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/// In this example we will declare a single-type, single return type UDAF that computes the geometric mean.
/// The geometric mean is described here:
use arrow::{
array::Float32Array, array::Float64Array, datatypes::DataType,
use datafusion::{error::Result, logical_plan::create_udaf, physical_plan::Accumulator};
use datafusion::{prelude::*, scalar::ScalarValue};
use std::sync::Arc;
// create local execution context with an in-memory table
fn create_context() -> Result<ExecutionContext> {
use arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema};
use datafusion::datasource::MemTable;
// define a schema.
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![Field::new("a", DataType::Float32, false)]));
// define data in two partitions
let batch1 = RecordBatch::try_new(
vec![Arc::new(Float32Array::from(vec![2.0, 4.0, 8.0]))],
let batch2 = RecordBatch::try_new(
// declare a new context. In spark API, this corresponds to a new spark SQLsession
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new();
// declare a table in memory. In spark API, this corresponds to createDataFrame(...).
let provider = MemTable::try_new(schema, vec![vec![batch1], vec![batch2]])?;
ctx.register_table("t", Arc::new(provider));
/// A UDAF has state across multiple rows, and thus we require a `struct` with that state.
struct GeometricMean {
n: u32,
prod: f64,
impl GeometricMean {
// how the struct is initialized
pub fn new() -> Self {
GeometricMean { n: 0, prod: 1.0 }
// UDAFs are built using the trait `Accumulator`, that offers DataFusion the necessary functions
// to use them.
impl Accumulator for GeometricMean {
// this function serializes our state to `ScalarValue`, which DataFusion uses
// to pass this state between execution stages.
// Note that this can be arbitrary data.
fn state(&self) -> Result<Vec<ScalarValue>> {
// this function receives one entry per argument of this accumulator.
// DataFusion calls this function on every row, and expects this function to update the accumulator's state.
fn update(&mut self, values: &[ScalarValue]) -> Result<()> {
// this is a one-argument UDAF, and thus we use `0`.
let value = &values[0];
match value {
// here we map `ScalarValue` to our internal state. `Float64` indicates that this function
// only accepts Float64 as its argument (DataFusion does try to coerce arguments to this type)
// Note that `.map` here ensures that we ignore Nulls.
ScalarValue::Float64(e) =>|value| { *= value;
self.n += 1;
_ => unreachable!(""),
// this function receives states from other accumulators (Vec<ScalarValue>)
// and updates the accumulator.
fn merge(&mut self, states: &[ScalarValue]) -> Result<()> {
let prod = &states[0];
let n = &states[1];
match (prod, n) {
(ScalarValue::Float64(Some(prod)), ScalarValue::UInt32(Some(n))) => { *= prod;
self.n += n;
_ => unreachable!(""),
// DataFusion expects this function to return the final value of this aggregator.
// in this case, this is the formula of the geometric mean
fn evaluate(&self) -> Result<ScalarValue> {
let value = / self.n as f64);
// Optimization hint: this trait also supports `update_batch` and `merge_batch`,
// that can be used to perform these operations on arrays instead of single values.
// By default, these methods call `update` and `merge` row by row
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let ctx = create_context()?;
// here is where we define the UDAF. We also declare its signature:
let geometric_mean = create_udaf(
// the name; used to represent it in plan descriptions and in the registry, to use in SQL.
// the input type; DataFusion guarantees that the first entry of `values` in `update` has this type.
// the return type; DataFusion expects this to match the type returned by `evaluate`.
// This is the accumulator factory; DataFusion uses it to create new accumulators.
Arc::new(|| Ok(Box::new(GeometricMean::new()))),
// This is the description of the state. `state()` must match the types here.
Arc::new(vec![DataType::Float64, DataType::UInt32]),
// get a DataFrame from the context
// this table has 1 column `a` f32 with values {2,4,8,64}, whose geometric mean is 8.0.
let df = ctx.table("t")?;
// perform the aggregation
let df = df.aggregate(&[], &[![col("a")])])?;
// note that "a" is f32, not f64. DataFusion coerces it to match the UDAF's signature.
// execute the query
let results = df.collect().await?;
// downcast the array to the expected type
let result = results[0]
// verify that the calculation is correct
assert!((result.value(0) - 8.0).abs() < f64::EPSILON);
println!("The geometric mean of [2,4,8,64] is {}", result.value(0));