blob: 850ce745c8c73dc128d78ded919c815f722a62f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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//! ExecutionContext contains methods for registering data sources and executing queries
use crate::optimizer::hash_build_probe_order::HashBuildProbeOrder;
use log::debug;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::string::String;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use tokio::task::{self, JoinHandle};
use arrow::csv;
use crate::datasource::csv::CsvFile;
use crate::datasource::parquet::ParquetTable;
use crate::datasource::TableProvider;
use crate::error::{DataFusionError, Result};
use crate::execution::dataframe_impl::DataFrameImpl;
use crate::logical_plan::{
FunctionRegistry, LogicalPlan, LogicalPlanBuilder, ToDFSchema,
use crate::optimizer::constant_folding::ConstantFolding;
use crate::optimizer::filter_push_down::FilterPushDown;
use crate::optimizer::optimizer::OptimizerRule;
use crate::optimizer::projection_push_down::ProjectionPushDown;
use crate::physical_plan::csv::CsvReadOptions;
use crate::physical_plan::planner::DefaultPhysicalPlanner;
use crate::physical_plan::udf::ScalarUDF;
use crate::physical_plan::ExecutionPlan;
use crate::physical_plan::PhysicalPlanner;
use crate::sql::{
parser::{DFParser, FileType},
planner::{ContextProvider, SqlToRel},
use crate::variable::{VarProvider, VarType};
use crate::{dataframe::DataFrame, physical_plan::udaf::AggregateUDF};
use parquet::arrow::ArrowWriter;
use parquet::file::properties::WriterProperties;
/// ExecutionContext is the main interface for executing queries with DataFusion. The context
/// provides the following functionality:
/// * Create DataFrame from a CSV or Parquet data source.
/// * Register a CSV or Parquet data source as a table that can be referenced from a SQL query.
/// * Register a custom data source that can be referenced from a SQL query.
/// * Execution a SQL query
/// The following example demonstrates how to use the context to execute a query against a CSV
/// data source using the DataFrame API:
/// ```
/// use datafusion::prelude::*;
/// # use datafusion::error::Result;
/// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
/// let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
/// let df = ctx.read_csv("tests/example.csv", CsvReadOptions::new())?;
/// let df = df.filter(col("a").lt_eq(col("b")))?
/// .aggregate(&[col("a")], &[min(col("b"))])?
/// .limit(100)?;
/// let results = df.collect();
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// The following example demonstrates how to execute the same query using SQL:
/// ```
/// use datafusion::prelude::*;
/// # use datafusion::error::Result;
/// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
/// let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
/// ctx.register_csv("example", "tests/example.csv", CsvReadOptions::new())?;
/// let results = ctx.sql("SELECT a, MIN(b) FROM example GROUP BY a LIMIT 100")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct ExecutionContext {
/// Internal state for the context
pub state: Arc<Mutex<ExecutionContextState>>,
impl ExecutionContext {
/// Creates a new execution context using a default configuration.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates a new execution context using the provided configuration.
pub fn with_config(config: ExecutionConfig) -> Self {
Self {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(ExecutionContextState {
datasources: HashMap::new(),
scalar_functions: HashMap::new(),
var_provider: HashMap::new(),
aggregate_functions: HashMap::new(),
/// Creates a dataframe that will execute a SQL query.
pub fn sql(&mut self, sql: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn DataFrame>> {
let plan = self.create_logical_plan(sql)?;
match plan {
LogicalPlan::CreateExternalTable {
ref schema,
ref name,
ref location,
ref file_type,
ref has_header,
} => match file_type {
FileType::CSV => {
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::empty(false).build()?;
Ok(Arc::new(DataFrameImpl::new(self.state.clone(), &plan)))
FileType::Parquet => {
self.register_parquet(name, location)?;
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::empty(false).build()?;
Ok(Arc::new(DataFrameImpl::new(self.state.clone(), &plan)))
_ => Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(format!(
"Unsupported file type {:?}.",
plan => Ok(Arc::new(DataFrameImpl::new(self.state.clone(), &plan))),
/// Creates a logical plan.
/// This function is intended for internal use and should not be called directly.
pub fn create_logical_plan(&self, sql: &str) -> Result<LogicalPlan> {
let statements = DFParser::parse_sql(sql)?;
if statements.len() != 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::NotImplemented(
"The context currently only supports a single SQL statement".to_string(),
// create a query planner
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap().clone();
let query_planner = SqlToRel::new(&state);
/// Registers a variable provider within this context.
pub fn register_variable(
&mut self,
variable_type: VarType,
provider: Arc<dyn VarProvider + Send + Sync>,
) {
.insert(variable_type, provider);
/// Registers a scalar UDF within this context.
pub fn register_udf(&mut self, f: ScalarUDF) {
.insert(, Arc::new(f));
/// Registers an aggregate UDF within this context.
pub fn register_udaf(&mut self, f: AggregateUDF) {
.insert(, Arc::new(f));
/// Creates a DataFrame for reading a CSV data source.
pub fn read_csv(
&mut self,
filename: &str,
options: CsvReadOptions,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn DataFrame>> {
&LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_csv(&filename, options, None)?.build()?,
/// Creates a DataFrame for reading a Parquet data source.
