blob: 1d674caca082f7a2c228b5c0bea272e31c59a613 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.arrow.vector.complex;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.apache.arrow.memory.util.LargeMemoryUtil.capAtMaxInt;
import static org.apache.arrow.memory.util.LargeMemoryUtil.checkedCastToInt;
import static org.apache.arrow.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.ArrowBuf;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.OutOfMemoryException;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.ArrowBufPointer;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.ByteFunctionHelpers;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.CommonUtil;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.util.hash.ArrowBufHasher;
import org.apache.arrow.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.AddOrGetResult;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.BitVectorHelper;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.BufferBacked;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.FieldVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ValueVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ZeroVector;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.impl.ComplexCopier;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.impl.UnionListReader;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.impl.UnionListWriter;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.reader.FieldReader;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.complex.writer.FieldWriter;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.ArrowFieldNode;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.Types.MinorType;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.ArrowType;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.DictionaryEncoding;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.FieldType;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.CallBack;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.JsonStringArrayList;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.OversizedAllocationException;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.TransferPair;
* A list vector contains lists of a specific type of elements. Its structure contains 3 elements.
* <ol>
* <li>A validity buffer.</li>
* <li> An offset buffer, that denotes lists boundaries. </li>
* <li> A child data vector that contains the elements of lists. </li>
* </ol>
* The latter two are managed by its superclass.
public class ListVector extends BaseRepeatedValueVector implements PromotableVector {
public static ListVector empty(String name, BufferAllocator allocator) {
return new ListVector(name, allocator, FieldType.nullable(ArrowType.List.INSTANCE), null);
protected ArrowBuf validityBuffer;
protected UnionListReader reader;
private CallBack callBack;
private final FieldType fieldType;
private int validityAllocationSizeInBytes;
* The maximum index that is actually set.
private int lastSet;
* Creates a ListVector.
* @deprecated Use FieldType or static constructor instead.
public ListVector(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack) {
this(name, allocator, FieldType.nullable(ArrowType.List.INSTANCE), callBack);
* Creates a ListVector.
* @deprecated Use FieldType or static constructor instead.
public ListVector(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, DictionaryEncoding dictionary, CallBack callBack) {
this(name, allocator, new FieldType(true, ArrowType.List.INSTANCE, dictionary, null), callBack);
* Constructs a new instance.
* @param name The name of the instance.
* @param allocator The allocator to use for allocating/reallocating buffers.
* @param fieldType The type of this list.
* @param callBack A schema change callback.
public ListVector(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, FieldType fieldType, CallBack callBack) {
super(name, allocator, callBack);
this.validityBuffer = allocator.getEmpty();
this.fieldType = checkNotNull(fieldType);
this.callBack = callBack;
this.validityAllocationSizeInBytes = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(INITIAL_VALUE_ALLOCATION);
this.lastSet = -1;
public void initializeChildrenFromFields(List<Field> children) {
if (children.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lists have only one child. Found: " + children);
Field field = children.get(0);
AddOrGetResult<FieldVector> addOrGetVector = addOrGetVector(field.getFieldType());
if (!addOrGetVector.isCreated()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Child vector already existed: " + addOrGetVector.getVector());
public void setInitialCapacity(int numRecords) {
validityAllocationSizeInBytes = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(numRecords);
* Specialized version of setInitialCapacity() for ListVector. This is
* used by some callers when they want to explicitly control and be
* conservative about memory allocated for inner data vector. This is
* very useful when we are working with memory constraints for a query
* and have a fixed amount of memory reserved for the record batch. In
* such cases, we are likely to face OOM or related problems when
* we reserve memory for a record batch with value count x and
* do setInitialCapacity(x) such that each vector allocates only
* what is necessary and not the default amount but the multiplier
* forces the memory requirement to go beyond what was needed.
* @param numRecords value count
* @param density density of ListVector. Density is the average size of
* list per position in the List vector. For example, a
* density value of 10 implies each position in the list
* vector has a list of 10 values.
* A density value of 0.1 implies out of 10 positions in
* the list vector, 1 position has a list of size 1 and
* remaining positions are null (no lists) or empty lists.
* This helps in tightly controlling the memory we provision
* for inner data vector.
public void setInitialCapacity(int numRecords, double density) {
validityAllocationSizeInBytes = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(numRecords);
super.setInitialCapacity(numRecords, density);
* Get the density of this ListVector.
* @return density
public double getDensity() {
if (valueCount == 0) {
return 0.0D;
final int startOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt(0);
final int endOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt(valueCount * OFFSET_WIDTH);
final double totalListSize = endOffset - startOffset;
return totalListSize / valueCount;
public List<FieldVector> getChildrenFromFields() {
return singletonList(getDataVector());
* Load the buffers of this vector with provided source buffers.
* The caller manages the source buffers and populates them before invoking
* this method.
* @param fieldNode the fieldNode indicating the value count
* @param ownBuffers the buffers for this Field (own buffers only, children not included)
public void loadFieldBuffers(ArrowFieldNode fieldNode, List<ArrowBuf> ownBuffers) {
if (ownBuffers.size() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal buffer count, expected " + 2 + ", got: " + ownBuffers.size());
ArrowBuf bitBuffer = ownBuffers.get(0);
ArrowBuf offBuffer = ownBuffers.get(1);
validityBuffer = BitVectorHelper.loadValidityBuffer(fieldNode, bitBuffer, allocator);
offsetBuffer = offBuffer.getReferenceManager().retain(offBuffer, allocator);
validityAllocationSizeInBytes = checkedCastToInt(validityBuffer.capacity());
offsetAllocationSizeInBytes = offsetBuffer.capacity();
lastSet = fieldNode.getLength() - 1;
valueCount = fieldNode.getLength();
* Get the buffers belonging to this vector.
* @return the inner buffers.
public List<ArrowBuf> getFieldBuffers() {
List<ArrowBuf> result = new ArrayList<>(2);
return result;
* Set the reader and writer indexes for the inner buffers.
private void setReaderAndWriterIndex() {
if (valueCount == 0) {
} else {
offsetBuffer.writerIndex((valueCount + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
public List<BufferBacked> getFieldInnerVectors() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There are no inner vectors. Use getFieldBuffers");
public UnionListWriter getWriter() {
return new UnionListWriter(this);
* Same as {@link #allocateNewSafe()}.
public void allocateNew() throws OutOfMemoryException {
if (!allocateNewSafe()) {
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Failure while allocating memory");
* Allocate memory for the vector. We internally use a default value count
* of 4096 to allocate memory for at least these many elements in the
* vector.
* @return false if memory allocation fails, true otherwise.
public boolean allocateNewSafe() {
boolean success = false;
try {
/* we are doing a new allocation -- release the current buffers */
/* allocate validity buffer */
/* allocate offset and data buffer */
success = super.allocateNewSafe();
} finally {
if (!success) {
return false;
return true;
private void allocateValidityBuffer(final long size) {
final int curSize = (int) size;
validityBuffer = allocator.buffer(curSize);
validityAllocationSizeInBytes = curSize;
validityBuffer.setZero(0, validityBuffer.capacity());
* Resize the vector to increase the capacity. The internal behavior is to
* double the current value capacity.
public void reAlloc() {
/* reallocate the validity buffer */
/* reallocate the offset and data */
private void reallocValidityAndOffsetBuffers() {
private void reallocValidityBuffer() {
final int currentBufferCapacity = checkedCastToInt(validityBuffer.capacity());
long newAllocationSize = currentBufferCapacity * 2;
if (newAllocationSize == 0) {
if (validityAllocationSizeInBytes > 0) {
newAllocationSize = validityAllocationSizeInBytes;
} else {
newAllocationSize = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(INITIAL_VALUE_ALLOCATION) * 2;
newAllocationSize = CommonUtil.nextPowerOfTwo(newAllocationSize);
assert newAllocationSize >= 1;
if (newAllocationSize > MAX_ALLOCATION_SIZE) {
throw new OversizedAllocationException("Unable to expand the buffer");
final ArrowBuf newBuf = allocator.buffer((int) newAllocationSize);
newBuf.setBytes(0, validityBuffer, 0, currentBufferCapacity);
newBuf.setZero(currentBufferCapacity, newBuf.capacity() - currentBufferCapacity);
validityBuffer = newBuf;
validityAllocationSizeInBytes = (int) newAllocationSize;
* Same as {@link #copyFrom(int, int, ValueVector)} except that
* it handles the case when the capacity of the vector needs to be expanded
* before copy.
* @param inIndex position to copy from in source vector
* @param outIndex position to copy to in this vector
* @param from source vector
public void copyFromSafe(int inIndex, int outIndex, ValueVector from) {
copyFrom(inIndex, outIndex, from);
* Copy a cell value from a particular index in source vector to a particular
* position in this vector.
* @param inIndex position to copy from in source vector
* @param outIndex position to copy to in this vector
* @param from source vector
public void copyFrom(int inIndex, int outIndex, ValueVector from) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(this.getMinorType() == from.getMinorType());
FieldReader in = from.getReader();
FieldWriter out = getWriter();
ComplexCopier.copy(in, out);
* Get the inner data vector for this list vector.
* @return data vector
public FieldVector getDataVector() {
return vector;
public TransferPair getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator) {
return getTransferPair(ref, allocator, null);
public TransferPair getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack) {
return new TransferImpl(ref, allocator, callBack);
public TransferPair makeTransferPair(ValueVector target) {
return new TransferImpl((ListVector) target);
public long getValidityBufferAddress() {
return (validityBuffer.memoryAddress());
public long getDataBufferAddress() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getOffsetBufferAddress() {
return (offsetBuffer.memoryAddress());
public ArrowBuf getValidityBuffer() {
return validityBuffer;
public ArrowBuf getDataBuffer() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ArrowBuf getOffsetBuffer() {
return offsetBuffer;
public int hashCode(int index) {
return hashCode(index, null);
public int hashCode(int index, ArrowBufHasher hasher) {
if (isSet(index) == 0) {
return ArrowBufPointer.NULL_HASH_CODE;
int hash = 0;
final int start = offsetBuffer.getInt(index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
final int end = offsetBuffer.getInt((index + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
hash = ByteFunctionHelpers.combineHash(hash, vector.hashCode(i, hasher));
return hash;
public <OUT, IN> OUT accept(VectorVisitor<OUT, IN> visitor, IN value) {
return visitor.visit(this, value);
private class TransferImpl implements TransferPair {
ListVector to;
TransferPair dataTransferPair;
public TransferImpl(String name, BufferAllocator allocator, CallBack callBack) {
this(new ListVector(name, allocator, fieldType, callBack));
public TransferImpl(ListVector to) { = to;
if (to.getDataVector() instanceof ZeroVector) {
dataTransferPair = getDataVector().makeTransferPair(to.getDataVector());
* Transfer this vector'data to another vector. The memory associated
* with this vector is transferred to the allocator of target vector
* for accounting and management purposes.
public void transfer() {
to.validityBuffer = transferBuffer(validityBuffer, to.allocator);
to.offsetBuffer = transferBuffer(offsetBuffer, to.allocator);
to.lastSet = lastSet;
if (valueCount > 0) {
* Slice this vector at desired index and length and transfer the
* corresponding data to the target vector.
* @param startIndex start position of the split in source vector.
* @param length length of the split.
public void splitAndTransfer(int startIndex, int length) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(startIndex >= 0 && length >= 0 && startIndex + length <= valueCount,
"Invalid parameters startIndex: %s, length: %s for valueCount: %s", startIndex, length, valueCount);
final int startPoint = offsetBuffer.getInt(startIndex * OFFSET_WIDTH);
final int sliceLength = offsetBuffer.getInt((startIndex + length) * OFFSET_WIDTH) - startPoint;
to.allocateOffsetBuffer((length + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
/* splitAndTransfer offset buffer */
for (int i = 0; i < length + 1; i++) {
final int relativeOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt((startIndex + i) * OFFSET_WIDTH) - startPoint;
to.offsetBuffer.setInt(i * OFFSET_WIDTH, relativeOffset);
/* splitAndTransfer validity buffer */
splitAndTransferValidityBuffer(startIndex, length, to);
/* splitAndTransfer data buffer */
dataTransferPair.splitAndTransfer(startPoint, sliceLength);
to.lastSet = length - 1;
* transfer the validity.
private void splitAndTransferValidityBuffer(int startIndex, int length, ListVector target) {
int firstByteSource = BitVectorHelper.byteIndex(startIndex);
int lastByteSource = BitVectorHelper.byteIndex(valueCount - 1);
int byteSizeTarget = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(length);
int offset = startIndex % 8;
if (length > 0) {
if (offset == 0) {
// slice
if (target.validityBuffer != null) {
target.validityBuffer = validityBuffer.slice(firstByteSource, byteSizeTarget);
} else {
/* Copy data
* When the first bit starts from the middle of a byte (offset != 0),
* copy data from src BitVector.
