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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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//! This module contains an end to end demonstration of creating
//! a user defined operator in DataFusion.
//! Specifically, it shows how to define a `TopKNode` that implements
//! `ExtensionPlanNode`, add an OptimizerRule to rewrite a
//! `LogicalPlan` to use that node a `LogicalPlan`, create an
//! `ExecutionPlan` and finally produce results.
//! # TopK Background:
//! A "Top K" node is a common query optimization which is used for
//! queries such as "find the top 3 customers by revenue". The
//! (simplified) SQL for such a query might be:
//! ```sql
//! CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sales(customer_id VARCHAR, revenue BIGINT)
//! STORED AS CSV location 'tests/customer.csv';
//! SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
//! ```
//! And a naive plan would be:
//! ```
//! > explain SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3;
//! +--------------+----------------------------------------+
//! | plan_type | plan |
//! +--------------+----------------------------------------+
//! | logical_plan | Limit: 3 |
//! | | Sort: #revenue DESC NULLS FIRST |
//! | | Projection: #customer_id, #revenue |
//! | | TableScan: sales projection=None |
//! +--------------+----------------------------------------+
//! ```
//! While this plan produces the correct answer, the careful reader
//! will note it fully sorts the input before discarding everything
//! other than the top 3 elements.
//! The same answer can be produced by simply keeping track of the top
//! N elements, reducing the total amount of required buffer memory.
use futures::{FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use arrow::{
array::{Int64Array, StringArray},
use datafusion::{
error::{DataFusionError, Result},
logical_plan::{Expr, LogicalPlan, UserDefinedLogicalNode},
optimizer::{optimizer::OptimizerRule, utils::optimize_children},
planner::{DefaultPhysicalPlanner, ExtensionPlanner},
Distribution, ExecutionPlan, Partitioning, PhysicalPlanner, RecordBatchStream,
prelude::{ExecutionConfig, ExecutionContext},
use fmt::Debug;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::{any::Any, collections::BTreeMap, fmt, sync::Arc};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use datafusion::logical_plan::DFSchemaRef;
/// Execute the specified sql and return the resulting record batches
/// pretty printed as a String.
async fn exec_sql(ctx: &mut ExecutionContext, sql: &str) -> Result<String> {
let df = ctx.sql(sql)?;
let batches = df.collect().await?;
/// Create a test table.
async fn setup_table(mut ctx: ExecutionContext) -> Result<ExecutionContext> {
let sql = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sales(customer_id VARCHAR, revenue BIGINT) STORED AS CSV location 'tests/customer.csv'";
let expected = vec!["++", "++"];
let s = exec_sql(&mut ctx, sql).await?;
let actual = s.lines().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(expected, actual, "Creating table");
const QUERY: &str =
"SELECT customer_id, revenue FROM sales ORDER BY revenue DESC limit 3";
// Run the query using the specified execution context and compare it
// to the known result
async fn run_and_compare_query(
mut ctx: ExecutionContext,
description: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
let expected = vec![
"| customer_id | revenue |",
"| paul | 300 |",
"| jorge | 200 |",
"| andy | 150 |",
let s = exec_sql(&mut ctx, QUERY).await?;
let actual = s.lines().collect::<Vec<_>>();
"output mismatch for {}. Expectedn\n{}Actual:\n{}",
// Run the query using default planners and optimizer
async fn normal_query() -> Result<()> {
let ctx = setup_table(ExecutionContext::new()).await?;
run_and_compare_query(ctx, "Default context").await
// Run the query using topk optimization
async fn topk_query() -> Result<()> {
// Note the only difference is that the top
let ctx = setup_table(make_topk_context()).await?;
run_and_compare_query(ctx, "Topk context").await
// Run EXPLAIN PLAN and show the plan was in fact rewritten
async fn topk_plan() -> Result<()> {
let mut ctx = setup_table(make_topk_context()).await?;
let expected = vec![
"| logical_plan after topk | TopK: k=3 |",
"| | Projection: #customer_id, #revenue |",
"| | TableScan: sales projection=Some([0, 1]) |",
let explain_query = format!("EXPLAIN VERBOSE {}", QUERY);
let actual_output = exec_sql(&mut ctx, &explain_query).await?;
// normalize newlines (output on windows uses \r\n)
let actual_output = actual_output.replace("\r\n", "\n");
assert!(actual_output.contains(&expected) , "Expected output not present in actual output\nExpected:\n---------\n{}\nActual:\n--------\n{}", expected, actual_output);
fn make_topk_context() -> ExecutionContext {
let config = ExecutionConfig::new()
.with_query_planner(Arc::new(TopKQueryPlanner {}))
.add_optimizer_rule(Arc::new(TopKOptimizerRule {}));
// ------ The implementation of the TopK code follows -----
struct TopKQueryPlanner {}
impl QueryPlanner for TopKQueryPlanner {
/// Given a `LogicalPlan` created from above, create an
/// `ExecutionPlan` suitable for execution
fn create_physical_plan(
logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
ctx_state: &ExecutionContextState,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
// Teach the default physical planner how to plan TopK nodes.
let physical_planner =
TopKPlanner {},
// Delegate most work of physical planning to the default physical planner
physical_planner.create_physical_plan(logical_plan, ctx_state)
struct TopKOptimizerRule {}
impl OptimizerRule for TopKOptimizerRule {
// Example rewrite pass to insert a user defined LogicalPlanNode
fn optimize(&self, plan: &LogicalPlan) -> Result<LogicalPlan> {
// Note: this code simply looks for the pattern of a Limit followed by a
// Sort and replaces it by a TopK node. It does not handle many
// edge cases (e.g multiple sort columns, sort ASC / DESC), etc.
