Validation Failed, probably raised because
+                    # ReleaseAsset already exists, so try to remove it before
+                    # reattempting the asset upload
+                    for asset in release.assets():
+                        if == name:
+                  'Release asset {} already exists, '
+                                        'removing it...'.format(name))
+                            asset.delete()
+                  'Asset {} removed.'.format(name))
+                            break
+            except github3.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+                logger.error('Attempt {} has failed with message: {}.'
+                             .format(i + 1, str(e)))
+            else:
+      'Attempt {} has finished.'.format(i + 1))
+                return result
+            time.sleep(retry_backoff)
+        raise RuntimeError('Github asset uploading has failed!')
+    def github_upload_asset_curl(self, release, path, name, mime):
+        upload_url, _ = release.upload_url.split('{?')
+        upload_url += '?name={}'.format(name)
+        command = [
+            'curl',
+            '--fail',
+            '-H', "Authorization: token {}".format(self.github_token),
+            '-H', "Content-Type: {}".format(mime),
+            '--data-binary', '@{}'.format(path),
+            upload_url
+        ]
+        return, shell=False, check=True)
+    def github_overwrite_release_assets(self, tag_name, target_commitish,
+                                        patterns, method='requests'):
+        # Since github has changed something the asset uploading via requests
+        # got instable, so prefer the cURL alternative.
+        # Potential cause:
+        #    sigmavirus24/
+        repo = self.as_github_repo()
+        if not tag_name:
+            raise CrossbowError('Empty tag name')
+        if not target_commitish:
+            raise CrossbowError('Empty target commit for the release tag')
+        # remove the whole release if it already exists
+        try:
+            release = repo.release_from_tag(tag_name)
+        except github3.exceptions.NotFoundError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            release.delete()
+        release = repo.create_release(tag_name, target_commitish)
+        for pattern in patterns:
+            for path in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True):
+                name = os.path.basename(path)
+                size = os.path.getsize(path)
+                mime = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] or 'application/zip'
+                    'Uploading asset `{}` with mimetype {} and size {}...'
+                    .format(name, mime, size)
+                )
+                if method == 'requests':
+                    self.github_upload_asset_requests(release, path, name=name,
+                                                      mime=mime)
+                elif method == 'curl':
+                    self.github_upload_asset_curl(release, path, name=name,
+                                                  mime=mime)
+                else:
+                    raise CrossbowError(
+                        'Unsupported upload method {}'.format(method)
+                    )
+class Queue(Repo):
+    def _latest_prefix_id(self, prefix):
+        pattern = re.compile(r'[\w\/-]*{}-(\d+)'.format(prefix))
+        matches = list(filter(None, map(pattern.match, self.repo.branches)))
+        if matches:
+            latest = max(int( for m in matches)
+        else:
+            latest = -1
+        return latest
+    def _next_job_id(self, prefix):
+        """Auto increments the branch's identifier based on the prefix"""
+        latest_id = self._latest_prefix_id(prefix)
+        return '{}-{}'.format(prefix, latest_id + 1)
+    def latest_for_prefix(self, prefix):
+        latest_id = self._latest_prefix_id(prefix)
+        if latest_id < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                'No job has been submitted with prefix {} yet'.format(prefix)
+            )
+        job_name = '{}-{}'.format(prefix, latest_id)
+        return self.get(job_name)
+    def date_of(self, job):
+        # it'd be better to bound to the queue repository on deserialization
+        # and reorganize these methods to Job
+        branch_name = 'origin/{}'.format(job.branch)
+        branch = self.repo.branches[branch_name]
+        commit = self.repo[]
+        return date.fromtimestamp(commit.commit_time)
+    def jobs(self, pattern):
+        """Return jobs sorted by its identifier in reverse order"""
+        job_names = []
+        for name in self.repo.branches.remote:
+            origin, name = name.split('/', 1)
+            result = re.match(pattern, name)
+            if result:
+                job_names.append(name)
+        for name in sorted(job_names, reverse=True):
+            yield self.get(name)
+    def get(self, job_name):
+        branch_name = 'origin/{}'.format(job_name)
+        branch = self.repo.branches[branch_name]
+        try:
+            content = self.file_contents(, 'job.yml')
+        except KeyError:
+            raise CrossbowError(
+                'No job is found with name: {}'.format(job_name)
+            )
+        buffer = StringIO(content.decode('utf-8'))
+        job = yaml.load(buffer)
+        job.queue = self
+        return job
+    def put(self, job, prefix='build'):
+        if not isinstance(job, Job):
+            raise CrossbowError('`job` must be an instance of Job')
+        if job.branch is not None:
+            raise CrossbowError('`job.branch` is automatically generated, '
+                                'thus it must be blank')
+        if is None:
+            raise CrossbowError(
+                'Cannot determine git remote for the Arrow repository to '
+                'clone or push to, try to push the `{}` branch first to have '
+                'a remote tracking counterpart.'.format(
+            )
+        if is None:
+            raise CrossbowError(
+                'Cannot determine the current branch of the Arrow repository '
+                'to clone or push to, perhaps it is in detached HEAD state. '
+                'Please checkout a branch.'
+            )
+        # auto increment and set next job id, e.g. build-85
+        job._queue = self
+        job.branch = self._next_job_id(prefix)
+        # create tasks' branches
+        for task_name, task in job.tasks.items():
+            # adding CI's name to the end of the branch in order to use skip
+            # patterns on travis and circleci
+            task.branch = '{}-{}-{}'.format(job.branch,, task_name)
+            params = {
+                **job.params,
+                "arrow":,
+                "queue_remote_url": self.remote_url
+            }
+            files = task.render_files(job.template_searchpath, params=params)
+            branch = self.create_branch(task.branch, files=files)
+            self.create_tag(task.tag,
+            task.commit = str(
+        # create job's branch with its description
+        return self.create_branch(job.branch, files=job.render_files())
+def get_version(root, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Parse function for setuptools_scm that ignores tags for non-C++
+    subprojects, e.g. apache-arrow-js-XXX tags.
+    """
+    from setuptools_scm.git import parse as parse_git_version
+    # query the calculated version based on the git tags
+    kwargs['describe_command'] = (
+        'git describe --dirty --tags --long --match "apache-arrow-[0-9].*"'
+    )
+    version = parse_git_version(root, **kwargs)
+    # increment the minor version, because there can be patch releases created
+    # from maintenance branches where the tags are unreachable from the
+    # master's HEAD, so the git command above generates 0.17.0.dev300 even if
+    # arrow has a never 0.17.1 patch release
+    pattern = r"^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$"
+    match = re.match(pattern, str(version.tag))
+    major, minor, patch = map(int, match.groups())
+    # the bumped version number after 0.17.x will be 0.18.0.dev300
+    return "{}.{}.{}.dev{}".format(major, minor + 1, patch, version.distance)
+class Serializable:
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, data):
+        tag = '!{}'.format(cls.__name__)
+        dct = {k: v for k, v in data.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
+        return representer.represent_mapping(tag, dct)
+class Target(Serializable):
+    """
+    Describes target repository and revision the builds run against
+    This serializable data container holding information about arrow's
+    git remote, branch, sha and version number as well as some metadata
+    (currently only an email address where the notification should be sent).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, head, branch, remote, version, email=None):
+        self.head = head
+ = email
+        self.branch = branch
+        self.remote = remote
+        self.version = version
+        self.no_rc_version = re.sub(r'-rc\d+\Z', '', version)
+        # Semantic Versioning 1.0.0:
+        #
+        # > A pre-release version number MAY be denoted by appending an
+        # > arbitrary string immediately following the patch version and a
+        # > dash. The string MUST be comprised of only alphanumerics plus
+        # > dash [0-9A-Za-z-].
+        #
+        # Example:
+        #
+        #   '0.16.1.dev10' ->
+        #   '0.16.1-dev10'
+        self.no_rc_semver_version = \
+            re.sub(r'\.(dev\d+)\Z', r'-\1', self.no_rc_version)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_repo(cls, repo, head=None, branch=None, remote=None, version=None,
+                  email=None):
+        """Initialize from a repository
+        Optionally override detected remote, branch, head, and/or version.
+        """
+        assert isinstance(repo, Repo)
+        if head is None:
+            head = str(
+        if branch is None:
+            branch = repo.branch.branch_name
+        if remote is None:
+            remote = repo.remote_url
+        if version is None:
+            version = get_version(repo.path)
+        if email is None:
+            email = repo.user_email
+        return cls(head=head, email=email, branch=branch, remote=remote,
+                   version=version)
+class Task(Serializable):
+    """
+    Describes a build task and metadata required to render CI templates
+    A task is represented as a single git commit and branch containing jinja2
+    rendered files (currently appveyor.yml or .travis.yml configurations).
+    A task can't be directly submitted to a queue, must belong to a job.
+    Each task's unique identifier is its branch name, which is generated after
+    submitting the job to a queue.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ci, template, artifacts=None, params=None):
+        assert ci in {
+            'circle',
+            'travis',
+            'appveyor',
+            'azure',
+            'github',
+            'drone',
+        }
+ = ci
+        self.template = template
+        self.artifacts = artifacts or []
+        self.params = params or {}
+        self.branch = None  # filled after adding to a queue
+        self.commit = None  # filled after adding to a queue
+        self._queue = None  # set by the queue object after put or get
+        self._status = None  # status cache
+        self._assets = None  # assets cache
+    def render_files(self, searchpath, params=None):
+        params = {**self.params, **(params or {}), "task": self}
+        try:
+            rendered = _render_jinja_template(searchpath, self.template,
+                                              params=params)
+        except jinja2.TemplateError as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                'Failed to render template `{}` with {}: {}'.format(
+                    self.template, e.__class__.__name__, str(e)
+                )
+            )
+        tree = {**_default_tree, self.filename: rendered}
+        return _unflatten_tree(tree)
+    @property
+    def tag(self):
+        return self.branch
+    @property
+    def filename(self):
+        config_files = {
+            'circle': '.circleci/config.yml',
+            'travis': '.travis.yml',
+            'appveyor': 'appveyor.yml',
+            'azure': 'azure-pipelines.yml',
+            'github': '.github/workflows/crossbow.yml',
+            'drone': '.drone.yml',
+        }
+        return config_files[]
+    def status(self, force_query=False):
+        _status = getattr(self, '_status', None)
+        if force_query or _status is None:
+            github_commit = self._queue.github_commit(self.commit)
+            self._status = TaskStatus(github_commit)
+        return self._status
+    def assets(self, force_query=False):
+        _assets = getattr(self, '_assets', None)
+        if force_query or _assets is None:
+            github_release = self._queue.github_release(self.tag)
+            self._assets = TaskAssets(github_release,
+                                      artifact_patterns=self.artifacts)
+        return self._assets
+class TaskStatus:
+    """
+    Combine the results from status and checks API to a single state.
+    Azure pipelines uses checks API which doesn't provide a combined
+    interface like status API does, so we need to manually combine
+    both the commit statuses and the commit checks coming from
+    different API endpoint
+    Status.state: error, failure, pending or success, default pending
+    CheckRun.status: queued, in_progress or completed, default: queued
+    CheckRun.conclusion: success, failure, neutral, cancelled, timed_out
+                            or action_required, only set if
+                            CheckRun.status == 'completed'
+    1. Convert CheckRun's status and conclusion to one of Status.state
+    2. Merge the states based on the following rules:
+        - failure if any of the contexts report as error or failure
+        - pending if there are no statuses or a context is pending
+        - success if the latest status for all contexts is success
+        error otherwise.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    commit : github3.Commit
+        Commit to query the combined status for.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    TaskStatus(
+        combined_state='error|failure|pending|success',
+        github_status='original github status object',
+        github_check_runs='github checks associated with the commit',
+        total_count='number of statuses and checks'
+    )
+    """
+    def __init__(self, commit):
+        status = commit.status()
+        check_runs = list(commit.check_runs())
+        states = [s.state for s in status.statuses]
+        for check in check_runs:
+            if check.status == 'completed':
+                if check.conclusion in {'success', 'failure'}:
+                    states.append(check.conclusion)
+                elif check.conclusion in {'cancelled', 'timed_out',
+                                          'action_required'}:
+                    states.append('error')
+                # omit `neutral` conclusion
+            else:
+                states.append('pending')
+        # it could be more effective, but the following is more descriptive
+        combined_state = 'error'
+        if len(states):
+            if any(state in {'error', 'failure'} for state in states):
+                combined_state = 'failure'
+            elif any(state == 'pending' for state in states):
+                combined_state = 'pending'
+            elif all(state == 'success' for state in states):
+                combined_state = 'success'
+        # show link to the actual build, some of the CI providers implement
+        # the statuses API others implement the checks API, so display both
+        build_links = [s.target_url for s in status.statuses]
+        build_links += [c.html_url for c in check_runs]
+        self.combined_state = combined_state
+        self.github_status = status
+        self.github_check_runs = check_runs
+        self.total_count = len(states)
+        self.build_links = build_links
+class TaskAssets(dict):
+    def __init__(self, github_release, artifact_patterns):
+        # HACK(kszucs): don't expect uploaded assets of no atifacts were
+        # defiened for the tasks in order to spare a bit of github rate limit
+        if not artifact_patterns:
+            return
+        if github_release is None:
+            github_assets = {}  # no assets have been uploaded for the task
+        else:
+            github_assets = { a for a in github_release.assets()}
+        for pattern in artifact_patterns:
+            # artifact can be a regex pattern
+            compiled = re.compile(pattern)
+            matches = list(
+                filter(None, map(compiled.match, github_assets.keys()))
+            )
+            num_matches = len(matches)
+            # validate artifact pattern matches single asset
+            if num_matches == 0:
+                self[pattern] = None
+            elif num_matches == 1:
+                self[pattern] = github_assets[matches[0].group(0)]
+            else:
+                raise CrossbowError(
+                    'Only a single asset should match pattern `{}`, there are '
+                    'multiple ones: {}'.format(pattern, ', '.join(matches))
+                )
+    def missing_patterns(self):
+        return [pattern for pattern, asset in self.items() if asset is None]
+    def uploaded_assets(self):
+        return [asset for asset in self.values() if asset is not None]
+class Job(Serializable):
+    """Describes multiple tasks against a single target repository"""
+    def __init__(self, target, tasks, params=None, template_searchpath=None):
+        if not tasks:
+            raise ValueError('no tasks were provided for the job')
+        if not all(isinstance(task, Task) for task in tasks.values()):
+            raise ValueError('each `tasks` mus be an instance of Task')
+        if not isinstance(target, Target):
+            raise ValueError('`target` must be an instance of Target')
+        if not isinstance(target, Target):
+            raise ValueError('`target` must be an instance of Target')
+        if not isinstance(params, dict):
+            raise ValueError('`params` must be an instance of dict')
+ = target
+        self.tasks = tasks
+        self.params = params or {}  # additional parameters for the tasks
+        self.branch = None  # filled after adding to a queue
+        self._queue = None  # set by the queue object after put or get
+        if template_searchpath is None:
+            self._template_searchpath = ArrowSources.find().path
+        else:
+            self._template_searchpath = template_searchpath
+    def render_files(self):
+        with StringIO() as buf:
+            yaml.dump(self, buf)
+            content = buf.getvalue()
+        tree = {**_default_tree, "job.yml": content}
+        return _unflatten_tree(tree)
+    def render_tasks(self, params=None):
+        result = {}
+        params = {
+            **self.params,
+            "arrow":,
+            **(params or {})
+        }
+        for task_name, task in self.tasks.items():
+            files = task.render_files(self._template_searchpath, params)
+            result[task_name] = files
+        return result
+    @property
+    def template_searchpath(self):
+        return self._template_searchpath
+    @property
+    def queue(self):
+        assert isinstance(self._queue, Queue)
+        return self._queue
+    @queue.setter
+    def queue(self, queue):
+        assert isinstance(queue, Queue)
+        self._queue = queue
+        for task in self.tasks.values():
+            task._queue = queue
+    @property
+    def email(self):
+        return os.environ.get('CROSSBOW_EMAIL',
+    @property
+    def date(self):
+        return self.queue.date_of(self)
+    def show(self, stream=None):
+        return yaml.dump(self, stream=stream)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_config(cls, config, target, tasks=None, groups=None, params=None):
+        """
+        Intantiate a job from based on a config.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        config : dict
+            Deserialized content of tasks.yml
+        target : Target
+            Describes target repository and revision the builds run against.