* Each byte in the target is composed by a part in i-th byte,
* another part in (i+1)-th byte.
for (int i = 0; i < byteSizeTarget - 1; i++) {
byte b1 = BitVectorHelper.getBitsFromCurrentByte(validityBuffer, firstByteSource + i, offset);
byte b2 = BitVectorHelper.getBitsFromNextByte(validityBuffer, firstByteSource + i + 1, offset);
target.validityBuffer.setByte(i, (b1 + b2));
/* Copying the last piece is done in the following manner:
* if the source vector has 1 or more bytes remaining, we copy
* the last piece as a byte formed by shifting data
* from the current byte and the next byte.
* if the source vector has no more bytes remaining
* (we are at the last byte), we copy the last piece as a byte
* by shifting data from the current byte.
if ((firstByteSource + byteSizeTarget - 1) < lastByteSource) {
byte b1 = BitVectorHelper.getBitsFromCurrentByte(validityBuffer,
firstByteSource + byteSizeTarget - 1, offset);
byte b2 = BitVectorHelper.getBitsFromNextByte(validityBuffer,
firstByteSource + byteSizeTarget, offset);
target.validityBuffer.setByte(byteSizeTarget - 1, b1 + b2);
} else {
byte b1 = BitVectorHelper.getBitsFromCurrentByte(validityBuffer,
firstByteSource + byteSizeTarget - 1, offset);
target.validityBuffer.setByte(byteSizeTarget - 1, b1);
public ValueVector getTo() {
return to;
public void copyValueSafe(int from, int to) {, to, ListVector.this);
public UnionListReader getReader() {
if (reader == null) {
reader = new UnionListReader(this);
return reader;
/** Initialize the child data vector to field type. */
public <T extends ValueVector> AddOrGetResult<T> addOrGetVector(FieldType fieldType) {
AddOrGetResult<T> result = super.addOrGetVector(fieldType);
return result;
* Get the size (number of bytes) of underlying buffers used by this
* vector.
* @return size of underlying buffers.
public int getBufferSize() {
if (valueCount == 0) {
return 0;
final int offsetBufferSize = (valueCount + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH;
final int validityBufferSize = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(valueCount);
return offsetBufferSize + validityBufferSize + vector.getBufferSize();
public int getBufferSizeFor(int valueCount) {
if (valueCount == 0) {
return 0;
final int validityBufferSize = getValidityBufferSizeFromCount(valueCount);
return super.getBufferSizeFor(valueCount) + validityBufferSize;
public Field getField() {
return new Field(getName(), fieldType, Collections.singletonList(getDataVector().getField()));
public MinorType getMinorType() {
return MinorType.LIST;
public void clear() {
validityBuffer = releaseBuffer(validityBuffer);
lastSet = -1;
public void reset() {
validityBuffer.setZero(0, validityBuffer.capacity());
lastSet = -1;
* Return the underlying buffers associated with this vector. Note that this doesn't
* impact the reference counts for this buffer so it only should be used for in-context
* access. Also note that this buffer changes regularly thus
* external classes shouldn't hold a reference to it (unless they change it).
* @param clear Whether to clear vector before returning; the buffers will still be refcounted
* but the returned array will be the only reference to them
* @return The underlying {@link ArrowBuf buffers} that is used by this
* vector instance.
public ArrowBuf[] getBuffers(boolean clear) {
final ArrowBuf[] buffers;
if (getBufferSize() == 0) {
buffers = new ArrowBuf[0];
} else {
List<ArrowBuf> list = new ArrayList<>();
buffers = list.toArray(new ArrowBuf[list.size()]);
if (clear) {
for (ArrowBuf buffer : buffers) {
return buffers;
public UnionVector promoteToUnion() {
UnionVector vector = new UnionVector("$data$", allocator, callBack);
if (callBack != null) {
return vector;
protected void invalidateReader() {
reader = null;
* Get the element in the list vector at a particular index.