if let LogicalPlan::Limit { ref n, ref input } = plan {
if let LogicalPlan::Sort {
ref expr,
ref input,
} = **input
if expr.len() == 1 {
// we found a sort with a single sort expr, replace with a a TopK
return Ok(LogicalPlan::Extension {
node: Arc::new(TopKPlanNode {
k: *n,
input: self.optimize(input.as_ref())?,
expr: expr[0].clone(),
// If we didn't find the Limit/Sort combination, recurse as
// normal and build the result.
optimize_children(self, plan)
fn name(&self) -> &str {
struct TopKPlanNode {
k: usize,
input: LogicalPlan,
/// The sort expression (this example only supports a single sort
/// expr)
expr: Expr,
impl Debug for TopKPlanNode {
/// For TopK, use explain format for the Debug format. Other types
/// of nodes may
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl UserDefinedLogicalNode for TopKPlanNode {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn inputs(&self) -> Vec<&LogicalPlan> {
/// Schema for TopK is the same as the input
fn schema(&self) -> &DFSchemaRef {
fn expressions(&self) -> Vec<Expr> {
/// For example: `TopK: k=10`
fn fmt_for_explain(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "TopK: k={}", self.k)
fn from_template(
exprs: &[Expr],
inputs: &[LogicalPlan],
) -> Arc<dyn UserDefinedLogicalNode + Send + Sync> {
assert_eq!(inputs.len(), 1, "input size inconsistent");
assert_eq!(exprs.len(), 1, "expression size inconsistent");
Arc::new(TopKPlanNode {
k: self.k,
input: inputs[0].clone(),
expr: exprs[0].clone(),
/// Physical planner for TopK nodes
struct TopKPlanner {}
impl ExtensionPlanner for TopKPlanner {
/// Create a physical plan for an extension node
fn plan_extension(
node: &dyn UserDefinedLogicalNode,
inputs: &[Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>],
_ctx_state: &ExecutionContextState,
) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>> {
if let Some(topk_node) = node.as_any().downcast_ref::<TopKPlanNode>() {
assert_eq!(inputs.len(), 1, "Inconsistent number of inputs");
// figure out input name
Some(Arc::new(TopKExec {
input: inputs[0].clone(),
k: topk_node.k,
} else {
/// Physical operator that implements TopK for u64 data types. This
/// code is not general and is meant as an illustration only
struct TopKExec {
input: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
/// The maxium number of values
k: usize,
impl Debug for TopKExec {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "TopKExec")
impl ExecutionPlan for TopKExec {
/// Return a reference to Any that can be used for downcasting
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
fn output_partitioning(&self) -> Partitioning {
fn required_child_distribution(&self) -> Distribution {
fn children(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
fn with_new_children(
children: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
match children.len() {
1 => Ok(Arc::new(TopKExec {
input: children[0].clone(),
k: self.k,
_ => Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
"TopKExec wrong number of children".to_string(),
/// Execute one partition and return an iterator over RecordBatch
async fn execute(&self, partition: usize) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
if 0 != partition {
return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(format!(
"TopKExec invalid partition {}",
Ok(Box::pin(TopKReader {
input: self.input.execute(partition).await?,
k: self.k,
done: false,
// A very specialized TopK implementation
struct TopKReader {
/// The input to read data from
input: SendableRecordBatchStream,
/// Maximum number of output values
k: usize,
/// Have we produced the output yet?
done: bool,
/// Keeps track of the revenue from customer_id and stores if it
/// is the top values we have seen so far.
fn add_row(
top_values: &mut BTreeMap<i64, String>,
customer_id: &str,
revenue: i64,
k: &usize,
) {
top_values.insert(revenue, customer_id.into());
// only keep top k
while top_values.len() > *k {
fn remove_lowest_value(top_values: &mut BTreeMap<i64, String>) {
if !top_values.is_empty() {
let smallest_revenue = {
let (revenue, _) = top_values.iter().next().unwrap();
fn accumulate_batch(
input_batch: &RecordBatch,
mut top_values: BTreeMap<i64, String>,
k: &usize,
) -> Result<BTreeMap<i64, String>> {
let num_rows = input_batch.num_rows();
// Assuming the input columns are
// column[0]: customer_id / UTF8
// column[1]: revenue: Int64
let customer_id = input_batch
.expect("Column 0 is not customer_id");
let revenue = input_batch
.expect("Column 1 is not revenue");
for row in 0..num_rows {
&mut top_values,
impl Stream for TopKReader {
type Item = std::result::Result<RecordBatch, ArrowError>;
fn poll_next(
mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
if self.done {
return Poll::Ready(None);
// this aggregates and thus returns a single RecordBatch.
self.done = true;
// take this as immutable
let k = self.k;
let schema = self.schema();
let top_values = self
// Hard coded implementation for sales / customer_id example as BTree
BTreeMap::<i64, String>::new(),
move |top_values, batch| async move {
accumulate_batch(&batch, top_values, &k)
let top_values =|top_values| match top_values {
Ok(top_values) => {
// make output by walking over the map backwards (so values are descending)
let (revenue, customer): (Vec<i64>, Vec<&String>) =
let customer: Vec<&str> = customer.iter().map(|&s| &**s).collect();
Err(e) => Err(e),
let mut top_values = Box::pin(top_values.into_stream());
impl RecordBatchStream for TopKReader {
fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {