blob: 7ca769a5303a53bd7af16e945dec5b9705171303 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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//! Defines the join plan for executing partitions in parallel and then joining the results
//! into a set of partitions.
use ahash::CallHasher;
use ahash::RandomState;
use arrow::{
ArrayData, ArrayRef, BooleanArray, LargeStringArray, PrimitiveArray,
TimestampMicrosecondArray, TimestampNanosecondArray, UInt32BufferBuilder,
UInt32Builder, UInt64BufferBuilder, UInt64Builder,
datatypes::{TimeUnit, UInt32Type, UInt64Type},
use std::time::Instant;
use std::{any::Any, collections::HashSet};
use std::{hash::Hasher, sync::Arc};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::{Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use arrow::array::Array;
use arrow::datatypes::DataType;
use arrow::datatypes::{Schema, SchemaRef};
use arrow::error::Result as ArrowResult;
use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
use arrow::array::{
Int16Array, Int32Array, Int64Array, Int8Array, StringArray, UInt16Array, UInt32Array,
UInt64Array, UInt8Array,
use super::expressions::col;
use super::{
hash_utils::{build_join_schema, check_join_is_valid, JoinOn, JoinType},
use crate::error::{DataFusionError, Result};
use super::{ExecutionPlan, Partitioning, RecordBatchStream, SendableRecordBatchStream};
use crate::physical_plan::coalesce_batches::concat_batches;
use log::debug;
// Maps a `u64` hash value based on the left ["on" values] to a list of indices with this key's value.
// E.g. 1 -> [3, 6, 8] indicates that the column values map to rows 3, 6 and 8 for hash value 1
// As the key is a hash value, we need to check possible hash collisions in the probe stage
type JoinHashMap = HashMap<u64, Vec<u64>, IdHashBuilder>;
type JoinLeftData = Arc<(JoinHashMap, RecordBatch)>;
/// join execution plan executes partitions in parallel and combines them into a set of
/// partitions.
pub struct HashJoinExec {
/// left (build) side which gets hashed
left: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
/// right (probe) side which are filtered by the hash table
right: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
/// Set of common columns used to join on
on: Vec<(String, String)>,
/// How the join is performed
join_type: JoinType,
/// The schema once the join is applied
schema: SchemaRef,
/// Build-side
build_side: Arc<Mutex<Option<JoinLeftData>>>,
/// Shares the `RandomState` for the hashing algorithm
random_state: RandomState,
/// Information about the index and placement (left or right) of the columns
struct ColumnIndex {
/// Index of the column
index: usize,
/// Whether the column is at the left or right side
is_left: bool,
impl HashJoinExec {
/// Tries to create a new [HashJoinExec].
/// # Error
/// This function errors when it is not possible to join the left and right sides on keys `on`.
pub fn try_new(
left: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
right: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
on: &JoinOn,
join_type: &JoinType,
) -> Result<Self> {
let left_schema = left.schema();
let right_schema = right.schema();
check_join_is_valid(&left_schema, &right_schema, &on)?;
let schema = Arc::new(build_join_schema(
let on = on
.map(|(l, r)| (l.to_string(), r.to_string()))
let random_state = RandomState::new();
Ok(HashJoinExec {
join_type: *join_type,
build_side: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
/// left (build) side which gets hashed
pub fn left(&self) -> &Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan> {
/// right (probe) side which are filtered by the hash table
pub fn right(&self) -> &Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan> {
/// Set of common columns used to join on
pub fn on(&self) -> &[(String, String)] {
/// How the join is performed
pub fn join_type(&self) -> &JoinType {
/// Calculates column indices and left/right placement on input / output schemas and jointype
fn column_indices_from_schema(&self) -> ArrowResult<Vec<ColumnIndex>> {
let (primary_is_left, primary_schema, secondary_schema) = match self.join_type {
JoinType::Inner | JoinType::Left => {
(true, self.left.schema(), self.right.schema())
JoinType::Right => (false, self.right.schema(), self.left.schema()),
let mut column_indices = Vec::with_capacity(self.schema.fields().len());
for field in self.schema.fields() {
let (is_primary, index) = match primary_schema.index_of( {
Ok(i) => Ok((true, i)),
Err(_) => {
match secondary_schema.index_of( {
Ok(i) => Ok((false, i)),
_ => Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
format!("During execution, the column {} was not found in neither the left or right side of the join",
let is_left =
is_primary && primary_is_left || !is_primary && !primary_is_left;
column_indices.push(ColumnIndex { index, is_left });
impl ExecutionPlan for HashJoinExec {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
fn children(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
vec![self.left.clone(), self.right.clone()]
fn with_new_children(
children: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
match children.len() {
2 => Ok(Arc::new(HashJoinExec::try_new(
_ => Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
"HashJoinExec wrong number of children".to_string(),
fn output_partitioning(&self) -> Partitioning {
async fn execute(&self, partition: usize) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
let on_left = self.on.iter().map(|on| on.0.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// we only want to compute the build side once
let left_data = {
let mut build_side = self.build_side.lock().await;
match build_side.as_ref() {
Some(stream) => stream.clone(),
None => {
let start = Instant::now();
// merge all left parts into a single stream
let merge = MergeExec::new(self.left.clone());
let stream = merge.execute(0).await?;
// This operation performs 2 steps at once:
// 1. creates a [JoinHashMap] of all batches from the stream
// 2. stores the batches in a vector.
let initial = (
JoinHashMap::with_hasher(IdHashBuilder {}),
let (hashmap, batches, num_rows, _) = stream
.try_fold(initial, |mut acc, batch| async {
let hash = &mut acc.0;
let values = &mut acc.1;
let offset = acc.2;
acc.3.resize(batch.num_rows(), 0);
&mut acc.3,
acc.2 += batch.num_rows();
// Merge all batches into a single batch, so we
// can directly index into the arrays
let single_batch =
concat_batches(&self.left.schema(), &batches, num_rows)?;
let left_side = Arc::new((hashmap, single_batch));
*build_side = Some(left_side.clone());
"Built build-side of hash join containing {} rows in {} ms",
// we have the batches and the hash map with their keys. We can how create a stream
// over the right that uses this information to issue new batches.
let stream = self.right.execute(partition).await?;
let on_right = self.on.iter().map(|on| on.1.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let column_indices = self.column_indices_from_schema()?;
Ok(Box::pin(HashJoinStream {
schema: self.schema.clone(),
join_type: self.join_type,
right: stream,
num_input_batches: 0,
num_input_rows: 0,
num_output_batches: 0,
num_output_rows: 0,
join_time: 0,
random_state: self.random_state.clone(),
/// Updates `hash` with new entries from [RecordBatch] evaluated against the expressions `on`,
/// assuming that the [RecordBatch] corresponds to the `index`th
fn update_hash(
on: &[String],
batch: &RecordBatch,
hash: &mut JoinHashMap,
offset: usize,
random_state: &RandomState,
hashes_buffer: &mut Vec<u64>,
) -> Result<()> {
// evaluate the keys
let keys_values = on
.map(|name| Ok(col(name).evaluate(batch)?.into_array(batch.num_rows())))
// update the hash map
let hash_values = create_hashes(&keys_values, &random_state, hashes_buffer)?;
// insert hashes to key of the hashmap
for (row, hash_value) in hash_values.iter().enumerate() {
.from_key_hashed_nocheck(*hash_value, hash_value)
.and_modify(|_, v| v.push((row + offset) as u64))
.or_insert_with(|| (*hash_value, vec![(row + offset) as u64]));
/// A stream that issues [RecordBatch]es as they arrive from the right of the join.
struct HashJoinStream {
/// Input schema
schema: Arc<Schema>,
/// columns from the left
on_left: Vec<String>,
/// columns from the right used to compute the hash
on_right: Vec<String>,
/// type of the join
join_type: JoinType,
/// information from the left
left_data: JoinLeftData,
/// right
right: SendableRecordBatchStream,
/// Information of index and left / right placement of columns
column_indices: Vec<ColumnIndex>,
/// number of input batches
num_input_batches: usize,
/// number of input rows
num_input_rows: usize,
/// number of batches produced
num_output_batches: usize,
/// number of rows produced
num_output_rows: usize,
/// total time for joining probe-side batches to the build-side batches
join_time: usize,
/// Random state used for hashing initialization
random_state: RandomState,
impl RecordBatchStream for HashJoinStream {
fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
/// Returns a new [RecordBatch] by combining the `left` and `right` according to `indices`.