* @param index position of the element
* @return Object at given position
public Object getObject(int index) {
if (isSet(index) == 0) {
return null;
final List<Object> vals = new JsonStringArrayList<>();
final int start = offsetBuffer.getInt(index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
final int end = offsetBuffer.getInt((index + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
final ValueVector vv = getDataVector();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
return vals;
* Check if element at given index is null.
* @param index position of element
* @return true if element at given index is null, false otherwise
public boolean isNull(int index) {
return (isSet(index) == 0);
* Check if element at given index is empty list.
* @param index position of element
* @return true if element at given index is empty list or NULL, false otherwise
public boolean isEmpty(int index) {
if (isNull(index)) {
return true;
} else {
final int start = offsetBuffer.getInt(index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
final int end = offsetBuffer.getInt((index + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
return start == end;
* Same as {@link #isNull(int)}.
* @param index position of element
* @return 1 if element at given index is not null, 0 otherwise
public int isSet(int index) {
final int byteIndex = index >> 3;
final byte b = validityBuffer.getByte(byteIndex);
final int bitIndex = index & 7;
return (b >> bitIndex) & 0x01;
* Get the number of elements that are null in the vector.
* @return the number of null elements.
public int getNullCount() {
return BitVectorHelper.getNullCount(validityBuffer, valueCount);
* Get the current value capacity for the vector.
* @return number of elements that vector can hold.
public int getValueCapacity() {
return getValidityAndOffsetValueCapacity();
private int getValidityAndOffsetValueCapacity() {
final int offsetValueCapacity = Math.max(getOffsetBufferValueCapacity() - 1, 0);
return Math.min(offsetValueCapacity, getValidityBufferValueCapacity());
private int getValidityBufferValueCapacity() {
return capAtMaxInt(validityBuffer.capacity() * 8);
* Sets the list at index to be not-null. Reallocates validity buffer if index
* is larger than current capacity.
public void setNotNull(int index) {
while (index >= getValidityAndOffsetValueCapacity()) {
BitVectorHelper.setBit(validityBuffer, index);
lastSet = index;
* Start a new value in the list vector.
* @param index index of the value to start
public int startNewValue(int index) {
while (index >= getValidityAndOffsetValueCapacity()) {
for (int i = lastSet + 1; i <= index; i++) {
final int currentOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt(i * OFFSET_WIDTH);
offsetBuffer.setInt((i + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH, currentOffset);
BitVectorHelper.setBit(validityBuffer, index);
lastSet = index;
return offsetBuffer.getInt((lastSet + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
* End the current value.
* @param index index of the value to end
* @param size number of elements in the list that was written
public void endValue(int index, int size) {
final int currentOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt((index + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
offsetBuffer.setInt((index + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH, currentOffset + size);
* Sets the value count for the vector.
* @param valueCount value count
public void setValueCount(int valueCount) {
this.valueCount = valueCount;
if (valueCount > 0) {
while (valueCount > getValidityAndOffsetValueCapacity()) {
/* check if validity and offset buffers need to be re-allocated */
for (int i = lastSet + 1; i < valueCount; i++) {
/* fill the holes with offsets */
final int currentOffset = offsetBuffer.getInt(i * OFFSET_WIDTH);
offsetBuffer.setInt((i + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH, currentOffset);
/* valueCount for the data vector is the current end offset */
final int childValueCount = (valueCount == 0) ? 0 :
offsetBuffer.getInt((lastSet + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);
/* set the value count of data vector and this will take care of
* checking whether data buffer needs to be reallocated.
public void setLastSet(int value) {
lastSet = value;
public int getLastSet() {
return lastSet;
public int getElementStartIndex(int index) {
return offsetBuffer.getInt(index * OFFSET_WIDTH);
public int getElementEndIndex(int index) {
return offsetBuffer.getInt((index + 1) * OFFSET_WIDTH);