pub fn read_parquet(&mut self, filename: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn DataFrame>> {
/// Creates a DataFrame for reading a custom TableProvider.
pub fn read_table(
&mut self,
provider: Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn DataFrame>> {
let schema = provider.schema();
let table_scan = LogicalPlan::TableScan {
table_name: "".to_string(),
source: provider,
projected_schema: schema.to_dfschema_ref()?,
projection: None,
filters: vec![],
/// Registers a CSV data source so that it can be referenced from SQL statements
/// executed against this context.
pub fn register_csv(
&mut self,
name: &str,
filename: &str,
options: CsvReadOptions,
) -> Result<()> {
self.register_table(name, Arc::new(CsvFile::try_new(filename, options)?));
/// Registers a Parquet data source so that it can be referenced from SQL statements
/// executed against this context.
pub fn register_parquet(&mut self, name: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<()> {
let table = ParquetTable::try_new(
self.register_table(name, Arc::new(table));
/// Registers a named table using a custom `TableProvider` so that
/// it can be referenced from SQL statements executed against this
/// context.
/// Returns the `TableProvider` previously registered for this
/// name, if any
pub fn register_table(
&mut self,
name: &str,
provider: Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>,
) -> Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>> {
.insert(name.to_string(), provider)
/// Deregisters the named table.
/// Returns the registered provider, if any
pub fn deregister_table(
&mut self,
name: &str,
) -> Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>> {
/// Retrieves a DataFrame representing a table previously registered by calling the
/// register_table function.
/// Returns an error if no table has been registered with the provided name.
pub fn table(&self, table_name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn DataFrame>> {
match self.state.lock().unwrap().datasources.get(table_name) {
Some(provider) => {
let schema = provider.schema();
let table_scan = LogicalPlan::TableScan {
table_name: table_name.to_string(),
source: Arc::clone(provider),
projected_schema: schema.to_dfschema_ref()?,
projection: None,
filters: vec![],
_ => Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
"No table named '{}'",
/// Returns the set of available tables.
/// Use [`table`] to get a specific table.
/// [`table`]: ExecutionContext::table
pub fn tables(&self) -> HashSet<String> {
/// Optimizes the logical plan by applying optimizer rules.
pub fn optimize(&self, plan: &LogicalPlan) -> Result<LogicalPlan> {
let optimizers = &self.state.lock().unwrap().config.optimizers;
let mut new_plan = plan.clone();
debug!("Logical plan:\n {:?}", plan);
for optimizer in optimizers {
new_plan = optimizer.optimize(&new_plan)?;
debug!("Optimized logical plan:\n {:?}", plan);
/// Creates a physical plan from a logical plan.
pub fn create_physical_plan(
logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
.create_physical_plan(logical_plan, &state)
/// Executes a query and writes the results to a partitioned CSV file.
pub async fn write_csv(
plan: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
path: String,
) -> Result<()> {
// create directory to contain the CSV files (one per partition)
let fs_path = Path::new(&path);
match fs::create_dir(fs_path) {
Ok(()) => {
let mut tasks = vec![];
for i in 0..plan.output_partitioning().partition_count() {
let plan = plan.clone();
let filename = format!("part-{}.csv", i);
let path = fs_path.join(&filename);
let file = fs::File::create(path)?;
let mut writer = csv::Writer::new(file);
let stream = plan.execute(i).await?;
let handle: JoinHandle<Result<()>> = task::spawn(async move {
.map(|batch| writer.write(&batch?))
Err(e) => Err(DataFusionError::Execution(format!(
"Could not create directory {}: {:?}",
path, e
/// Executes a query and writes the results to a partitioned Parquet file.
pub async fn write_parquet(
plan: Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>,
path: String,
writer_properties: Option<WriterProperties>,
) -> Result<()> {
// create directory to contain the Parquet files (one per partition)
let fs_path = Path::new(&path);
match fs::create_dir(fs_path) {
Ok(()) => {
let mut tasks = vec![];
for i in 0..plan.output_partitioning().partition_count() {
let plan = plan.clone();
let filename = format!("part-{}.parquet", i);
let path = fs_path.join(&filename);
let file = fs::File::create(path)?;
let mut writer = ArrowWriter::try_new(
let stream = plan.execute(i).await?;
let handle: JoinHandle<Result<()>> = task::spawn(async move {
.map(|batch| writer.write(&batch?))