/// The resulting batch has [Schema] `schema`.
/// # Error
/// This function errors when:
/// *
fn build_batch_from_indices(
schema: &Schema,
left: &RecordBatch,
right: &RecordBatch,
left_indices: UInt64Array,
right_indices: UInt32Array,
column_indices: &[ColumnIndex],
) -> ArrowResult<RecordBatch> {
// build the columns of the new [RecordBatch]:
// 1. pick whether the column is from the left or right
// 2. based on the pick, `take` items from the different RecordBatches
let mut columns: Vec<Arc<dyn Array>> = Vec::with_capacity(schema.fields().len());
for column_index in column_indices {
let array = if column_index.is_left {
let array = left.column(column_index.index);
compute::take(array.as_ref(), &left_indices, None)?
} else {
let array = right.column(column_index.index);
compute::take(array.as_ref(), &right_indices, None)?
RecordBatch::try_new(Arc::new(schema.clone()), columns)
fn build_batch(
batch: &RecordBatch,
left_data: &JoinLeftData,
on_left: &[String],
on_right: &[String],
join_type: JoinType,
schema: &Schema,
column_indices: &[ColumnIndex],
random_state: &RandomState,
) -> ArrowResult<RecordBatch> {
let (left_indices, right_indices) = build_join_indexes(
/// returns a vector with (index from left, index from right).
/// The size of this vector corresponds to the total size of a joined batch
// For a join on column A:
// left right
// batch 1
// A B A D
// ---------------
// 1 a 3 6
// 2 b 1 2
// 3 c 2 4
// batch 2
// A B A D
// ---------------
// 1 a 5 10
// 2 b 2 2
// 4 d 1 1
// indices (batch, batch_row)
// left right
// (0, 2) (0, 0)
// (0, 0) (0, 1)
// (0, 1) (0, 2)
// (1, 0) (0, 1)
// (1, 1) (0, 2)
// (0, 1) (1, 1)
// (0, 0) (1, 2)
// (1, 1) (1, 1)
// (1, 0) (1, 2)
fn build_join_indexes(
left_data: &JoinLeftData,
right: &RecordBatch,
join_type: JoinType,
left_on: &[String],
right_on: &[String],
random_state: &RandomState,
) -> Result<(UInt64Array, UInt32Array)> {
let keys_values = right_on
.map(|name| Ok(col(name).evaluate(right)?.into_array(right.num_rows())))
let left_join_values = left_on
.map(|name| {
let hashes_buffer = &mut vec![0; keys_values[0].len()];
let hash_values = create_hashes(&keys_values, &random_state, hashes_buffer)?;
let left = &left_data.0;
match join_type {
JoinType::Inner => {
// Using a buffer builder to avoid slower normal builder
let mut left_indices = UInt64BufferBuilder::new(0);
let mut right_indices = UInt32BufferBuilder::new(0);
// Visit all of the right rows
for (row, hash_value) in hash_values.iter().enumerate() {
// Get the hash and find it in the build index
// For every item on the left and right we check if it matches
// This possibly contains rows with hash collisions,
// So we have to check here whether rows are equal or not
if let Some(indices) = left.get(hash_value) {
for &i in indices {
// Check hash collisions
if equal_rows(i as usize, row, &left_join_values, &keys_values)? {
right_indices.append(row as u32);
let left = ArrayData::builder(DataType::UInt64)
let right = ArrayData::builder(DataType::UInt32)
JoinType::Left => {
let mut left_indices = UInt64Builder::new(0);
let mut right_indices = UInt32Builder::new(0);
// Keep track of which item is visited in the build input
// TODO: this can be stored more efficiently with a marker
// TODO: Fix LEFT join with multiple right batches
let mut is_visited = HashSet::new();
// First visit all of the rows
for (row, hash_value) in hash_values.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(indices) = left.get(hash_value) {
for &i in indices {
// Collision check
if equal_rows(i as usize, row, &left_join_values, &keys_values)? {
right_indices.append_value(row as u32)?;
// Add the remaining left rows to the result set with None on the right side
for (_, indices) in left {
for i in indices.iter() {
if !is_visited.contains(i) {
Ok((left_indices.finish(), right_indices.finish()))
JoinType::Right => {
let mut left_indices = UInt64Builder::new(0);
let mut right_indices = UInt32Builder::new(0);
for (row, hash_value) in hash_values.iter().enumerate() {
match left.get(hash_value) {
Some(indices) => {
for &i in indices {
if equal_rows(
i as usize,
)? {
right_indices.append_value(row as u32)?;
None => {
// when no match, add the row with None for the left side
right_indices.append_value(row as u32)?;
Ok((left_indices.finish(), right_indices.finish()))
use core::hash::BuildHasher;
/// `Hasher` that returns the same `u64` value as a hash, to avoid re-hashing