+        tasks : Optional[List[str]], default None
+            List of glob patterns for matching task names.
+        groups : Optional[List[str]], default None
+            List of exact group names matching predefined task sets in the
+            config.
+        params : Optional[Dict[str, str]], default None
+            Additional rendering parameters for the task templates.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Job
+        Raises
+        ------
+        Exception:
+            If invalid groups or tasks has been passed.
+        """
+        task_definitions =, groups=groups)
+        # instantiate the tasks
+        tasks = {}
+        versions = {'version': target.version,
+                    'no_rc_version': target.no_rc_version,
+                    'no_rc_semver_version': target.no_rc_semver_version}
+        for task_name, task in task_definitions.items():
+            artifacts = task.pop('artifacts', None) or []  # because of yaml
+            artifacts = [fn.format(**versions) for fn in artifacts]
+            tasks[task_name] = Task(artifacts=artifacts, **task)
+        return cls(target=target, tasks=tasks, params=params,
+                   template_searchpath=config.template_searchpath)
+    def is_finished(self):
+        for task in self.tasks.values():
+            status = task.status(force_query=True)
+            if status.combined_state == 'pending':
+                return False
+        return True
+    def wait_until_finished(self, poll_max_minutes=120,
+                            poll_interval_minutes=10):
+        started_at = time.time()
+        while True:
+            if self.is_finished():
+                break
+            waited_for_minutes = (time.time() - started_at) / 60
+            if waited_for_minutes > poll_max_minutes:
+                msg = ('Exceeded the maximum amount of time waiting for job '
+                       'to finish, waited for {} minutes.')
+                raise RuntimeError(msg.format(waited_for_minutes))
+  'Waiting {} minutes and then checking again'
+                        .format(poll_interval_minutes))
+            time.sleep(poll_interval_minutes * 60)
+class Config(dict):
+    def __init__(self, tasks, template_searchpath):
+        super().__init__(tasks)
+        self.template_searchpath = template_searchpath
+    @classmethod
+    def load_yaml(cls, path):
+        path = Path(path)
+        searchpath = path.parent
+        rendered = _render_jinja_template(searchpath,,
+                                          params={})
+        config = yaml.load(rendered)
+        return cls(config, template_searchpath=searchpath)
+    def show(self, stream=None):
+        return yaml.dump(dict(self), stream=stream)
+    def select(self, tasks=None, groups=None):
+        config_groups = dict(self['groups'])
+        config_tasks = dict(self['tasks'])
+        valid_groups = set(config_groups.keys())
+        valid_tasks = set(config_tasks.keys())
+        group_whitelist = list(groups or [])
+        task_whitelist = list(tasks or [])
+        # validate that the passed groups are defined in the config
+        requested_groups = set(group_whitelist)
+        invalid_groups = requested_groups - valid_groups
+        if invalid_groups:
+            msg = 'Invalid group(s) {!r}. Must be one of {!r}'.format(
+                invalid_groups, valid_groups
+            )
+            raise CrossbowError(msg)
+        # merge the tasks defined in the selected groups
+        task_patterns = [list(config_groups[name]) for name in group_whitelist]
+        task_patterns = set(sum(task_patterns, task_whitelist))
+        # treat the task names as glob patterns to select tasks more easily
+        requested_tasks = set()
+        for pattern in task_patterns:
+            matches = fnmatch.filter(valid_tasks, pattern)
+            if len(matches):
+                requested_tasks.update(matches)
+            else:
+                raise CrossbowError(
+                    "Unable to match any tasks for `{}`".format(pattern)
+                )
+        # validate that the passed and matched tasks are defined in the config
+        invalid_tasks = requested_tasks - valid_tasks
+        if invalid_tasks:
+            msg = 'Invalid task(s) {!r}. Must be one of {!r}'.format(
+                invalid_tasks, valid_tasks
+            )
+            raise CrossbowError(msg)
+        return {
+            task_name: config_tasks[task_name] for task_name in requested_tasks
+        }
+    def validate(self):
+        # validate that the task groups are properly referening the tasks
+        for group_name, group in self['groups'].items():
+            for pattern in group:
+                tasks =[pattern])
+                if not tasks:
+                    raise CrossbowError(
+                        "The pattern `{}` defined for task group `{}` is not "
+                        "matching any of the tasks defined in the "
+                        "configuration file.".format(pattern, group_name)
+                    )
+        # validate that the tasks are constructible
+        for task_name, task in self['tasks'].items():
+            try:
+                Task(**task)
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise CrossbowError(
+                    'Unable to construct a task object from the '
+                    'definition  of task `{}`. The original error message '
+                    'is: `{}`'.format(task_name, str(e))
+                )
+        # validate that the defined tasks are renderable, in order to to that
+        # define the required object with dummy data
+        target = Target(
+            head='e279a7e06e61c14868ca7d71dea795420aea6539',
+            branch='master',
+            remote='',
+            version='1.0.0dev123',
+            email=''
+        )
+        for task_name, task in self['tasks'].items():
+            task = Task(**task)
+            files = task.render_files(
+                self.template_searchpath,
+                params=dict(
+                    arrow=target,
+                    queue_remote_url=''
+                )
+            )
+            if not files:
+                raise CrossbowError('No files have been rendered for task `{}`'
+                                    .format(task_name))
+# configure yaml serializer
+yaml = YAML()
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc82db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import click
+import collections
+import operator
+import functools
+from io import StringIO
+import textwrap
+# TODO(kszucs): use instead
+class Report:
+    def __init__(self, job):
+        self.job = job
+    def show(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class ConsoleReport(Report):
+    """Report the status of a Job to the console using click"""
+    # output table's header template
+    HEADER = '[{state:>7}] {branch:<52} {content:>16}'
+    DETAILS = ' └ {url}'
+    # output table's row template for assets
+    ARTIFACT_NAME = '{artifact:>69} '
+    ARTIFACT_STATE = '[{state:>7}]'
+    # state color mapping to highlight console output
+    COLORS = {
+        # from CombinedStatus
+        'error': 'red',
+        'failure': 'red',
+        'pending': 'yellow',
+        'success': 'green',
+        # custom state messages
+        'ok': 'green',
+        'missing': 'red'
+    }
+    def lead(self, state, branch, n_uploaded, n_expected):
+        line = self.HEADER.format(
+            state=state.upper(),
+            branch=branch,
+            content='uploaded {} / {}'.format(n_uploaded, n_expected)
+        )
+        return, fg=self.COLORS[state.lower()])
+    def header(self):
+        header = self.HEADER.format(
+            state='state',
+            branch='Task / Branch',
+            content='Artifacts'
+        )
+        delimiter = '-' * len(header)
+        return '{}\n{}'.format(header, delimiter)
+    def artifact(self, state, pattern, asset):
+        if asset is None:
+            artifact = pattern
+            state = 'pending' if state == 'pending' else 'missing'
+        else:
+            artifact =
+            state = 'ok'
+        name_ = self.ARTIFACT_NAME.format(artifact=artifact)
+        state_ =
+            self.ARTIFACT_STATE.format(state=state.upper()),
+            self.COLORS[state]
+        )
+        return name_ + state_
+    def show(self, outstream, asset_callback=None):
+        echo = functools.partial(click.echo, file=outstream)
+        # write table's header
+        echo(self.header())
+        # write table's body
+        for task_name, task in sorted(self.job.tasks.items()):
+            # if not task_name.startswith("test-debian-10-python-3"):
+            #     continue
+            # write summary of the uploaded vs total assets
+            status = task.status()
+            assets = task.assets()
+            # mapping of artifact pattern to asset or None of not uploaded
+            n_expected = len(task.artifacts)
+            n_uploaded = len(assets.uploaded_assets())
+            echo(self.lead(status.combined_state, task_name, n_uploaded,
+                           n_expected))
+            # show link to the actual build, some of the CI providers implement
+            # the statuses API others implement the checks API, so display both
+            for link in status.build_links:
+                echo(self.DETAILS.format(url=link))
+            # write per asset status
+            for artifact_pattern, asset in assets.items():
+                if asset_callback is not None:
+                    asset_callback(task_name, task, asset)
+                echo(self.artifact(status.combined_state, artifact_pattern,
+                                   asset))
+class EmailReport(Report):
+    HEADER = textwrap.dedent("""
+        Arrow Build Report for Job {job_name}
+        All tasks: {all_tasks_url}
+    """)
+    TASK = textwrap.dedent("""
+          - {name}:
+            URL: {url}
+    """).strip()
+    EMAIL = textwrap.dedent("""
+        From: {sender_name} <{sender_email}>
+        To: {recipient_email}
+        Subject: {subject}
+        {body}
+    """).strip()
+        # from CombinedStatus
+        'error': 'Errored Tasks:',
+        'failure': 'Failed Tasks:',
+        'pending': 'Pending Tasks:',
+        'success': 'Succeeded Tasks:',
+    }
+    def __init__(self, job, sender_name, sender_email, recipient_email):
+        self.sender_name = sender_name
+        self.sender_email = sender_email
+        self.recipient_email = recipient_email
+        super().__init__(job)
+    def url(self, query):
+        repo_url = self.job.queue.remote_url.strip('.git')
+        return '{}/branches/all?query={}'.format(repo_url, query)
+    def listing(self, tasks):
+        return '\n'.join(
+            sorted(
+                self.TASK.format(name=task_name, url=self.url(task.branch))
+                for task_name, task in tasks.items()
+            )
+        )
+    def header(self):
+        url = self.url(self.job.branch)
+        return self.HEADER.format(job_name=self.job.branch, all_tasks_url=url)
+    def subject(self):
+        return (
+            "[NIGHTLY] Arrow Build Report for Job {}".format(self.job.branch)
+        )
+    def body(self):
+        buffer = StringIO()
+        buffer.write(self.header())
+        tasks_by_state = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+        for task_name, task in self.job.tasks.items():
+            state = task.status().combined_state
+            tasks_by_state[state][task_name] = task
+        for state in ('failure', 'error', 'pending', 'success'):
+            if state in tasks_by_state:
+                tasks = tasks_by_state[state]
+                buffer.write('\n')
+                buffer.write(self.STATUS_HEADERS[state])
+                buffer.write('\n')
+                buffer.write(self.listing(tasks))
+                buffer.write('\n')
+        return buffer.getvalue()
+    def email(self):
+        return self.EMAIL.format(
+            sender_name=self.sender_name,
+            sender_email=self.sender_email,
+            recipient_email=self.recipient_email,
+            subject=self.subject(),
+            body=self.body()
+        )
+    def show(self, outstream):
+        outstream.write(
+    def send(self, smtp_user, smtp_password, smtp_server, smtp_port):
+        import smtplib
+        email =
+        server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_server, smtp_port)
+        server.ehlo()
+        server.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)
+        server.sendmail(smtp_user, self.recipient_email, email)
+        server.close()
+class CommentReport(Report):
+    _markdown_badge = '[![{title}]({badge})]({url})'
+    badges = {
+        'github': _markdown_badge.format(
+            title='Github Actions',
+            url='{repo}/actions?query=branch:{branch}',
+            badge=(
+                '{repo}/workflows/Crossbow/'
+                'badge.svg?branch={branch}'
+            ),
+        ),
+        'azure': _markdown_badge.format(
+            title='Azure',
+            url=(
+                '{repo}/_build/latest'
+                '?definitionId=1&branchName={branch}'
+            ),
+            badge=(
+                '{repo}/_apis/build/status/'
+                '{repo_dotted}?branchName={branch}'
+            )
+        ),
+        'travis': _markdown_badge.format(
+            title='TravisCI',
+            url='{repo}/branches',
+            badge='{repo}/{branch}.svg'
+        ),
+        'circle': _markdown_badge.format(
+            title='CircleCI',
+            url='{repo}/tree/{branch}',
+            badge=(
+                ''
+                '/{repo}/{branch}.svg'
+            )
+        ),
+        'appveyor': _markdown_badge.format(
+            title='Appveyor',
+            url='{repo}/history',
+            badge='{repo}/{branch}.svg'
+        ),
+        'drone': _markdown_badge.format(
+            title='Drone',
+            url='{repo}',
+            badge='{repo}/{branch}.svg'
+        ),
+    }
+    def __init__(self, job, crossbow_repo):
+        self.crossbow_repo = crossbow_repo
+        super().__init__(job)
+    def show(self):
+        url = '{repo}/branches/all?query={branch}'
+        sha =
+        msg = 'Revision: {}\n\n'.format(sha)
+        msg += 'Submitted crossbow builds: [{repo} @ {branch}]'
+        msg += '({})\n'.format(url)
+        msg += '\n|Task|Status|\n|----|------|'
+        tasks = sorted(self.job.tasks.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+        for key, task in tasks:
+            branch = task.branch
+            try:
+                template = self.badges[]
+                badge = template.format(
+                    repo=self.crossbow_repo,
+                    repo_dotted=self.crossbow_repo.replace('/', '.'),
+                    branch=branch
+                )
+            except KeyError:
+                badge = 'unsupported CI service `{}`'.format(
+            msg += '\n|{}|{}|'.format(key, badge)
+        return msg.format(repo=self.crossbow_repo, branch=self.job.branch)
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/tests/fixtures/crossbow-job.yaml b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/fixtures/crossbow-job.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from dev/archery/archery/tests/fixtures/crossbow-job.yaml
rename to dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/fixtures/crossbow-job.yaml
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/tests/fixtures/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from dev/archery/archery/tests/fixtures/
rename to dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/utils/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
similarity index 78%
copy from dev/archery/archery/utils/
copy to dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
index f28b976..5184742 100644
--- a/dev/archery/archery/utils/
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-from .command import Command, default_bin
+from archery.utils.source import ArrowSources
+from archery.crossbow import Config
-class Crossbow(Command):
-    def __init__(self, crossbow_bin=None):
-        self.bin = default_bin(crossbow_bin, "arrow/dev/tasks/")
+def test_config():
+    src = ArrowSources.find()
+    conf = Config.load_yaml( / "tasks" / "tasks.yml")
+    conf.validate()
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9ba1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from click.testing import CliRunner
+import pytest
+from archery.crossbow.cli import crossbow
+from archery.utils.git import git
+def test_crossbow_submit(tmp_path):
+    runner = CliRunner()
+    def invoke(*args):
+        return runner.invoke(crossbow, ['--queue-path', str(tmp_path), *args])
+    # initialize an empty crossbow repository
+    git.run_cmd("init", str(tmp_path))
+    git.run_cmd("-C", str(tmp_path), "remote", "add", "origin",
+                "")
+    git.run_cmd("-C", str(tmp_path), "commit", "-m", "initial",
+                "--allow-empty")
+    result = invoke('check-config')
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    result = invoke('submit', '--no-fetch', '--no-push', '-g', 'wheel')
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0df292b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/crossbow/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import textwrap
+from archery.crossbow.core import yaml
+from archery.crossbow.reports import CommentReport
+def test_crossbow_comment_formatter(load_fixture):
+    msg = load_fixture('')
+    job = load_fixture('crossbow-job.yaml', decoder=yaml.load)
+    report = CommentReport(job, crossbow_repo='ursa-labs/crossbow')
+    expected = msg.format(
+        repo='ursa-labs/crossbow',
+        branch='ursabot-1',
+        revision='f766a1d615dd1b7ee706d05102e579195951a61c',
+        status='has been succeeded.'