Err(e) => Err(DataFusionError::Execution(format!(
"Could not create directory {}: {:?}",
path, e
impl From<Arc<Mutex<ExecutionContextState>>> for ExecutionContext {
fn from(state: Arc<Mutex<ExecutionContextState>>) -> Self {
ExecutionContext { state }
impl FunctionRegistry for ExecutionContext {
fn udfs(&self) -> HashSet<String> {
fn udf(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<ScalarUDF>> {
fn udaf(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<AggregateUDF>> {
/// A planner used to add extensions to DataFusion logical and physical plans.
pub trait QueryPlanner {
/// Given a `LogicalPlan`, create an `ExecutionPlan` suitable for execution
fn create_physical_plan(
logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
ctx_state: &ExecutionContextState,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>;
/// The query planner used if no user defined planner is provided
struct DefaultQueryPlanner {}
impl QueryPlanner for DefaultQueryPlanner {
/// Given a `LogicalPlan`, create an `ExecutionPlan` suitable for execution
fn create_physical_plan(
logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
ctx_state: &ExecutionContextState,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
let planner = DefaultPhysicalPlanner::default();
planner.create_physical_plan(logical_plan, ctx_state)
/// Configuration options for execution context
pub struct ExecutionConfig {
/// Number of concurrent threads for query execution.
pub concurrency: usize,
/// Default batch size when reading data sources
pub batch_size: usize,
/// Responsible for optimizing a logical plan
optimizers: Vec<Arc<dyn OptimizerRule + Send + Sync>>,
/// Responsible for planning `LogicalPlan`s, and `ExecutionPlan`
query_planner: Arc<dyn QueryPlanner + Send + Sync>,
impl ExecutionConfig {
/// Create an execution config with default setting
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
concurrency: num_cpus::get(),
batch_size: 32768,
optimizers: vec![
query_planner: Arc::new(DefaultQueryPlanner {}),
/// Customize max_concurrency
pub fn with_concurrency(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
// concurrency must be greater than zero
assert!(n > 0);
self.concurrency = n;
/// Customize batch size
pub fn with_batch_size(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
// batch size must be greater than zero
assert!(n > 0);
self.batch_size = n;
/// Replace the default query planner
pub fn with_query_planner(
mut self,
query_planner: Arc<dyn QueryPlanner + Send + Sync>,
) -> Self {
self.query_planner = query_planner;
/// Adds a new [`OptimizerRule`]
pub fn add_optimizer_rule(
mut self,
optimizer_rule: Arc<dyn OptimizerRule + Send + Sync>,
) -> Self {
/// Execution context for registering data sources and executing queries
pub struct ExecutionContextState {
/// Data sources that are registered with the context
pub datasources: HashMap<String, Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>>,
/// Scalar functions that are registered with the context
pub scalar_functions: HashMap<String, Arc<ScalarUDF>>,
/// Variable provider that are registered with the context
pub var_provider: HashMap<VarType, Arc<dyn VarProvider + Send + Sync>>,
/// Aggregate functions registered in the context
pub aggregate_functions: HashMap<String, Arc<AggregateUDF>>,
/// Context configuration
pub config: ExecutionConfig,
impl ContextProvider for ExecutionContextState {
fn get_table_provider(
name: &str,
) -> Option<Arc<dyn TableProvider + Send + Sync>> {
self.datasources.get(name).map(|ds| Arc::clone(ds))
fn get_function_meta(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Arc<ScalarUDF>> {
fn get_aggregate_meta(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Arc<AggregateUDF>> {
impl FunctionRegistry for ExecutionContextState {
fn udfs(&self) -> HashSet<String> {
fn udf(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<ScalarUDF>> {
let result = self.scalar_functions.get(name);
result.cloned().ok_or_else(|| {
"There is no UDF named \"{}\" in the registry",
fn udaf(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<AggregateUDF>> {
let result = self.aggregate_functions.get(name);
result.cloned().ok_or_else(|| {
"There is no UDAF named \"{}\" in the registry",
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::physical_plan::functions::make_scalar_function;
use crate::physical_plan::{collect, collect_partitioned};
use crate::test;
use crate::variable::VarType;
use crate::{
assert_batches_eq, assert_batches_sorted_eq,
logical_plan::{col, create_udf, sum},
use crate::{
datasource::MemTable, logical_plan::create_udaf,
use arrow::array::{
Array, ArrayRef, DictionaryArray, Float64Array, Int32Array, Int64Array,
use arrow::compute::add;
use arrow::datatypes::*;
use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
use std::fs::File;
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
use std::{io::prelude::*, sync::Mutex};
use tempfile::TempDir;
use test::*;
async fn parallel_projection() -> Result<()> {
let partition_count = 4;
let results = execute("SELECT c1, c2 FROM test", partition_count).await?;
// there should be one batch per partition
assert_eq!(results.len(), partition_count);
// each batch should contain 2 columns and 10 rows with correct field names
for batch in &results {
assert_eq!(batch.num_columns(), 2);
assert_eq!(batch.num_rows(), 10);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | c2 |",
"| 3 | 1 |",
"| 3 | 2 |",
"| 3 | 3 |",
"| 3 | 4 |",
"| 3 | 5 |",
"| 3 | 6 |",
"| 3 | 7 |",
"| 3 | 8 |",
"| 3 | 9 |",
"| 3 | 10 |",
"| 2 | 1 |",
"| 2 | 2 |",
"| 2 | 3 |",
"| 2 | 4 |",
"| 2 | 5 |",
"| 2 | 6 |",
"| 2 | 7 |",
"| 2 | 8 |",
"| 2 | 9 |",
"| 2 | 10 |",
"| 1 | 1 |",
"| 1 | 2 |",
"| 1 | 3 |",
"| 1 | 4 |",
"| 1 | 5 |",
"| 1 | 6 |",
"| 1 | 7 |",
"| 1 | 8 |",
"| 1 | 9 |",
"| 1 | 10 |",
"| 0 | 1 |",
"| 0 | 2 |",
"| 0 | 3 |",
"| 0 | 4 |",
"| 0 | 5 |",
"| 0 | 6 |",
"| 0 | 7 |",
"| 0 | 8 |",
"| 0 | 9 |",
"| 0 | 10 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn create_variable_expr() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let partition_count = 4;
let mut ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, partition_count)?;
let variable_provider = test::variable::SystemVar::new();
ctx.register_variable(VarType::System, Arc::new(variable_provider));
let variable_provider = test::variable::UserDefinedVar::new();
ctx.register_variable(VarType::UserDefined, Arc::new(variable_provider));
let provider = test::create_table_dual();
ctx.register_table("dual", provider);
let results =
plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT @@version, @name FROM dual").await?;
let expected = vec![
"| @@version | @name |",
"| system-var-@@version | user-defined-var-@name |",
assert_batches_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn register_deregister() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let partition_count = 4;
let mut ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, partition_count)?;
let provider = test::create_table_dual();
ctx.register_table("dual", provider);
async fn parallel_query_with_filter() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let partition_count = 4;
let ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, partition_count)?;
let logical_plan =
ctx.create_logical_plan("SELECT c1, c2 FROM test WHERE c1 > 0 AND c1 < 3")?;
let logical_plan = ctx.optimize(&logical_plan)?;
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&logical_plan)?;
println!("{:?}", physical_plan);
let results = collect_partitioned(physical_plan).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), partition_count);
// there should be a total of 2 batches with 20 rows because the where clause filters
// out results from 2 partitions
// note that the order of partitions is not deterministic
let mut num_batches = 0;
let mut num_rows = 0;
for partition in &results {
for batch in partition {
num_batches += 1;
num_rows += batch.num_rows();
assert_eq!(2, num_batches);
assert_eq!(20, num_rows);
let results: Vec<RecordBatch> = results.into_iter().flatten().collect();
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | c2 |",
"| 1 | 1 |",
"| 1 | 10 |",
"| 1 | 2 |",
"| 1 | 3 |",
"| 1 | 4 |",
"| 1 | 5 |",
"| 1 | 6 |",
"| 1 | 7 |",
"| 1 | 8 |",
"| 1 | 9 |",
"| 2 | 1 |",
"| 2 | 10 |",
"| 2 | 2 |",
"| 2 | 3 |",
"| 2 | 4 |",
"| 2 | 5 |",
"| 2 | 6 |",
"| 2 | 7 |",
"| 2 | 8 |",
"| 2 | 9 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn projection_on_table_scan() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let partition_count = 4;
let ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, partition_count)?;
let table = ctx.table("test")?;
let logical_plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(&table.to_logical_plan())
let optimized_plan = ctx.optimize(&logical_plan)?;
match &optimized_plan {
LogicalPlan::Projection { input, .. } => match &**input {
LogicalPlan::TableScan {
} => {
assert_eq!(source.schema().fields().len(), 3);
assert_eq!(projected_schema.fields().len(), 1);
_ => panic!("input to projection should be TableScan"),
_ => panic!("expect optimized_plan to be projection"),
let expected = "Projection: #c2\
\n TableScan: test projection=Some([1])";
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", optimized_plan), expected);
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&optimized_plan)?;
assert_eq!(1, physical_plan.schema().fields().len());
assert_eq!("c2", physical_plan.schema().field(0).name().as_str());
let batches = collect(physical_plan).await?;
assert_eq!(4, batches.len());
assert_eq!(1, batches[0].num_columns());
assert_eq!(10, batches[0].num_rows());
fn preserve_nullability_on_projection() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, 1)?;
let schema = ctx
assert_eq!(schema.field_with_name("c1")?.is_nullable(), false);
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("", schema.as_ref(), None)?
let plan = ctx.optimize(&plan)?;
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&Arc::new(plan))?;
async fn projection_on_memory_scan() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("b", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c", DataType::Int32, false),
let schema = SchemaRef::new(schema);
let partitions = vec![vec![RecordBatch::try_new(
Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![1, 10, 10, 100])),
Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![2, 12, 12, 120])),
Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![3, 12, 12, 120])),
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_memory(partitions, schema, None)?
