blob: b77b0cf65757c6be16ef71748320335e9cd8154d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
#' @include expression.R
#' @include record-batch.R
#' @include table.R
arrow_dplyr_query <- function(.data) {
# An arrow_dplyr_query is a container for an Arrow data object (Table,
# RecordBatch, or Dataset) and the state of the user's dplyr query--things
# like selected columns, filters, and group vars.
# For most dplyr methods,
# method.Table == method.RecordBatch == method.Dataset == method.arrow_dplyr_query
# This works because the functions all pass .data through arrow_dplyr_query()
if (inherits(.data, "arrow_dplyr_query")) {
# Evaluating expressions on a dataset with duplicated fieldnames will error
dupes <- duplicated(names(.data))
if (any(dupes)) {
"Duplicated field names",
x = paste0(
"The following field names were found more than once in the data: ",
.data = if (inherits(.data, "Dataset")) {
} else {
# selected_columns is a named list:
# * contents are references/expressions pointing to the data
# * names are the names they should be in the end (i.e. this
# records any renaming)
selected_columns = make_field_refs(names(.data)),
# filtered_rows will be an Expression
filtered_rows = TRUE,
# group_by_vars is a character vector of columns (as renamed)
# in the data. They will be kept when data is pulled into R.
group_by_vars = character(),
# drop_empty_groups is a logical value indicating whether to drop
# groups formed by factor levels that don't appear in the data. It
# should be non-null only when the data is grouped.
drop_empty_groups = NULL,
# arrange_vars will be a list of expressions named by their associated
# column names
arrange_vars = list(),
# arrange_desc will be a logical vector indicating the sort order for each
# expression in arrange_vars (FALSE for ascending, TRUE for descending)
arrange_desc = logical()
class = "arrow_dplyr_query"
make_field_refs <- function(field_names) {
set_names(lapply(field_names, Expression$field_ref), field_names)
#' @export
print.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(x, ...) {
schm <- x$.data$schema
types <- map_chr(x$selected_columns, function(expr) {
name <- expr$field_name
if (nzchar(name)) {
# Just a field_ref, so look up in the schema
} else {
# Expression, so get its type and append the expression
" (", expr$ToString(), ")"
fields <- paste(names(types), types, sep = ": ", collapse = "\n")
cat(class(x$.data)[1], " (query)\n", sep = "")
cat(fields, "\n", sep = "")
if (!isTRUE(x$filtered_rows)) {
filter_string <- x$filtered_rows$ToString()
cat("* Filter: ", filter_string, "\n", sep = "")
if (length(x$group_by_vars)) {
cat("* Grouped by ", paste(x$group_by_vars, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
if (length(x$arrange_vars)) {
arrange_strings <- map_chr(x$arrange_vars, function(x) x$ToString())
"* Sorted by ",
" [", ifelse(x$arrange_desc, "desc", "asc"), "]"
collapse = ", "
sep = ""
cat("See $.data for the source Arrow object\n")
# These are the names reflecting all select/rename, not what is in Arrow
#' @export
names.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(x) names(x$selected_columns)
#' @export
dim.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(x) {
cols <- length(names(x))
if (isTRUE(x$filtered)) {
rows <- x$.data$num_rows
} else {
rows <- Scanner$create(x)$CountRows()
c(rows, cols)
#' @export <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
collect.arrow_dplyr_query(x, as_data_frame = TRUE, ...)
#' @export
head.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) {
out <- head.Dataset(x, n, ...)
restore_dplyr_features(out, x)
#' @export
tail.arrow_dplyr_query <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) {
out <- tail.Dataset(x, n, ...)
restore_dplyr_features(out, x)
#' @export
`[.arrow_dplyr_query` <- `[.Dataset`
# TODO: ^ should also probably restore_dplyr_features, and/or that should be moved down
ensure_group_vars <- function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "arrow_dplyr_query")) {
# Before pulling data from Arrow, make sure all group vars are in the projection
gv <- set_names(setdiff(dplyr::group_vars(x), names(x)))
if (length(gv)) {
# Add them back
x$selected_columns <- c(
ensure_arrange_vars <- function(x) {
# The arrange() operation is not performed until later, because:
# - It must be performed after mutate(), to enable sorting by new columns.
# - It should be performed after filter() and select(), for efficiency.
# However, we need users to be able to arrange() by columns and expressions
# that are *not* returned in the query result. To enable this, we must
# *temporarily* include these columns and expressions in the projection. We
# use x$temp_columns to store these. Later, after the arrange() operation has
# been performed, these are omitted from the result. This differs from the
# columns in x$group_by_vars which *are* returned in the result.
x$temp_columns <- x$arrange_vars[!names(x$arrange_vars) %in% names(x$selected_columns)]
restore_dplyr_features <- function(df, query) {
# An arrow_dplyr_query holds some attributes that Arrow doesn't know about
# After calling collect(), make sure these features are carried over
if (length(query$group_by_vars) > 0) {
# Preserve groupings, if present
if ( {
df <- dplyr::grouped_df(
drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(query)
} else {
# This is a Table, via compute() or collect(as_data_frame = FALSE)
df <- arrow_dplyr_query(df)
df$group_by_vars <- query$group_by_vars
df$drop_empty_groups <- query$drop_empty_groups
# Helper to handle unsupported dplyr features
# * For Table/RecordBatch, we collect() and then call the dplyr method in R
# * For Dataset, we just error
abandon_ship <- function(call, .data, msg = NULL) {
dplyr_fun_name <- sub("^(.*?)\\..*", "\\1", as.character(call[[1]]))
if (query_on_dataset(.data)) {
if (is.null(msg)) {
# Default message: function not implemented
not_implemented_for_dataset(paste0(dplyr_fun_name, "()"))
} else {
stop(msg, "\nCall collect() first to pull data into R.", call. = FALSE)
# else, collect and call dplyr method
if (!is.null(msg)) {
warning(msg, "; pulling data into R", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
call$.data <- dplyr::collect(.data)
call[[1]] <- get(dplyr_fun_name, envir = asNamespace("dplyr"))
eval.parent(call, 2)
query_on_dataset <- function(x) !inherits(x$.data, "InMemoryDataset")
not_implemented_for_dataset <- function(method) {
method, " is not currently implemented for Arrow Datasets. ",
"Call collect() first to pull data into R.",
call. = FALSE