/// it when inserting/indexing or regrowing the `HashMap`
struct IdHasher {
hash: u64,
impl Hasher for IdHasher {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
fn write_u64(&mut self, i: u64) {
self.hash = i;
fn write(&mut self, _bytes: &[u8]) {
unreachable!("IdHasher should only be used for u64 keys")
struct IdHashBuilder {}
impl BuildHasher for IdHashBuilder {
type Hasher = IdHasher;
fn build_hasher(&self) -> Self::Hasher {
IdHasher { hash: 0 }
// Combines two hashes into one hash
fn combine_hashes(l: u64, r: u64) -> u64 {
let hash = (17 * 37u64).wrapping_add(l);
macro_rules! equal_rows_elem {
($array_type:ident, $l: ident, $r: ident, $left: ident, $right: ident) => {{
let left_array = $l.as_any().downcast_ref::<$array_type>().unwrap();
let right_array = $r.as_any().downcast_ref::<$array_type>().unwrap();
match (left_array.is_null($left), left_array.is_null($right)) {
(true, true) => true,
(false, false) => left_array.value($left) == right_array.value($right),
_ => false,
/// Left and right row have equal values
fn equal_rows(
left: usize,
right: usize,
left_arrays: &[ArrayRef],
right_arrays: &[ArrayRef],
) -> Result<bool> {
let mut err = None;
let res = left_arrays
.all(|(l, r)| match l.data_type() {
DataType::Null => true,
DataType::Boolean => {
equal_rows_elem!(BooleanArray, l, r, left, right)
DataType::Int8 => {
equal_rows_elem!(Int8Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::Int16 => {
equal_rows_elem!(Int16Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::Int32 => {
equal_rows_elem!(Int32Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::Int64 => {
equal_rows_elem!(Int64Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::UInt8 => {
equal_rows_elem!(UInt8Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::UInt16 => {
equal_rows_elem!(UInt16Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::UInt32 => {
equal_rows_elem!(UInt32Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::UInt64 => {
equal_rows_elem!(UInt64Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::Timestamp(_, None) => {
equal_rows_elem!(Int64Array, l, r, left, right)
DataType::Utf8 => {
equal_rows_elem!(StringArray, l, r, left, right)
DataType::LargeUtf8 => {
equal_rows_elem!(LargeStringArray, l, r, left, right)
_ => {
// This is internal because we should have caught this before.
err = Some(Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
"Unsupported data type in hasher".to_string(),
macro_rules! hash_array {
($array_type:ident, $column: ident, $ty: ident, $hashes: ident, $random_state: ident) => {
let array = $column.as_any().downcast_ref::<$array_type>().unwrap();
if array.null_count() == 0 {
for (i, hash) in $hashes.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*hash =
combine_hashes($ty::get_hash(&array.value(i), $random_state), *hash);
} else {
for (i, hash) in $hashes.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if !array.is_null(i) {
*hash = combine_hashes(
$ty::get_hash(&array.value(i), $random_state),
/// Creates hash values for every element in the row based on the values in the columns
pub fn create_hashes<'a>(
arrays: &[ArrayRef],
random_state: &RandomState,
hashes_buffer: &'a mut Vec<u64>,
) -> Result<&'a mut Vec<u64>> {
for col in arrays {
match col.data_type() {
DataType::UInt8 => {
hash_array!(UInt8Array, col, u8, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::UInt16 => {
hash_array!(UInt16Array, col, u16, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::UInt32 => {
hash_array!(UInt32Array, col, u32, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::UInt64 => {
hash_array!(UInt64Array, col, u64, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::Int8 => {
hash_array!(Int8Array, col, i8, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::Int16 => {
hash_array!(Int16Array, col, i16, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::Int32 => {
hash_array!(Int32Array, col, i32, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::Int64 => {
hash_array!(Int64Array, col, i64, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Microsecond, None) => {
DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Nanosecond, None) => {
DataType::Boolean => {
hash_array!(BooleanArray, col, u8, hashes_buffer, random_state);
DataType::Utf8 => {
hash_array!(StringArray, col, str, hashes_buffer, random_state);
_ => {
// This is internal because we should have caught this before.