assert_fields_eq(&plan, vec!["b"]);
let ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let optimized_plan = ctx.optimize(&plan)?;
match &optimized_plan {
LogicalPlan::Projection { input, .. } => match &**input {
LogicalPlan::TableScan {
} => {
assert_eq!(source.schema().fields().len(), 3);
assert_eq!(projected_schema.fields().len(), 1);
_ => panic!("input to projection should be InMemoryScan"),
_ => panic!("expect optimized_plan to be projection"),
let expected = "Projection: #b\
\n TableScan: projection=Some([1])";
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", optimized_plan), expected);
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&optimized_plan)?;
assert_eq!(1, physical_plan.schema().fields().len());
assert_eq!("b", physical_plan.schema().field(0).name().as_str());
let batches = collect(physical_plan).await?;
assert_eq!(1, batches.len());
assert_eq!(1, batches[0].num_columns());
assert_eq!(4, batches[0].num_rows());
async fn sort() -> Result<()> {
let results =
execute("SELECT c1, c2 FROM test ORDER BY c1 DESC, c2 ASC", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected: Vec<&str> = vec![
"| c1 | c2 |",
"| 3 | 1 |",
"| 3 | 2 |",
"| 3 | 3 |",
"| 3 | 4 |",
"| 3 | 5 |",
"| 3 | 6 |",
"| 3 | 7 |",
"| 3 | 8 |",
"| 3 | 9 |",
"| 3 | 10 |",
"| 2 | 1 |",
"| 2 | 2 |",
"| 2 | 3 |",
"| 2 | 4 |",
"| 2 | 5 |",
"| 2 | 6 |",
"| 2 | 7 |",
"| 2 | 8 |",
"| 2 | 9 |",
"| 2 | 10 |",
"| 1 | 1 |",
"| 1 | 2 |",
"| 1 | 3 |",
"| 1 | 4 |",
"| 1 | 5 |",
"| 1 | 6 |",
"| 1 | 7 |",
"| 1 | 8 |",
"| 1 | 9 |",
"| 1 | 10 |",
"| 0 | 1 |",
"| 0 | 2 |",
"| 0 | 3 |",
"| 0 | 4 |",
"| 0 | 5 |",
"| 0 | 6 |",
"| 0 | 7 |",
"| 0 | 8 |",
"| 0 | 9 |",
"| 0 | 10 |",
// Note it is important to NOT use assert_batches_sorted_eq
// here as we are testing the sortedness of the output
assert_batches_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn sort_empty() -> Result<()> {
// The predicate on this query purposely generates no results
let results = execute(
"SELECT c1, c2 FROM test WHERE c1 > 100000 ORDER BY c1 DESC, c2 ASC",
assert_eq!(results.len(), 0);
async fn aggregate() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT SUM(c1), SUM(c2) FROM test", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| SUM(c1) | SUM(c2) |",
"| 60 | 220 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_empty() -> Result<()> {
// The predicate on this query purposely generates no results
let results = execute("SELECT SUM(c1), SUM(c2) FROM test where c1 > 100000", 4)
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| SUM(c1) | SUM(c2) |",
"| | |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_avg() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT AVG(c1), AVG(c2) FROM test", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| AVG(c1) | AVG(c2) |",
"| 1.5 | 5.5 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_max() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT MAX(c1), MAX(c2) FROM test", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| MAX(c1) | MAX(c2) |",
"| 3 | 10 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_min() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT MIN(c1), MIN(c2) FROM test", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| MIN(c1) | MIN(c2) |",
"| 0 | 1 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_grouped() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT c1, SUM(c2) FROM test GROUP BY c1", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | SUM(c2) |",
"| 0 | 55 |",
"| 1 | 55 |",
"| 2 | 55 |",
"| 3 | 55 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_grouped_avg() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT c1, AVG(c2) FROM test GROUP BY c1", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | AVG(c2) |",
"| 0 | 5.5 |",
"| 1 | 5.5 |",
"| 2 | 5.5 |",
"| 3 | 5.5 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn boolean_literal() -> Result<()> {
let results =
execute("SELECT c1, c3 FROM test WHERE c1 > 2 AND c3 = true", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | c3 |",
"| 3 | true |",
"| 3 | true |",
"| 3 | true |",
"| 3 | true |",
"| 3 | true |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_grouped_empty() -> Result<()> {
let results =
execute("SELECT c1, AVG(c2) FROM test WHERE c1 = 123 GROUP BY c1", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec!["++", "||", "++", "++"];
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_grouped_max() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT c1, MAX(c2) FROM test GROUP BY c1", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | MAX(c2) |",
"| 0 | 10 |",
"| 1 | 10 |",
"| 2 | 10 |",
"| 3 | 10 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn aggregate_grouped_min() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT c1, MIN(c2) FROM test GROUP BY c1", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | MIN(c2) |",
"| 0 | 1 |",
"| 1 | 1 |",
"| 2 | 1 |",
"| 3 | 1 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn count_basic() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2) FROM test", 1).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| COUNT(c1) | COUNT(c2) |",
"| 10 | 10 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn count_partitioned() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2) FROM test", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| COUNT(c1) | COUNT(c2) |",
"| 40 | 40 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn count_aggregated() -> Result<()> {
let results = execute("SELECT c1, COUNT(c2) FROM test GROUP BY c1", 4).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c1 | COUNT(c2) |",
"| 0 | 10 |",
"| 1 | 10 |",
"| 2 | 10 |",
"| 3 | 10 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn group_by_date_trunc() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c2", DataType::UInt64, false),
