blob: a64f335b827fe0c20d5bb6693231324c1e242435 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#' @include arrow-package.R
#' @title class arrow::DataType
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' @rdname DataType
#' @name DataType
DataType <- R6Class("DataType",
inherit = ArrowObject,
public = list(
ToString = function() {
Equals = function(other, ...) {
inherits(other, "DataType") && DataType__Equals(self, other)
num_children = function() {
children = function() {
map(DataType__children_pointer(self), shared_ptr, class = Field)
..dispatch = function() {
switch(names(Type)[self$id + 1],
"NA" = null(),
BOOL = boolean(),
UINT8 = uint8(),
INT8 = int8(),
UINT16 = uint16(),
INT16 = int16(),
UINT32 = uint32(),
INT32 = int32(),
UINT64 = uint64(),
INT64 = int64(),
HALF_FLOAT = float16(),
FLOAT = float32(),
DOUBLE = float64(),
STRING = utf8(),
BINARY = stop("Type BINARY not implemented yet"),
DATE32 = date32(),
DATE64 = date64(),
TIMESTAMP = shared_ptr(Timestamp, self$pointer()),
TIME32 = shared_ptr(Time32, self$pointer()),
TIME64 = shared_ptr(Time64, self$pointer()),
INTERVAL = stop("Type INTERVAL not implemented yet"),
DECIMAL = shared_ptr(Decimal128Type, self$pointer()),
LIST = shared_ptr(ListType, self$pointer()),
STRUCT = shared_ptr(StructType, self$pointer()),
UNION = stop("Type UNION not implemented yet"),
DICTIONARY = shared_ptr(DictionaryType, self$pointer()),
MAP = stop("Type MAP not implemented yet")
active = list(
id = function() DataType__id(self),
name = function() DataType__name(self)
DataType$create <- function(xp) shared_ptr(DataType, xp)$..dispatch()
INTEGER_TYPES <- as.character(outer(c("uint", "int"), c(8, 16, 32, 64), paste0))
FLOAT_TYPES <- c("float16", "float32", "float64", "halffloat", "float", "double")
#' infer the arrow Array type from an R vector
#' @param x an R vector
#' @return an arrow logical type
#' @export
type <- function(x) UseMethod("type")
#' @export
type.default <- function(x) DataType$create(Array__infer_type(x))
#' @export
type.Array <- function(x) x$type
#' @export
type.ChunkedArray <- function(x) x$type
#----- metadata
#' @title class arrow::FixedWidthType
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' @rdname FixedWidthType
#' @name FixedWidthType
FixedWidthType <- R6Class("FixedWidthType",
inherit = DataType,
active = list(
bit_width = function() FixedWidthType__bit_width(self)
Int8 <- R6Class("Int8", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Int16 <- R6Class("Int16", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Int32 <- R6Class("Int32", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Int64 <- R6Class("Int64", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt8 <- R6Class("UInt8", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt16 <- R6Class("UInt16", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt32 <- R6Class("UInt32", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt64 <- R6Class("UInt64", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Float16 <- R6Class("Float16", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Float32 <- R6Class("Float32", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Float64 <- R6Class("Float64", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Boolean <- R6Class("Boolean", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Utf8 <- R6Class("Utf8", inherit = DataType)
Binary <- R6Class("Binary", inherit = DataType)
FixedSizeBinary <- R6Class("FixedSizeBinary", inherit = FixedWidthType)
DateType <- R6Class("DateType",
inherit = FixedWidthType,
public = list(
unit = function() DateType__unit(self)
Date32 <- R6Class("Date32", inherit = DateType)
Date64 <- R6Class("Date64", inherit = DateType)
TimeType <- R6Class("TimeType",
inherit = FixedWidthType,
public = list(
unit = function() TimeType__unit(self)
Time32 <- R6Class("Time32", inherit = TimeType)
Time64 <- R6Class("Time64", inherit = TimeType)
Null <- R6Class("Null", inherit = DataType)
Timestamp <- R6Class("Timestamp",
inherit = FixedWidthType,
public = list(
timezone = function() TimestampType__timezone(self),
unit = function() TimestampType__unit(self)
DecimalType <- R6Class("DecimalType",
inherit = FixedWidthType,
public = list(
precision = function() DecimalType__precision(self),
scale = function() DecimalType__scale(self)
Decimal128Type <- R6Class("Decimal128Type", inherit = DecimalType)
NestedType <- R6Class("NestedType", inherit = DataType)
#' Apache Arrow data types
#' These functions create type objects corresponding to Arrow types. Use them
#' when defining a [schema()] or as inputs to other types, like `struct`. Most
#' of these functions don't take arguments, but a few do.