+    )
+    assert == textwrap.dedent(expected).strip()
diff --git a/dev/archery/archery/tests/ b/dev/archery/archery/tests/
index 9b2d023..e00853c 100644
--- a/dev/archery/archery/tests/
+++ b/dev/archery/archery/tests/
@@ -16,18 +16,13 @@
 # under the License.
 import json
-from pathlib import Path
 from unittest.mock import Mock
-import pytest
-import textwrap
-import responses as rsps
 import click
-from ruamel.yaml import YAML
+import pytest
+import responses as rsps
-from import (
-    CommentBot, CommandError, CrossbowCommentFormatter, group
+from import CommentBot, CommandError, group
@@ -36,18 +31,6 @@
         yield mock
-def load_fixture(name):
-    path = Path(__file__).parent / 'fixtures' / name
-    with'r') as fp:
-        if name.endswith('.json'):
-            return json.load(fp)
-        elif name.endswith('.yaml'):
-            yaml = YAML()
-            return yaml.load(fp)
-        else:
-            return
 def github_url(path):
     return '{}'.format(path.strip('/'))
@@ -86,21 +69,6 @@
     assert custom_handler('extra', extra='data') == {'extra': 'data'}
-def test_crossbow_comment_formatter():
-    job = load_fixture('crossbow-job.yaml')
-    msg = load_fixture('')
-    formatter = CrossbowCommentFormatter(crossbow_repo='ursa-labs/crossbow')
-    response = formatter.render(job)
-    expected = msg.format(
-        repo='ursa-labs/crossbow',
-        branch='ursabot-1',
-        revision='f766a1d615dd1b7ee706d05102e579195951a61c',
-        status='has been succeeded.'
-    )
-    assert response == textwrap.dedent(expected).strip()
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('fixture_name', [
     # the bot is not mentioned, nothing to do
@@ -109,7 +77,7 @@
     # non-authorized user sent the comment, do not respond
-def test_noop_events(fixture_name):
+def test_noop_events(load_fixture, fixture_name):
     payload = load_fixture(fixture_name)
     handler = Mock()
@@ -119,7 +87,7 @@
-def test_issue_comment_without_pull_request(responses):
+def test_issue_comment_without_pull_request(load_fixture, responses):
@@ -151,7 +119,7 @@
-def test_respond_with_usage(responses):
+def test_respond_with_usage(load_fixture, responses):
@@ -190,7 +158,8 @@
     ('@ursabot build', '+1'),
     ('@ursabot listen', '-1'),
-def test_issue_comment_with_commands(responses, command, reaction):
+def test_issue_comment_with_commands(load_fixture, responses, command,
+                                     reaction):
@@ -230,13 +199,3 @@
     post = responses.calls[3]
     assert json.loads(post.request.body) == {'content': reaction}
-# TODO(kszucs): properly mock it
-# def test_crossbow_submit():
-#     from click.testing import CliRunner
-#     runner = CliRunner()
-#     result = runner.invoke(
-#         bot, ['crossbow', 'submit', '-g', 'wheel', '--dry-run']
-#     )
-#     assert result.exit_code == 0
diff --git a/dev/archery/ b/dev/archery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a643b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/archery/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pathlib
+import pytest
+def pytest_addoption(parser):
+    parser.addoption(
+        "--enable-integration",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="run slow tests"
+    )
+def pytest_configure(config):
+    config.addinivalue_line(
+        "markers",
+        (
+            "integration: mark test as integration tests involving more "
+            "extensive setup (only used for crossbow at the moment)"
+        )
+    )
+def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
+    if config.getoption("--enable-integration"):
+        return
+    marker = pytest.mark.skip(reason="need --enable-integration option to run")
+    for item in items:
+        if "integration" in item.keywords:
+            item.add_marker(marker)
+def load_fixture(request):
+    current_test_directory = pathlib.Path(request.node.fspath).parent
+    def decoder(path):
+        with'r') as fp:
+            if path.suffix == '.json':
+                import json
+                return json.load(fp)
+            elif path.suffix == '.yaml':
+                import yaml
+                return yaml.load(fp)
+            else:
+                return
+    def loader(name, decoder=decoder):
+        path = current_test_directory / 'fixtures' / name
+        return decoder(path)
+    return loader
diff --git a/dev/archery/ b/dev/archery/
index 2696c0a..892e6b2 100755
--- a/dev/archery/
+++ b/dev/archery/
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
 extras = {
     'benchmark': ['pandas'],
-    # bot extra includes crossbow's dependencies
-    'bot': ['ruamel.yaml', 'pygithub', '', 'jinja2', 'jira',
-            'pygit2', 'setuptools_scm', 'toolz'],
     'docker': ['ruamel.yaml', 'python-dotenv'],
-    'release': ['jinja2', 'jira', 'semver', 'gitpython']
+    'release': ['jinja2', 'jira', 'semver', 'gitpython'],
+    'crossbow': ['', 'jinja2', 'pygit2', 'ruamel.yaml',
+                 'setuptools_scm'],
+extras['bot'] = extras['crossbow'] + ['pygithub', 'jira']
 extras['all'] = list(set(functools.reduce(operator.add, extras.values())))
diff --git a/dev/release/rat_exclude_files.txt b/dev/release/rat_exclude_files.txt
index e51cd20..716a1b9 100644
--- a/dev/release/rat_exclude_files.txt
+++ b/dev/release/rat_exclude_files.txt
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
diff --git a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.linux.yml b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.linux.yml
index 3ab9504..161fd14 100755
--- a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.linux.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.linux.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
 - job: linux
@@ -19,21 +21,11 @@
     displayName: Configure binfmt_misc
     condition: not(startsWith(variables['CONFIG'], 'linux_64'))
-  - script: |
-      git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-      git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-      git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-      git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-    displayName: Clone arrow
+  {{ macros.azure_checkout_arrow() }}
-  # Using github release tries to find a common ancestor between the
-  # currently pushed tag and the latest tag of the github repository
-  # (don't know why).
-  # The tag upload took 43 minutes because of this scan, so use an
-  # alternative upload script.
   - task: CondaEnvironment@1
-      packageSpecs: 'click jinja2 jira pygit2 ruamel.yaml setuptools_scm toolz anaconda-client shyaml'
+      packageSpecs: 'anaconda-client shyaml'
       installOptions: '-c conda-forge'
       updateConda: false
@@ -42,22 +34,5 @@
       CI=azure arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/ $(pwd)/build_artifacts
     displayName: Run docker build
-  # Upload to github releases
-  - script: |
-      python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-        --queue-path . \
-        --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-        upload-artifacts \
-        --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-        --tag {{ task.tag }} \
-        --pattern "build_artifacts/linux-64/*.tar.bz2"
-    env:
-    displayName: Upload packages as a GitHub release
-  {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-  # Upload to custom anaconda channel
-  - script: |
-      anaconda -t $(CROSSBOW_ANACONDA_TOKEN) upload --force build_artifacts/linux-64/*.tar.bz2
-    displayName: Upload packages to Anaconda
-  {% endif %}
+  {{ macros.azure_upload_releases("build_artifacts/linux-64/*.tar.bz2") }}
+  {{ macros.azure_upload_anaconda("build_artifacts/linux-64/*.tar.bz2") }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.osx.yml b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.osx.yml
index 3251754..58afa80 100755
--- a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.osx.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/azure.osx.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
 - job: osx
@@ -27,12 +29,7 @@
       conda install -n base -c conda-forge --quiet --yes conda-forge-ci-setup=3 conda-build
     displayName: 'Add conda-forge-ci-setup=3'
-  - script: |
-      git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-      git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-      git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-      git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-    displayName: Clone arrow
+  {{ macros.azure_checkout_arrow() }}
   - script: |
       source activate base
@@ -44,9 +41,8 @@
       conda update --yes --quiet --override-channels -c conda-forge -c defaults --all
     displayName: Configure conda and conda-build
     workingDirectory: arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes
-    env: {
+    env:
-    }
   - script: |
       source activate base
@@ -75,31 +71,5 @@
     workingDirectory: arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes
     displayName: Build recipes
-  # Using github release tries to find a common ancestor between the
-  # currently pushed tag and the latest tag of the github repository
-  # (don't know why).
-  # The tag upload took 43 minutes because of this scan, so use an
-  # alternative upload script.
-  - script: |
-      source activate base
-      conda install -y click jinja2 jira pygit2 ruamel.yaml setuptools_scm toolz
-      python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-        --queue-path . \
-        --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-        upload-artifacts \
-        --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-        --tag {{ task.tag }} \
-        --pattern "arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/build_artifacts/osx-64/*.tar.bz2"
-    env:
-    displayName: Upload packages as a GitHub release
-  {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-  # Upload to custom anaconda channel
-  - script: |
-      source activate base
-      conda install -y anaconda-client
-      anaconda -t $(CROSSBOW_ANACONDA_TOKEN) upload --force build_artifacts/osx-64/*.tar.bz2
-    displayName: Upload packages to Anaconda
-    workingDirectory: arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes
-  {% endif %}
+  {{ macros.azure_upload_releases("arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/build_artifacts/osx-64/*.tar.bz2") }}
+  {{ macros.azure_upload_anaconda("arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/build_artifacts/osx-64/*.tar.bz2") }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/ b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/
index d432274..a3ec693 100755
--- a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/
+++ b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
 - job: win
@@ -41,12 +43,7 @@
       displayName: Install conda-build and activate environment
     - script: set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1
-    - script: |
-        git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-        git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-        git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-        git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      displayName: Clone arrow
+    {{ macros.azure_checkout_arrow()|indent(2) }}
     # Configure the VM
     - script: setup_conda_rc .\ .\ .\.ci_support\%CONFIG%.yaml
@@ -76,34 +73,5 @@
       condition: contains(variables['R_CONFIG'], 'win')
-    # Using github release tries to find a common ancestor between the
-    # currently pushed tag and the latest tag of the github repository
-    # (don't know why).
-    # The tag upload took 43 minutes because of this scan, so use an
-    # alternative upload script.
-    - task: CondaEnvironment@1
-      inputs:
-        packageSpecs: 'click jinja2 jira pygit2 ruamel.yaml setuptools_scm toolz'
-        installOptions: '-c conda-forge'
-        updateConda: false
-    - script: |
-        python arrow/dev/tasks/ ^
-          --queue-path . ^
-          --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} ^
-          upload-artifacts ^
-          --sha {{ task.branch }} ^
-          --tag {{ task.tag }} ^
-          --pattern "D:\bld\win-64\*.tar.bz2"
-      env:
-      displayName: Upload packages as a GitHub release
-    {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-    # Upload to custom anaconda channel
-    - script: |
-        source activate base
-        conda install -y anaconda-client
-        anaconda -t $(CROSSBOW_ANACONDA_TOKEN) upload --force D:\bld\win-64\*.tar.bz2
-      displayName: Upload packages to Anaconda
-      workingDirectory: arrow/dev/tasks/conda-recipes
-    {% endif %}
+    {{ macros.azure_upload_releases("D:\bld\win-64\*.tar.bz2")|indent(2) }}
+    {{ macros.azure_upload_anaconda("D:\bld\win-64\*.tar.bz2")|indent(2) }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/ b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/
index 7156410..dffdb41 100755
--- a/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/
+++ b/dev/tasks/conda-recipes/
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@
 # Upload as Github release
-mamba install -y click jinja2 jira pygit2 ruamel.yaml setuptools_scm toolz anaconda-client shyaml -c conda-forge
+mamba install -y anaconda-client shyaml -c conda-forge
-python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
+pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[crossbow]
+archery crossbow \
   --queue-path . \
   --queue-remote ${QUEUE_REMOTE_URL} \
   upload-artifacts \
diff --git a/dev/tasks/ b/dev/tasks/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2874472..0000000
--- a/dev/tasks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1681 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import os
-import re
-import fnmatch
-import glob
-import time
-import logging
-import mimetypes
-import subprocess
-import textwrap
-from io import StringIO
-from pathlib import Path
-from textwrap import dedent
-from datetime import date
-from functools import partial
-import click
-import toolz
-from ruamel.yaml import YAML
-    import github3
-    _have_github3 = True
-except ImportError:
-    github3 = object
-    _have_github3 = False
-    import pygit2
-except ImportError:
-    PygitRemoteCallbacks = object
-    PygitRemoteCallbacks = pygit2.RemoteCallbacks
-# initialize logging
-# enable verbose logging for requests
-# http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
-requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
-requests_log.propagate = True
-CWD = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
-def unflatten(mapping):
-    """Converts a flat tuple => object mapping to hierarchical one"""
-    result = {}
-    for path, value in mapping.items():
-        parents, leaf = path[:-1], path[-1]
-        # create the hierarchy until we reach the leaf value
-        temp = result
-        for parent in parents:
-            temp.setdefault(parent, {})
-            temp = temp[parent]
-        # set the leaf value
-        temp[leaf] = value
-    return result
-def unflatten_tree(files):
-    """Converts a flat path => object mapping to a hierarchical directories
-    Input:
-        {
-            'path/to/file.a': a_content,
-            'path/to/file.b': b_content,
-            'path/file.c': c_content
-        }
-    Output:
-        {
-            'path': {
-                'to': {
-                    'file.a': a_content,
-                    'file.b': b_content
-                },
-                'file.c': c_content
-            }
-        }
-    """
-    files = toolz.keymap(lambda path: tuple(path.split('/')), files)
-    return unflatten(files)
-# configurations for setting up branch skipping
-# - appveyor has a feature to skip builds without an appveyor.yml
-# - travis reads from the master branch and applies the rules
-# - circle requires the configuration to be present on all branch, even ones
-#   that are configured to be skipped
-# - azure skips branches without azure-pipelines.yml by default
-# - github skips branches without .github/workflows/ by default
-_default_travis_yml = """
-  only:
-    - master
-    - /.*-travis-.*/
-os: linux
-dist: trusty
-language: generic
-_default_circle_yml = """
-version: 2
-  build:
-    machine: true
-  version: 2
-  build:
-    jobs:
-      - build:
-          filters:
-            branches:
-              only:
-                - /.*-circle-.*/
-_default_tree = {
-    '.travis.yml': _default_travis_yml,
-    '.circleci/config.yml': _default_circle_yml
-class GitRemoteCallbacks(PygitRemoteCallbacks):
-    def __init__(self, token):
-        self.token = token
-        self.attempts = 0
-        super().__init__()
-    def push_update_reference(self, refname, message):
-        pass
-    def update_tips(self, refname, old, new):
-        pass
-    def credentials(self, url, username_from_url, allowed_types):
-        # its a libgit2 bug, that it infinitely retries the authentication
-        self.attempts += 1
-        if self.attempts >= 5:
-            # pygit2 doesn't propagate the exception properly
-            msg = 'Wrong oauth personal access token'
-            print(msg)
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-        if allowed_types & pygit2.credentials.GIT_CREDTYPE_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT:
-            return pygit2.UserPass(self.token, 'x-oauth-basic')
-        else:
-            return None
-def _git_ssh_to_https(url):
-    return url.replace('', '')
-class Repo:
-    """Base class for interaction with local git repositories
-    A high level wrapper used for both reading revision information from
-    arrow's repository and pushing continuous integration tasks to the queue
-    repository.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    require_https : boolean, default False
-        Raise exception for SSH origin URLs
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path, github_token=None, remote_url=None,
-                 require_https=False):
-        self.path = Path(path)
-        self.github_token = github_token
-        self.require_https = require_https
-        self._remote_url = remote_url
-        self._pygit_repo = None
-        self._github_repo = None  # set by as_github_repo()
-        self._updated_refs = []
-    def __str__(self):
-        tpl = dedent('''
-            Repo: {remote}@{branch}
-            Commit: {head}
-        ''')
-        return tpl.format(
-            remote=self.remote_url,
-            branch=self.branch.branch_name,
-            head=self.head
-        )
-    @property
-    def repo(self):
-        if self._pygit_repo is None:
-            self._pygit_repo = pygit2.Repository(str(self.path))
-        return self._pygit_repo
-    @property
-    def origin(self):
-        remote = self.repo.remotes['origin']
-        if self.require_https and remote.url.startswith(''):
-            raise ValueError("Change SSH origin URL to HTTPS to use "
-                             "Crossbow: {}".format(remote.url))
-        return remote
-    def fetch(self):
-        refspec = '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
-        self.origin.fetch([refspec])
-    def push(self, refs=None, github_token=None):
-        github_token = github_token or self.github_token
-        if github_token is None:
-            raise click.ClickException(
-                'Could not determine GitHub token. Please set the '
-                'CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to a '
-                'valid GitHub access token or pass one to --github-token.'