DataType::Timestamp(TimeUnit::Microsecond, None),
// generate a partitioned file
for partition in 0..4 {
let filename = format!("partition-{}.{}", partition, "csv");
let file_path = tmp_dir.path().join(&filename);
let mut file = File::create(file_path)?;
// generate some data
for i in 0..10 {
let data = format!("{},2020-12-{}T00:00:00.000\n", i, i + 10);
let results = plan_and_collect(
&mut ctx,
"SELECT date_trunc('week', t1) as week, SUM(c2) FROM test GROUP BY date_trunc('week', t1)"
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| week | SUM(c2) |",
"| 2020-12-07 00:00:00 | 24 |",
"| 2020-12-14 00:00:00 | 156 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn group_by_dictionary() {
async fn run_test_case<K: ArrowDictionaryKeyType>() {
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
// input data looks like:
// A, 1
// B, 2
// A, 2
// A, 4
// C, 1
// A, 1
let dict_array: DictionaryArray<K> =
vec!["A", "B", "A", "A", "C", "A"].into_iter().collect();
let dict_array = Arc::new(dict_array);
let val_array: Int64Array = vec![1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1].into();
let val_array = Arc::new(val_array);
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("dict", dict_array.data_type().clone(), false),
Field::new("val", val_array.data_type().clone(), false),
let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema.clone(), vec![dict_array, val_array])
let provider = MemTable::try_new(schema.clone(), vec![vec![batch]]).unwrap();
ctx.register_table("t", Arc::new(provider));
let results = plan_and_collect(
&mut ctx,
"SELECT dict, count(val) FROM t GROUP BY dict",
.expect("ran plan correctly");
let expected = vec![
"| dict | COUNT(val) |",
"| A | 4 |",
"| B | 1 |",
"| C | 1 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
// Now, use dict as an aggregate
let results =
plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT val, count(dict) FROM t GROUP BY val")
.expect("ran plan correctly");
let expected = vec![
"| val | COUNT(dict) |",
"| 1 | 3 |",
"| 2 | 2 |",
"| 4 | 1 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn run_count_distinct_integers_aggregated_scenario(
partitions: Vec<Vec<(&str, u64)>>,
) -> Result<Vec<RecordBatch>> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c_group", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("c_int8", DataType::Int8, false),
Field::new("c_int16", DataType::Int16, false),
Field::new("c_int32", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("c_int64", DataType::Int64, false),
Field::new("c_uint8", DataType::UInt8, false),
Field::new("c_uint16", DataType::UInt16, false),
Field::new("c_uint32", DataType::UInt32, false),
Field::new("c_uint64", DataType::UInt64, false),
for (i, partition) in partitions.iter().enumerate() {
let filename = format!("partition-{}.csv", i);
let file_path = tmp_dir.path().join(&filename);
let mut file = File::create(file_path)?;
for row in partition {
let row_str = format!(
// Populate values for each of the integer fields in the
// schema.
.map(|_| { row.1.to_string() })
let results = plan_and_collect(
&mut ctx,
FROM test
GROUP BY c_group
async fn count_distinct_integers_aggregated_single_partition() -> Result<()> {
let partitions = vec![
// The first member of each tuple will be the value for the
// `c_group` column, and the second member will be the value for
// each of the int/uint fields.
("a", 1),
("a", 1),
("a", 2),
("b", 9),
("c", 9),
("c", 10),
("c", 9),
let results = run_count_distinct_integers_aggregated_scenario(partitions).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec!
"| c_group | COUNT(c_uint64) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int8) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int16) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int32) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int64) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint8) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint16) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint32) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint64) |",
"| a | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |",
"| b | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |",
"| c | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
async fn count_distinct_integers_aggregated_multiple_partitions() -> Result<()> {
let partitions = vec![
// The first member of each tuple will be the value for the
// `c_group` column, and the second member will be the value for
// each of the int/uint fields.
vec![("a", 1), ("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("b", 9), ("c", 9)],
vec![("a", 1), ("a", 3), ("b", 8), ("b", 9), ("b", 10), ("b", 11)],
let results = run_count_distinct_integers_aggregated_scenario(partitions).await?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| c_group | COUNT(c_uint64) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int8) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int16) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int32) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_int64) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint8) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint16) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint32) | COUNT(DISTINCT c_uint64) |",
"| a | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |",
"| b | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |",
"| c | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |",
assert_batches_sorted_eq!(expected, &results);
fn aggregate_with_alias() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, 1)?;
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::UInt32, false),
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::scan_empty("", schema.as_ref(), None)?
.aggregate(&[col("c1")], &[sum(col("c2"))])?