#' A few functions have aliases:
#' * `utf8()` and `string()`
#' * `float16()` and `halffloat()`
#' * `float32()` and `float()`
#' * `bool()` and `boolean()`
#' * Called from `schema()` or `struct()`, `double()` also is supported as a
#' way of creating a `float64()`
#' `date32()` creates a datetime type with a "day" unit, like the R `Date`
#' class. `date64()` has a "ms" unit.
#' @param unit For time/timestamp types, the time unit. `time32()` can take
#' either "s" or "ms", while `time64()` can be "us" or "ns". `timestamp()` can
#' take any of those four values.
#' @param timezone For `timestamp()`, an optional time zone string.
#' @param byte_width For `binary()`, an optional integer width to create a
#' `FixedSizeBinary` type. The default `NULL` results in a `BinaryType` with
#' variable width.
#' @param precision For `decimal()`, precision
#' @param scale For `decimal()`, scale
#' @param type For `list_of()`, a data type to make a list-of-type
#' @param ... For `struct()`, a named list of types to define the struct columns
#' @name data-type
#' @return An Arrow type object inheriting from DataType.
#' @export
#' @seealso [dictionary()] for creating a dictionary (factor-like) type.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' bool()
#' struct(a = int32(), b = double())
#' timestamp("ms", timezone = "CEST")
#' time64("ns")
#' }
int8 <- function() shared_ptr(Int8, Int8__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
int16 <- function() shared_ptr(Int16, Int16__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
int32 <- function() shared_ptr(Int32, Int32__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
int64 <- function() shared_ptr(Int64, Int64__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint8 <- function() shared_ptr(UInt8, UInt8__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint16 <- function() shared_ptr(UInt16, UInt16__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint32 <- function() shared_ptr(UInt32, UInt32__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint64 <- function() shared_ptr(UInt64, UInt64__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float16 <- function() shared_ptr(Float16, Float16__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
halffloat <- float16
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float32 <- function() shared_ptr(Float32, Float32__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float <- float32
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float64 <- function() shared_ptr(Float64, Float64__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
boolean <- function() shared_ptr(Boolean, Boolean__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
bool <- boolean
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
utf8 <- function() shared_ptr(Utf8, Utf8__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
binary <- function(byte_width = NULL) {
if (is.null(byte_width)) {
shared_ptr(Binary, Binary__initialize())
} else {
shared_ptr(FixedSizeBinary, FixedSizeBinary__initialize(byte_width))
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
string <- utf8
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
date32 <- function() shared_ptr(Date32, Date32__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
date64 <- function() shared_ptr(Date64, Date64__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
time32 <- function(unit = c("ms", "s")) {
if (is.character(unit)) {
unit <- match.arg(unit)
unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, valid_time32_units)
shared_ptr(Time32, Time32__initialize(unit))
valid_time32_units <- c(
"ms" = TimeUnit$MILLI,
"s" = TimeUnit$SECOND
valid_time64_units <- c(
"ns" = TimeUnit$NANO,
"us" = TimeUnit$MICRO
make_valid_time_unit <- function(unit, valid_units) {
if (is.character(unit)) {
unit <- valid_units[match.arg(unit, choices = names(valid_units))]
if (is.numeric(unit)) {
# Allow non-integer input for convenience
unit <- as.integer(unit)
} else {
stop('"unit" should be one of ', oxford_paste(names(valid_units), "or"), call. = FALSE)
if (!(unit %in% valid_units)) {
stop('"unit" should be one of ', oxford_paste(valid_units, "or"), call. = FALSE)
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
time64 <- function(unit = c("ns", "us")) {
if (is.character(unit)) {
unit <- match.arg(unit)
unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, valid_time64_units)
shared_ptr(Time64, Time64__initialize(unit))
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
null <- function() shared_ptr(Null, Null__initialize())
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
timestamp <- function(unit = c("s", "ms", "us", "ns"), timezone = "") {
if (is.character(unit)) {
unit <- match.arg(unit)
unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, c(valid_time64_units, valid_time32_units))
assert_that(is.character(timezone), length(timezone) == 1)
shared_ptr(Timestamp, Timestamp__initialize(unit, timezone))
#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
decimal <- function(precision, scale) {
if (is.numeric(precision)) {
precision <- as.integer(precision)
} else {
stop('"precision" must be an integer', call. = FALSE)
if (is.numeric(scale)) {
scale <- as.integer(scale)
} else {
stop('"scale" must be an integer', call. = FALSE)
shared_ptr(Decimal128Type, Decimal128Type__initialize(precision, scale))
as_type <- function(type, name = "type") {
if (identical(type, double())) {
# Magic so that we don't have to mask this base function
type <- float64()
if (!inherits(type, "DataType")) {
stop(name, " must be a DataType, not ", class(type), call. = FALSE)