blob: ae3a3a8c497fc52149edfd3f97a859b579bd2c97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
package encoding_test
import (
func generateLevels(minRepeat, maxRepeat int, maxLevel int16) []int16 {
// for each repetition count up to max repeat
ret := make([]int16, 0)
for rep := minRepeat; rep <= maxRepeat; rep++ {
var (
repCount = 1 << rep
val int16 = 0
bwidth = 0
// generate levels for repetition count up to max level
for val <= maxLevel {
for i := 0; i < repCount; i++ {
ret = append(ret, val)
val = int16((2 << bwidth) - 1)
return ret
func encodeLevels(t *testing.T, enc parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, numLevels int, input []int16) []byte {
var (
encoder encoding.LevelEncoder
lvlCount = 0
buf = encoding.NewBufferWriter(2*numLevels, memory.DefaultAllocator)
if enc == parquet.Encodings.RLE {
// leave space to write the rle length value
encoder.Init(enc, maxLvl, buf)
lvlCount, _ = encoder.Encode(input)
arrow.Int32Traits.CastFromBytes(buf.Bytes())[0] = utils.ToLEInt32(int32(encoder.Len()))
} else {
encoder.Init(enc, maxLvl, buf)
lvlCount, _ = encoder.Encode(input)
assert.Equal(t, numLevels, lvlCount)
return buf.Bytes()
func verifyDecodingLvls(t *testing.T, enc parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, input []int16, buf []byte) {
var (
decoder encoding.LevelDecoder
lvlCount = 0
numLevels = len(input)
output = make([]int16, numLevels)
decodeCount = 4
numInnerLevels = numLevels / decodeCount
// decode levels and test with multiple decode calls
_, err := decoder.SetData(enc, maxLvl, numLevels, buf)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// try multiple decoding on a single setdata call
for ct := 0; ct < decodeCount; ct++ {
offset := ct * numInnerLevels
lvlCount, _ = decoder.Decode(output[:numInnerLevels])
assert.Equal(t, numInnerLevels, lvlCount)
assert.Equal(t, input[offset:offset+numInnerLevels], output[:numInnerLevels])
// check the remaining levels
var (
levelsCompleted = decodeCount * (numLevels / decodeCount)
remaining = numLevels - levelsCompleted
if remaining > 0 {
lvlCount, _ = decoder.Decode(output[:remaining])
assert.Equal(t, remaining, lvlCount)
assert.Equal(t, input[levelsCompleted:], output[:remaining])
// test decode zero values
lvlCount, _ = decoder.Decode(output[:1])
assert.Zero(t, lvlCount)
func verifyDecodingMultipleSetData(t *testing.T, enc parquet.Encoding, max int16, input []int16, buf [][]byte) {
var (
decoder encoding.LevelDecoder
lvlCount = 0
setdataCount = len(buf)
numLevels = len(input) / setdataCount
output = make([]int16, numLevels)
for ct := 0; ct < setdataCount; ct++ {
offset := ct * numLevels
assert.Len(t, output, numLevels)
_, err := decoder.SetData(enc, max, numLevels, buf[ct])
assert.NoError(t, err)
lvlCount, _ = decoder.Decode(output)
assert.Equal(t, numLevels, lvlCount)
assert.Equal(t, input[offset:offset+numLevels], output)
func TestLevelsDecodeMultipleBitWidth(t *testing.T) {
// Test levels with maximum bit-width from 1 to 8
// increase the repetition count for each iteration by a factor of 2
var (
minRepeat = 0
maxRepeat = 7 // 128
maxBitWidth = 8
input []int16
buf []byte
encodings = [2]parquet.Encoding{parquet.Encodings.RLE, parquet.Encodings.BitPacked}
for _, enc := range encodings {
t.Run(enc.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
// bitpacked requires a sequence of at least 8
if enc == parquet.Encodings.BitPacked {
minRepeat = 3
// for each max bit width
for bitWidth := 1; bitWidth <= maxBitWidth; bitWidth++ {
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(bitWidth), func(t *testing.T) {
max := int16((1 << bitWidth) - 1)
// generate levels
input = generateLevels(minRepeat, maxRepeat, max)
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
buf = encodeLevels(t, enc, max, len(input), input)
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
verifyDecodingLvls(t, enc, max, input, buf)
func TestLevelsDecodeMultipleSetData(t *testing.T) {
var (
minRepeat = 3
maxRepeat = 7
bitWidth = 8
maxLevel = int16((1 << bitWidth) - 1)
encodings = [2]parquet.Encoding{parquet.Encodings.RLE, parquet.Encodings.BitPacked}
input := generateLevels(minRepeat, maxRepeat, maxLevel)
var (
numLevels = len(input)
setdataFactor = 8
splitLevelSize = numLevels / setdataFactor
buf = make([][]byte, setdataFactor)
for _, enc := range encodings {
t.Run(enc.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
for rf := 0; rf < setdataFactor; rf++ {
offset := rf * splitLevelSize
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
buf[rf] = encodeLevels(t, enc, maxLevel, splitLevelSize, input[offset:offset+splitLevelSize])
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
verifyDecodingMultipleSetData(t, enc, maxLevel, input, buf)
func TestMinimumBufferSize(t *testing.T) {
const numToEncode = 1024
levels := make([]int16, numToEncode)
for idx := range levels {
if idx%9 == 0 {
levels[idx] = 0
} else {
levels[idx] = 1
output := encoding.NewBufferWriter(0, memory.DefaultAllocator)
var encoder encoding.LevelEncoder
encoder.Init(parquet.Encodings.RLE, 1, output)
count, _ := encoder.Encode(levels)
assert.Equal(t, numToEncode, count)
func TestMinimumBufferSize2(t *testing.T) {
// test the worst case for bit_width=2 consisting of
// LiteralRun(size=8)
// RepeatedRun(size=8)
// LiteralRun(size=8)
// ...
const numToEncode = 1024
levels := make([]int16, numToEncode)
for idx := range levels {
// This forces a literal run of 00000001
// followed by eight 1s
if (idx % 16) < 7 {
levels[idx] = 0
} else {
levels[idx] = 1
for bitWidth := int16(1); bitWidth <= 8; bitWidth++ {
output := encoding.NewBufferWriter(0, memory.DefaultAllocator)
var encoder encoding.LevelEncoder
encoder.Init(parquet.Encodings.RLE, bitWidth, output)
count, _ := encoder.Encode(levels)
assert.Equal(t, numToEncode, count)
func TestEncodeDecodeLevels(t *testing.T) {
const numToEncode = 2048
levels := make([]int16, numToEncode)
numones := 0
for idx := range levels {
if (idx % 16) < 7 {
levels[idx] = 0
} else {
levels[idx] = 1
output := encoding.NewBufferWriter(0, memory.DefaultAllocator)
var encoder encoding.LevelEncoder
encoder.Init(parquet.Encodings.RLE, 1, output)
count, _ := encoder.Encode(levels)
assert.Equal(t, numToEncode, count)
buf := output.Bytes()
var prefix [4]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(prefix[:], uint32(len(buf)))
var decoder encoding.LevelDecoder
_, err := decoder.SetData(parquet.Encodings.RLE, 1, numToEncode, append(prefix[:], buf...))
assert.NoError(t, err)
var levelOut [numToEncode]int16
total, vals := decoder.Decode(levelOut[:])
assert.EqualValues(t, numToEncode, total)
assert.EqualValues(t, numones, vals)
assert.Equal(t, levels, levelOut[:])