-            )
-        callbacks = GitRemoteCallbacks(github_token)
-        refs = refs or []
-        try:
-            self.origin.push(refs + self._updated_refs, callbacks=callbacks)
-        except pygit2.GitError:
-            raise RuntimeError('Failed to push updated references, '
-                               'potentially because of credential issues: {}'
-                               .format(self._updated_refs))
-        else:
-            self.updated_refs = []
-    @property
-    def head(self):
-        """Currently checked out commit's sha"""
-        return self.repo.head
-    @property
-    def branch(self):
-        """Currently checked out branch"""
-        try:
-            return self.repo.branches[self.repo.head.shorthand]
-        except KeyError:
-            return None  # detached
-    @property
-    def remote(self):
-        """Currently checked out branch's remote counterpart"""
-        try:
-            return self.repo.remotes[self.branch.upstream.remote_name]
-        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
-            return None  # cannot detect
-    @property
-    def remote_url(self):
-        """Currently checked out branch's remote counterpart URL
-        If an SSH github url is set, it will be replaced by the https
-        equivalent usable with GitHub OAuth token.
-        """
-        try:
-            return self._remote_url or _git_ssh_to_https(self.remote.url)
-        except AttributeError:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def user_name(self):
-        try:
-            return next(self.repo.config.get_multivar(''))
-        except StopIteration:
-            return os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_NAME', 'unknown')
-    @property
-    def user_email(self):
-        try:
-            return next(self.repo.config.get_multivar(''))
-        except StopIteration:
-            return os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL', 'unknown')
-    @property
-    def signature(self):
-        return pygit2.Signature(self.user_name, self.user_email,
-                                int(time.time()))
-    def create_tree(self, files):
-        builder = self.repo.TreeBuilder()
-        for filename, content in files.items():
-            if isinstance(content, dict):
-                # create a subtree
-                tree_id = self.create_tree(content)
-                builder.insert(filename, tree_id, pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_TREE)
-            else:
-                # create a file
-                blob_id = self.repo.create_blob(content)
-                builder.insert(filename, blob_id, pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB)
-        tree_id = builder.write()
-        return tree_id
-    def create_commit(self, files, parents=None, message='',
-                      reference_name=None):
-        if parents is None:
-            # by default use the main branch as the base of the new branch
-            # required to reuse github actions cache across crossbow tasks
-            commit, _ = self.repo.resolve_refish("master")
-            parents = []
-        tree_id = self.create_tree(files)
-        author = committer = self.signature
-        commit_id = self.repo.create_commit(reference_name, author, committer,
-                                            message, tree_id, parents)
-        return self.repo[commit_id]
-    def create_branch(self, branch_name, files, parents=None, message='',
-                      signature=None):
-        # create commit with the passed tree
-        commit = self.create_commit(files, parents=parents, message=message)
-        # create branch pointing to the previously created commit
-        branch = self.repo.create_branch(branch_name, commit)
-        # append to the pushable references
-        self._updated_refs.append('refs/heads/{}'.format(branch_name))
-        return branch
-    def create_tag(self, tag_name, commit_id, message=''):
-        tag_id = self.repo.create_tag(tag_name, commit_id,
-                                      pygit2.GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, self.signature,
-                                      message)
-        # append to the pushable references
-        self._updated_refs.append('refs/tags/{}'.format(tag_name))
-        return self.repo[tag_id]
-    def file_contents(self, commit_id, file):
-        commit = self.repo[commit_id]
-        entry = commit.tree[file]
-        blob = self.repo[]
-        return
-    def _parse_github_user_repo(self):
-        m = re.match(r'.*\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/\.]+)(\.git)?$', self.remote_url)
-        if m is None:
-            raise ValueError("Unable to parse the github owner and repository "
-                             "from the repository's remote url '{}'"
-                             .format(self.remote_url))
-        user, repo =,
-        return user, repo
-    def as_github_repo(self, github_token=None):
-        """Converts it to a repository object which wraps the GitHub API"""
-        if self._github_repo is None:
-            if not _have_github3:
-                raise ImportError('Must install')
-            github_token = github_token or self.github_token
-            username, reponame = self._parse_github_user_repo()
-            session = github3.session.GitHubSession(
-                default_connect_timeout=10,
-                default_read_timeout=30
-            )
-            github = github3.GitHub(session=session)
-            github.login(token=github_token)
-            self._github_repo = github.repository(username, reponame)
-        return self._github_repo
-    def github_commit(self, sha):
-        repo = self.as_github_repo()
-        return repo.commit(sha)
-    def github_release(self, tag):
-        repo = self.as_github_repo()
-        try:
-            return repo.release_from_tag(tag)
-        except github3.exceptions.NotFoundError:
-            return None
-    def github_upload_asset_requests(self, release, path, name, mime,
-                                     max_retries=None, retry_backoff=None):
-        if max_retries is None:
-            max_retries = int(os.environ.get('CROSSBOW_MAX_RETRIES', 8))
-        if retry_backoff is None:
-            retry_backoff = int(os.environ.get('CROSSBOW_RETRY_BACKOFF', 5))
-        for i in range(max_retries):
-            try:
-                with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
-                    result = release.upload_asset(name=name, asset=fp,
-                                                  content_type=mime)
-            except github3.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
-                click.echo('Attempt {} has failed with message: {}.'
-                           .format(i + 1, str(e)))
-                click.echo('Error message {}'.format(e.msg))
-                click.echo('List of errors provided by Github:')
-                for err in e.errors:
-                    click.echo(' - {}'.format(err))
-                if e.code == 422:
-                    # 422 Validation Failed, probably raised because
-                    # ReleaseAsset already exists, so try to remove it before
-                    # reattempting the asset upload
-                    for asset in release.assets():
-                        if == name:
-                            click.echo('Release asset {} already exists, '
-                                       'removing it...'.format(name))
-                            asset.delete()
-                            click.echo('Asset {} removed.'.format(name))
-                            break
-            except github3.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
-                click.echo('Attempt {} has failed with message: {}.'
-                           .format(i + 1, str(e)))
-            else:
-                click.echo('Attempt {} has finished.'.format(i + 1))
-                return result
-            time.sleep(retry_backoff)
-        raise RuntimeError('Github asset uploading has failed!')
-    def github_upload_asset_curl(self, release, path, name, mime):
-        upload_url, _ = release.upload_url.split('{?')
-        upload_url += '?name={}'.format(name)
-        command = [
-            'curl',
-            '--fail',
-            '-H', "Authorization: token {}".format(self.github_token),
-            '-H', "Content-Type: {}".format(mime),
-            '--data-binary', '@{}'.format(path),
-            upload_url
-        ]
-        return, shell=False, check=True)
-    def github_overwrite_release_assets(self, tag_name, target_commitish,
-                                        patterns, method='requests'):
-        # Since github has changed something the asset uploading via requests
-        # got instable, so prefer the cURL alternative.
-        # Potential cause:
-        #    sigmavirus24/
-        repo = self.as_github_repo()
-        if not tag_name:
-            raise ValueError('Empty tag name')
-        if not target_commitish:
-            raise ValueError('Empty target commit for the release tag')
-        # remove the whole release if it already exists
-        try:
-            release = repo.release_from_tag(tag_name)
-        except github3.exceptions.NotFoundError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            release.delete()
-        release = repo.create_release(tag_name, target_commitish)
-        for pattern in patterns:
-            for path in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True):
-                name = os.path.basename(path)
-                size = os.path.getsize(path)
-                mime = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] or 'application/zip'
-                click.echo(
-                    'Uploading asset `{}` with mimetype {} and size {}...'
-                    .format(name, mime, size)
-                )
-                if method == 'requests':
-                    self.github_upload_asset_requests(release, path, name=name,
-                                                      mime=mime)
-                elif method == 'curl':
-                    self.github_upload_asset_curl(release, path, name=name,
-                                                  mime=mime)
-                else:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        'Unsupported upload method {}'.format(method)
-                    )
-class Queue(Repo):
-    def _latest_prefix_id(self, prefix):
-        pattern = re.compile(r'[\w\/-]*{}-(\d+)'.format(prefix))
-        matches = list(filter(None, map(pattern.match, self.repo.branches)))
-        if matches:
-            latest = max(int( for m in matches)
-        else:
-            latest = -1
-        return latest
-    def _next_job_id(self, prefix):
-        """Auto increments the branch's identifier based on the prefix"""
-        latest_id = self._latest_prefix_id(prefix)
-        return '{}-{}'.format(prefix, latest_id + 1)
-    def latest_for_prefix(self, prefix):
-        latest_id = self._latest_prefix_id(prefix)
-        if latest_id < 0:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                'No job has been submitted with prefix {} yet'.format(prefix)
-            )
-        job_name = '{}-{}'.format(prefix, latest_id)
-        return self.get(job_name)
-    def date_of(self, job):
-        # it'd be better to bound to the queue repository on deserialization
-        # and reorganize these methods to Job
-        branch_name = 'origin/{}'.format(job.branch)
-        branch = self.repo.branches[branch_name]
-        commit = self.repo[]
-        return date.fromtimestamp(commit.commit_time)
-    def jobs(self, pattern):
-        """Return jobs sorted by its identifier in reverse order"""
-        job_names = []
-        for name in self.repo.branches.remote:
-            origin, name = name.split('/', 1)
-            result = re.match(pattern, name)
-            if result:
-                job_names.append(name)
-        for name in sorted(job_names, reverse=True):
-            yield self.get(name)
-    def get(self, job_name):
-        branch_name = 'origin/{}'.format(job_name)
-        branch = self.repo.branches[branch_name]
-        try:
-            content = self.file_contents(, 'job.yml')
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError('No job is found with name: {}'.format(job_name))
-        buffer = StringIO(content.decode('utf-8'))
-        job = yaml.load(buffer)
-        job.queue = self
-        return job
-    def put(self, job, prefix='build'):
-        if not isinstance(job, Job):
-            raise ValueError('`job` must be an instance of Job')
-        if job.branch is not None:
-            raise ValueError('`job.branch` is automatically generated, thus '
-                             'it must be blank')
-        if is None:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                'Cannot determine git remote for the Arrow repository to '
-                'clone or push to, try to push the `{}` branch first to have '
-                'a remote tracking counterpart.'.format(
-            )
-        if is None:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                'Cannot determine the current branch of the Arrow repository '
-                'to clone or push to, perhaps it is in detached HEAD state. '
-                'Please checkout a branch.'
-            )
-        # auto increment and set next job id, e.g. build-85
-        job._queue = self
-        job.branch = self._next_job_id(prefix)
-        # create tasks' branches
-        for task_name, task in job.tasks.items():
-            # adding CI's name to the end of the branch in order to use skip
-            # patterns on travis and circleci
-            task.branch = '{}-{}-{}'.format(job.branch,, task_name)
-            files = task.render_files(**job.params,
-                            ,
-                                      queue_remote_url=self.remote_url)
-            branch = self.create_branch(task.branch, files=files)
-            self.create_tag(task.tag,
-            task.commit = str(
-        # create job's branch with its description
-        return self.create_branch(job.branch, files=job.render_files())
-def get_version(root, **kwargs):
-    """
-    Parse function for setuptools_scm that ignores tags for non-C++
-    subprojects, e.g. apache-arrow-js-XXX tags.
-    """
-    from setuptools_scm.git import parse as parse_git_version
-    # query the calculated version based on the git tags
-    kwargs['describe_command'] = (
-        'git describe --dirty --tags --long --match "apache-arrow-[0-9].*"'
-    )
-    version = parse_git_version(root, **kwargs)
-    # increment the minor version, because there can be patch releases created
-    # from maintenance branches where the tags are unreachable from the
-    # master's HEAD, so the git command above generates 0.17.0.dev300 even if
-    # arrow has a never 0.17.1 patch release
-    pattern = r"^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$"
-    match = re.match(pattern, str(version.tag))
-    major, minor, patch = map(int, match.groups())
-    # the bumped version number after 0.17.x will be 0.18.0.dev300
-    return "{}.{}.{}.dev{}".format(major, minor + 1, patch, version.distance)
-class Serializable:
-    @classmethod
-    def to_yaml(cls, representer, data):
-        tag = '!{}'.format(cls.__name__)
-        dct = {k: v for k, v in data.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
-        return representer.represent_mapping(tag, dct)
-class Target(Serializable):
-    """Describes target repository and revision the builds run against
-    This serializable data container holding information about arrow's
-    git remote, branch, sha and version number as well as some metadata
-    (currently only an email address where the notification should be sent).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, head, branch, remote, version, email=None):
-        self.head = head
- = email
-        self.branch = branch
-        self.remote = remote
-        self.version = version
-        self.no_rc_version = re.sub(r'-rc\d+\Z', '', version)
-        # Semantic Versioning 1.0.0:
-        #
-        # > A pre-release version number MAY be denoted by appending an
-        # > arbitrary string immediately following the patch version and a
-        # > dash. The string MUST be comprised of only alphanumerics plus
-        # > dash [0-9A-Za-z-].
-        #
-        # Example:
-        #
-        #   '0.16.1.dev10' ->
-        #   '0.16.1-dev10'
-        self.no_rc_semver_version = \
-            re.sub(r'\.(dev\d+)\Z', r'-\1', self.no_rc_version)
-    @classmethod
-    def from_repo(cls, repo, head=None, branch=None, remote=None, version=None,
-                  email=None):
-        """Initialize from a repository
-        Optionally override detected remote, branch, head, and/or version.
-        """
-        assert isinstance(repo, Repo)
-        if head is None:
-            head = str(
-        if branch is None:
-            branch = repo.branch.branch_name
-        if remote is None:
-            remote = repo.remote_url
-        if version is None:
-            version = get_version(repo.path)
-        if email is None:
-            email = repo.user_email
-        return cls(head=head, email=email, branch=branch, remote=remote,
-                   version=version)
-class Task(Serializable):
-    """Describes a build task and metadata required to render CI templates
-    A task is represented as a single git commit and branch containing jinja2
-    rendered files (currently appveyor.yml or .travis.yml configurations).
-    A task can't be directly submitted to a queue, must belong to a job.
-    Each task's unique identifier is its branch name, which is generated after
-    submitting the job to a queue.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ci, template, artifacts=None, params=None):
-        assert ci in {
-            'circle',
-            'travis',
-            'appveyor',
-            'azure',
-            'github',
-            'drone',
-        }
- = ci
-        self.template = template
-        self.artifacts = artifacts or []
-        self.params = params or {}
-        self.branch = None  # filled after adding to a queue
-        self.commit = None  # filled after adding to a queue
-        self._queue = None  # set by the queue object after put or get
-        self._status = None  # status cache
-        self._assets = None  # assets cache
-    def render_files(self, **params):
-        from jinja2 import Template, StrictUndefined
-        from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateError
-        path = CWD / self.template
-        params = toolz.merge(self.params, params)
-        template = Template(path.read_text(), undefined=StrictUndefined)
-        try:
-            rendered = template.render(task=self, **params)
-        except TemplateError as e:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                'Failed to render template `{}` with {}: {}'.format(
-                    path, e.__class__.__name__, str(e)
-                )
-            )
-        tree = toolz.merge(_default_tree, {self.filename: rendered})
-        return unflatten_tree(tree)
-    @property
-    def tag(self):
-        return self.branch
-    @property
-    def filename(self):
-        config_files = {
-            'circle': '.circleci/config.yml',
-            'travis': '.travis.yml',
-            'appveyor': 'appveyor.yml',
-            'azure': 'azure-pipelines.yml',
-            'github': '.github/workflows/crossbow.yml',
-            'drone': '.drone.yml',
-        }
-        return config_files[]
-    def status(self, force_query=False):
-        _status = getattr(self, '_status', None)
-        if force_query or _status is None:
-            github_commit = self._queue.github_commit(self.commit)
-            self._status = TaskStatus(github_commit)
-        return self._status
-    def assets(self, force_query=False):
-        _assets = getattr(self, '_assets', None)
-        if force_query or _assets is None:
-            github_release = self._queue.github_release(self.tag)
-            self._assets = TaskAssets(github_release,
-                                      artifact_patterns=self.artifacts)
-        return self._assets
-class TaskStatus:
-    """Combine the results from status and checks API to a single state.