.project(&[col("c1"), col("SUM(c2)").alias("total_salary")])?
let plan = ctx.optimize(&plan)?;
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&Arc::new(plan))?;
assert_eq!("c1", physical_plan.schema().field(0).name().as_str());
async fn write_csv_results() -> Result<()> {
// create partitioned input file and context
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let mut ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, 4)?;
// execute a simple query and write the results to CSV
let out_dir = tmp_dir.as_ref().to_str().unwrap().to_string() + "/out";
write_csv(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM test", &out_dir).await?;
// create a new context and verify that the results were saved to a partitioned csv file
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::UInt32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::UInt64, false),
// register each partition as well as the top level dir
let csv_read_option = CsvReadOptions::new().schema(&schema);
ctx.register_csv("part0", &format!("{}/part-0.csv", out_dir), csv_read_option)?;
ctx.register_csv("part1", &format!("{}/part-1.csv", out_dir), csv_read_option)?;
ctx.register_csv("part2", &format!("{}/part-2.csv", out_dir), csv_read_option)?;
ctx.register_csv("part3", &format!("{}/part-3.csv", out_dir), csv_read_option)?;
ctx.register_csv("allparts", &out_dir, csv_read_option)?;
let part0 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part0").await?;
let part1 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part1").await?;
let part2 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part2").await?;
let part3 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part3").await?;
let allparts = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM allparts").await?;
let part0_count: usize = part0.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let part1_count: usize = part1.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let part2_count: usize = part2.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let part3_count: usize = part3.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let allparts_count: usize = allparts.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
assert_eq!(part0_count, 10);
assert_eq!(part1_count, 10);
assert_eq!(part2_count, 10);
assert_eq!(part3_count, 10);
assert_eq!(allparts_count, 40);
async fn write_parquet_results() -> Result<()> {
// create partitioned input file and context
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let mut ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, 4)?;
// execute a simple query and write the results to CSV
let out_dir = tmp_dir.as_ref().to_str().unwrap().to_string() + "/out";
write_parquet(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM test", &out_dir, None).await?;
// create a new context and verify that the results were saved to a partitioned csv file
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
// register each partition as well as the top level dir
ctx.register_parquet("part0", &format!("{}/part-0.parquet", out_dir))?;
ctx.register_parquet("part1", &format!("{}/part-1.parquet", out_dir))?;
ctx.register_parquet("part2", &format!("{}/part-2.parquet", out_dir))?;
ctx.register_parquet("part3", &format!("{}/part-3.parquet", out_dir))?;
ctx.register_parquet("allparts", &out_dir)?;
let part0 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part0").await?;
let part1 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part1").await?;
let part2 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part2").await?;
let part3 = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM part3").await?;
let allparts = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT c1, c2 FROM allparts").await?;
let part0_count: usize = part0.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let part1_count: usize = part1.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let part2_count: usize = part2.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let part3_count: usize = part3.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
let allparts_count: usize = allparts.iter().map(|batch| batch.num_rows()).sum();
assert_eq!(part0_count, 10);
assert_eq!(part1_count, 10);
assert_eq!(part2_count, 10);
assert_eq!(part3_count, 10);
assert_eq!(allparts_count, 40);
async fn query_csv_with_custom_partition_extension() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
// The main stipulation of this test: use a file extension that isn't .csv.
let file_extension = ".tst";
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let schema = populate_csv_partitions(&tmp_dir, 2, file_extension)?;
let results =
plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT SUM(c1), SUM(c2), COUNT(*) FROM test")
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
let expected = vec![
"| SUM(c1) | SUM(c2) | COUNT(UInt8(1)) |",
"| 10 | 110 | 20 |",
assert_batches_eq!(expected, &results);
fn send_context_to_threads() -> Result<()> {
// ensure ExecutionContexts can be used in a multi-threaded
// environment. Usecase is for concurrent planing.
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let partition_count = 4;
let ctx = Arc::new(Mutex::new(create_ctx(&tmp_dir, partition_count)?));
let threads: Vec<JoinHandle<Result<_>>> = (0..2)
.map(|_| ctx.clone())
.map(|ctx_clone| {
thread::spawn(move || {
let ctx = ctx_clone.lock().expect("Locked context");
// Ensure we can create logical plan code on a separate thread.
"SELECT c1, c2 FROM test WHERE c1 > 0 AND c1 < 3",
for thread in threads {
thread.join().expect("Failed to join thread")?;
async fn scalar_udf() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Int32, false),
Field::new("b", DataType::Int32, false),
let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(
Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![1, 10, 10, 100])),
Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![2, 12, 12, 120])),
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let provider = MemTable::try_new(Arc::new(schema), vec![vec![batch]])?;
ctx.register_table("t", Arc::new(provider));
let myfunc = |args: &[ArrayRef]| {
let l = &args[0]
.expect("cast failed");
let r = &args[1]
.expect("cast failed");
Ok(Arc::new(add(l, r)?) as ArrayRef)
let myfunc = make_scalar_function(myfunc);
vec![DataType::Int32, DataType::Int32],
// from here on, we may be in a different scope. We would still like to be able
// to call UDFs.