return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(
"Unsupported data type in hasher".to_string(),
impl Stream for HashJoinStream {
type Item = ArrowResult<RecordBatch>;
fn poll_next(
mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
.map(|maybe_batch| match maybe_batch {
Some(Ok(batch)) => {
let start = Instant::now();
let result = build_batch(
self.num_input_batches += 1;
self.num_input_rows += batch.num_rows();
if let Ok(ref batch) = result {
self.join_time += start.elapsed().as_millis() as usize;
self.num_output_batches += 1;
self.num_output_rows += batch.num_rows();
other => {
"Processed {} probe-side input batches containing {} rows and \
produced {} output batches containing {} rows in {} ms",
mod tests {
use crate::{
physical_plan::{common, memory::MemoryExec},
test::{build_table_i32, columns},
use super::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn build_table(
a: (&str, &Vec<i32>),
b: (&str, &Vec<i32>),
c: (&str, &Vec<i32>),
) -> Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan> {
let batch = build_table_i32(a, b, c);
let schema = batch.schema();
Arc::new(MemoryExec::try_new(&[vec![batch]], schema, None).unwrap())
fn join(
left: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
right: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
on: &[(&str, &str)],
join_type: &JoinType,
) -> Result<HashJoinExec> {
let on: Vec<_> = on
.map(|(l, r)| (l.to_string(), r.to_string()))
HashJoinExec::try_new(left, right, &on, join_type)
async fn join_inner_one() -> Result<()> {
let left = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 5]), // this has a repetition
("c1", &vec![7, 8, 9]),
let right = build_table(
("a2", &vec![10, 20, 30]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 6]),
("c2", &vec![70, 80, 90]),
let on = &[("b1", "b1")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Inner)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "c2"]);
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b1 | c1 | a2 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 70 |",
"| 2 | 5 | 8 | 20 | 80 |",
"| 3 | 5 | 9 | 20 | 80 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
async fn join_inner_one_no_shared_column_names() -> Result<()> {
let left = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 5]), // this has a repetition
("c1", &vec![7, 8, 9]),
let right = build_table(
("a2", &vec![10, 20, 30]),
("b2", &vec![4, 5, 6]),
("c2", &vec![70, 80, 90]),
let on = &[("b1", "b2")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Inner)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2"]);
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b1 | c1 | a2 | b2 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 4 | 70 |",
"| 2 | 5 | 8 | 20 | 5 | 80 |",
"| 3 | 5 | 9 | 20 | 5 | 80 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
async fn join_inner_two() -> Result<()> {
let left = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 2]),
("b2", &vec![1, 2, 2]),
("c1", &vec![7, 8, 9]),
let right = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b2", &vec![1, 2, 2]),
("c2", &vec![70, 80, 90]),
let on = &[("a1", "a1"), ("b2", "b2")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Inner)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "b2", "c1", "c2"]);
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
assert_eq!(batches.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b2 | c1 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 1 | 7 | 70 |",
"| 2 | 2 | 8 | 80 |",
"| 2 | 2 | 9 | 80 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
/// Test where the left has 2 parts, the right with 1 part => 1 part
async fn join_inner_one_two_parts_left() -> Result<()> {
let batch1 = build_table_i32(
("a1", &vec![1, 2]),
("b2", &vec![1, 2]),
("c1", &vec![7, 8]),
let batch2 =
build_table_i32(("a1", &vec![2]), ("b2", &vec![2]), ("c1", &vec![9]));
let schema = batch1.schema();
let left = Arc::new(
MemoryExec::try_new(&[vec![batch1], vec![batch2]], schema, None).unwrap(),
let right = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b2", &vec![1, 2, 2]),
("c2", &vec![70, 80, 90]),
let on = &[("a1", "a1"), ("b2", "b2")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Inner)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "b2", "c1", "c2"]);
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
assert_eq!(batches.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b2 | c1 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 1 | 7 | 70 |",
"| 2 | 2 | 8 | 80 |",
"| 2 | 2 | 9 | 80 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
/// Test where the left has 1 part, the right has 2 parts => 2 parts
async fn join_inner_one_two_parts_right() -> Result<()> {
let left = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 5]), // this has a repetition
("c1", &vec![7, 8, 9]),
let batch1 = build_table_i32(
("a2", &vec![10, 20]),
("b1", &vec![4, 6]),
("c2", &vec![70, 80]),
let batch2 =
build_table_i32(("a2", &vec![30]), ("b1", &vec![5]), ("c2", &vec![90]));
let schema = batch1.schema();
let right = Arc::new(
MemoryExec::try_new(&[vec![batch1], vec![batch2]], schema, None).unwrap(),
let on = &[("b1", "b1")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Inner)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "c2"]);
// first part
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
assert_eq!(batches.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b1 | c1 | a2 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 70 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
// second part
let stream = join.execute(1).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
assert_eq!(batches.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b1 | c1 | a2 | c2 |",
"| 2 | 5 | 8 | 30 | 90 |",
"| 3 | 5 | 9 | 30 | 90 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
async fn join_left_one() -> Result<()> {
let left = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 7]), // 7 does not exist on the right
("c1", &vec![7, 8, 9]),
let right = build_table(
("a2", &vec![10, 20, 30]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 6]),
("c2", &vec![70, 80, 90]),
let on = &[("b1", "b1")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Left)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "c2"]);
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | b1 | c1 | a2 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 70 |",
"| 2 | 5 | 8 | 20 | 80 |",
"| 3 | 7 | 9 | | |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
async fn join_right_one() -> Result<()> {
let left = build_table(
("a1", &vec![1, 2, 3]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 7]),
("c1", &vec![7, 8, 9]),
let right = build_table(
("a2", &vec![10, 20, 30]),
("b1", &vec![4, 5, 6]), // 6 does not exist on the left
("c2", &vec![70, 80, 90]),
let on = &[("b1", "b1")];
let join = join(left, right, on, &JoinType::Right)?;
let columns = columns(&join.schema());
assert_eq!(columns, vec!["a1", "c1", "a2", "b1", "c2"]);
let stream = join.execute(0).await?;
let batches = common::collect(stream).await?;
let expected = vec![
"| a1 | c1 | a2 | b1 | c2 |",
"| | | 30 | 6 | 90 |",
"| 1 | 7 | 10 | 4 | 70 |",
"| 2 | 8 | 20 | 5 | 80 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &batches);
fn join_with_hash_collision() -> Result<()> {
let mut hashmap_left = HashMap::with_hasher(IdHashBuilder {});
let left = build_table_i32(
("a", &vec![10, 20]),
("x", &vec![100, 200]),
("y", &vec![200, 300]),
let random_state = RandomState::new();
let hashes_buff = &mut vec![0; left.num_rows()];
let hashes =
create_hashes(&[left.columns()[0].clone()], &random_state, hashes_buff)?;
// Create hash collisions
hashmap_left.insert(hashes[0], vec![0, 1]);
hashmap_left.insert(hashes[1], vec![0, 1]);
let right = build_table_i32(
("a", &vec![10, 20]),
("b", &vec![0, 0]),
("c", &vec![30, 40]),
let left_data = JoinLeftData::new((hashmap_left, left));
let (l, r) = build_join_indexes(
let mut left_ids = UInt64Builder::new(0);
let mut right_ids = UInt32Builder::new(0);
assert_eq!(left_ids.finish(), l);
assert_eq!(right_ids.finish(), r);