-    Azure pipelines uses checks API which doesn't provide a combined
-    interface like status API does, so we need to manually combine
-    both the commit statuses and the commit checks coming from
-    different API endpoint
-    Status.state: error, failure, pending or success, default pending
-    CheckRun.status: queued, in_progress or completed, default: queued
-    CheckRun.conclusion: success, failure, neutral, cancelled, timed_out
-                            or action_required, only set if
-                            CheckRun.status == 'completed'
-    1. Convert CheckRun's status and conclusion to one of Status.state
-    2. Merge the states based on the following rules:
-        - failure if any of the contexts report as error or failure
-        - pending if there are no statuses or a context is pending
-        - success if the latest status for all contexts is success
-        error otherwise.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    commit : github3.Commit
-        Commit to query the combined status for.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    TaskStatus(
-        combined_state='error|failure|pending|success',
-        github_status='original github status object',
-        github_check_runs='github checks associated with the commit',
-        total_count='number of statuses and checks'
-    )
-    """
-    def __init__(self, commit):
-        status = commit.status()
-        check_runs = list(commit.check_runs())
-        states = [s.state for s in status.statuses]
-        for check in check_runs:
-            if check.status == 'completed':
-                if check.conclusion in {'success', 'failure'}:
-                    states.append(check.conclusion)
-                elif check.conclusion in {'cancelled', 'timed_out',
-                                          'action_required'}:
-                    states.append('error')
-                # omit `neutral` conclusion
-            else:
-                states.append('pending')
-        # it could be more effective, but the following is more descriptive
-        if any(state in {'error', 'failure'} for state in states):
-            combined_state = 'failure'
-        elif any(state == 'pending' for state in states):
-            combined_state = 'pending'
-        elif all(state == 'success' for state in states):
-            combined_state = 'success'
-        else:
-            combined_state = 'error'
-        self.combined_state = combined_state
-        self.github_status = status
-        self.github_check_runs = check_runs
-        self.total_count = len(states)
-class TaskAssets(dict):
-    def __init__(self, github_release, artifact_patterns):
-        # HACK(kszucs): don't expect uploaded assets of no atifacts were
-        # defiened for the tasks in order to spare a bit of github rate limit
-        if not artifact_patterns:
-            return
-        if github_release is None:
-            github_assets = {}  # no assets have been uploaded for the task
-        else:
-            github_assets = { a for a in github_release.assets()}
-        for pattern in artifact_patterns:
-            # artifact can be a regex pattern
-            compiled = re.compile(pattern)
-            matches = list(
-                filter(None, map(compiled.match, github_assets.keys()))
-            )
-            num_matches = len(matches)
-            # validate artifact pattern matches single asset
-            if num_matches == 0:
-                self[pattern] = None
-            elif num_matches == 1:
-                self[pattern] = github_assets[matches[0].group(0)]
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Only a single asset should match pattern `{}`, there are '
-                    'multiple ones: {}'.format(pattern, ', '.join(matches))
-                )
-    def missing_patterns(self):
-        return [pattern for pattern, asset in self.items() if asset is None]
-    def uploaded_assets(self):
-        return [asset for asset in self.values() if asset is not None]
-class Job(Serializable):
-    """Describes multiple tasks against a single target repository"""
-    def __init__(self, target, tasks, params=None):
-        if not tasks:
-            raise ValueError('no tasks were provided for the job')
-        if not all(isinstance(task, Task) for task in tasks.values()):
-            raise ValueError('each `tasks` mus be an instance of Task')
-        if not isinstance(target, Target):
-            raise ValueError('`target` must be an instance of Target')
-        if not isinstance(target, Target):
-            raise ValueError('`target` must be an instance of Target')
-        if not isinstance(params, dict):
-            raise ValueError('`params` must be an instance of dict')
- = target
-        self.tasks = tasks
-        self.params = params or {}  # additional parameters for the tasks
-        self.branch = None  # filled after adding to a queue
-        self._queue = None  # set by the queue object after put or get
-    def render_files(self):
-        with StringIO() as buf:
-            yaml.dump(self, buf)
-            content = buf.getvalue()
-        tree = toolz.merge(_default_tree, {'job.yml': content})
-        return unflatten_tree(tree)
-    @property
-    def queue(self):
-        assert isinstance(self._queue, Queue)
-        return self._queue
-    @queue.setter
-    def queue(self, queue):
-        assert isinstance(queue, Queue)
-        self._queue = queue
-        for task in self.tasks.values():
-            task._queue = queue
-    @property
-    def email(self):
-        return os.environ.get('CROSSBOW_EMAIL',
-    @property
-    def date(self):
-        return self.queue.date_of(self)
-    @classmethod
-    def from_config(cls, config, target, tasks=None, groups=None, params=None):
-        """
-        Intantiate a job from based on a config.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        config : dict
-            Deserialized content of tasks.yml
-        target : Target
-            Describes target repository and revision the builds run against.
-        tasks : Optional[List[str]], default None
-            List of glob patterns for matching task names.
-        groups : Optional[List[str]], default None
-            List of exact group names matching predefined task sets in the
-            config.
-        params : Optional[Dict[str, str]], default None
-            Additional rendering parameters for the task templates.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Job
-        Raises
-        ------
-        click.ClickException
-            If invalid groups or tasks has been passed.
-        """
-        task_definitions =, groups=groups)
-        # instantiate the tasks
-        tasks = {}
-        versions = {'version': target.version,
-                    'no_rc_version': target.no_rc_version,
-                    'no_rc_semver_version': target.no_rc_semver_version}
-        for task_name, task in task_definitions.items():
-            artifacts = task.pop('artifacts', None) or []  # because of yaml
-            artifacts = [fn.format(**versions) for fn in artifacts]
-            tasks[task_name] = Task(artifacts=artifacts, **task)
-        return cls(target=target, tasks=tasks, params=params)
-    def is_finished(self):
-        for task in self.tasks.values():
-            status = task.status(force_query=True)
-            if status.combined_state == 'pending':
-                return False
-        return True
-    def wait_until_finished(self, poll_max_minutes=120,
-                            poll_interval_minutes=10):
-        started_at = time.time()
-        while True:
-            if self.is_finished():
-                break
-            waited_for_minutes = (time.time() - started_at) / 60
-            if waited_for_minutes > poll_max_minutes:
-                msg = ('Exceeded the maximum amount of time waiting for job '
-                       'to finish, waited for {} minutes.')
-                raise RuntimeError(msg.format(waited_for_minutes))
-            # TODO(kszucs): use logging
-            click.echo('Waiting {} minutes and then checking again'
-                       .format(poll_interval_minutes))
-            time.sleep(poll_interval_minutes * 60)
-class Config(dict):
-    @classmethod
-    def load_yaml(cls, path):
-        with Path(path).open() as fp:
-            return cls(yaml.load(fp))
-    def select(self, tasks=None, groups=None):
-        config_groups = dict(self['groups'])
-        config_tasks = dict(self['tasks'])
-        valid_groups = set(config_groups.keys())
-        valid_tasks = set(config_tasks.keys())
-        group_whitelist = list(groups or [])
-        task_whitelist = list(tasks or [])
-        # validate that the passed groups are defined in the config
-        requested_groups = set(group_whitelist)
-        invalid_groups = requested_groups - valid_groups
-        if invalid_groups:
-            msg = 'Invalid group(s) {!r}. Must be one of {!r}'.format(
-                invalid_groups, valid_groups
-            )
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-        # merge the tasks defined in the selected groups
-        task_patterns = [list(config_groups[name]) for name in group_whitelist]
-        task_patterns = set(sum(task_patterns, task_whitelist))
-        # treat the task names as glob patterns to select tasks more easily
-        requested_tasks = set(
-            toolz.concat(
-                fnmatch.filter(valid_tasks, p) for p in task_patterns
-            )
-        )
-        # validate that the passed and matched tasks are defined in the config
-        invalid_tasks = requested_tasks - valid_tasks
-        if invalid_tasks:
-            msg = 'Invalid task(s) {!r}. Must be one of {!r}'.format(
-                invalid_tasks, valid_tasks
-            )
-            raise ValueError(msg)
-        return {
-            task_name: config_tasks[task_name] for task_name in requested_tasks
-        }
-    def validate(self):
-        # validate that the task groups are properly referening the tasks
-        for group_name, group in self['groups'].items():
-            for pattern in group:
-                tasks =[pattern])
-                if not tasks:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        "The pattern `{}` defined for task group `{}` is not "
-                        "matching any of the tasks defined in the "
-                        "configuration file.".format(pattern, group_name)
-                    )
-        # validate that the tasks are constructible
-        for task_name, task in self['tasks'].items():
-            try:
-                Task(**task)
-            except Exception as e:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Unable to construct a task object from the '
-                    'definition  of task `{}`. The original error message '
-                    'is: `{}`'.format(task_name, str(e))
-                )
-        # validate that the defined tasks are renderable, in order to to that
-        # define the required object with dummy data
-        target = Target(
-            head='e279a7e06e61c14868ca7d71dea795420aea6539',
-            branch='master',
-            remote='',
-            version='1.0.0dev123',
-            email=''
-        )
-        for task_name, task in self['tasks'].items():
-            task = Task(**task)
-            files = task.render_files(
-                arrow=target,
-                queue_remote_url=''
-            )
-            if not files:
-                raise ValueError('No files have been rendered for task `{}`'
-                                 .format(task_name))
-class Report:
-    def __init__(self, job):
-        self.job = job
-    def show(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class ConsoleReport(Report):
-    """Report the status of a Job to the console using click"""
-    # output table's header template
-    HEADER = '[{state:>7}] {branch:<52} {content:>16}'
-    DETAILS = ' └ {url}'
-    # output table's row template for assets
-    ARTIFACT_NAME = '{artifact:>69} '
-    ARTIFACT_STATE = '[{state:>7}]'
-    # state color mapping to highlight console output
-    COLORS = {
-        # from CombinedStatus
-        'error': 'red',
-        'failure': 'red',
-        'pending': 'yellow',
-        'success': 'green',
-        # custom state messages
-        'ok': 'green',
-        'missing': 'red'
-    }
-    def lead(self, state, branch, n_uploaded, n_expected):
-        line = self.HEADER.format(
-            state=state.upper(),
-            branch=branch,
-            content='uploaded {} / {}'.format(n_uploaded, n_expected)
-        )
-        return, fg=self.COLORS[state.lower()])
-    def header(self):
-        header = self.HEADER.format(
-            state='state',
-            branch='Task / Branch',
-            content='Artifacts'
-        )
-        delimiter = '-' * len(header)
-        return '{}\n{}'.format(header, delimiter)
-    def artifact(self, state, pattern, asset):
-        if asset is None:
-            artifact = pattern
-            state = 'pending' if state == 'pending' else 'missing'
-        else:
-            artifact =
-            state = 'ok'
-        name_ = self.ARTIFACT_NAME.format(artifact=artifact)
-        state_ =
-            self.ARTIFACT_STATE.format(state=state.upper()),
-            self.COLORS[state]
-        )
-        return name_ + state_
-    def show(self, outstream, asset_callback=None):
-        echo = partial(click.echo, file=outstream)
-        # write table's header
-        echo(self.header())
-        # write table's body
-        for task_name, task in sorted(self.job.tasks.items()):
-            # write summary of the uploaded vs total assets
-            status = task.status()
-            assets = task.assets()
-            # mapping of artifact pattern to asset or None of not uploaded
-            n_expected = len(task.artifacts)
-            n_uploaded = len(assets.uploaded_assets())
-            echo(self.lead(status.combined_state, task_name, n_uploaded,
-                           n_expected))
-            # show link to the actual build, some of the CI providers implement
-            # the statuses API others implement the checks API, so display both
-            for s in status.github_status.statuses:
-                echo(self.DETAILS.format(url=s.target_url))
-            for c in status.github_check_runs:
-                echo(self.DETAILS.format(url=c.html_url))
-            # write per asset status
-            for artifact_pattern, asset in assets.items():
-                if asset_callback is not None:
-                    asset_callback(task_name, task, asset)
-                echo(self.artifact(status.combined_state, artifact_pattern,
-                                   asset))
-class EmailReport(Report):
-    HEADER = textwrap.dedent("""
-        Arrow Build Report for Job {job_name}
-        All tasks: {all_tasks_url}
-    """)
-    TASK = textwrap.dedent("""
-          - {name}:
-            URL: {url}
-    """).strip()
-    EMAIL = textwrap.dedent("""
-        From: {sender_name} <{sender_email}>
-        To: {recipient_email}
-        Subject: {subject}
-        {body}
-    """).strip()
-        # from CombinedStatus
-        'error': 'Errored Tasks:',
-        'failure': 'Failed Tasks:',
-        'pending': 'Pending Tasks:',
-        'success': 'Succeeded Tasks:',
-    }
-    def __init__(self, job, sender_name, sender_email, recipient_email):
-        self.sender_name = sender_name
-        self.sender_email = sender_email
-        self.recipient_email = recipient_email
-        super().__init__(job)
-    def url(self, query):
-        repo_url = self.job.queue.remote_url.strip('.git')
-        return '{}/branches/all?query={}'.format(repo_url, query)
-    def listing(self, tasks):
-        return '\n'.join(
-            sorted(
-                self.TASK.format(name=task_name, url=self.url(task.branch))
-                for task_name, task in tasks.items()
-            )
-        )
-    def header(self):
-        url = self.url(self.job.branch)
-        return self.HEADER.format(job_name=self.job.branch, all_tasks_url=url)
-    def subject(self):
-        return (
-            "[NIGHTLY] Arrow Build Report for Job {}".format(self.job.branch)
-        )
-    def body(self):
-        buffer = StringIO()
-        buffer.write(self.header())
-        tasks_by_state = toolz.groupby(
-            lambda name_task_pair: name_task_pair[1].status().combined_state,
-            self.job.tasks.items()
-        )
-        for state in ('failure', 'error', 'pending', 'success'):
-            if state in tasks_by_state:
-                tasks = dict(tasks_by_state[state])
-                buffer.write('\n')
-                buffer.write(self.STATUS_HEADERS[state])
-                buffer.write('\n')
-                buffer.write(self.listing(tasks))
-                buffer.write('\n')
-        return buffer.getvalue()
-    def email(self):
-        return self.EMAIL.format(
-            sender_name=self.sender_name,
-            sender_email=self.sender_email,
-            recipient_email=self.recipient_email,
-            subject=self.subject(),
-            body=self.body()
-        )
-    def show(self, outstream):
-        outstream.write(
-    def send(self, smtp_user, smtp_password, smtp_server, smtp_port):
-        import smtplib
-        email =
-        server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_server, smtp_port)
-        server.ehlo()
-        server.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)
-        server.sendmail(smtp_user, self.recipient_email, email)
-        server.close()
-class GithubPage:
-    def __init__(self, jobs):
- = list(jobs)
-    def _generate_page(self, links):
-        links = ['<li><a href="{}">{}</a></li>'.format(url, name)
-                 for name, url in sorted(links.items())]
-        return '<html><body><ul>{}</ul></body></html>'.format(''.join(links))
-    def _generate_toc(self, files):
-        result, links = {}, {}
-        for k, v in files.items():
-            if isinstance(v, dict):
-                result[k] = self._generate_toc(v)
-                links[k] = '{}/'.format(k)
-            else:
-                result[k] = v
-        if links:
-            result['index.html'] = self._generate_page(links)
-        return result
-    def _is_failed(self, status, task_name):
-        # for showing task statuses during the rendering procedure
-        if status.combined_state == 'success':
-            msg ='[  OK] {}'.format(task_name), fg='green')
-            failed = False
-        else:
-            msg ='[FAIL] {}'.format(task_name), fg='yellow')
-            failed = True
-        click.echo(msg)
-        return failed
-    def render_nightlies(self):
-        click.echo('\n\nRENDERING NIGHTLIES')
-        nightly_files = {}
-        for job in
-            click.echo('\nJOB: {}'.format(job.branch))
-            job_files = {}
-            for task_name, task in sorted(job.tasks.items()):
-                # TODO: also render check runs?