let t = ctx.table("t")?;
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(&t.to_logical_plan())
ctx.udf("my_add")?.call(vec![col("a"), col("b")]),
format!("{:?}", plan),
"Projection: #a, #b, my_add(#a, #b)\n TableScan: t projection=None"
let plan = ctx.optimize(&plan)?;
let plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&plan)?;
let result = collect(plan).await?;
let expected = vec![
"| a | b | my_add(a,b) |",
"| 1 | 2 | 3 |",
"| 10 | 12 | 22 |",
"| 10 | 12 | 22 |",
"| 100 | 120 | 220 |",
assert_batches_eq!(expected, &result);
let batch = &result[0];
let a = batch
.expect("failed to cast a");
let b = batch
.expect("failed to cast b");
let sum = batch
.expect("failed to cast sum");
assert_eq!(4, a.len());
assert_eq!(4, b.len());
assert_eq!(4, sum.len());
for i in 0..sum.len() {
assert_eq!(a.value(i) + b.value(i), sum.value(i));
async fn simple_avg() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("a", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let batch1 = RecordBatch::try_new(
vec![Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2, 3]))],
let batch2 = RecordBatch::try_new(
vec![Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![4, 5]))],
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let provider =
MemTable::try_new(Arc::new(schema), vec![vec![batch1], vec![batch2]])?;
ctx.register_table("t", Arc::new(provider));
let result = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT AVG(a) FROM t").await?;
let batch = &result[0];
assert_eq!(1, batch.num_columns());
assert_eq!(1, batch.num_rows());
let values = batch
.expect("failed to cast version");
assert_eq!(values.len(), 1);
// avg(1,2,3,4,5) = 3.0
assert_eq!(values.value(0), 3.0_f64);
/// tests the creation, registration and usage of a UDAF
async fn simple_udaf() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("a", DataType::Int32, false)]);
let batch1 = RecordBatch::try_new(
vec![Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2, 3]))],
let batch2 = RecordBatch::try_new(
vec![Arc::new(Int32Array::from(vec![4, 5]))],
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let provider =
MemTable::try_new(Arc::new(schema), vec![vec![batch1], vec![batch2]])?;
ctx.register_table("t", Arc::new(provider));
// define a udaf, using a DataFusion's accumulator
let my_avg = create_udaf(
Arc::new(|| Ok(Box::new(AvgAccumulator::try_new(&DataType::Float64)?))),
Arc::new(vec![DataType::UInt64, DataType::Float64]),
let result = plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, "SELECT MY_AVG(a) FROM t").await?;
let expected = vec![
"| MY_AVG(a) |",
"| 3 |",
assert_batches_eq!(expected, &result);
async fn custom_query_planner() -> Result<()> {
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::with_config(
ExecutionConfig::new().with_query_planner(Arc::new(MyQueryPlanner {})),
let df = ctx.sql("SELECT 1")?;
df.collect().await.expect_err("query not supported");
struct MyPhysicalPlanner {}
impl PhysicalPlanner for MyPhysicalPlanner {
fn create_physical_plan(
_logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
_ctx_state: &ExecutionContextState,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
"query not supported".to_string(),
struct MyQueryPlanner {}
impl QueryPlanner for MyQueryPlanner {
fn create_physical_plan(
logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
ctx_state: &ExecutionContextState,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
let physical_planner = MyPhysicalPlanner {};
physical_planner.create_physical_plan(logical_plan, ctx_state)
/// Execute SQL and return results
async fn plan_and_collect(
ctx: &mut ExecutionContext,
sql: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<RecordBatch>> {
let logical_plan = ctx.create_logical_plan(sql)?;
let logical_plan = ctx.optimize(&logical_plan)?;
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&logical_plan)?;
/// Execute SQL and return results
async fn execute(sql: &str, partition_count: usize) -> Result<Vec<RecordBatch>> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?;
let mut ctx = create_ctx(&tmp_dir, partition_count)?;
plan_and_collect(&mut ctx, sql).await
/// Execute SQL and write results to partitioned csv files
async fn write_csv(
ctx: &mut ExecutionContext,
sql: &str,
out_dir: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
let logical_plan = ctx.create_logical_plan(sql)?;
let logical_plan = ctx.optimize(&logical_plan)?;
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&logical_plan)?;
ctx.write_csv(physical_plan, out_dir.to_string()).await
/// Execute SQL and write results to partitioned parquet files
async fn write_parquet(
ctx: &mut ExecutionContext,
sql: &str,
out_dir: &str,
writer_properties: Option<WriterProperties>,
) -> Result<()> {
let logical_plan = ctx.create_logical_plan(sql)?;
let logical_plan = ctx.optimize(&logical_plan)?;
let physical_plan = ctx.create_physical_plan(&logical_plan)?;
ctx.write_parquet(physical_plan, out_dir.to_string(), writer_properties)
/// Generate CSV partitions within the supplied directory
fn populate_csv_partitions(
tmp_dir: &TempDir,
partition_count: usize,
file_extension: &str,
) -> Result<SchemaRef> {
// define schema for data source (csv file)
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("c1", DataType::UInt32, false),
Field::new("c2", DataType::UInt64, false),
Field::new("c3", DataType::Boolean, false),
// generate a partitioned file
for partition in 0..partition_count {
let filename = format!("partition-{}.{}", partition, file_extension);
let file_path = tmp_dir.path().join(&filename);
let mut file = File::create(file_path)?;
// generate some data
for i in 0..=10 {
let data = format!("{},{},{}\n", partition, i, i % 2 == 0);
/// Generate a partitioned CSV file and register it with an execution context
fn create_ctx(tmp_dir: &TempDir, partition_count: usize) -> Result<ExecutionContext> {
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
let schema = populate_csv_partitions(tmp_dir, partition_count, ".csv")?;
// register csv file with the execution context