-                status = task.status()
-                task_files = {'status.json': status.github_status.as_json()}
-                links = {'status.json': 'status.json'}
-                if not self._is_failed(status, task_name):
-                    # accumulate links to uploaded assets
-                    for asset in task.assets().uploaded_assets():
-                        links[] = asset.browser_download_url
-                if links:
-                    page_content = self._generate_page(links)
-                    task_files['index.html'] = page_content
-                job_files[task_name] = task_files
-            nightly_files[str(] = job_files
-        # write the most recent wheels under the latest directory
-        if 'latest' not in nightly_files:
-            nightly_files['latest'] = job_files
-        return nightly_files
-    def render_pypi_simple(self):
-        click.echo('\n\nRENDERING PYPI')
-        wheels = {}
-        for job in
-            click.echo('\nJOB: {}'.format(job.branch))
-            for task_name, task in sorted(job.tasks.items()):
-                if not task_name.startswith('wheel'):
-                    continue
-                status = task.status()
-                if self._is_failed(status, task_name):
-                    continue
-                for asset in task.assets().uploaded_assets():
-                    wheels[] = asset.browser_download_url
-        return {'pyarrow': {'index.html': self._generate_page(wheels)}}
-    def render(self):
-        # directory structure for the github pages, only wheels are supported
-        # at the moment
-        files = self._generate_toc({
-            'nightly': self.render_nightlies(),
-            'pypi': self.render_pypi_simple(),
-        })
-        files['.nojekyll'] = ''
-        return files
-# configure yaml serializer
-yaml = YAML()
-# define default paths
-DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = str(CWD / 'tasks.yml')
-DEFAULT_QUEUE_PATH = CWD.parents[2] / 'crossbow'
-@click.option('--github-token', '-t', default=None,
-              help='OAuth token for GitHub authentication')
-@click.option('--arrow-path', '-a',
-              type=click.Path(), default=str(DEFAULT_ARROW_PATH),
-              help='Arrow\'s repository path. Defaults to the repository of '
-                   'this script')
-@click.option('--queue-path', '-q',
-              type=click.Path(), default=str(DEFAULT_QUEUE_PATH),
-              help='The repository path used for scheduling the tasks. '
-                   'Defaults to crossbow directory placed next to arrow')
-@click.option('--queue-remote', '-qr', default=None,
-              help='Force to use this remote URL for the Queue repository')
-@click.option('--output-file', metavar='<output>',
-              type=click.File('w', encoding='utf8'), default='-',
-              help='Capture output result into file.')
-def crossbow(ctx, github_token, arrow_path, queue_path, queue_remote,
-             output_file):
-    ctx.ensure_object(dict)
-    ctx.obj['output'] = output_file
-    ctx.obj['arrow'] = Repo(arrow_path)
-    ctx.obj['queue'] = Queue(queue_path, remote_url=queue_remote,
-                             github_token=github_token, require_https=True)
-@click.option('--config-path', '-c',
-              type=click.Path(exists=True), default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH,
-              help='Task configuration yml. Defaults to tasks.yml')
-def check_config(config_path):
-    # load available tasks configuration and groups from yaml
-    config = Config.load_yaml(config_path)
-    config.validate()
-@click.argument('tasks', nargs=-1, required=False)
-@click.option('--group', '-g', 'groups', multiple=True,
-              help='Submit task groups as defined in task.yml')
-@click.option('--param', '-p', 'params', multiple=True,
-              help='Additional task parameters for rendering the CI templates')
-@click.option('--job-prefix', default='build',
-              help='Arbitrary prefix for branch names, e.g. nightly')
-@click.option('--config-path', '-c',
-              type=click.Path(exists=True), default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH,
-              help='Task configuration yml. Defaults to tasks.yml')
-@click.option('--arrow-version', '-v', default=None,
-              help='Set target version explicitly.')
-@click.option('--arrow-remote', '-r', default=None,
-              help='Set GitHub remote explicitly, which is going to be cloned '
-                   'on the CI services. Note, that no validation happens '
-                   'locally. Examples: or '
-                   '')
-@click.option('--arrow-branch', '-b', default=None,
-              help='Give the branch name explicitly, e.g. master, ARROW-1949.')
-@click.option('--arrow-sha', '-t', default=None,
-              help='Set commit SHA or Tag name explicitly, e.g. f67a515, '
-                   'apache-arrow-0.11.1.')
-@click.option('--fetch/--no-fetch', default=True,
-              help='Fetch references (branches and tags) from the remote')
-@click.option('--dry-run/--push', default=False,
-              help='Just display the rendered CI configurations without '
-                   'submitting them')
-def submit(obj, tasks, groups, params, job_prefix, config_path, arrow_version,
-           arrow_remote, arrow_branch, arrow_sha, fetch, dry_run):
-    output = obj['output']
-    queue, arrow = obj['queue'], obj['arrow']
-    # load available tasks configuration and groups from yaml
-    config = Config.load_yaml(config_path)
-    config.validate()
-    # Override the detected repo url / remote, branch and sha - this aims to
-    # make release procedure a bit simpler.
-    # Note, that the target resivion's crossbow templates must be
-    # compatible with the locally checked out version of crossbow (which is
-    # in case of the release procedure), because the templates still
-    # contain some business logic (dependency installation, deployments)
-    # which will be reduced to a single command in the future.
-    target = Target.from_repo(arrow, remote=arrow_remote, branch=arrow_branch,
-                              head=arrow_sha, version=arrow_version)
-    # parse additional job parameters
-    params = dict([p.split("=") for p in params])
-    # instantiate the job object
-    job = Job.from_config(config=config, target=target, tasks=tasks,
-                          groups=groups, params=params)
-    if dry_run:
-        yaml.dump(job, output)
-    else:
-        if fetch:
-            queue.fetch()
-        queue.put(job, prefix=job_prefix)
-        queue.push()
-        yaml.dump(job, output)
-        click.echo('Pushed job identifier is: `{}`'.format(job.branch))
-@click.argument('job-name', required=True)
-def status(obj, job_name):
-    output = obj['output']
-    queue = obj['queue']
-    queue.fetch()
-    job = queue.get(job_name)
-    ConsoleReport(job).show(output)
-@click.argument('prefix', required=True)
-def latest_prefix(obj, prefix):
-    queue = obj['queue']
-    queue.fetch()
-    latest = queue.latest_for_prefix(prefix)
-    click.echo(latest.branch)
-@click.argument('job-name', required=True)
-@click.option('--sender-name', '-n',
-              help='Name to use for report e-mail.')
-@click.option('--sender-email', '-e',
-              help='E-mail to use for report e-mail.')
-@click.option('--recipient-email', '-r',
-              help='Where to send the e-mail report')
-@click.option('--smtp-user', '-u',
-              help='E-mail address to use for SMTP login')
-@click.option('--smtp-password', '-P',
-              help='SMTP password to use for report e-mail.')
-@click.option('--smtp-server', '-s', default='',
-              help='SMTP server to use for report e-mail.')
-@click.option('--smtp-port', '-p', default=465,
-              help='SMTP port to use for report e-mail.')
-@click.option('--poll/--no-poll', default=False,
-              help='Wait for completion if there are tasks pending')
-@click.option('--poll-max-minutes', default=180,
-              help='Maximum amount of time waiting for job completion')
-@click.option('--poll-interval-minutes', default=10,
-              help='Number of minutes to wait to check job status again')
-@click.option('--send/--dry-run', default=False,
-              help='Just display the report, don\'t send it')
-def report(obj, job_name, sender_name, sender_email, recipient_email,
-           smtp_user, smtp_password, smtp_server, smtp_port, poll,
-           poll_max_minutes, poll_interval_minutes, send):
-    """
-    Send an e-mail report showing success/failure of tasks in a Crossbow run
-    """
-    output = obj['output']
-    queue = obj['queue']
-    queue.fetch()
-    job = queue.get(job_name)
-    report = EmailReport(
-        job=job,
-        sender_name=sender_name,
-        sender_email=sender_email,
-        recipient_email=recipient_email
-    )
-    if poll:
-        job.wait_until_finished(
-            poll_max_minutes=poll_max_minutes,
-            poll_interval_minutes=poll_interval_minutes
-        )
-    if send:
-        report.send(
-            smtp_user=smtp_user,
-            smtp_password=smtp_password,
-            smtp_server=smtp_server,
-            smtp_port=smtp_port
-        )
-    else:
-def github_page(ctx):
-    # currently We only list links to nightly binary wheels
-    pass
-@click.option('-n', default=10,
-              help='Number of most recent jobs')
-@click.option('--gh-branch', default='gh-pages',
-              help='Github pages branch')
-@click.option('--job-prefix', default='nightly',
-              help='Job/tag prefix the wheel links should be generated for')
-@click.option('--dry-run/--push', default=False,
-              help='Just render the files without pushing')
-@click.option('--github-push-token', '-t', default=None,
-              help='OAuth token for GitHub authentication only used for '
-                   'pushing to the crossbow repository, the API requests '
-                   'will consume the token passed to the top level crossbow '
-                   'command.')
-def generate_github_page(ctx, n, gh_branch, job_prefix, dry_run,
-                         github_push_token):
-    queue = ctx.obj['queue']
-    queue.fetch()
-    # fail early if the requested branch is not available in the local checkout
-    remote = 'origin'
-    branch = queue.repo.branches['{}/{}'.format(remote, gh_branch)]
-    head = queue.repo[]
-    # $ at the end of the pattern is important because we're only looking for
-    # branches belonging to jobs not branches belonging to tasks
-    # the branches we're looking for are like 2020-01-01-0
-    jobs ="^nightly-(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d+)$")
-    page = GithubPage(toolz.take(n, jobs))
-    files = page.render()
-    files.update(unflatten_tree(_default_tree))
-    if dry_run:
-        click.echo(files)
-        return
-    refname = 'refs/heads/{}'.format(gh_branch)
-    message = 'Update nightly wheel links {}'.format(
-    commit = queue.create_commit(files, parents=[], message=message,
-                                 reference_name=refname)
-    click.echo('Updated `{}` branch\'s head to `{}`'
-               .format(gh_branch,
-    queue.push([refname], github_token=github_push_token)
-@click.argument('job-name', required=True)
-@click.option('-t', '--target-dir',
-              default=str(DEFAULT_ARROW_PATH / 'packages'),
-              type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True),
-              help='Directory to download the build artifacts')
-def download_artifacts(obj, job_name, target_dir):
-    """Download build artifacts from GitHub releases"""
-    output = obj['output']
-    # fetch the queue repository
-    queue = obj['queue']
-    queue.fetch()
-    # query the job's artifacts
-    job = queue.get(job_name)
-    # create directory to download the assets to
-    target_dir = Path(target_dir).absolute() / job_name
-    target_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    # download the assets while showing the job status
-    def asset_callback(task_name, task, asset):
-        if asset is not None:
-            path = target_dir / task_name /
-            path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
-    click.echo('Downloading {}\'s artifacts.'.format(job_name))
-    click.echo('Destination directory is {}'.format(target_dir))
-    click.echo()
-    report = ConsoleReport(job)
-, asset_callback=asset_callback)
-@click.option('--sha', required=True, help='Target committish')
-@click.option('--tag', required=True, help='Target tag')
-@click.option('--method', default='curl', help='Use cURL to upload')
-@click.option('--pattern', '-p', 'patterns', required=True, multiple=True,
-              help='File pattern to upload as assets')
-def upload_artifacts(obj, tag, sha, patterns, method):
-    queue = obj['queue']
-    queue.github_overwrite_release_assets(
-        tag_name=tag, target_commitish=sha, method=method, patterns=patterns
-    )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    crossbow(obj={}, auto_envvar_prefix='CROSSBOW')
diff --git a/dev/tasks/docker-tests/azure.linux.yml b/dev/tasks/docker-tests/azure.linux.yml
index f136947..c3706be 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/docker-tests/azure.linux.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/docker-tests/azure.linux.yml
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
     vmImage: ubuntu-16.04
   timeoutInMinutes: 360
-  {%- if env is defined %}
+  {% if env is defined %}
-  {%- for key, value in env.items() %}
+  {% for key, value in env.items() %}
     {{ key }}: {{ value }}
-  {%- endfor %}
-  {%- endif %}
+  {% endfor %}
+  {% endif %}
   - task: DockerInstaller@0
diff --git a/dev/tasks/docker-tests/github.linux.yml b/dev/tasks/docker-tests/github.linux.yml
index c5851ed..255c9ac 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/docker-tests/github.linux.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/docker-tests/github.linux.yml
@@ -15,42 +15,28 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: Docker Test
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_install_archery()|indent }}
       - name: Free Up Disk Space
         shell: bash
         run: arrow/ci/scripts/
-      - name: Setup Python
-        uses: actions/setup-python@v1
-        with:
-          python-version: 3.9
-      - name: Setup Archery
-        run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[docker]
       - name: Execute Docker Build
         shell: bash
-        {%- if env is defined %}
+        {% if env is defined %}
-        {%- for key, value in env.items() %}
+        {% for key, value in env.items() %}
           {{ key }}: {{ value }}
-        {%- endfor %}
-        {%- endif %}
+        {% endfor %}
+        {% endif %}
         run: archery docker run -e SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION="{{ arrow.no_rc_version }}" {{ run }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.linux.yml b/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.linux.yml
index 79d2ccc..eb16418 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.linux.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.linux.yml
@@ -15,14 +15,9 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
@@ -48,21 +43,5 @@
           OS_NAME: "linux"
-      - name: Set up Python
-        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-        with:
-          python-version: 3.8
-      - name: Set up Crossbow
-        run: |
-          pip install --requirement arrow/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path arrow \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }} \
-            --pattern "arrow/dist/*.jar"
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases("arrow/dist/*.jar")|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.osx.yml b/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.osx.yml
index 158c22d..3dd6fe4 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.osx.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/gandiva-jars/github.osx.yml
@@ -15,14 +15,9 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
@@ -47,26 +42,5 @@
           OS_NAME: "osx"
           MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: "10.11"
-      - name: Set up Crossbow
-        run: |
-          brew install libgit2
-          pip3 install \
-            click \
-   \
-            jinja2 \
-            jira \
-            pygit2 \
-            ruamel.yaml \
-            setuptools_scm \
-            toolz
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        run: |
-          python3 arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path arrow \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }} \
-            --pattern "arrow/dist/*.jar"
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
\ No newline at end of file
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases("arrow/dist/*.jar")|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/linux-packages/github.linux.amd64.yml b/dev/tasks/linux-packages/github.linux.amd64.yml
index 1335a97..380f025 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/linux-packages/github.linux.amd64.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/linux-packages/github.linux.amd64.yml
@@ -15,28 +15,20 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: Package
     runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_login_dockerhub()|indent }}
       - name: Set up Ruby
         uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
       - name: Free Up Disk Space
         shell: bash
         run: arrow/ci/scripts/
@@ -65,8 +57,6 @@
         shell: bash
         run: |
           pushd arrow/dev/tasks/linux-packages
-          docker login -u "{{ '${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USER }}' }}" \
-                       -p "{{ '${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}' }}"
           rake docker:push
@@ -103,28 +93,6 @@
           APT_TARGETS: {{ target }}
           ARROW_VERSION: {{ arrow.version }}
           YUM_TARGETS: {{ target }}
-      # Using GitHub release tries to find a common ancestor between the
-      # currently pushed tag and the latest tag of the GitHub repository
-      # (don't know why).
-      # The tag upload took 43 minutes because of this scan, so use an
-      # alternative upload script.
-      - name: Set up Python
-        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-        with:
-          python-version: 3.8
-      - name: Set up Crossbow
-        run: |
-          pip install --requirement arrow/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path . \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-          {%- for extension in upload_extensions %}
-            --pattern "arrow/dev/tasks/linux-packages/**/*{{ extension }}" \
-          {%- endfor %}
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }}
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
+      {% set patterns = upload_extensions | format_all("arrow/dev/tasks/linux-packages/**/*{}") %}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases(patterns)|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/linux-packages/travis.linux.arm64.yml b/dev/tasks/linux-packages/travis.linux.arm64.yml
index 0b83520..e9457d6 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/linux-packages/travis.linux.arm64.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/linux-packages/travis.linux.arm64.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
 arch: arm64-graviton2
 virt: vm
 os: linux
@@ -66,9 +68,8 @@
     - YUM_TARGETS={{ target }}
-  - git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-  - git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-  - git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
+  {{ macros.travis_checkout_arrow() }}
+  {{ macros.travis_docker_login() }}
   # Build createrepo_c from source.
   # We can remove them when we can install createrepo_c package
@@ -143,15 +144,5 @@
   - popd
-  - sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
-  - sudo -H pip3 install -r arrow/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt pygit2==1.0
-  - |
-    python3 arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-      --queue-path . \
-      --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-      upload-artifacts \
-    {%- for extension in upload_extensions %}
-      --pattern "arrow/dev/tasks/linux-packages/**/*{{ extension }}" \
-    {%- endfor %}
-      --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-      --tag {{ task.tag }}
+  {% set patterns = upload_extensions | format_all("arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl") %}
+  {{ macros.github_upload_releases(patterns) }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/macros.jinja b/dev/tasks/macros.jinja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0552b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/tasks/macros.jinja
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+{%- macro github_header() -%}
+# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
+# github comment reports!
+name: Crossbow
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - "*-github-*"
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro github_checkout_arrow() -%}
+  - name: Checkout Arrow
+    run: |
+      git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
+      git -C arrow config core.symlinks true
+      git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
+      git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
+      git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
+  - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
+    shell: bash
+    run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro github_login_dockerhub() -%}
+  - name: Login to Dockerhub
+    uses: docker/login-action@v1
+    with:
+      username: {{ '${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USER }}' }}
+      password: {{ '${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro github_login_ghcr() -%}
+  - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
+    shell: bash
+    run: docker login -u {{ '${{ github.repository_owner }}' }} -p {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GHCR_TOKEN }}' }}
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro github_install_archery() -%}
+  - name: Set up Python
+    uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+    with:
+      python-version: 3.8
+  - name: Install Archery
+    shell: bash
+    run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[all]
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro github_upload_releases(pattern) -%}
+  - name: Set up Python
+    uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+    with:
+      python-version: 3.8
+  - name: Setup Crossbow
+    shell: bash
+    run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[crossbow]
+  - name: Upload artifacts
+    shell: bash
+    run: |
+      archery crossbow \
+      --queue-path $(pwd) \
+      --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
+      upload-artifacts \
+      --sha {{ task.branch }} \
+      --tag {{ task.tag }} \
+    {% if pattern is string %}
+      --pattern "{{ pattern }}"
+    {% elif pattern is iterable %}
+      {% for p in pattern %}
+      --pattern "{{ p }}" {{ "\\" if not loop.last else "" }}
+      {% endfor %}
+    {% endif %}
+    env:
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro github_upload_gemfury(pattern) -%}
+  {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
+  - name: Upload package to Gemfury
+    shell: bash
+    run: |
+      path=$(ls {{ patter }})
+      curl -F "package=@${path}" https://${CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN}${CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG}/
+    env:
+      CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG }}' }}
+  {% endif %}
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro azure_checkout_arrow() -%}
+  - script: |
+      git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
+      git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
+      git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
+      git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
+    displayName: Clone arrow
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro azure_upload_releases(pattern) -%}
+  - task: UsePythonVersion@0
+    inputs:
+      versionSpec: '3.8'
+  - script: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[crossbow]
+    displayName: Install Crossbow
+  - bash: |
+      archery crossbow \
+        --queue-path $(pwd) \
+        --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
+        upload-artifacts \
+        --sha {{ task.branch }} \
+        --tag {{ task.tag }} \
+      {% if pattern is string %}
+        --pattern "{{ pattern }}"
+      {% elif pattern is iterable %}
+        {% for p in pattern %}
+        --pattern "{{ p }}" {{ "" if not loop.last else "" }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      {% endif %}
+    env:
+    displayName: Upload packages as a GitHub release
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro azure_upload_anaconda(pattern) -%}
+  {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
+  - task: CondaEnvironment@1
+    inputs:
+      packageSpecs: 'anaconda-client'
+      installOptions: '-c conda-forge'
+      updateConda: no
+  - script: |
+      conda install -y anaconda-client
+      anaconda -t $(CROSSBOW_ANACONDA_TOKEN) upload --force {{ pattern }}
+    displayName: Upload packages to Anaconda
+  {% endif %}
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro travis_checkout_arrow() -%}
+  - git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
+  - git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
+  - git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
+  - git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro travis_install_archery() -%}
+  - sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
+  - sudo -H pip3 install docker-compose
+  - sudo -H pip3 install -e arrow/dev/archery[docker]
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro travis_docker_login() -%}
+  - echo "${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}" | docker login --username "${DOCKERHUB_USER}" --password-stdin
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro travis_upload_releases(pattern) -%}
+  - sudo -H pip3 install pygit2==1.0
+  - sudo -H pip3 install arrow/dev/archery[crossbow]
+  - |
+    archery crossbow
+      --queue-path $(pwd) \
+      --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
+      upload-artifacts \
+      --sha {{ task.branch }} \
+      --tag {{ task.tag }} \
+    {% if pattern is string %}
+      --pattern "{{ pattern }}"
+    {% elif pattern is iterable %}
+      {% for p in pattern %}
+      --pattern "{{ p }}" {{ "\\" if not loop.last else "" }}
+      {% endfor %}
+    {% endif %}
+{% endmacro %}
+{%- macro travis_upload_gemfury(pattern) -%}
+  {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
+  - |
+    WHEEL_PATH=$(echo arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl)
+    curl \
+      -F "package=@${WHEEL_PATH}" \
+  {% endif %}
+{% endmacro %}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/nightlies.sample.yml b/dev/tasks/nightlies.sample.yml
index 12b7a09..710f7c0 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/nightlies.sample.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/nightlies.sample.yml
@@ -52,32 +52,17 @@
       conda config --set show_channel_urls true
-  - |
-    conda install -y \
-      jinja2 \
-      pygit2 \
-      click \
-      ruamel.yaml \
-      setuptools_scm \
- \
-      python-gnupg
+  - pushd ..
   # to build against a specific branch of a fork
   # git clone -b <branch><user>/arrow
-  - pushd ..
-  - git clone -b master
+  - git clone
+  - pip install dev/archery[crossbow]
   # submit packaging tasks
   - |
     if [ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE = "cron" ]; then
-      python arrow/dev/tasks/ submit \
-        -g conda \
-        -g wheel \
-        -g linux
+      archery crossbow submit -g conda -g wheel -g linux
-      python arrow/dev/tasks/ submit --dry-run \
-        -g conda \
-        -g wheel \
-        -g linux
+      archery crossbow submit --dry-run -g conda -g wheel -g linux
diff --git a/dev/tasks/nuget-packages/github.linux.yml b/dev/tasks/nuget-packages/github.linux.yml
index 6bb5ea0..cd03a7b 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/nuget-packages/github.linux.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/nuget-packages/github.linux.yml
@@ -15,36 +15,18 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# GitHub comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: Package
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Setup Python
-        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-        with:
-          python-version: 3.8
-      - name: Setup Archery
-        run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[docker]
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_install_archery()|indent }}
       - name: Prepare version
         run: |
           sed -i'' -E -e \
@@ -55,31 +37,7 @@
           pushd arrow
           archery docker run {{ run }}
-      # Using GitHub release tries to find a common ancestor between the
-      # currently pushed tag and the latest tag of the GitHub repository
-      # (don't know why).
-      # The tag upload took 43 minutes because of this scan, so use an
-      # alternative upload script.
-      - name: Set up Crossbow
-        run: |
-          pip install \
-            click \
-   \
-            jinja2 \
-            jira \
-            pygit2 \
-            ruamel.yaml \
-            setuptools_scm \
-            toolz
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path . \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --pattern "arrow/csharp/artifacts/**/*.nupkg" \
-            --pattern "arrow/csharp/artifacts/**/*.snupkg" \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }}
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
+      {% set patterns = ["arrow/csharp/artifacts/**/*.nupkg",
+                         "arrow/csharp/artifacts/**/*.snupkg"] %}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases(patterns)|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/python-sdist/github.yml b/dev/tasks/python-sdist/github.yml
index b784fbd..6837187 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/python-sdist/github.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/python-sdist/github.yml
@@ -15,35 +15,18 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: "Build sdist"
     runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow config core.symlinks true
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
-        run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
-      - name: Free Up Disk Space
-        shell: bash
-        run: arrow/ci/scripts/
-      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-      - name: Setup Archery
-        run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[docker]
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_install_archery()|indent }}
       - name: Build sdist
         run: |
           archery docker run python-sdist
@@ -52,32 +35,11 @@
           {% endif %}
           PYARROW_VERSION: {{ arrow.no_rc_version }}
       - name: Test sdist
         run: archery docker run ubuntu-python-sdist-test
           PYARROW_VERSION: {{ arrow.no_rc_version }}
-      {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-      - name: Upload to gemfury
-        run: |
-          SDIST_PATH=$(echo arrow/python/dist/*.tar.gz)
-          curl \
-            -F "package=@${SDIST_PATH}" \
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG }}' }}
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN }}' }}
-      {% endif %}
-      - name: Setup Crossbow
-        run: pip install --requirement arrow/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path . \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --pattern "arrow/python/dist/*.tar.gz" \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }}
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases("arrow/python/dist/*.tar.gz")|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_gemfury("arrow/python/dist/*.tar.gz")|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
index 779aa54..a626407 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
@@ -15,14 +15,9 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
@@ -34,38 +29,14 @@
       PYTHON: {{ python_version }}
-      ############################ Checkout ###################################
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow config core.symlinks true
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
-        shell: bash
-        run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_install_archery()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_login_dockerhub()|indent }}
-      ############################ Docker Registry ############################
-      - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
-        uses: docker/login-action@v1
-        with:
-          username: {{ '${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USER }}' }}
-          password: {{ '${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
-      ############################ Archery Installation #######################
-      - name: Set up Python
-        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-        with:
-          python-version: 3.8
-      - name: Install Archery and Crossbow dependencies
-        run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[all]
-      ############################ Build & Test ###############################
       - name: Build wheel
         shell: bash
         run: archery docker run -e SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION={{ arrow.no_rc_version }} python-wheel-manylinux-{{ manylinux_version }}
       # TODO(kszucs): auditwheel show
       - name: Test wheel
         shell: bash
@@ -73,35 +44,5 @@
           archery docker run python-wheel-manylinux-test-imports
           archery docker run python-wheel-manylinux-test-unittests
-      ############################ Artifact Uploading #########################
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path . \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --pattern "arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl" \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }}
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
-      {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-      - name: Push the docker image
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          archery docker push python-wheel-manylinux-{{ manylinux_version }}
-          archery docker push python-wheel-manylinux-test-unittests
-      - name: Upload to gemfury
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          WHEEL_PATH=$(echo arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl)
-          curl \
-            -F "package=@${WHEEL_PATH}" \
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG }}' }}
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN }}' }}
-      {% endif %}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases("arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl")|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_gemfury("arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl")|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.osx.yml b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.osx.yml
index db67d99..af0cc44 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.osx.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/github.osx.yml
@@ -14,14 +14,9 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
   ARROW_S3: {{ arrow_s3 }}
@@ -41,13 +36,7 @@
     name: Build wheel for OS X
     runs-on: macos-latest
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          set -ex
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
       - name: Install System Dependencies
         run: brew install bison ninja
@@ -140,28 +129,5 @@
           arrow/ci/scripts/ $(pwd)/arrow
-      - name: Setup Crossbow
-        run: pip install --requirement arrow/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path $(pwd) \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }} \
-            --pattern "arrow/python/dist/*.whl"
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
-      {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-      - name: Upload package to Gemfury
-        run: |
-          # upload to gemfury pypi repository, there should be a single wheel
-          path=$(ls arrow/python/dist/*.whl)
-          curl -F "package=@${path}" https://${CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN}${CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG}/
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN }}' }}
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG }}' }}
-      {% endif %}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases("arrow/python/dist/*.whl")|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_gemfury("arrow/python/dist/*.whl")|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/ b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/
index 2e24f36..922533b 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/
+++ b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/
@@ -15,14 +15,9 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
@@ -42,64 +37,17 @@
-      ############################ Checkout ###################################
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow config core.symlinks true
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
-        shell: bash
-        run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_login_ghcr()|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_install_archery()|indent }}
-      ############################ Docker Registry ############################
-      - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
-        shell: bash
-        run: docker login -u {{ '${{ github.repository_owner }}' }} -p {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GHCR_TOKEN }}' }}
-      ############################ Archery Installation #######################
-      - name: Set up Python
-        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
-        with:
-          python-version: 3.8
-      - name: Install Archery and Crossbow dependencies
-        shell: bash
-        run: pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[all]
-      ############################ Build & Test ###############################
       - name: Build wheel
         shell: cmd
         run: archery docker run --no-build -e SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION={{ arrow.no_rc_version }} python-wheel-windows-vs2017
       - name: Test wheel
         shell: cmd
         run: archery docker run python-wheel-windows-test
-      ############################ Artifact Uploading #########################
-      - name: Upload artifacts
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          python arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-            --queue-path . \
-            --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-            upload-artifacts \
-            --pattern "arrow/python/dist/*.whl" \
-            --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-            --tag {{ task.tag }}
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }}
-      {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
-      - name: Upload to gemfury
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          WHEEL_PATH=$(echo arrow/python/dist/*.whl)
-          curl.exe \
-            -F "package=@${WHEEL_PATH}" \
-        env:
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_ORG }}' }}
-          CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN: {{ '${{ secrets.CROSSBOW_GEMFURY_TOKEN }}' }}
-      {% endif %}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_releases("arrow/python/dist/*.whl")|indent }}
+      {{ macros.github_upload_gemfury("arrow/python/dist/*.whl")|indent }}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
index 01ae487..137ad6b 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
 arch: arm64-graviton2
 virt: vm
 os: linux
@@ -43,23 +45,14 @@
     - PYTHON={{ python_version }}
-  - git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-  - git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-  - git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-  - git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
+  {{ macros.travis_checkout_arrow() }}
+  {{ macros.travis_docker_login() }}
   # Install Archery and Crossbow dependencies
-  - sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
-  - sudo -H pip3 install docker-compose
-  - sudo -H pip3 install -e arrow/dev/archery[docker]
-  - sudo -H pip3 install -r arrow/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt pygit2==1.0
-  # Docker Login:
-  - echo "${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}" | docker login --username "${DOCKERHUB_USER}" --password-stdin
+  {{ macros.travis_install_archery() }}
   # Build and Test packages
   # output something every minutes to prevent travis from killing the build
   - while sleep 1m; do echo "=====[ $SECONDS seconds still running ]====="; done &
   - archery docker run -e SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION={{ arrow.no_rc_version }} python-wheel-manylinux-{{ manylinux_version }}
@@ -69,23 +62,11 @@
   # Upload wheel as github artifact
-  - |
-    python3 arrow/dev/tasks/ \
-      --queue-path . \
-      --queue-remote {{ queue_remote_url }} \
-      upload-artifacts \
-      --pattern "arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl" \
-      --sha {{ task.branch }} \
-      --tag {{ task.tag }}
+  {{ macros.travis_upload_releases("arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl") }}
+  {{ macros.travis_upload_gemfury("arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl") }}
   {% if arrow.branch == 'master' %}
   # Push the docker image to dockerhub
   - archery docker push python-wheel-manylinux-{{ manylinux_version }}
   - archery docker push python-wheel-manylinux-test-unittests
-  # Upload as nightly wheel to gemfury
-  - |
-    WHEEL_PATH=$(echo arrow/python/repaired_wheels/*.whl)
-    curl \
-      -F "package=@${WHEEL_PATH}" \
   {% endif %}
diff --git a/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt b/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2436b4d..0000000
--- a/dev/tasks/requirements-crossbow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dev/tasks/tasks.yml b/dev/tasks/tasks.yml
index 84114c0..5a04c98 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/tasks.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/tasks.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     - debian-*-arm64
     - ubuntu-*-arm64
-    - centos-*-aarch64
+    - centos-*-arm64
     - gandiva-*
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
       - arrow-cpp-{no_rc_version}-py39(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cuda.tar.bz2
       - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-py39(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cuda.tar.bz2
-  conda-linux-gcc-py36-aarch64:
+  conda-linux-gcc-py36-arm64:
     ci: drone
     template: conda-recipes/drone.yml
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
       - arrow-cpp-{no_rc_version}-py36(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
       - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-py36(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
-  conda-linux-gcc-py37-aarch64:
+  conda-linux-gcc-py37-arm64:
     ci: drone
     template: conda-recipes/drone.yml
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
       - arrow-cpp-{no_rc_version}-py37(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
       - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-py37(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
-  conda-linux-gcc-py38-aarch64:
+  conda-linux-gcc-py38-arm64:
     ci: drone
     template: conda-recipes/drone.yml
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
       - arrow-cpp-{no_rc_version}-py38(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
       - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-py38(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
-  conda-linux-gcc-py39-aarch64:
+  conda-linux-gcc-py39-arm64:
     ci: drone
     template: conda-recipes/drone.yml
@@ -343,239 +343,62 @@
       - arrow-cpp-{no_rc_version}-py38(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
       - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-py38(h[a-z0-9]+)_0_cpu.tar.bz2
-  ############################## Wheel Linux ##################################
-  # AMD64
+{% for python_version, python_tag, abi_tag in [("3.6", "cp36", "cp36m"),
+                                               ("3.7", "cp37", "cp37m"),
+                                               ("3.8", "cp38", "cp38"),
+                                               ("3.9", "cp39", "cp39")] %}
-  wheel-manylinux2010-cp36m-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
+{############################## Wheel Linux ##################################}
+{% for ci, arch, arch_alias, manylinux in [("github", "amd64", "x86_64", "2010"),
+                                           ("github", "amd64", "x86_64", "2014"),
+                                           ("travis", "arm64", "aarch64", "2014")] %}
+  {% set platform_tag = "manylinux{}_{}".format(manylinux, arch_alias) %}
+  wheel-manylinux{{ manylinux }}-{{ python_tag }}-{{ arch }}:
+    ci: {{ ci }}
+    template: python-wheels/{{ ci }}.linux.{{ arch }}.yml
-      python_version: 3.6
-      manylinux_version: 2010
+      python_version: {{ python_version }}
+      manylinux_version: {{ manylinux }}
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp36-cp36m-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl
+      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-{{ python_tag }}-{{ abi_tag }}-{{ platform_tag }}.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2010-cp37m-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.7
-      manylinux_version: 2010
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl
+{% endfor %}
-  wheel-manylinux2010-cp38-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.8
-      manylinux_version: 2010
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl
+{############################## Wheel OSX ####################################}
-  wheel-manylinux2010-cp39-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.9
-      manylinux_version: 2010
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp39-cp39-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl
+# enable S3 support from macOS 10.13 so we don't need to bundle curl, crypt and ssl
+{% for macos_version, macos_codename, arrow_s3 in [("10.9", "mavericks", "OFF"),
+                                                   ("10.13", "high-sierra", "ON")] %}
+  {% set platform_tag = "macosx_{}_{}".format(macos_version.replace('.', '_'), arch_alias) %}
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp36m-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.6
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp36-cp36m-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp37m-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.7
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp38-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.8
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp39-amd64:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.linux.amd64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.9
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp39-cp39-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
-  # ARM64v8
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp36m-arm64:
-    ci: travis
-    template: python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.6
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp36-cp36m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp37m-arm64:
-    ci: travis
-    template: python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.7
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp38-arm64:
-    ci: travis
-    template: python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.8
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
-  wheel-manylinux2014-cp39-arm64:
-    ci: travis
-    template: python-wheels/travis.linux.arm64.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.9
-      manylinux_version: 2014
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp39-cp39-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
-  ############################## Wheel OSX ####################################
-  wheel-osx-mavericks-cp36m:
+  wheel-osx-{{ macos_codename }}-{{ python_tag }}:
     ci: github
     template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-      python_version: 3.6
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.9
-      arrow_s3: "OFF"
+      python_version: {{ python_version }}
+      macos_deployment_target: {{ macos_version }}
+      arrow_s3: {{ arrow_s3 }}
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
+      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-{{ python_tag }}-{{ abi_tag }}-{{ platform_tag }}.whl
-  wheel-osx-mavericks-cp37m:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.7
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.9
-      arrow_s3: "OFF"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
+{% endfor %}
-  wheel-osx-mavericks-cp38:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.8
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.9
-      arrow_s3: "OFF"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
+{############################## Wheel Windows ################################}
-  wheel-osx-mavericks-cp39:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.9
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.9
-      arrow_s3: "OFF"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
-  # enable S3 support from macOS 10.13 so we don't need to bundle curl, crypt and ssl
-  wheel-osx-high-sierra-cp36m:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.6
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.13
-      arrow_s3: "ON"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl
-  wheel-osx-high-sierra-cp37m:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.7
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.13
-      arrow_s3: "ON"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl
-  wheel-osx-high-sierra-cp38:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.8
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.13
-      arrow_s3: "ON"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl
-  wheel-osx-high-sierra-cp39:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.9
-      macos_deployment_target: 10.13
-      arrow_s3: "ON"
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl
-  ############################## Wheel Windows ################################
-  wheel-windows-cp36m:
+  wheel-windows-{{ python_tag }}:
     ci: github
     template: python-wheels/
-      python_version: 3.6
+      python_version: {{ python_version }}
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
+      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-{{ python_tag }}-{{ abi_tag }}-win_amd64.whl
-  wheel-windows-cp37m:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.7
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
+{% endfor %}
-  wheel-windows-cp38:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.8
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
-  wheel-windows-cp39:
-    ci: github
-    template: python-wheels/
-    params:
-      python_version: 3.9
-    artifacts:
-      - pyarrow-{no_rc_version}-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
-  ############################ Python sdist ####################################
+{############################ Python sdist ####################################}
     ci: github
@@ -1259,7 +1082,7 @@
       - plasma-store-server-debuginfo-{no_rc_version}-1.el8.[a-z0-9_]+.rpm
       - plasma-store-server-{no_rc_version}-1.el8.[a-z0-9_]+.rpm
-  centos-8-aarch64:
+  centos-8-arm64:
     ci: travis
     template: linux-packages/travis.linux.arm64.yml
@@ -1360,198 +1183,49 @@
   ########################### Release verification ############################
-  verify-rc-binaries-binary:
+{% for target in ["binary", "yum", "apt"] %}
+  verify-rc-binaries-{{ target }}:
     ci: github
     template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
         TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_BINARY: 1
+        TEST_{{ target|upper }}: 1
       artifact: "binaries"
+{% endfor %}
-  verify-rc-binaries-apt:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_APT: 1
-      artifact: "binaries"
+{% for platform in ["linux", "macos"] %}
-  verify-rc-binaries-yum:
+  verify-rc-wheels-{{ platform }}:
     ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_YUM: 1
-      artifact: "binaries"
-  verify-rc-wheels-linux:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
+    template: verify-rc/github.{{ platform }}.yml
         TEST_DEFAULT: 0
       artifact: "wheels"
-  verify-rc-wheels-macos:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-      artifact: "wheels"
+{% for target in ["csharp",
+                  "go",
+                  "integration"
+                  "java",
+                  "js",
+                  "python",
+                  "ruby",
+                  "rust"] %}
-  verify-rc-source-macos-java:
+  verify-rc-source-{{ platform }}-{{ target }}:
     ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_JAVA: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-macos-csharp:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_CSHARP: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-macos-ruby:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_RUBY: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-macos-python:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_PYTHON: 1
-        #
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-macos-js:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
+    template: verify-rc/github.{{ platform }}.yml
         INSTALL_NODE: 0
         TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_JS: 1
+        TEST_{{ target|upper }}: 1
       artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-macos-go:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_GO: 1
-      artifact: "source"
+{% endfor %}
-  verify-rc-source-macos-rust:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_RUST: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-macos-integration:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.osx.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        INSTALL_NODE: 0
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-java:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_JAVA: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-csharp:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_CSHARP: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-ruby:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_RUBY: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-python:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_PYTHON: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-js:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        INSTALL_NODE: 0
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_JS: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-go:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_GO: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-rust:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-        TEST_RUST: 1
-      artifact: "source"
-  verify-rc-source-linux-integration:
-    ci: github
-    template: verify-rc/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        INSTALL_NODE: 0
-        TEST_DEFAULT: 0
-      artifact: "source"
+{% endfor %}
     ci: github
@@ -1565,19 +1239,20 @@
       script: "verify-release-candidate-wheels.bat"
-  ############################## Docker tests #################################
+{############################## Docker tests #################################}
-  test-conda-cpp:
+{% for image in ["conda-cpp",
+                 "conda-cpp-valgrind",
+                 "debian-c-glib",
+                 "ubuntu-c-glib",
+                 "debian-ruby",
+                 "ubuntu-ruby"] %}
+  test-{{ image }}:
     ci: github
     template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-      run: conda-cpp
-  test-conda-cpp-valgrind:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      run: conda-cpp-valgrind
+      run: {{ image }}
+{% endfor %}
     ci: github
@@ -1627,21 +1302,15 @@
         UBUNTU: 20.04
       run: ubuntu-cpp
-  test-ubuntu-20.04-cpp-14:
+{% for cpp_standard in [14, 17] %}
+  test-ubuntu-20.04-cpp-{{ cpp_standard }}:
     ci: github
     template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
         UBUNTU: 20.04
-      run: "-e CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 ubuntu-cpp"
-  test-ubuntu-20.04-cpp-17:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        UBUNTU: 20.04
-      run: "-e CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 ubuntu-cpp"
+      run: "-e CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD={{ cpp_standard }} ubuntu-cpp"
+{% endfor %}
     ci: github
@@ -1652,53 +1321,15 @@
         UBUNTU: 20.04
       run: ubuntu-cpp-thread-sanitizer
-  test-debian-c-glib:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      run: debian-c-glib
-  test-ubuntu-c-glib:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      run: ubuntu-c-glib
-  test-debian-ruby:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      run: debian-ruby
-  test-ubuntu-ruby:
-    ci: azure
-    template: docker-tests/azure.linux.yml
-    params:
-      run: ubuntu-ruby
-  test-conda-python-3.6:
+{% for python_version in ["3.6", "3.7", "3.8", "3.9"] %}
+  test-conda-python-{{ python_version }}:
     ci: github
     template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-        PYTHON: 3.6
+        PYTHON: {{ python_version }}
       run: conda-python
-  test-conda-python-3.7:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        PYTHON: 3.7
-      run: conda-python
-  test-conda-python-3.8:
-    ci: github
-    template: docker-tests/github.linux.yml
-    params:
-      env:
-        PYTHON: 3.8
-      run: conda-python
+{% endfor %}
     ci: github
@@ -1740,7 +1371,7 @@
     ci: github
     template: r/github.linux.cran.yml
-      MATRIX: "${{ matrix.r_image }}"
+      MATRIX: {{ "${{ matrix.r_image }}" }}
     ci: github
@@ -1750,7 +1381,7 @@
     ci: github
     template: r/github.linux.versions.yml
-      MATRIX: "${{ matrix.r_version }}"
+      MATRIX: {{ "${{ matrix.r_version }}" }}
     ci: github
diff --git a/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.linux.yml b/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.linux.yml
index 4da78c8..8729426 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.linux.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.linux.yml
@@ -15,35 +15,24 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: "Verify release candidate Ubuntu {{ artifact }}"
     runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
-    {%- if env is defined %}
+    {% if env is defined %}
-    {%- for key, value in env.items() %}
+    {% for key, value in env.items() %}
       {{ key }}: {{ value }}
-    {%- endfor %}
-    {%- endif %}
+    {% endfor %}
+    {% endif %}
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
-        shell: bash
-        run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
       - name: Install System Dependencies
         run: |
           # TODO: don't require removing newer llvms
diff --git a/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.osx.yml b/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.macos.yml
similarity index 68%
rename from dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.osx.yml
rename to dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.macos.yml
index a0f6fc4..ab0c656 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.osx.yml
+++ b/dev/tasks/verify-rc/github.macos.yml
@@ -15,35 +15,24 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: "Verify release candidate macOS {{ artifact }}"
     runs-on: macos-latest
-    {%- if env is defined %}
+    {% if env is defined %}
-    {%- for key, value in env.items() %}
+    {% for key, value in env.items() %}
       {{ key }}: {{ value }}
-    {%- endfor %}
-    {%- endif %}
+    {% endfor %}
+    {% endif %}
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
-        shell: bash
-        run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
       - name: Install System Dependencies
         shell: bash
         run: |
diff --git a/dev/tasks/verify-rc/ b/dev/tasks/verify-rc/
index 7a96f89..5406327 100644
--- a/dev/tasks/verify-rc/
+++ b/dev/tasks/verify-rc/
@@ -15,35 +15,24 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# NOTE: must set "Crossbow" as name to have the badge links working in the
-# github comment reports!
-name: Crossbow
+{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %}
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - "*-github-*"
+{{ macros.github_header() }}
     name: "Verify release candidate Windows source"
     runs-on: windows-2016
-    {%- if env is defined %}
+    {% if env is defined %}
-    {%- for key, value in env.items() %}
+    {% for key, value in env.items() %}
       {{ key }}: {{ value }}
-    {%- endfor %}
-    {%- endif %}
+    {% endfor %}
+    {% endif %}
-      - name: Checkout Arrow
-        run: |
-          git clone --no-checkout {{ arrow.remote }} arrow
-          git -C arrow fetch -t {{ arrow.remote }} {{ arrow.branch }}
-          git -C arrow checkout FETCH_HEAD
-          git -C arrow submodule update --init --recursive
-      - name: Fetch Submodules and Tags
-        shell: bash
-        run: cd arrow && ci/scripts/
+      {{ macros.github_checkout_arrow()|indent }}
       - uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
       - name: Install System Dependencies
         run: |
diff --git a/docs/source/developers/crossbow.rst b/docs/source/developers/crossbow.rst
index d0ad05c..7d5a3ca 100644
--- a/docs/source/developers/crossbow.rst
+++ b/docs/source/developers/crossbow.rst
@@ -125,30 +125,17 @@
    Miniconda is preferred, see installation instructions:
-8. Install the python dependencies for the script:
+8. Install the archery toolset containing crossbow itself:
    .. code:: bash
-      conda install -c conda-forge -y --file arrow/ci/conda_env_crossbow.txt
-   .. code:: bash
-      # pygit2 requires libgit2:
-      pip install \
-          jinja2 \
-          pygit2 \
-          click \
-          ruamel.yaml \
-          setuptools_scm \
- \
-          toolz \
-          jira
+      pip install -e arrow/dev/archery[crossbow]
 9. Try running it:
    .. code:: bash
-      $ python --help
+      $ archery crossbow --help
@@ -165,8 +152,8 @@
       $ git clone
       $ cd arrow/dev/tasks
-      $ python submit --help  # show the available options
-      $ python submit conda-win conda-linux conda-osx
+      $ archery crossbow submit --help  # show the available options
+      $ archery crossbow submit conda-win conda-linux conda-osx
 2. Gets the HEAD commit of the currently checked out branch and
    generates the version number based on `setuptools_scm`_. So to build
@@ -175,7 +162,7 @@
    .. code:: bash
       git checkout ARROW-<ticket number>
-      python dev/tasks/ submit --dry-run conda-linux conda-osx
+      archery crossbow submit --dry-run conda-linux conda-osx
@@ -201,14 +188,14 @@
 .. code:: bash
-   python status <build id / branch name>
+   archery crossbow status <build id / branch name>
 Download the build artifacts
 .. code:: bash
-   python artifacts <build id / branch name>
+   archery crossbow artifacts <build id / branch name>
@@ -220,7 +207,7 @@
 .. code:: bash
-   $ python submit debian-stretch conda-linux-gcc-py37-r40
+   $ archery crossbow submit debian-stretch conda-linux-gcc-py37-r40
    Commit SHA: 810a718836bb3a8cefc053055600bdcc440e6702
    Version: 0.9.1.dev48+g810a7188.d20180414
@@ -232,35 +219,34 @@
 .. code:: bash
-   $ python submit --dry-run task_name
+   $ archery crossbow submit --dry-run task_name
 Run only ``conda`` package builds and a Linux one:
 .. code:: bash
-   $ python submit --group conda centos-7
+   $ archery crossbow submit --group conda centos-7
 Run ``wheel`` builds:
 .. code:: bash
-   $ python submit --group wheel
+   $ archery crossbow submit --group wheel
 There are multiple task groups in the ``tasks.yml`` like docker, integration
 and cpp-python for running docker based tests.
-``python submit`` supports multiple options and arguments, for more
+``archery crossbow submit`` supports multiple options and arguments, for more
 see its help page:
 .. code:: bash
-  $ python submit --help
+  $ archery crossbow submit --help
 .. _conda-forge packages: conda-recipes
 .. _Wheels: python-wheels
 .. _Linux packages: linux-packages
 .. _Create the queue repository:
 .. _TravisCI:
 .. _Appveyor: